Today's real-time exchange rate of the euro against the RMB (updated at 2016-02-16 07:02): Currency conversion: 1 euro = 7.2499 RMB 1 RMB = 0.1379 Euro Euro to RMB exchange rate trend chart (one week): Inter-bank foreign exchange on February 16, 2016 The central parity rate of th

2024/06/1612:08:32 hotcomm 1982

Euro to RMB today's exchange rate real-time quotes (updated at 2016-02-16 07:02):

Currency exchange

1 Euro = 7.2499 RMB

1 RMB = 0.1379 Euro

Euro to RMB exchange rate trend chart (one week):

Today's real-time exchange rate of the euro against the RMB (updated at 2016-02-16 07:02): Currency conversion: 1 euro = 7.2499 RMB 1 RMB = 0.1379 Euro Euro to RMB exchange rate trend chart (one week): Inter-bank foreign exchange on February 16, 2016 The central parity rate of th - DayDayNews

February 2016 On the 16th, the central parity rate of the RMB exchange rate in the inter-bank foreign exchange market was: 1 euro to RMB 7.2499, and 100 euros to RMB 724.99.

These are Soros's original words, which means "A hard landing of China's economy is inevitable. I don't expect it to happen, I am observing it. China can cope with it because China has resources, greater policy space and 3 trillion foreign exchange reserves." I simply don’t understand. When did Soros declare war on China and short the RMB? Why was Soros's positive view that China could cope with an economic hard landing deliberately deleted by the Wall Street Journal and other media?

Before the Federal Reserve meeting decision, the euro (1.0891, 0.0019, 0.17%) rose rapidly. The current price is running above the 5-day moving average of 1.0858 and the 10-day moving average of 1.0876. The moving average system is horizontally flattening without an obvious trend, but it is low in the large shock range. After obtaining support near the 1.0950 point, it may turn to the line connecting the previous highs to seek suppression near 1.0950. In operation, go long on dips near 1.0888, with stop loss below 1.0851.

and above Euro to RMB exchange rate Relevant information on today’s market is provided by the CICC Market Center for reference only. If you want to know more about the trend of the Euro to RMB exchange rate, you can follow the CICC Financial News Channel daily Financial reporting.

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