Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Qiu Wei's medical drama "All About Dr. Tang" is being broadcast on CCTV 8 and iQiyi. The drama focuses on the field of cardiac surgery and involves more than 20 difficult cases. It also presents a domestically produced fully magnetic levitation art

2024/06/1521:11:33 hotcomm 1946

Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Qiu Wei

The medical drama "Everything About Dr. Tang" is being broadcast on CCTV 8 and iQiyi. The drama focuses on the field of cardiac surgery and involves more than 20 difficult cases. At the same time, the development process of the domestic fully magnetic levitation artificial heart is presented. It is a blank area that has not been covered in previous medical dramas. It allows the audience to learn a lot about heart diseases while following the drama. The leading actor Qin Lan has changed his past drama and created a new life. A unique female role in the workplace.

Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Qiu Wei's medical drama

The episode opens with the story of Tang Jiayu, a female doctor from overseas who "parachuted in" as director of the heart center and leader of the critical illness team in the Cardiac Surgery Department of Anhe Jisheng Hospital, which is dominated by male doctors. The bar is on. The plot begins with Tang Jiayu's dramatic relationship when he first arrived and was rejected by everyone. Through each healing case, the story of each character in the play is narrated.

As the core character of the whole drama, Tang Jiayu is the chief director of cardiac surgery among men. She often makes surprising remarks and regards completing surgeries as the only means to gain the respect of her colleagues. Faced with doubts, Tang Jiayu relied on her pursuit of extremely high medical skills and her seriousness and responsibility for patients to win respect with her strength. From being acquainted with Ouyang Zhenyu, the director of the medical department, to gradually developing into a confidant with Ye Yiming, a doctor in the anesthesiology department, and then step by step conquering the "Five King Kong" in the critical illness team, Tang Jiayu convinced the colleagues in the hospital, and she also Gradually growing. In the play, Tang Jiayu, who specializes in surgery, repeatedly refused to be the academic leader in the research and development of artificial hearts. However, a heart transplant that was forced to give up prompted Tang Jiayu to change his decision and lead the critical illness team to launch the research and development of domestic artificial hearts.

Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Qiu Wei's medical drama

The first few episodes of the show successively presented various cases such as Marfan syndrome, mitral stenosis, heart transplantation, severe heart failure, etc. There are also many very rare cases in the drama, such as giving birth control pills to pregnant women. The fetus underwent heart surgery, and the heart, spleen, and lungs were all reversed. The plot not only focuses on the story of doctors treating diseases and saving lives, but also runs through the context of overcoming technical difficulties and rewriting the history of cardiac surgery in China. The microscopic presentation of the unit narrative is intertwined with the macroscopic advancement of the main plot line, which presents a more three-dimensional presentation of the doctors' benevolence and benevolence.

In the audience's impression, Qin Lan is good at portraying gentle characters like "White Moonlight". In "All About Dr. Tang", Tang Jiayu, played by Qin Lan, is a technical and highly educated woman who looks cold and arrogant but is actually soft and kind at heart. Although there is no prototype for this character, Qin Lan used professionalism as support in his performance, highlighting the character's particularly strong sense of professional belief and performing the character's energy. Cardiac surgery is very demanding on physical strength, and you will be exhausted to the point of collapse after standing for several hours during the operation. If a woman in this profession wants to become the chief surgeon, she cannot do it without surpassing the toughness of a man. In the play, Tang Jiayu, who has outstanding medical skills, has been growing up among men professionally. She goes to the battlefield to "fight" every day like her male colleagues. Especially on the operating table, she shows unshakable concentration and determination, and her eyes are steady every time. For Qin Lan, if such a hard-core character only poses symbolically, it will be empty. For this drama, Qin Lan did a lot of study. She completed inner construction by watching medical documentaries, filled in the character's state, and gained a "root" in the grasp of the character.

Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Qiu Wei's medical drama

Although the character design is strong, Qin Lan is not shaped according to the image of a heroine with a halo and overcoming obstacles. Although Tang Jiayu is too strong in her career, she obviously has "flaws" in her life. She loves high-calorie diets, wolfs down food, hides in the office and eats snacks, and hides immediately when colleagues knock on the door. She has no personality. Looks like a great director. The "flesh and blood" of these characters comes from Qin Lan's observation of the doctor's profession: cardiac surgeons have been fighting on the line of life and death to save people all year round, and the pressure they bear in their hearts is something that ordinary people cannot understand. Qin Lan discovered that in order to soothe her emotions, many surgeons had their own stress relief methods, so she gave Tang Jiayu some contrasting life details in the play.In terms of characterization, Qin Lan also highlighted Tang Jiayu's character shortcomings of not being able to deal with emotional issues. "It is impossible for people to be all-rounded. People who are too strong in one aspect will be deficient in other aspects. Only such characters are more real."

in In terms of style, Qin Lan did not change her hairstyle in the entire drama, and her clothing was mainly white coats. She believed that Tang Jiayu, who devoted all her passion to surgery, must not be an expert in dressing. Qin Lan also specially added a pair of glasses for Tang Jiayu to take off and put on, making the director look more lively. Overall, this image of a doctor who is very individual and not very good at expressing himself has been fully portrayed by Qin Lan.

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