Previously, because Lin Zhijian "ran away" from Hsinchu to run for Taoyuan, and Tsai Ing-wen stood alone and appointed Lin Zhijian not to replace him, public opinion had already exploded. As the "thesis scandal" broke out, the Democratic Progressive Party members "went one after

2024/06/1814:52:33 hotcomm 1893

The truth about Tsai Ing-wen’s “thesis gate” has not been revealed so far. The “thesis gate” has turned into a “revolving door”, and one after another the island’s political figures have been involved. The latest person to be involved is Lin Zhijian, the current mayor of Hsinchu and a candidate for mayor of Taoyuan from the Democratic Progressive Party, known as the "Little British Boy". It was revealed that he had plagiarized his master's thesis from National Taiwan University to National Taiwan University. .

Previously, because Lin Zhijian

Tsai Ing-wen defended her shortcomings and said "I feel wronged", which aroused public anger

Previously, because Lin Zhijian "ran away" from Hsinchu to run for Taoyuan, and Tsai Ing-wen stood alone and appointed Lin Zhijian not to replace him, public opinion had already exploded. With the "paper" When the "gate" broke out, the DPP members "struggled one after another" to rescue Lin Zhijian. Tsai Ing-wen even expressed her views on the matter on the 7th, making a ridiculous statement saying "Thank you for your hard work, Zhijian!"

has been pursuing Tsai Ing-wen's "paper scandal" incident. Lin Huanqiang, a scholar living in the United States, said on the "Independent Observer" fan page today that the "Lin Zhijian thesis sect" will destroy the Democratic Progressive Party.

Previously, because Lin Zhijian

Comments from Taiwanese netizens

Will this incident severely damage the Democratic Progressive Party’s electoral prospects? Li Zhenguang, deputy dean of the Taiwan Research Institute at Beijing Union University, observed that it was not surprising that Lin Zhijian was found to have plagiarized his paper this time by the Kuomintang, "because the DPP often does such unreasonable things, but I personally feel Despite the 'paper scandal' and other escape incidents, their impact on the election is actually very limited, because we all know that the DPP authorities are very good at elections. Of course, this is also a problem that often occurs in Taiwan's elections. Both sides attack and smear each other, some of which are true and some of which are false." Li Zhenguang believes that the relevant universities in Taiwan will definitely give an explanation for Lin Zhijian's thesis incident, but the results will often be delayed until after the election, "So justice will be done. It came very late. The DPP authorities will definitely find ways to overcome this problem.”

Previously, because Lin Zhijian

Li Zhenguang, deputy director of the Taiwan Research Institute of Beijing Union University

The green camp has many tricks: the paper is falsified and the data is also falsified

The outside world has noticed that Lin Zhijian was involved in the plagiarism incident. Later, some media disclosed an internal poll conducted by Green Camp. In terms of support for Taoyuan Mayor, Lin Zhijian was at 41.6%, Zhang Shanzhenghtml was 229.8%; Lin Zhijian was ahead of Zhang Shanzheng by 11.8%. Lin Zhijian also insisted that "the poll is original." , Taiwan netizens were dumbfounded.

In fact, according to statistics from the island's "Internet Thermometer", in terms of online favorability, when the "Zhuzhu Merger" was proposed, Lin Zhijian's online favorability was 89%; after deciding to elect Taoyuan Mayor, the online favorability dropped to 47% ;After the paper plagiarism incident broke out, the online favorability score was only 26%.

Taipei City Councilor Xu Qiaoxin directly exposed that the polling company commissioned by Lin Zhijian is "Exquisite Public Opinion Polling Consultants Co., Ltd." and is also the official polling company of Green Camp. In 2016, the labor department of the Taiwan authorities commissioned this polling company to conduct a survey on ", one case, one holiday", and unexpectedly obtained the conclusion that 85.8% of the people supported "one case, one holiday". It was criticized as not in line with the actual public opinion, and it was simply out to help the Democratic Progressive Party. The authorities’ propaganda of “land clearing”.

Previously, because Lin Zhijian

"Green Stars" gathered under Chen Mingtong's family, supporting Lin Zhijian's "pulling out the carrot and bringing out the mud"

According to Taiwan media reports, Lin Zhijian's professor at the time was Chen Mingtong, the current head of the security department of the Democratic Progressive Party authority. In the face of Lin Zhijian's "call for help," Chen Mingtong came forward to explain that it was another classmate Yu Zhenghuang who approached his research assistant Yang Xihui because his master's thesis plan was not satisfactory, and gave Lin Zhijian's polling data to Yu Zhenghuang for use. It is reported that Chen Mingtong has mentored a total of 173 master's and doctoral students from 1995 to 2022, but only 5 chose to open the electronic full text, accounting for only 2%. The list is even more shocking after inspection, including Zheng Wencan, Pan Meng'an, , Gao Jiayu, , Qiu Chuizheng is waiting for the politicians in power in the green camp.

Previously, because Lin Zhijian

Looking at the six major "municipalities", in addition to Taoyuan's Lin Zhijian, including the nominated mayor of Kaohsiung Chen Qimai, Tainan mayor Huang Weizhe, Taichung mayor candidate Tsai Chi-chang, almost all of them have close relations with Tsai Ing-wen. "Little British Boy".If you add in the popular candidates for mayor of Taipei, Chen Shizhong, and New Taipei City's Luo Zhizheng, they are all "disciples" of Tsai Ing-wen.

Li Zhenguang believes that a so-called "English faction" has formed within the Democratic Progressive Party. That is, whoever follows Tsai Ing-wen will be given positions and opportunities by Tsai Ing-wen. Whoever confronts Tsai Ing-wen will be punished by Tsai Ing-wen. Use the power in your hands to suppress him comprehensively.

Some comments said that the Democratic Progressive Party candidates are not only interested in ability, but also closeness to Tsai Ing-wen, and the power of checks and balances within the party has been almost castrated. Li Zhenguang analyzed that many people in the DPP faced the temptation of power and succumbed to it. "But I believe that the internal struggle in the DPP is a 'tradition'. Once Tsai Ing-wen enters the lame stage, then I will I believe her ability to control the DPP will be significantly reduced."

author丨Ding Shuhang, Shenzhen Satellite TV Direct News reporter

Editor丨Yu Zhemin, Shenzhen Satellite TV Direct News editor


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