These are the lyrics to the song "The Greatest Work" of the same name from Jay Chou's new album released on July 6. On July 5, at the "Sanyu Mystery" writers exchange meeting of the Nanchong City Reading Association, Deng Chengman, the editor of "Sanyu Mystery", narrated the stor

2024/06/1516:38:33 hotcomm 1314

Shunqing All-Media Reporter Zhang Aijia Intern Wang Gu

"Rolling is the most free and uninhibited ink in secular paintings. The elegant legs of Huadu are a touch of the universe. The nostalgia of traveling across the ocean is a kind of tenderness and loneliness in which there is nothing. Only the branches that Sanyu needs can grow the flowers that Sanyu wants"... This is the lyrics of the song "The Greatest Work" of the same name of Jay Chou's new album released on July 6. Who is Sanyu? Jay Chou, the "ace pigeon" who has fans asking for updates for many years, will write him into a new song?

The Chinese Young Master Living in Paris

"A rich young man, wandering in Paris, aloof and pure, independent from the world... These are all synonymous with him. Sanyu may not have thought during his lifetime that his paintings would skyrocket in value many years after his death. Also Because of this, many people began to get to know this little-known painter, but they soon discovered that the more you wanted to know him, the more you found that there were many mysteries about him." On July 5, at the Nanchong Reading Association's "Changchun". At the writer's exchange meeting "The Mystery of Sanyu", Deng Chengman, the editor of "The Mystery of Sanyu", told the story of Sanyu.

These are the lyrics to the song


According to research, Sanyu was born in Shunqing, Nanchong, Sichuan. His real name was Chang Tingguo, and his courtesy name was Yu. He was born in Nanchong City, Sichuan in 1900 (there are other accounts of 1895, 1901, etc.). His elder brother Chang Junmin was in his 10s. He worked as a small shopkeeper and later became the owner of the largest silk weaving company in Sichuan at that time by opening the No. 3 Silk Factory (the predecessor of today's Liuhe Group). His family was rich and he was known as "Chang Wanwan". The wealthy family provided Sanyu with sufficient material support for his early artistic career.

These are the lyrics to the song

Sanyu (right) and his brother

With the support of his family, Sanyu traveled to Shanghai to study in a private art school, and went to Japan to study painting the next year. In 1920, he went to France for a work-study program and organized the "Tengu Club" with Xu Beihong, Zhang Daofan and other students studying in France. Later, he entered the Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris to study oil painting. He occupied a place in the painting circle of Paris, the world's art capital at that time, and also caused a stir in the domestic art circle. has attracted great attention and has been the protagonist many times in the works of poets and writers such as Xu Zhimo and Shao Xunmei .

In the last stage of his life, Sanyu's understanding of painting was further sublimated. He said to his friends: After a lifetime of painting, I finally know how to paint. "Elephant in the Desert" became Sanyu's last work in his life, and the artistic value of this work is self-evident.

In August 1966, Sanyu died of gas poisoning in his humble apartment... He was only discovered a week after his death. His family was bare, with no relatives or friends, and only a book pressed against his chest. After Sanyu's death, his former friends in Paris paid for his burial in a cemetery on the outskirts of Paris. The lease term of Sanyu Cemetery is 30 years, which can be extended for two years. If it is not renewed upon expiration, the cemetery will be cleared. In 1998, when a Taiwanese art dealer found Sanyu's grave, it happened to be the year the lease expired. The Taiwanese art dealer renewed the lease for Sanyu's cemetery for another 30 years, until 2028.

A painting genius who combines the best of both the East and the West.

The reason why Sanyu's paintings are extraordinary is that there was almost no obvious period when he imitated the West. Although he was influenced by Western modernism, he did not lose his national roots. Instead, he found a new way and found an artistic path of his own.

When he was studying art in Paris, no matter how depressed he was, there would be at least 10 nude women on the sofa in Sanyu's studio every year. He had painted thousands of human body copies.

In the lyrics of "The Greatest Work", it is written that "the elegant legs of Huadu are a touch of the universe", which comes from Sanyu's "cosmic thighs" during this period.

The lines of these works are simple, and there is a smooth feeling of impromptu sketch . The female thighs are full of vitality and sensuality. He presented the most taboo parts of traditional Chinese culture to the world in a frank oriental aesthetic form.

These are the lyrics to the song

Sanyu's painting "Five Nude Girls"

After the outbreak of World War II, many European artists fled to the United States to escape Nazi persecution. During the war-torn years, Sanyu could only survive on his inheritance. After the German army occupied Paris and implemented a rationing system for important supplies, Sanyu could only make small sculptures using cheap plaster and paint and sell them in department stores to make ends meet.

, this Parisian lothario, dedicated his soul to the animals, flowers and women in his paintings, and achieved art by burning himself. Sanyu lived in poverty for half his life, but after his death, his works flourished.

These are the lyrics to the song

Sanyu's painting "Nude with Bent Legs"

In 1993, "Five Naked Women" appeared at Sotheby's Taipei auction, and the transaction price at that time was NT$4.89 million. In 2011, "Five Nude Girls" appeared again and was sold for HK$128.32 million in Hong Kong, setting a new record for a Chinese oil painting and becoming the most expensive Chinese oil painting in the world at that time. In 2016, "Chrysanthemum in a Vase" was sold for HK$103.58 million; in 2019, "Nude with Bent Legs" was sold for HK$198 million in Hong Kong, setting a new personal record again. In the same year, "Five Naked Girls" reappeared in the public eye, and was finally sold for HK$303 million, setting a new auction record for Sanyu's works and surpassing Wu Guanzhong's "Zhouzhuang" (HK$236 million), becoming second only to Zhao Promise 's "June to October 1985" (HK$510 million) is the second most expensive Asian oil painting.

The pride of the people in the hometown of a world-class painter

"The nostalgia of crossing the ocean is planted in the tenderness of nothing. Only the lonely branches of Sanyu can grow the flowers that Sanyu wants..." The lyrics are obviously inspired by Sanyu's artistic life and Tragic fate, while paying tribute to Sanyu, the master of art, he also encourages himself with Sanyu's persistent pursuit of art.

However, success in the world and recognition by others may be just a passing thought for Sanyu. Regardless of whether he was rich in his early years or poor in his later years, he always insisted on going his own way in art and pursuing spiritual freedom . Even if he was unknown and unappreciated throughout his life, he still maintained his inner innocence and passion.

These are the lyrics to the song

Sanyu's painting "Eight-tailed Goldfish"

"He created very excellent works, but they were not accepted by people at the time. Fat naked women, thin potted flowers, small animals, and landscape flowers constitute the most prominent features of his paintings." In 2000, Deng Chengman, who was the news editor of Nanchong Evening News, saw a piece of news about Nanchong painter Chang Yu in a press release of Xinhua News Agency. His paintings fetched sky-high prices in overseas markets. From then on, all relevant information about Sanyu attracted Deng Chengman's attention. Later, from the perspective of a media person, he unveiled many mysteries about Sanyu for the world, and compiled the book "The Mysteries of Sanyu". From the mystery of Sanyu's life experience, the mystery of his family business, the mystery of his studies, the mystery of going abroad, the mystery of returning home, the mystery of the cause of death... the mystery of Sanyu is unveiled to the readers layer by layer.

"As an influential painter who came out of Nanchong, he is the pride of us Nanchong people. As his hometown people, we have the responsibility to let the outside world know and understand him better." Vice Chairman of Nanchong Reading Association Director Zheng Jing said that the reading association will hold some activities to promote Nanchong’s local humanities and history and enhance the soft power of Nanchong culture.

These are the lyrics to the song

The Sanyu Art Museum is located in the "Red House" of Shunqing District

A great artist who is being widely accepted around the world should become the pride of the people in his hometown and a resounding world card. Today, an art museum commemorating Sanyu has been built in Shunqing District. In the museum, 62 fine imitations of Sanyu's paintings are displayed for the public to enjoy.

"Nanchong has been full of talents since ancient times, and there are many influential painters. To make Nanchong Sanyu a household name, we need to vigorously promote it. Of course, promoting the construction of the Sanyu Art Museum through market-oriented means is also a way. I believe in Sanyu's talent. The pearl will shine sooner or later on the jade plate of the ancient city of Nanchong."The relevant person in charge of the Propaganda Department of Shunqing District Party Committee said that Sanyu is now not only a personal name symbol, artistic symbol , but also an international symbol. Propaganda workers should have the responsibility to better study this modern figure. An internationally renowned painter opens a "window" for citizens to observe and understand Sanyu.

Source: Today Shunqing


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