"When it was first brought to the hospital, it was extremely difficult to breathe and seemed to be in danger at any time." It was a little macaque. When it was delivered, it was only the size of a palm, but half of its foot had already entered the gate of hell. Sleep on a stuffed

2024/06/1520:44:33 hotcomm 1802

"When it was first sent to the hospital, it was extremely difficult to breathe and it looked like it might be in danger at any time."

It was a little macaque. When it was delivered, it was only the size of a palm, but half of its foot had already entered the gate of hell.

sleeps on a stuffed animal.

This monkey is probably going to die.

html In early July, the Jiangsu Forest Police confiscated it from a trafficker. When he was rescued, the little one fell ill. Since there was no local hospital in Jiangsu that could treat macaques , the day after the rescue was carried out, the forest police drove all the way north from Jiangsu and solemnly handed the little monkey over to several veterinarians at the Beijing Meilian Zhonghe Animal Hospital Referral Center.

"When he was first brought in, he looked like he was only 2 to 3 months old," the little macaque's attending physician @Master Wang told me. " had difficulty breathing and lay on his stomach and didn't move much. was cold all over but He still reacted to human touch and was not in a state of shock."

After waking up, he was pitiful and had a small nose.

In the original words of the forest police: "This monkey is probably going to die."

"The results of the first diagnosis also worried me. When I took a film, I saw that the entire lungs were white... The final diagnosis was that it was inhalation. Pneumonia ." Dr. Wang told me.


The lungs are respiratory organs, and the density of gas is low, making X-rays easy to pass through. Therefore, under normal circumstances, X-rays of the lungs appear light gray-white. In contrast, high-density bones appear brighter white on film. When there is an infection or other disease in the lungs, they may appear whiter than normal.

Image of a monkey's lungs.

In order to supplement the nutrition of the little monkey, the resident doctor prepared and fed it milk powder. During the feeding process, he found that it would habitually choke on the milk. The doctors discovered that the pacifier that came with it had a very large hole cut out (usually a cross-shaped incision is enough), so that the little monkey could drink too much milk in one sip, and it would be very easy for the monkey to choke. The little monkey was handed over to the dealer when he was very young, and the buyer had no experience. Perhaps it was this particularly large incision that caused him to choke on his milk, and later lead to pneumonia .

is young, pitiful and helpless.

The treatment plan for pneumonia in small monkeys is roughly the same as that for other animals—antibiotics, atomization, and oxygen inhalation. However, it had the problem of choking when drinking milk, and would starve if it didn't drink, so the resident doctor responsible for taking care of it could only feed it little by little, one or two drops at a time; fortunately, after its lungs improved a little, , the symptoms of choking on milk have improved greatly, and it can also suck milk by itself and drink little by little.

From being able to only feed a little bit, to being able to hold a bottle and suck on it.

Everyone calls him Wang Dazhuang

"We put him in the oxygen chamber every day to save him, thanks to the timely intervention of the forest police." Doctor Wang said with a smile, "Everyone calls him Wang Dazhuang. The surname is Wang because Dazhuang was very happy at first. I like a B-ultrasound technician named Wang in the hospital. He was named by the girl at the front desk, and the meaning is very obvious. "

I like him so much that I hug him."

A few days after rescuing Wang Dazhuang, Jiangsu’s forest police seized another monkey. Fortunately, it was a healthy monkey and was handed over to the local wildlife conservation organization after a brief inspection.

Wang Dazhuang is at the peak of his appearance and has a soft and cute temper. But when it grows up, for example, when it can reproduce, it will not only become disabled (according to human aesthetic standards), but its temperament will also become irritable, and it is very likely to hit people and destroy things. Therefore, if Wang Dazhuang had not been rescued by the forest police, his future is conceivable - the owner or buyer would not like Wang Dazhuang, who has changed his temperament so much, and his final fate may be to be locked in a small cage for the rest of his life. .

After recovery, Wang Dazhuang is happily picking his feet and drinking milk.

After Wang Dazhuang is discharged from the hospital, he will be brought back by the Jiangsu Forest Police and placed in a local wildlife conservation center or zoo. If conditions permit, he will be considered for release into the wild. Some wildlife conservation organizations will send monkeys that can live with other monkeys to zoos. However, it is not easy for a monkey to integrate into a new group, and it is inevitable to receive a few beatings first.The monkeys that cannot be sent out have to be temporarily kept in a wildlife conservation center. For the monkeys, this is obviously not as happy as being in the wild. For , such long-term maintenance is actually a burden for the conservation center.

Wang Dazhuang plays happily after recovering.

After Wang Dazhuang recovered, the status of the courtyard cat "Mr. Cat" was shaken.

cannot be raised! Can’t be raised! Can’t be raised!

Since the animal hospital has an exotic pet doctor, can I also raise a little macaque and take it to the doctor like a cat or dog when it gets sick?

certainly isn't.

Among the seven species of macaques distributed in China, except for the white-cheeked macaque, which was discovered relatively late, the other six species are listed in CITES Appendix II, and are all national first- or second-level protected wild animals. The "Wild Animal Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" stipulates that units and individuals that domesticate and breed wild animals under special state protection must hold a license printed by the forestry administrative department of the State Council. “Domestic breeding” here refers to the domestication and breeding activities of wild animals carried out under artificially controlled conditions for protection, research, exhibition and other economic purposes.


There are currently 23 species of macaques (Macaca) in the world, and there are 7 species distributed in China: common macaques (M. mulatta), northern dolphin-tailed macaques (M. leonina), short-tailed monkeys (M. arctoides), Taiwan macaque (M. cyclopis), bear monkey (M. assamensis), Tibetan chief macaque (M. thibetana), and the newly discovered white-cheeked macaque (M. leucogenys) in 2015.

Six species of macaques except the white-cheeked macaque. | Wikipedia

In addition to legal constraints, taking into account other objective factors, we still do not recommend individuals to raise these monkeys:

1) zoonotic diseases. This is a type of disease that can be transmitted between humans and animals. Close contact, droplets from sneezing, ulcerated wounds or blood are all potential ways to spread the disease. Tourists have been infected with rabies due to close contact with monkeys.

2) The basic welfare of monkeys is difficult to guarantee. In fact, most of the monkeys we encounter in life are secretly raised by individuals and do not have the qualifications to raise them. Extensive feeding conditions cause many monkeys to have nutritional problems, the most common of which is metabolic bone disease. Animals such as macaques that are lively and cute when they are young but tend to become vicious when they grow up are very likely to be kept in small cages. This neither guarantees the monkey's quality of life nor fully guarantees the safety of the owner and other family members.

Picture | Wolf Gordon Clifton / Animal People, Inc.

3) When the owner of the illegal breeding is reported and the monkey is confiscated and brought to the new environment, it is still unknown whether it can adapt to the new environment, and this is for monkeys with original health problems. Especially a test.

We do not hope to have the next Wang Dazhuang.

You go your own way and leave me alone!

The referral center of Beijing Meilian Zhonghe Animal Hospital often receives different urban wild animals, such as hedgehogs, weasels, various birds, etc. Among them, hedgehogs and weasels can be said to be common animals in Beijing. Common problems for hedgehogs include difficulty breathing, dehydration, and parasitic infections; for weasels, the main injuries are external injuries, and there are a few cases where they are stuck on rat-stick boards and cannot escape; for birds, various fractures occur, such as chicks falling from their nests. And injured. After the small animal is cured, the doctors will contact various wildlife protection centers in Beijing, and the latter will pick up the animal and complete the release.

Strong winds sometimes blow off the nests and birds together. | Steve Jurvetson / Flickr

At the referral center, Dr. Wang and another doctor, Dr. Tang, took on the responsibility of treating these little guys.

Compared with treating traditional pets such as cats and dogs, ’s biggest challenge in treating exotic pets (or wild animals) is the lack of cases with reference value. The differential diagnosis, medication methods, prognosis assessment, etc. of old cases have guiding significance for new cases to a certain extent.Some basic operations on cats and dogs will become more difficult when switching to exotic pets: taking blood collection as an example, collecting 5 ml from a cat is no problem, but collecting 0.5 ml from a hamster is quite a challenge; another example is burying an indwelling needle. Burying needles in kittens is a stumbling block for many new veterinarians. However, it is more difficult to bury needles in chinchillas, rats, and turtles.

Wang Dazhuang, who has an indwelling needle buried in his arm: If his hand is itchy, scratch it.

Routine operations on most exotic pets require sedation or anesthesia beforehand. Direct operation will cause them to have a strong stress response. After some rabbits arrived at the hospital, as soon as the owner took the rabbit out of the cage, the rabbit was frightened, convulsed, and died immediately. This is a real case. In addition, many owners do not want to spend money to examine their animals, which is also a factor that hinders diagnosis and treatment. This is not uncommon in cases of cats and dogs.

It is worth mentioning that when ordinary people encounter small animals that seem to need help, such as cubs during the animal breeding season, the best way to deal with them is actually "you go your own way. "

is called because of its cuteness It is not uncommon for humans to "forcibly rescue" wild animals. | ourskyuamlea / Wiki commons

First of all, the parent animal may be nearby, and the little one may not need your help; secondly, there is no low-input and high-output rescue, and being responsible for a small animal encountered by chance may be beyond one's ability. scope, improper rescue will have negative effects. In contrast, seeking professional help, reporting illegal breeding, and spreading knowledge about protecting wild animals to people around are the "rescue" behaviors within our ability.

Finally, let’s take a look at Cute Da Zhuang eating fruit online.

Author: vb, Beijing Meilian Zhonghe Animal Hospital Referral Center.


ID: Guokr42


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