My liking for Jay Chou's songs started when I was a student, starting from tapes. Different age groups really understand his songs differently. Finally, after 6 years of waiting, his latest work is here. Just like every time I release an album before, this time it is also accompa

2024/06/1516:39:32 hotcomm 1087

My liking for Jay Chou's songs started when I was a student, starting from tapes. Different age groups really understand his songs differently. Finally, after 6 years of waiting, his latest work is here. Just like every time I release an album before, this time it is also accompa - DayDayNews

likes Jay Chou's songs originated from his student days, starting from tapes. Different age groups really understand his songs differently. Finally, after 6 years of waiting, his latest work is here. Just like every time I release an album before, this time it is also accompanied by applause and doubts. Some people say that the new lyrics are too crazy. Personally, I don’t think this is called madness, it should be called cultural confidence!

After listening to it several times in a row, I seem to understand a little bit about the depth of Jay Chou's new work. In the MV, Jay Chou and his assistants traveled through time to the 1920 Paris Samaritan department store, put on retro suits and blended into that era. The magic movement is that secret. The Samaritan Department Store was not completely built from its establishment in 1869 to 1920. The Samaritan Department Store has been under renovation for the 16 years before June 2021. So the lyrics are about a time that has been renovated, an empire with no borders in sight, and it refers to the art in the title. The king's work of the gods with musical notes corresponds to the self-awareness behind Jaylen .

"...The lonely branches bloomed with flowers belonging to him, the boats went back and forth quietly, Matisse the coast, the night under the stars...the excitement in this world comes from loneliness." The chorus part is amazing. The first three lines of lyrics introduce three artists and their works, namely the French painter Fauvism founder Henri Matisse and the various seascapes he loved throughout his life, Netherlands. Post-Impressionist painter Vincent van Gogh and one of his masterpieces Starry Night and Norwegian Expressionist painter, modern Expressionist painting pioneer Edvard Munch and his representative work The Scream. Although their experiences are diverse, there is no doubt that their artistic paths are lonely.

My liking for Jay Chou's songs started when I was a student, starting from tapes. Different age groups really understand his songs differently. Finally, after 6 years of waiting, his latest work is here. Just like every time I release an album before, this time it is also accompa - DayDayNews

The life of an artist is the last line. The excitement in the world comes from loneliness. The two gentlemen Huang Junlang and Xie Di who wrote this line must have experienced this kind of loneliness. The subsequent MV scene showed Jay and Sanyu exchanging music. Judging from the clothes, Jay had changed three sets of clothes. He must have been in Paris for some time.

mv and songs are actually forms of expression. The essence behind it is the communication between Jay and artists, or the communication between artists across time and space. Of course, for the convenience of substitution, we can also understand it as the communication between people who yearn for art and artists. In fact, we all know that Magnet was not in Paris in 1920; Salvador in 1920 should be the third image of youth; Mr. Van Gogh passed away in 1890, and the conclusion of coming to Paris at this time cannot be communicated to him, but these It’s not a problem. The phrase “immortality missed in 1920” should specifically refer to their immortal works that have been handed down. The song itself is an surrealist work. 1920 is just a broad term.

It seems that the author is right next to you. For example, if you come to Lushan Waterfall , the waterfall may not be as spectacular as you imagined, but at that moment you may still hear a man shouting in your ear, and the water will flow down three meters. Thousands of feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way falls into the sky. Maybe you have also experienced it at Wuhou Temple. At that time, what you heard was the cry of the disciples. You didn't understand the language of the Han Dynasty, but you just heard it. Of course, Jay's works are more than that. Unlike our yearning, which is one-sided, he also brings his own art. He is communicating in the true sense, a kind of communication that spans time and space and depends on the works of art. Spiritual communication.

My liking for Jay Chou's songs started when I was a student, starting from tapes. Different age groups really understand his songs differently. Finally, after 6 years of waiting, his latest work is here. Just like every time I release an album before, this time it is also accompa - DayDayNews

"The madness of generations, the king of music, everything surrenders to my music", "I don't think I need a picture frame, it can't frame the speed of the keys, all my notes are future art". The above is Jay Chou's self-perception at this moment. Between the lines, I saw his pride, his pride, and saw him say that his thirst for music has never stopped, as if he was answering our five years of waiting. But the last two sentences cannot frame the speed of the piano keys. The notes are completely the art of the future. They are not limited to personal self-perception. Here are his thoughts on art. Still remember the saying, an empire cannot forget its borders.

The world of art is infinite and has no boundaries, so this world can carry endless picture frames, no matter which faction it is, and can carry endless notes, whether the speed of the note is fast or slow, whether it is painting or music , in this world of art, are just one of the ways of expression of art. Art can transcend the past, be born in the present, or come from the possible future, breaking time and space and leaving behind its own form. Here, we are communicating in this eternal moment, so although art is lonely, those shots in the MV that seem to be inspired by the paradox of time and space are actually what art has in common. In fact, it is precisely the art of loneliness that, under common ground, is similar to Zhuang Zhou's communication across time and space. It is this communication that led to this music. Maybe Jaylen's self-perception will change as he goes through life. In

mv, we can see Jay taking Monet to appreciate the lotus flowers in Chinese meticulous paintings, and communicating with him about color research. They are in a state of equal communication and sharing. A group of artists such as Mr. Monet are the founders of confidence in Western culture and art. This scene of equal exchange is Jay's confidence in Chinese art and culture. However, what many of us lack now is confidence in Chinese art and culture.

My liking for Jay Chou's songs started when I was a student, starting from tapes. Different age groups really understand his songs differently. Finally, after 6 years of waiting, his latest work is here. Just like every time I release an album before, this time it is also accompa - DayDayNews

As long as you resonate with the works, you can communicate with artists across time and space. Therefore, the emergence of Lang Lang and means that they are not the only ones pursuing art in the long history. Lang Lang just happened to meet Jay, a fellow-minded person. They are just the epitome of thousands of people pursuing art. Nowadays, their process of pursuing art is no longer so lonely, and the final meaning is what Jay wrote this song to express to these senior artists across time and space. Although your process of creating art was lonely in the past, But the art you create is not alone.

I am not a music student, and I don’t even have a basic understanding of music. But I listened to this song over and over again one night, and watched the MV over and over again. Personally, I feel that Jay’s songs really have many profound things, such as cultural self-confidence. Maybe I only understand part of it. Of course, I believe there will be a day when all Chinese people are culturally confident. Seeing this, I remembered Jay's saying that Hua Liu is the coolest. This is a kind of confidence.

The reason why CCTV favors Jay Chou alone is probably because of Jay Chou's full of positive energy. Culturally, Jay Chou is proud of being Chinese and always insists on promoting the essence of Chinese culture. In his songs, we can hear the national pride full of cultural confidence. Nunchuck makes us feel the awe-inspiring fighting spirit of the nation. Dragon Fist shows the world the strength and unity of the Chinese nation. Fearless allows us to see the indomitable spirit of the people, and blue and white porcelain allows us to experience China's euphemistic and poignant love story. Jay Chou's various music styles all express three words - Chinese style. He leads contemporary young people to establish correct values, more actively develops and promotes people's sense of responsibility to society, and contributes to society as much as possible in public activities, never asking for anything in return, let alone talking about it. After the Wenchuan earthquake, personal donations and fundraising totaled 42 million yuan, and he was recognized as the best among artists by the Sichuan Government and the Central Academy of Fine Arts many times. There are also mudslides in Zhouqu , Ya'an earthquake, Yunnan earthquake, etc. In the face of disasters, his helping hands are spread all over the country on the road of public welfare.

My liking for Jay Chou's songs started when I was a student, starting from tapes. Different age groups really understand his songs differently. Finally, after 6 years of waiting, his latest work is here. Just like every time I release an album before, this time it is also accompa - DayDayNews

As one of the first celebrities to enter the Bird's Nest Wax Museum, this is undoubtedly the biggest official recognition without any messy negative news. In 2018, NetEase Cloud removed Jay Chou's works without giving any explanation. CCTV directly conducted an exclusive interview with Jay Chou on the news channel's face-to-face program, and gave Jay Chou himself high praise. Such a well-behaved baby full of positive energy has a reason to be crazy, so how can he not be doted on by his mother?

(pictures originate from the Internet, infringement and deletion)

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