As a result, the Kuomintang has followed suit. The Democratic Progressive Party has just nominated the current mayor of Hsinchu, Lin Zhijian, to be elected as the mayor of Taoyuan. The Kuomintang Taipei City Councilor Wang Hongwei also broke the news, saying that Lin Zhijian's ma

2024/06/1711:14:33 hotcomm 1477

As soon as the Kuomintang nominated Ke Zhien to be mayor of Kaohsiung , Green Camp's Internet wing "Weng Dari" used the similarity in the synopses of Ke Zhien's two papers to attack Ke's academic fraud. As a result, the Kuomintang has followed suit. The Democratic Progressive Party has just nominated Hsinchu current mayor Lin Zhijian to be elected as the mayor of Taoyuan. Kuomintang Taipei City Councilor Wang Hongwei also broke the news, saying that Lin Zhijian's master's thesis published at Taiwan's Chung Hwa University in the same year was suspected of plagiarism. A research report commissioned by Hsinchu Science Park in June from and from Chung Hwa University.

Another day later, the New Party and retired professor of National Taiwan University Du Zhenhua broke the news, saying that Lin Zhijian's master's thesis at National Taiwan University was also suspected of plagiarism. The thesis was almost identical to the thesis of Yu Zhenghuang, another graduate student of the university who graduated the previous year. Subsequently, media personality Huang Yangming and Taipei Congressman Xu Qiaoxin followed up, digging up Lin Zhijian's academic scandal, making it the hottest political focus on the island this week.

As a result, the Kuomintang has followed suit. The Democratic Progressive Party has just nominated the current mayor of Hsinchu, Lin Zhijian, to be elected as the mayor of Taoyuan. The Kuomintang Taipei City Councilor Wang Hongwei also broke the news, saying that Lin Zhijian's ma - DayDayNews

Lin Zhijian (left) and Tsai Ing-wen (right) Picture source: Taiwan Strait Network

Lin Zhijian’s paper problem is not just as simple as plagiarism. It not only involves issues such as embezzlement of government public property, but also draws people’s attention to Taiwan’s political arena over the years. There is a traditional shady story of collusion between politicians and academia, so much so that people with academic backgrounds in the Green Camp dare not defend it for fear of getting themselves into trouble. Of course, Lin Zhijian's former boss Ke Jianming still actively jumped in to defend him, and even held a press conference to smear the KMT in large numbers and engage in negative elections, but he seemed to have forgotten how the Green Camp treated KMT candidate Li Meizhen. In addition, whether Lin Zhijian copied the paper or not, Ke Jianming avoided talking about it.

When Lin Zhijian was studying at Taiwan's Chung Hwa University, he was also Ke Jianming's assistant during the legislative period. At that time, the Hsinchu Science Park commissioned the Department of Science and Technology Management of Chung Hwa University to conduct a research project on the subject of a survey on the satisfaction of residents outside the science park. Research funding is NT$450,000 (Taiwan dollars, all below). Afterwards, some people analyzed that the reason why Chung Hwa University was awarded this project was probably related to the help of Ke Jianming, who was influential in Hsinchu, so it was logical that this project helped Lin Zhijian complete his thesis.

It is said that the two professors in charge of the project only asked Lin Zhijian to help distribute the questionnaires. As a result, the report produced by the project, both in title and content, was almost consistent with the master's thesis that Lin Zhijian said he had completed. Turning the research results purchased by the public sector into your own paper is not only a matter of plagiarism, but also involves the embezzlement of public property.

Although according to Lin Zhijian’s argument, the professors who participated in the research believed that it was “reasonable” for Lin Zhijian to use the content of the commissioned research he participated in to write his master’s thesis, this was very similar to some kind of classic game dilemma. Either Lin Zhijian plagiarized and the government paid to buy it. The report was suspected of academic fraud and misappropriation of public property; or the professors in charge of the project used Lin Zhijian's personal research report to falsely receive research funds. In any case, there is no argument that Lin argued that he could turn a public research project into his own thesis because of his participation.

And Lin Zhijian’s paper plagiarism case at National Taiwan University is even more ridiculous. Because that paper discussed the analysis of Lin Zhijian's election as mayor of Hsinchu that year, Lin Zhijian did have detailed polling data. Lin Zhijian's professor at that time was Chen Mingtong, who is now responsible for security affairs on the island. Chen Mingtong helped him soothe his cheeks and said that because Yu Zhenghuang encountered bottlenecks in writing his thesis, he was the one who gave Lin Zhijian's polling data to Yu Zhenghuang for reference. Yu also thanked Lin Zhijian for his help in the preface of the paper. But the problem is that the abstracts of Yu and Lin's two papers are 70% identical. There are at least seven large plagiarisms in "research concepts" and "research methods". The duplication rate is as high as 88%. Even the English part is completely consistent. Even the typos are the same, so there's always one person copying the other.

As a result, the Kuomintang has followed suit. The Democratic Progressive Party has just nominated the current mayor of Hsinchu, Lin Zhijian, to be elected as the mayor of Taoyuan. The Kuomintang Taipei City Councilor Wang Hongwei also broke the news, saying that Lin Zhijian's ma - DayDayNews

html On July 5, Lin Zhijian (left) held a press conference to explain the suspected plagiarism incident in the paper.Picture source: Taiwan media

First of all, no matter what, Yu Zhenghuang graduated first and wrote the paper first. It is quite ridiculous to say that he plagiarized the latecomers. Secondly, Chen Mingtong, as the supervisor, actually allowed the student to pass two such similar papers. No matter what, I can't explain it. What's even more strange is that this Yu Zhenghuang has disappeared, and no reporter has found him so far. Someone searched through the Internet and found that there was an investigation cadre in Chen Mingtong's department named Yu Zhenghuang, who was also an on-the-job graduate student. He was suspected to be the same person, so it is not ruled out that Chen Mingtong sacrificed Yu to protect Lin Zhijian. After all, Lin Zhijian is the so-called "little British boy" whom Tsai Ing-wen cares about, and he has a bright future.

As a result, the Kuomintang has followed suit. The Democratic Progressive Party has just nominated the current mayor of Hsinchu, Lin Zhijian, to be elected as the mayor of Taoyuan. The Kuomintang Taipei City Councilor Wang Hongwei also broke the news, saying that Lin Zhijian's ma - DayDayNews

Chen Mingtong (data map) Source: Straits Herald

Chen Mingtong was the director of the Taiwan Development Institute at National Taiwan University and mentored 173 master's and doctoral students, including many green camp politicians, including Cheng Wencan, Pan Meng'an, Chen Meiling, and deputy chairman of the Mainland Affairs Council Committee member Qiu Chuizheng, as well as Green Camp civilian representatives including Qiu Zhiwei, Guo Guowen, Shen Fahui and Gao Jiayu, as well as the DPP Chairman’s Special Assistant Hong Yaonan, Councilor Guo Kunwen, Tsai Ing-wen’s literary genius Li Tuozi, and Tsai Ing-wen’s office director Huang Chongyan’s wife Lin Bingyi, etc., and Zou Jingwen, editor-in-chief of the green media Liberty Times, is also a student of Chen Mingtong. However, some people have discovered that most of the electronic files of these politicians' papers are not made public, for fear that if they are made public, they will reveal flaws similar to Lin Zhijian's. This has also revealed a shady story about the connection between Taiwan's political circles and academia. Politicians go to school to obtain diplomas, and professors also receive various resources in exchange, including access to politics. Take Chen Mingtong as an example. While he is "full of peaches and plums, the green camp", his officialdom is getting bigger and bigger.

As things got worse, the Hsinchu Science Park Administration finally issued a statement on July 6, stating that it would launch an internal investigation to find out why the contents of the final report commissioned by Chung Hwa University to be researched became the contents of a thesis for a master's student of Chung Hwa University. . In addition, Hsinchu Science Park also sent a letter to Chung Hwa University, requesting clarification of the contract for the outsourced research project and requesting detailed explanations, which is a direct slap in the face of Lin Zhijian's so-called "reasonable" decision by the professors.

As the reputation of National Taiwan University was hit hard, it could no longer sit still. It announced that it would set up a review team to conduct a thorough investigation, and promised to produce results within two months. If the investigation is completed as scheduled, it may have a fatal blow to Lin Zhijian's election. Interestingly, the current president of National Taiwan University, Guan Zhongmin, was initially blocked from taking office by the Green Camp, even at the expense of three heads of education departments. The convener of this review committee is Professor Su Hongda, the current Dean of Social Sciences at National Taiwan University. Professor Su was once harassed and even threatened with "legal action" by the Green Camp's investigation department simply because he questioned Taiwan's National Palace Museum's intention to move cultural relics southward. Now that heaven is reincarnated, some media people teased that "it's really retribution."

The verdict of the collective bribery case of the People's Republic of China has just been pronounced.

Tainan Mayor Huang Weizhe was involved in the suspicion of soliciting bribes. Democratic Progressive Party member) 10 years in prison, Republican Liao Guodong (KMT member) 8 years and 6 months in prison, Chen Chaoming (KMT member) 7 years and 8 months in prison, Xu Yongming (Time Force member) 7 years and 4 months in prison. Zhao Zhengyu (without party membership) was sentenced to 6 months in prison, which may be fined (i.e., the originally announced sentence can be replaced by payment of a fine). These blue and green politicians are involved in using white gloves such as Guo Keming to accept or agree to receive bribes from the former chairman of Pacific Circulation Company Li Henglong , and help them plan their plans through legislative inquiries, holding hearings and putting pressure on officials. Take back control of a shopping mall. Among them, it was determined that Su Zhenqing was involved in accepting bribes of 25.8 million yuan, Liao Guodong was involved in accepting bribes of 7.9 million yuan, Chen Chaoming was involved in accepting bribes of 1 million yuan, and Xu Yongming was involved in accepting bribes of 2 million yuan in agreement, but they had not yet had time to collect the bribes. After the verdict, none of these people pleaded guilty and will appeal.

As a result, the Kuomintang has followed suit. The Democratic Progressive Party has just nominated the current mayor of Hsinchu, Lin Zhijian, to be elected as the mayor of Taoyuan. The Kuomintang Taipei City Councilor Wang Hongwei also broke the news, saying that Lin Zhijian's ma - DayDayNews

Su Zhenqing (data map) Source: Taiwan media

This incident also shows that the so-called blue-green differences in Taiwan’s political circles are often some form of performance, and obtaining benefits is their real consensus. For example, Taiwan’s previous so-called vaccine research and development There is a huge shady story. Although the media was scolding each other. Finally, it was discovered that many blue and green politicians invariably hold stocks in certain companies. As for this collective bribery case, there is no distinction between blue and green, and everyone is involved in the same process.

The most ironic one is Xu Yongming. Over the years, Xu Yongming has participated in various political activities, cursing powerful people in the media, as if it were a clean stream. As a result, as soon as he became the representative of the people, he couldn't wait to ask for bribes. The political party Power of the Times gained political popularity through the "Sunflower". It was once very popular, and it seemed that a third force was really going to appear in Taiwan's political arena. However, after it really participated in politics, it was full of ugliness, and it only took four years. Then it fell apart.

As a result, the Kuomintang has followed suit. The Democratic Progressive Party has just nominated the current mayor of Hsinchu, Lin Zhijian, to be elected as the mayor of Taoyuan. The Kuomintang Taipei City Councilor Wang Hongwei also broke the news, saying that Lin Zhijian's ma - DayDayNews

Xu Yongming (data map) Source: Straits Herald

In addition, 3 million in cash was found at Xu Yongming’s home. Xu Yongming claimed that he borrowed it from Lin Jialong, the mayor of Taichung at the time, and was recognized by the court, which also hinted at Lin Jialong’s identity. He is actually very ambitious. He is clearly trying to attract political forces other than the Democratic Progressive Party.

Tainan’s Kuomintang candidate Xie Longjie held a press conference in Taipei on July 7, directly accusing Tainan Mayor Huang Weizhe of sending a lawyer to collect NT$7.2 million from the local coffin tower operator. Xie Longjie said that Huang Weizhe and his lawyer had dinner with the business owners twice. After the business owners told Huang Weizhe their demands, Huang said to the business owners, "You have to help others, and others will help you." On the same day, Huang Weizhe's lawyer also offered a price of 1,000 to the business owner surnamed Li. Ten thousand yuan, the two parties negotiated to first pay 7.2 million yuan in the name of consulting fees of 200,000 yuan per month for three years, and then pay the remaining 2.8 million yuan after the purpose is completed. The business owner subsequently paid the law firm NT$7.2 million in three installments. In the past three years, the industry and Huang Weizhe's camp met six times. At the press conference, details of the meal that day were also announced. For example, Huang Weizhe left early, but when he left, he packed the food for the dinner and took it away. This is indeed very similar to Huang Weizhe's past image of being greedy for petty gains. In the past, he was either accused of stealing other people's lunch boxes, or secretly drinking coffee from the opponent's camp, etc.

As a result, the Kuomintang has followed suit. The Democratic Progressive Party has just nominated the current mayor of Hsinchu, Lin Zhijian, to be elected as the mayor of Taoyuan. The Kuomintang Taipei City Councilor Wang Hongwei also broke the news, saying that Lin Zhijian's ma - DayDayNews

Tainan Mayor Huang Weizhe

However, Huang Weizhe has also had unclear things in the past. For example, in 2018, his office director was accused by a businessman of not only soliciting bribes, but also being exposed as taking money without helping. Huang Weizhe said it was a personal financial dispute involving the office director. Later, Huang Guochang also revealed a recording, saying that Huang Weizhe had an affair (i.e., mediation and arbitration) with Tsai Ing-wen's celebrity Gu Lixiong Wang Meihua and his wife to prove that Huang Weizhe was involved in the matter. But in the end, Taiwan prosecutors proved that Huang Weizhe had no knowledge of the matter and that his office director was not doing nothing in collecting the money. At that time, the Tainan mayoral election was held, and the Democratic Progressive Party was conducting intra-party nominations. It was not ruled out that some people would use Huang Guochang to attack Huang Weizhe. But if a person is always involved in these unclear political and business cooperation, it will indeed give a bad impression.

This year is another election year on the island. Elections are very expensive. Although the island has strict regulations on how to raise election funds. But in fact, there are various ways to get around these regulations. Election funds have become a bottomless black hole for every candidate. And how to make those sponsors willingly spend large sums of real money, obviously does not rule out the possibility of many exchanges of interests. However, some people do it very secretly, while others are so carefree that they don't care about the consequences at all. Especially green camp politicians, because they understand the mentality of those green camp voters. For example, even though Chen Shui-bian's corruption was so conclusive, a large number of green camp supporters still believed that and A-Bian were persecuted; another example is Su Zhenqing, who can still be elected as a representative even after the bribery case is investigated. Huang Weizhe’s suspicion of bribery is actually not a problem for Tainan’s green voters. The real problem with Huang Weizhe is that he is not green enough.

Author丨Xu Yi, special editor of Shenzhen Satellite TV Direct News

Typesetting丨Qiu Hui

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