Who is so bold as to use "The Greatest Work" as the title of the album? At 12 noon, the MV for "The Greatest Work" was officially launched. Half of the Sunset Red fan group in the circle of friends was cycling through the single, studying it carefully, and checking for any gaps.

2024/06/1515:37:33 hotcomm 1446

Who is so bold to use "'s greatest work " as the album name? !

Take a closer look, Jay Chou .

Okay, it’s okay, it’s what he will do.

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The MV for "The Greatest Work" was officially launched at 12 noon. Half of the Sunset Red fans in the circle of friends were cycling through the single, studying hard and checking for any gaps.

Why do you have to work so hard to watch a MV? Because the short 5-minute MV is full of knowledge points, it is a small art appreciation class in just a few seconds, and no one without any artistic reserve can understand it.

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Jay Chou used the piano to travel back to the 1920s, performing magic tricks on Magritte, Dali, Monet, Sanyu, Xu Zhimo, colliding with them for inspiration, and presenting great works. Art work.

is indeed the familiar formula of directing, acting and being cool! As expected, it’s still a boy’s magic special until he dies!

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A familiar song "Secret",

Traveling through time and space and encountering great works

The story of "The Greatest Work" begins in the Samaritan department store in Paris. This is a department store with a history of more than a hundred years, witnessing the 1920s. Bustling Europe.

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He took off his work clothes, put on a suit, put on a top hat, and played the piano. This piano was made in 1872 and is a treasure in the antique shop worth 1 million euros. In Jay Chou's words, it can play ancient melodies.

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When the time-traveling "Secret" in "The Untold Secret " sounded, Jay Chou once again used the keyboard to travel back in time.

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He returned to Le Train Bleu afternoon tea restaurant in Paris in 1920.

This is a restaurant specially built for the International Exposition in 1900. The Paris city government specially arranged for 27 French artists to complete the decoration of the restaurant. Almost all sculptures and murals are from the hands of European famous artists and are full of romance. Artistic atmosphere.

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Belgian Surrealist painter

The first artist Jay Chou met was Magritte wearing a black bowler hat. Apples, pigeons, and pipes are the most common art in his works. image.


Paranoia is the apple that Magritte conjured by me

What is surreal is that I am still the clown he originally wanted to paint

A pipe that is not a pipe, the pigeons on the face did not fly away

Please remember that he is a painter and not what Bartending


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Jay Chou used magic to turn his red nose into a green apple.

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Magritte picked up the apple and put it in his face, which happened to be his famous work "The Children of Men".

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"The doves on the face have not flown away" sang another piece of Magritte's "The Man in the Bowler Hat".

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"A pipe that is not a pipe" is not a piece of nonsense literature made up of lyrics, but from the sentence "Ceci n'est pas une pipe" ( This is not a pipe) in "The Rebellion of Image".

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Spanish surrealist painter

After meeting Magritte, Jay Chou immediately met the bearded man sitting next to him, Dali.


Who gave Dali his beard to think about? I bent the spoon and borrowed your inspiration. I don’t have to give it back. Is it the wall clock or the cheese that melted? You didn’t even answer me on the other end of the phone.


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His beard is world-famous.

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Jay Chou helped Dali, who was looking for tableware, conjure a curved spoon.

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naturally reminds people of the melted clocks in Dali's "Eternal Memory". Dali once said that he was inspired by "Camembert cheese melting in the sun", and the lyrics accidentally matched this.

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"The Lobster Telephone" is also Dali's famous surrealist art work.

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The famous modern painter

After bidding farewell to Dali, Jay Chou went to visit the famous Chinese painter Sanyu who was studying in France at the time. Sanyu's early works mainly featured naked women with bent legs, which were simple, bold, and avant-garde.


libertineness is the most free and uninhibited ink in secular paintings

The elegant legs in the flower capital are a touch of the universe

The nostalgia that travels across the sea is kind of the tenderness of nothing

Only lonely branches can grow what Sanyu wants Flowers


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Unfortunately, his works were not appreciated during his lifetime. He wandered in a foreign land, lonely and poor, and was used to playing violin and painting alone. So in the story, he met Jay Chou who admired him and was willing to play a duet with him.

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Sanyu's paintings could not be sold at the time, so he preferred to give his works to close friends. When Jay used magic to turn the flowers into colors, Sanyu gave his painting to Jay.

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If this painting were placed today, it would probably be worth a sky-high price. Because many years after Sanyu's death, people finally realized his value. He was recognized as a world-class painting master, and the auction value of his works basically exceeded 100 million yuan.

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The flowers that Jay Chou transformed for him are also the flower images that Sanyu often created in his later works.

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French Impressionist painter

Jay Chou also invited Monet and showed him the lotus in Chinese Songti paintings.


The flowing sunshine and air in the garden are swaying with the fragrance of flowers I ask Monet for a favor. Can I take a self-portrait The master looked into the distance and studied the shape of colors suddenly turned around and asked me to tell me about my impression of myself day The light coming back and forth in the port of impressions awakened the sleeping flowers and leaves The grass is joyful for a light rain We love each other deeply


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He changed the white lotus on the wall into color and gave it to the old artist in front of him .

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I believe we all know that the tribute here is the "Water Lilies" series created by Monet in his later years. This flower is exactly the same as in the painting, and it also pays tribute to the color research that Impressionist painters were proud of.

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And this sentence "The sunrise goes back and forth in the port of impression " is sung by Monet's " Sunrise·Impression ", which is known as the true pioneering work of modern art and is an art regarded as a national treasure by the French people. work.

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Xu Zhimo

Modern Crescent School Poet

Jay Chou, who was admiring Sanyu's paintings in a Paris cafe, met Xu Zhimo who was also in Paris at the time.


The butterfly parked on Cambridge flew to the emerald green on the midnight riverside Regret was accidentally hidden in the poetry page, a world where even smiles cannot penetrate

Lin Claws in Paris, the sentimental grammar needs to be read with music

Night Under the wind's lamp, I replaced the traveler's scented tea with coffee.

After that, he fell in love with the complex word bitter.

Because this is what it feels like to wave goodbye to the clouds.


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Xu Zhimo was attracted by the paintings in Jay Chou's hand, because he was Sanyu's friend is also Sanyu's confidant. The phrase "cosmic thighs" he wrote was to praise Sanyu's works of nude women.

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Xu Zhimo also described Sanyu's situation in "Lin Claws in Paris".

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As for the "butterfly on Cambridge" mentioned in the lyrics, it is naturally the "Farewell Cambridge " that we are all familiar with. " Fei Leng Cui by the Midnight River" also comes from Xu Zhimo's "Fei Leng Cui" "One Night".

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Jay Chou turned the water in Xu Zhimo's cup into black coffee , perhaps because Xu Zhimo once said, "If there are less cafes in Paris, I am afraid it will become devoid of cuteness."

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Van Gogh


In addition to the artists I met, the lyrics also mentioned three other famous painters.


A small boat goes back and forth quietly to the coast of Matisse

Let Van Gogh light the night under the starry sky

The beauty of the dream is too short Screaming on the Munch Bridge

The excitement in this world comes from loneliness


The first one is the French painter Henri Matisse is the founder and main representative of Fauvism . The colors of the coast in his paintings are bright and bold, just like "Ramrad Seascape".

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Who doesn’t know the enthusiasm and madness behind Van Gogh’s “Starry Night”.

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Munch is the pioneer of modern expressionist painting. His shocking "The Scream" will never be forgotten by anyone who has seen it.

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great musician

Jay Chou or Lang Lang ?

When the story comes to the end, Jay Chou, who has traveled through time and space, has met a great painter and a great writer. So who is the great musician? What is a great work?

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Who is so bold as to use

is Lang Lang, the pianist who has won many world awards? Or is it Jay Chou, who dominates the pop music scene?

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When Jay Chou looked up at Lang Lang, Lang Lang shined a light on Jay Chou. This is the mutual appreciation and encouragement of classical music and pop music.

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These are the great artists and great works in Jay Chou's "The Greatest Works", which have traveled through time and space, and contain his confidence, appreciation, yearning and expectation.

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Of course, there are many explanations for "The Greatest Work". Jay Chou is the most outstanding Chinese singer of this era. There is no doubt that whether it is considered great or not depends on the future.


suddenly turned around and asked me to tell you

my impression of myself

the king of crazy music in the era

all things surrender to my music


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like Like those works sung in songs, the greatest works of the past have also In the future; it is a classic that is still deeply rooted in people's hearts when looking back many years later. The greatest artist is both inheritance and creation; he is still on the road, still looking forward to making classic and immortal music, and becoming an artist who will still be remembered many years later.


The road is still going. I am still creating. The melody on my fingertips is longing for me.

The king of music. I don’t think I need a picture frame.

It can’t frame the speed of the keys.

All my notes are future art.


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