Japan's three major actions against Taiwan have revealed dangerous signals. Is it possible that Japan is gambling on its national destiny? China needs to prepare for the worst. "The door will be open for talks, and we will stay with you until the end." The People's Liberation Arm

2024/06/1714:52:33 hotcomm 1800

The Japanese government decided to dispatch active-duty officials to "station" in Taiwan? Japan's three major actions against Taiwan have revealed dangerous signals. Is it possible that Japan is gambling on its national destiny? China needs to be prepared for the worst. "The door will be open for talks, and we will stay with you until the end of the war." The People's Liberation Army is ready.

Recently, Japanese media reported that the Japanese government has decided to send so-called "permanent officials" to the Taipei office of the so-called "Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association" to strengthen its intelligence collection capabilities in the direction of the Taiwan Strait. It is reported that under normal circumstances, this position is held by retired Self-Defense Forces officials equivalent to the level of major general, but senior officials of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party believe that under the current situation, exchanges with the Taiwan authorities need to be upgraded, so they should be dispatched Active duty officers. It is worth mentioning that once Japan's move comes true, it will be the first time Japan has sent similar personnel since the "American Institute in Taiwan" has active army, navy and air forces stationed there. It will also be the first time Japan has sent a retired officer in 1996. After the Self-Defense Officers were stationed in Taiwan, this was the second major change in the personnel of Japan’s stationed in Taiwan. It is not difficult to see that Japan’s ambitions on the Taiwan issue are quite large.

Japan's three major actions against Taiwan have revealed dangerous signals. Is it possible that Japan is gambling on its national destiny? China needs to prepare for the worst.

Military expert Fu Qianshao believes that Japan’s dispatch of active-duty officials to Taiwan this time is said to be for intelligence collection, but in fact it is the United States, Japan and Taiwan authorities making corresponding military preparations. In this regard, Fu Qianshao emphasized that mainland China must be highly vigilant. If necessary, it can cut off this military connection through both soft and hard means: the hard means means that if necessary, they can destroy their land, sea and air bases. base, , space-based related system equipment; soft means, such as electromagnetic suppression and electromagnetic detection.

Japan's three major actions against Taiwan have revealed dangerous signals. Is it possible that Japan is gambling on its national destiny? China needs to prepare for the worst.

It is undeniable that Japan's provocative actions on Taiwan-related issues for some time have gone far beyond this. In the draft of Japan's 2022 " Defense White Paper " recently exposed by the Japanese media, it was mentioned that the stable situation in the Taiwan Strait is important to Japan. Security is of paramount importance, and Japan will continue to pay attention to the situation in the Taiwan Strait. Some Japanese congressmen claimed that Taiwan is an important friend of Japan, so Japan treats it as its own affairs. In addition, on June 5th, when attending a forum event, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe once again advocated the argument that "if something happens to Taiwan, something will happen to Japan", and Abe also falsely claimed that "the United States, Japan, India, Australia and other concepts The same countries must create conditions for mainland China to give up its "military unification" of Taiwan." It is obvious that when it comes to Taiwan-related issues, the Japanese government is moving forward like "slicing sausages", and politicians are also busy building momentum.

Japan's three major actions against Taiwan have revealed dangerous signals. Is it possible that Japan is gambling on its national destiny? China needs to prepare for the worst.

Regarding Japan’s trends on Taiwan-related issues, Xiang Haoyu, a distinguished researcher at the Asia-Pacific Institute of the China Institute of International Studies, analyzed that Japan has three main actions: First, to strengthen exchanges with Taiwan. This time, the Japanese government decided to send active officials to "resident "Taiwan" is a clear example; secondly, it promotes the so-called "China threat theory" and exaggerates the so-called "China threat" to incite people's crisis awareness and create a favorable public opinion environment for increasing defense budgets and amending the peace constitution; thirdly, , to attract the United States to jointly put pressure on China. For example, when Abe advocated the so-called "If Taiwan has trouble, it means Japan has trouble." He also specifically added the sentence "It means there is trouble with the Japan-U.S. alliance." Obviously, Japan is trying to pull the United States into trouble. .

Japan's three major actions against Taiwan have revealed dangerous signals. Is it possible that Japan is gambling on its national destiny? China needs to prepare for the worst.

Japan, as a country that used aggression and expansion to seize Taiwan and colonially ruled Taiwan for 50 years, has committed countless crimes in Taiwan. To this day, not only has it failed to learn the lessons of history and reflect on its own culpability, it has continued to And it has repeatedly used the Taiwan issue to frequently provoke China. Is it possible that the Japanese government really wants to bet on its national destiny? If this is the case, China's attitude is also very clear, "the door will be open for talks, and we will stay with you until the end of the fight." When it comes to safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity, the Chinese People's Liberation Army has always dared to take action and will win if it dares to fight. On the Taiwan issue, " "Cut sausage", you will definitely cut your hands.

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