On June 25, the warm and healing medical drama "Everything About Dr. Tang" will meet the audience on CCTV's eight prime time slots. The play tells the story of Tang Jiayu, director of the cardiac surgery department of Anhe Hospital, and his colleagues, who solved 28 difficult and

2024/06/1521:00:33 hotcomm 1190

About the treatment of 28 rare cases of heart disease; about the successful development of the domestically produced "full magnetic levitation artificial heart" that allowed patients to regain their "heart" life; about the life and death story of a cardiac surgery female doctor in front of the operating table...

html June 25 , the warm and healing medical drama " Everything about Dr. Tang " will meet the audience in the prime time of CCTV 8 (CCTV8). The play tells the story of Tang Jiayu (played by Qin Lan), director of the Department of Cardiac Surgery at Anhe Hospital, who together with his colleagues solved 28 difficult and rare heart disease cases and successfully developed a domestically produced "full magnetic levitation artificial heart".

What are the highlights and expectations for "All About Dr. Tang"? Will it be a hit? What kind of heart-warming power will be delivered? Recently, the producer of the play Jia Zhiqi accepted an exclusive interview with China Central Radio and Television Station Voice of China program "Morning Blossoms Picked Up at Dusk", telling the story of the creation of the play and the life insights it brought.

On June 25, the warm and healing medical drama

"All About Dr. Tang" producer Jia Zhiqi (picture provided by interviewee)

"This drama must be done"

Talking about why he filmed a medical drama like "Female Cardiac Surgeon", Jia Zhiqi said, firstly, The female perspective is novel and special. There are not many film and television dramas that reflect the group of cardiac surgeons, and there are even fewer dramas that show female cardiac surgeons known as the "National Treasure Panda". The second is the theme of cardiac surgeon + artificial heart , which attracted public attention. "After reading the synopsis of the story, I checked for information on cardiac surgery. The relevant data I got shocked me, and I felt that this drama must be done."

According to The "China Cardiovascular Health and Disease Report 2020" shows that the prevalence of cardiovascular disease in our country is in a continuous rising stage. It is estimated that the number of people suffering from cardiovascular disease is 330 million, and deaths due to cardiovascular disease account for more than 40% of the total deaths. , which means that 2 out of every 5 deaths will be caused by cardiovascular disease.

Jia Zhiqi added that cardiac surgery has always been almost a "man's world" and there are very few female doctors. The fundamental reason is the difference in physical strength between the two. "No matter what kind of cardiac surgery, the time spent starts at 4 hours. Very difficult surgeries sometimes last for more than ten hours and all night long. During this period, you need to devote yourself to it and stand all the time. You often become dehydrated. It is a huge challenge to the body, and very few women can persist. Of course, there are also female doctors, such as those in the Department of Cardiology of Beijing Anzhen Hospital, who we interviewed, and it is really not easy for them. Therefore, I think it is very difficult to focus on this group and show them. Their daily lives are very meaningful. "

"Filming this TV series gives me a sense of mission."

Regarding the highlights of the show, Jia Zhiqi said that the audience's concerns and expectations are both highlights. Most of the main actors selected for the play are between 30 and 40 years old, but in fact, almost only doctors over 40 years old can perform surgeries. Jia Zhiqi explained that the reason for choosing relatively young actors is that on the one hand, he hopes that the audience can feel the vitality of young doctors, and on the other hand, he hopes to attract more young people to pay attention to the group of cardiac surgeons, "so that young people can feel the power of 'one knife, one knife'" "The doctor who wanders between lives is very remarkable, which arouses the yearning for medicine."

In Jia Zhiqi's view, the TV series "All About Dr. Tang" has a unique advantage in using female doctors as its entry point. First of all, women themselves are friendly and can shorten the distance with the audience; secondly, it breaks through the story writing of male doctors in previous medical dramas. Especially in departments where there are more men than women, the work pressure faced by women is far away. It is very inspiring as one can imagine, and it focuses on showing the struggle of female doctors.

For heart disease patients, having a sound heart is a dream, but where do so many suitable hearts come from? In fact, as early as 2019, my country has completed the research and development of the "total magnetic levitation artificial heart". The drama revolves around this new technology, aiming to let more people understand it and bring hope to patients.

Regarding the "fully magnetic levitation artificial heart", from a certain perspective, the heart is actually a blood pump, responsible for the important function of sending blood to the whole body. Heart failure The heart of patients with heart failure lacks enough power to transport blood to the arteries, so scientists developed a mechanical pump (artificial heart). The inlet of the pump is connected to the heart, and the outlet is connected to the arteries. Then the natural heart can easily The blood is sent to a mechanical pump, which pressurizes it and sends it to the arteries to treat heart failure or help patients wait smoothly for a transplant donor.

"So, I think it is not just as simple as filming a TV series, but it also gives us a sense of mission to popularize this knowledge to more people and make everyone realize the preciousness of life." Jia Zhiqi said.

"Details can touch people's hearts"

Speaking of the plot, Jia Zhiqi revealed that there are 28 cases involved in the play, all of which are adapted from real cases. "We have repeatedly consulted Professor Zheng Jun and other experts from the Cardiac Surgery Department of Beijing Anzhen Hospital, striving for authenticity in all aspects, and even worried that people would not be able to understand a lot of highly professional content. But Professor Zheng Jun said no, some Heart disease that seems not serious is actually very serious and fatal. I hope that through these cases, everyone will pay attention to their own bodies in daily life. "

There are many major surgery scenes in the drama. In order to restore the scene, the crew also built a large-scale surgery scene. A 7,000-square-meter "hospital" capable of performing professional surgeries. "At that time, experts were on site to provide guidance every day. When Professor Zheng Jun came to check it out, he was in a trance and thought he had entered a real hospital."

In addition to pursuing realism in the shooting environment, he also Actors' professional operations also have high requirements. When the crew read the script, they invited doctors from various departments to explain and demonstrate professional operations to the actors and learn about professional knowledge. "If we want to pursue authenticity and immersion, we must start from the details. Only details can touch people's hearts."

"To shoot a TV series is to enter an industry."

To shoot a TV series is to enter an industry. A conversation with Professor Zheng Jun impressed Jia Zhiqi deeply. Professor Zheng Jun usually doesn't like to talk much. At that time, he was introducing a prototype operation in a case in the play. The operation process was very complicated. Jia Zhiqi asked what the final result of the operation was. Professor Zheng Jun said two words, "alive." Inspired by this, this paragraph was adapted into the script during filming, and the protagonist Tang Jiayu said something similar when introducing herself: "I am the kind of person who doesn't say anything. I am just another kind of doctor who wants to keep you alive." That kind of doctor."

Jia Zhiqi said that there is no comfort in surgery. The doctor's duty is to keep you alive, try to keep you alive, and keep you alive as much as possible. "This touches us very much. This is the charm of doctors, and the sense of mission is vividly reflected." Professor Zheng Jun once said that every cardiac surgeon has a cemetery in his heart. Don't open it easily when doing your job. Many people walked away from his operating table, and many people were left behind, but this was all a process, not important. What was important was to let more people survive.

During the break between filming, Jia Zhiqi also interviewed another more taciturn Dr. Zhu. Dr. Zhu does not smoke, drink, or have any hobbies other than work. When asked what his goal is as a doctor, Dr. Zhu replied: "This is what we do. If you save one more person, you will earn one more life. It's that simple."

"I hope this is a work worth remembering."

Filming this TV series gave Jia Zhiqi a new understanding of organ donation. She hopes to present a "work worth remembering."

Doctors respectfully call body donors "general teacher", which means that the donor has made contributions to medicine and science with his own body. "Before this, I only had a superficial understanding of 'General Teacher', but after a deeper understanding, I found that behind every person who received a donation and was lucky to survive, there was a person who left behind. The sadness, joy and tears of sadness are all together. . ”

Life is full of different situations and all living beings suffer. Jia Zhiqi hopes that through the work "Everything About Dr. Tang", everyone can respect life and cherish those who give us life. At the same time, if you encounter similar illnesses in life, know what you should do or help others."After filming this drama, I may become a volunteer in the future. If I have the opportunity, I will definitely do it." Jia Zhiqi said.

The drama is very good to watch

It is worth mentioning that the main creative staff of "All About Dr. Tang" brought a unique stage performance to the audience on the main station's " The drama is very good to watch " program. Peng Xiaojing, the producer of this column, said in an interview that the purpose of producing this variety show is to promote excellent TV programs and bring them into the eyes of more young people.

On June 25, the warm and healing medical drama

Peng Xiaojing, producer of the "The Drama Is Very Good" column (picture provided by the interviewee)

Talking about the highlights and expectations of "All About Dr. Tang", Peng Xiaojing believes that the drama has a novel theme and angle, and mainly shows a female cardiac surgeon. The life of a doctor. "Such female doctors are rare in real life. Although the show mainly revolves around her, it ultimately shows the story of the entire group of cardiac surgeons. The main creators also mentioned the roles they played in the show "The Play Is Beautiful" The inner growth process, so I am very much looking forward to the launch of this mid-year drama. "

Producer: Bai Zhonghua

Host: Su Yang

Editor: Zhang Yi and Wang Xin


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