In the 1980s and 1990s when ultra-long-distance was popular, pigeon breeders at that time generally had very limited space in their lofts, and balcony lofts covering an area of ​​one or two square meters were very common. Even so, many ultra-distance pigeons were born in such lof

2024/06/1704:12:33 hotcomm 1561

In the 1980s and 1990s when ultra-long-distance was popular, pigeon breeders at that time generally had very limited space in their lofts, and balcony lofts covering an area of ​​one or two square meters were very common. Even so, many ultra-distance pigeons were born in such lof - DayDayNews

In the 1980s and 1990s when ultra-long-distance was popular, pigeon breeders at that time generally had very limited loft space, and balcony lofts covering an area of ​​one or two square meters were very common. Even so, many ultra-long-distance pigeons were born in such lofts. Nowadays, many urban pigeon fanciers are also facing similar problems. I have compiled the following for your reference. I hope it will be useful to everyone.

Pigeon fanciers all know that the density of raising homing pigeons should be small, few but fine, but in real life, the problem of small sheds and too many pigeons exists everywhere.

In recent years, the conditions of pigeon lofts in our country have been improving day by day. There are also many luxurious pigeon lofts like those of overseas pigeon fanciers. However, for the vast majority of pigeon breeders, they can only borrow a corner of the balcony to build one against the wall, which is very small in area and space. limited.

Especially in big cities like Shanghai, housing conditions are tight and conditions for raising pigeons are also very difficult. On the one hand, the shed is small, and on the other hand, the number of pigeons cannot be reduced. Because in addition to a certain number of breeding pigeons , each shed must also have a sufficient number of racing pigeons . In order to participate in ultra-long distance racing, some pigeons need to be raised for more than two years.

In addition, in order to form an echelon, a certain reserve force must be maintained for selection and elimination. As a result, the number of pigeons will naturally become larger and larger. It is good to be less but more precise, but it is often difficult to achieve.

In a sense, without a certain quantity, it is difficult to guarantee a certain quality, because no matter how good the breeding pigeons are, it is impossible to guarantee that every young pigeon produced will be useful.

Can we raise good pigeons if there are many pigeons in the shed? As the saying goes: "A dojo is built in a screw shell." As long as management is strengthened and methods are used appropriately, the shortcomings of a small shed can be remedied.

My pigeonhouse is built on the balcony, which is about one meter square. The balcony railing extends 70cm as a drying shed. The entire pigeonhouse only has 5 cubic meters of space. According to this condition, it is most suitable to raise no more than 20 pigeons, but I actually raised 40 pigeons, but the pigeons are in good health and good quality.

will now use his own experience to talk about several issues that should be paid attention to when raising and managing pigeons in the shed.

In the 1980s and 1990s when ultra-long-distance was popular, pigeon breeders at that time generally had very limited space in their lofts, and balcony lofts covering an area of ​​one or two square meters were very common. Even so, many ultra-distance pigeons were born in such lof - DayDayNews

1. The pigeonholes and perches should be set up in a reasonable layout to reduce the floor space.

The first is to move aside, and the second is to develop three-dimensionally into the sky. The pigeonhouse is made of wooden strips and plywood into a "vertical cabinet". It can be made into at least six floors (2 meters high). The upper four floors are each 30 cm high and are mainly used for raising young chicks. Each of the lower two floors is 40 centimeters high, making it easier for breeding pigeons to mate. The left and right are divided into two. The above 12 pigeon nests can be used by 24 pigeons. In addition, there are three to four uprights. Each upright is nailed with a short crossbar every 25 cm for about 20 racing pigeons and young pigeons to stand on.

2. Do a good job in daily management.

This is a regular job. If there are more pigeons than less pigeons, the workload will be more than doubled. It is very important to care for them and treat them not as ordinary birds, but as athletes.

First of all, insist on cleaning three times a day to keep it clean. Don't be afraid of trouble. Wait until the floor is covered with feces and pigeon feathers are flying around before you clean it. You will not be able to protect yourself from getting sick.

Let the pigeons take a bath once a week, then use a broom dipped in water to sweep away the feces on the floor and balcony, mop it several times with a wet mop until it is clean, and finally use a mop dipped in " Lysol " water to mop it again for disinfection. , persist for many years.

The rainy season is the most detrimental to the health of pigeons. At this time, it is even more important to clean up the feces in time. In heavy rain or rainstorm weather, it is especially important to prevent rain and remove the accumulated water in the pigeon shed in time.

Secondly, improve food hygiene. The water source should be clean. In addition to changing the water every day, some health-care products should be regularly rotated in the water, such as glucose , honey, garlic, vitamin B2, etc.

is the most particular about feeding. First, the food types should be diversified and nutritious. I usually feed six kinds of food every day, such as corn, sorghum, barley, wheat, mung beans, and rapeseed.

Second, the feed quality should be high. Large grain foods like corn. Before feeding, you have to pick it up and pick out the moldy ones.

The third is to eat regularly and quantitatively to prevent being too hungry or full. Feed twice a day.

After the morning training, the pigeons were immediately called into the shed and were not allowed to stay outside to play. For breakfast, they only feed a thermos bottle cap of corn (40 pigeons), plus a little rapeseed.Each pigeon can only eat a little corn on average, and rapeseed can only be used as a "snack" (feed the pigeons as extra food).

Feed corn, sorghum, wheat, barley, and mung beans for lunch. The total amount is four thermos bottle caps or a little more. If you feed them too much, they will gain weight easily and become less fond of flying; if you feed them too little, they will suffer from malnutrition.

At the beginning, it is difficult to control the food intake. After feeding, you can catch a few feathers to check and feel whether they have eaten too much or not enough. After a few days, you can control the food intake.

The fourth is to ensure that every pigeon can eat food. It is said that feeding in a trough is the best, but because there are so many pigeons in the shed, using a trough cannot guarantee that every pigeon has an equal opportunity to compete for food. The pigeons who seize the advantageous position will be overfed, while the pigeons milling around on the periphery will only get leftovers. , uneven hunger and fullness.

However, food should not be scattered directly on the ground, as this can easily become contaminated and make it sick. It is recommended to spread a piece of iron sheet on the ground when eating, sprinkle grain on it for the pigeons to eat, and remove the iron sheet after eating.

If the iron sheet becomes dirty, wash it with water and disinfect it. You can also use floor leather , Polaroid and other materials that can be scrubbed instead.

Once again, do a good job in disease prevention.

Pigeons with high density are most susceptible to the disease. Careful observation is also required at ordinary times. Once an individual pigeon is found to be in poor spirits or sick, isolate it immediately. If it does not improve after a period of observation and treatment, it must be eliminated immediately. Don't be merciful, otherwise it will bring disaster to the whole shed and you will regret it. In addition, health sand, eggshells, vegetables, etc. are essential.

3. Ensure a certain amount of exercise training.

This is very important. Because the shed is small, the pigeons can only stand in the nest or on the perch as soon as they enter the shed, with no room for movement. This has the advantage that after heavy exercise, the pigeons can rest well and recover. Pigeons that have been fully rested and have restricted activities in the shed love to fly as soon as they come out of the shed, like an arrow leaving the string.

As the saying goes: quiet as a virgin, active as a tiger. But there are also disadvantages. The pigeons have less activities in the shed. If they can't keep up with the flight training, let alone the competition, they may not be able to guarantee their basic health. Therefore, adequate training is indispensable.

I usually let them fly for 30-40 minutes in the morning and 60-90 minutes in the evening. Some people may wonder whether the pigeons' activities in the shed are restricted and are they harmful? I had the same concerns at first, but later I was inspired by the book "101 Pigeon Racing Secrets" by Mr. Belgian Julius Galez. The book

writes: "In the morning, when the pigeons return to the loft, they are fed only with barley. After an hour, they are put into the nest box without water or feed. They are released at about noon. In the nest box, feed a mixed feed composed of corn, millet and sunflower seeds.

This feed should be placed in the trough to feed the pigeons, but when a pigeon wants to leave the trough to find water, it must be taken out of the trough. Open. Then put ten hemp seeds in the nest box of each solitary pigeon - hemp seeds are very popular with pigeons, and then keep them in the nest box until 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

Then they can be released." From this passage, we can understand that these pigeons spend most of their time in the nest box during the day, and their activities are restricted. It seems that there is no adverse effect on the pigeons.

Although this method is suitable for pigeons living alone, I think it is also applicable to pigeons in a natural state.

From my own experience, as long as the flight training is strengthened and the pigeons have little activity in the shed, it will not affect the health. The young pigeons that have just been out of the shed can fly for more than ten days, and they can fly continuously for 30 minutes. After more than twenty days, they can fly continuously. The flight takes 60 minutes. If you are not in good health, you will not be able to fly for such a long time. Being able to withstand the test of training is in itself a sign of good health.

As long as pigeon fanciers observe carefully, summarize carefully, and work hard, they will definitely be able to raise your pigeons well. My intention in writing this article is not to encourage everyone to keep more pigeons. If possible, it is better to raise fewer animals.


文|Xu Jianjie

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In the 1980s and 1990s when ultra-long-distance was popular, pigeon breeders at that time generally had very limited space in their lofts, and balcony lofts covering an area of ​​one or two square meters were very common. Even so, many ultra-distance pigeons were born in such lof - DayDayNews

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