At seven o'clock in the evening, after finishing his meal, Uncle Yuan sat down on the sofa and watched his favorite TV series. However, today he felt a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't tell where he felt uncomfortable. He just felt that his high blood pressure had returned a

2024/06/1512:20:33 hotcomm 1142

At seven o'clock in the evening, after finishing his meal, Uncle Yuan sat down on the sofa and watched his favorite TV series. However, today he felt a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't tell where he felt uncomfortable. He just felt that his high blood pressure had occurred again, and his whole head was dizzy and swollen.

His wife and children were cleaning up. After more than an hour, my wife called Uncle Yuan for help. She called Uncle Yuan more than a dozen times, but Uncle Yuan didn't respond at all.

The wife walked out of the kitchen angrily with her hands on her hips. When she saw Uncle Yuan sitting with his back to her, she became so angry that she slapped him. As a result, Uncle Yuan fainted and fell to the ground .

At seven o'clock in the evening, after finishing his meal, Uncle Yuan sat down on the sofa and watched his favorite TV series. However, today he felt a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't tell where he felt uncomfortable. He just felt that his high blood pressure had returned a - DayDayNews

This made the family explode. The son hurriedly carried his father to the sofa. The daughter shook his father's body vigorously to wake him up. After ten minutes, Uncle Yuan still showed no sign of waking up. Only then did Uncle Yuan's wife react: "Hurry up and call 120."

Ten minutes later, the ambulance picked up Uncle Yuan. Twenty minutes later, Uncle Yuan was lying in the emergency room. The doctor discovered through brain CT scan that Uncle Yuan had suffered from hypertension and cerebral vascular rupture, which had caused brain herniation. He was eventually declared dead after resuscitation failed. Uncle Yuan's family members sat helplessly on the floor of the emergency room, unable to recover for a long time.

In this regard, the doctor pointed out several mistakes made by the family: 1. After a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, the patient should lie down on the spot and open the airway. 2. Failure to call the emergency call immediately made rescue difficult. 3. No basic rescue awareness.

So, if someone at home has a sudden cerebral hemorrhage , what is the most appropriate thing to do? The doctor teaches you home first aid methods. If you have high blood pressure in your family, please take a look.

At seven o'clock in the evening, after finishing his meal, Uncle Yuan sat down on the sofa and watched his favorite TV series. However, today he felt a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't tell where he felt uncomfortable. He just felt that his high blood pressure had returned a - DayDayNews

What is the cause of cerebral hemorrhagic infarction? What is the connection with high blood pressure?

According to statistics, there are more than one million new cerebral infarction patients in my country every year, and a large part of them are hemorrhagic infarction, which is much more dangerous than cerebral embolism and infarction and causes people suffered tremendous pain.

A simple understanding of cerebral hemorrhagic infarction is that a blood vessel in the brain suddenly bursts for some reason, and then a large amount of blood rushes out of the blood vessel. Infarcts accumulate in the brain tissue area, which can also cause ischemia and hypoxia in the brain tissue. , but more serious than ordinary cerebral infarction. Because if the blood vessels are relatively large and the amount of bleeding is large, it will increase intracranial pressure . Intracranial pressure can directly lead to brain herniation and brain tissue necrosis, which is a very serious problem.

At seven o'clock in the evening, after finishing his meal, Uncle Yuan sat down on the sofa and watched his favorite TV series. However, today he felt a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't tell where he felt uncomfortable. He just felt that his high blood pressure had returned a - DayDayNews

Cerebral hemorrhagic infarction has different classifications. Different types of infarction will lead to great differences in later treatment and recovery.

The disease has a high probability of being cured. The earlier it is discovered, the higher the probability of cure. The younger the patient, the better the prognosis. . If the patient is older and discovered late, even if the patient is rescued, later recovery will be a big problem. Will the disease recur? The answer is yes, there is a probability of recurrence of more than 40%, so patients with cerebral infarction should be careful.

So what is the relationship between it and high blood pressure?

At seven o'clock in the evening, after finishing his meal, Uncle Yuan sat down on the sofa and watched his favorite TV series. However, today he felt a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't tell where he felt uncomfortable. He just felt that his high blood pressure had returned a - DayDayNews

First of all, high blood pressure is the cause of cerebral hemorrhagic infarction. As we all know, high blood pressure can lead to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular atherosclerosis and intravascular epithelial shedding. Simply put, the cerebral blood vessels of patients with high blood pressure will become thinner and more brittle, and the blood vessels will be more likely to rupture. This is just like a water pipe. If it is exposed to the sun every day, it will become thin and brittle within a month. Then when the water pressure inside increases, the water pipe will burst.

Secondly, high blood pressure is the direct cause of cerebral hemorrhage and infarction. When a patient's already high blood pressure continues to rise due to constipation, anger or other reasons, the cerebral blood vessels will be unable to withstand the pressure and burst, and the blood will cause hemorrhagic infarction.

At seven o'clock in the evening, after finishing his meal, Uncle Yuan sat down on the sofa and watched his favorite TV series. However, today he felt a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't tell where he felt uncomfortable. He just felt that his high blood pressure had returned a - DayDayNews

Therefore, high blood pressure and cerebral hemorrhage and infarction are very closely related, so everyone must be careful.

What should you do when someone in your family suddenly suffers from suspected cerebral hemorrhage or stroke?

Since everyone’s eyes are not CT machines, it is difficult to tell directly from the appearance whether the patient has a cerebral hemorrhagic infarction or an ordinary infarction. This is all we can do.

First, observe the symptoms. The symptoms of cerebral hemorrhagic infarction are similar to those of ordinary cerebral infarction, except that the onset process of cerebral hemorrhagic infarction will be more rapid. For example, you were talking to him just now, and the next second he fell to the ground. Patients often show excessive emotions, accompanied by symptoms of crooked mouth and eyes, slurred speech, and hemiplegia .

As long as your family members have these symptoms, don’t doubt that they are suffering from stroke .

At seven o'clock in the evening, after finishing his meal, Uncle Yuan sat down on the sofa and watched his favorite TV series. However, today he felt a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't tell where he felt uncomfortable. He just felt that his high blood pressure had returned a - DayDayNews

Then, quickly dial 120 emergency number. You are not a doctor, so you cannot directly save your family. You must let a professional doctor do this. Therefore, everyone should develop a conditioned reflex: when a family member falls to the ground, immediately pick up the phone and call without hesitation. 120. The sooner the ambulance arrives, the sooner your family will be rescued.

Next, do not move the patient. It is very dangerous to move a stroke patient at will . You may aggravate his symptoms, so you should stay calm and let your family members lie on the spot without moving his body. If you can, turn his head to one side.

At seven o'clock in the evening, after finishing his meal, Uncle Yuan sat down on the sofa and watched his favorite TV series. However, today he felt a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't tell where he felt uncomfortable. He just felt that his high blood pressure had returned a - DayDayNews

The most important thing is to open the airway. After turning the family member's head to one side, you'd better open his mouth, to give him smooth breathing , some stroke patients will have the problem of gastroesophageal reflux , which is related to the sudden increase in intracranial pressure. related. Therefore, the airway must be opened, otherwise it would be unjust to die not from a stroke, but from asphyxiation .

If possible, you can apply ice to the patient's head, but be careful not to frostbite the patient's skin.

After finishing the treatment, wait calmly for the ambulance. At this time, you have done what you should do as a family member, and you may not be able to do the rest. I believe that doctors have the ability to help your family members escape death. Take it back.

What are the high-risk factors for cerebral hemorrhage? Pay attention to avoid

. The doctor has chatted with some patients with cerebral hemorrhage in clinical practice and has a certain understanding of their lives. Therefore, please listen carefully to some advice.

At seven o'clock in the evening, after finishing his meal, Uncle Yuan sat down on the sofa and watched his favorite TV series. However, today he felt a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't tell where he felt uncomfortable. He just felt that his high blood pressure had returned a - DayDayNews

First, do not control high blood pressure well. This is what Lao Wu shared with me. He said that after he was diagnosed with high blood pressure, he never took his medicine on time. He would take it every day when he remembered it, and when he couldn't remember it, he would take it again when he felt dizzy. As a result, when he went to the toilet one day, he stood up and suddenly... A moment later, a cerebral hemorrhage occurred.

After being sent to the hospital, he went to the ICU and had a craniotomy. He was finally rescued, but his lower body was paralyzed, which he regretted.

Second, he has a bad temper. This is also the experience of a patient. He has an extremely bad temper. He will catch and scold anyone who disobeys at home. Sometimes he also likes to go out and quarrel with others. Once, when someone was encroaching on a public corridor, he got angry and cursed everywhere. As a result, he suddenly fell to the ground and was sent to the hospital for examination with cerebral hemorrhage. Now he can't speak well, let alone quarreling.

At seven o'clock in the evening, after finishing his meal, Uncle Yuan sat down on the sofa and watched his favorite TV series. However, today he felt a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't tell where he felt uncomfortable. He just felt that his high blood pressure had returned a - DayDayNews

Third, improper diet. This is also the experience of an old man who liked to eat meat when he was young. His blood pressure reached a maximum of 180mmhg/100mmhg, but he never had any uncomfortable symptoms. Therefore, he never took high blood pressure seriously. He still had high salt and high blood pressure every day. Sugar, high cholesterol diet, sometimes drinking a pound of white wine with friends is not a problem.

One day, he suddenly felt nauseated after eating a lot at night. He ran to the toilet and vomited like a projectile, and then he fainted. After his family sent him to the hospital, the doctor found that he was almost in shock. Only after examination did he find out he had cerebral hemorrhage and infarction, and it took him half a night to revive him.

At seven o'clock in the evening, after finishing his meal, Uncle Yuan sat down on the sofa and watched his favorite TV series. However, today he felt a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't tell where he felt uncomfortable. He just felt that his high blood pressure had returned a - DayDayNews

To sum up, many cerebral hemorrhages and infarctions are caused by oneself. If high blood pressure is not well controlled, only a small number of them are caused by genetics or other diseases. Therefore, doctors feel that it is not enough to rely on family members and doctors for cerebral hemorrhagic infarction. The most important thing is for the patient to know "fear". Only by knowing the fear can we know how to prevent and avoid cerebral hemorrhage.

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