On the 11th local time, he tweeted, "Five years ago today, the Philippines achieved an important victory for the rule of law in the South China Sea." Not only that, Blinken also issued the so-called "Fifth Anniversary of the South China Sea Arbitration Award" statement through th

2024/06/1508:41:33 hotcomm 1072

The US Secretary of State once again made a fuss about the "fifth anniversary of the South China Sea Arbitration Case". Netizens: The gesture is disgusting!

US Secretary of State Blinken once again spoke out to stir up disputes among Asian countries.

On the 11th local time, he tweeted,

Blinken data map

On the 11th local time, he tweeted, "Five years ago today, the Philippines achieved an important victory for the rule of law in the South China Sea." Blinken also declared that "the United States stands with its allies and partners to defend them." maritime rights and interests and defend maritime freedom.”↓

On the 11th local time, he tweeted,

Blinken’s Twitter screenshot

Not only that, Blinken also issued the so-called “Fifth Anniversary of the South China Sea Arbitration Award” statement on the official website of the US State Department.

On the 11th local time, he tweeted,

Screenshot of the "Fifth Anniversary of the South China Sea Arbitration Award" statement

The statement declared that "the rules-based maritime order is most threatened in the South China Sea," attacking China for "coercing" and "intimidating" Southeast Asian coastal countries and threatening freedom of navigation in the South China Sea.

In the statement, Blinken also demonstrated that "(any country) launches an armed attack on the Philippine armed forces, public ships or aircraft in the South China Sea, and the United States will bear corresponding consequences in accordance with Article 4 of the Mutual Defense Treaty signed by the United States and the Philippines in 1951." Obligations.”

The United States keeps talking about “freedom of the sea” and “rules,” but in fact, the United States is not a party to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The United States has so far not ratified the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, but considers itself the guardian of the Convention to safeguard its maritime hegemony. This gesture caused disgust among netizens. ↓

On the 11th local time, he tweeted,

"Disgusting. Representatives of a regime that refuses to sign the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea continue to cite the Convention for the self-interest of a country. Rule of law? Why not put forward the International Criminal Court's judgment on American war criminals together."

On the 11th local time, he tweeted,

"This means Will you ratify the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea?”

Some netizens said that Blinken, as the US Secretary of State, “remembers so many special days that have nothing to do with the Americas.” ↓

On the 11th local time, he tweeted,

"As the US Secretary of State, it is quite difficult for you to remember so many special days that have nothing to do with the Americas. But ASEAN said they should take the lead in resolving maritime disputes."

Some netizens also mentioned that the United Nations requires the United Kingdom to return the Chagos Islands To Mauritius, something the United States objects to. ↓

On the 11th local time, he tweeted,

"What victory? The Philippines went to an arbitration tribunal that is not recognized by China. Arbitration requires the consent of both parties to proceed. This is in huge contrast to the Chagos Islands, which has a US base. The United Nations ruled that the United Kingdom should return the Chagos Islands to Mauritius , the United States and the United Kingdom have both rejected. "

Philippine President Duterte said on May 5 that the results of the South China Sea arbitration case should be thrown into the wastebasket. His statement sparked reactions and controversy in the country. Philippine Defense Minister Lorenzana defended Duterte's remarks that day, saying that the relevant remarks were correct.

On July 13 last year, the then US Secretary of State Pompeo issued a statement claiming that many of China’s claims in the South China Sea had no basis in international law. The United States urged relevant countries to oppose China’s maritime rights claims. The South China Sea arbitration award was against both China and the Philippines. Legally binding. In response, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian responded on July 14 that the U.S. statement ignored the historical merits and objective facts of the South China Sea issue, violated the U.S. government’s public commitment to not take a position on the South China Sea sovereignty issue, violated and distorted international law, and deliberately provoked territorial disputes. Maritime disputes undermine regional peace and stability and are irresponsible. China's position on the South China Sea arbitration case and its so-called award is consistent, clear and firm. The arbitral tribunal violated the principle of "state consent" and went beyond its jurisdiction. It made obvious errors in the determination of facts and application of law. Many countries have raised questions. The United States' use of hyping up the arbitration case to serve its own political purposes is an abuse of international maritime law, and China will never accept it. We express our strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to the wrong actions of the United States, and urge the United States to stop causing trouble on the South China Sea issue and not to go further down the wrong path. China will continue to firmly safeguard its sovereignty and security in accordance with the law, firmly safeguard friendly and cooperative relations with regional countries, and firmly safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea.

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Blinken issued a statement on the fifth anniversary of the so-called South China Sea arbitration award. Zhao Lijian emphasized six points to refute it!

spokesman Zhao Lijian said in this regard that the U.S. statement ignored the historical merits and objective facts of the South China Sea issue, violated and distorted international law, violated the U.S. government’s long-term public commitment to not take a position on the South China Sea sovereignty issue, and deliberately provoked disputes over territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea. It is extremely irresponsible to sow discord among regional countries and undermine regional peace and stability. China expresses strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to the wrong actions of the United States. I would like to emphasize the following points:

On the 11th local time, he tweeted,

Zhao Lijian Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs website

First, China’s sovereignty and rights and interests in the South China Sea were formed in the long-term historical process and have sufficient rights and interests. It has historical and legal basis and has been adhered to by successive Chinese governments. Until the early 1970s, no country raised any objection to China's above-mentioned position. The US claim that China's maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea lack a basis in international law is completely untrue.

Secondly, the South China Sea arbitration case violated the principle of "state consent". The arbitral tribunal exceeded its authority and violated the law. There were serious fallacies in the determination of facts and application of law. It violated the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and international law. The award was illegal and invalid. Yes, it's a piece of waste paper. China does not accept or participate in the arbitration case, nor does it accept or recognize the award. China's sovereignty and rights and interests in the South China Sea are not affected at all by the ruling, and China does not accept any claims or actions based on the ruling. Anyone with a discerning eye can see very clearly that the South China Sea arbitration case is a political farce. The United States, as the initiator and behind-the-scenes operator of the farce, is trying to discredit and suppress China. This time, the United States took advantage of the fifth anniversary of the illegal ruling to once again hype up the South China Sea issue, and its political agenda is obvious.

Third, China has always insisted on resolving South China Sea issues through friendly negotiation and consultation, has always treated the countries surrounding the South China Sea equally, and has maintained the greatest restraint in safeguarding sovereignty and rights and interests in the South China Sea. On the contrary, the United States frequently sends large-scale advanced ships and aircraft to the South China Sea to conduct military reconnaissance and exercises, and illegally intrudes into China's territorial waters, airspace and adjacent waters and airspace around islands and reefs. Since the beginning of this year, the United States has carried out nearly 2,000 close-in naval and air reconnaissance missions against China, and conducted more than 20 large-scale maritime military exercises against China. The United States also abused the bilateral military agreement with Cold War overtones and threatened to use force against China, exposing its naked power logic and hegemonic behavior. The truth is self-evident as to who is engaging in "coercion and intimidation" in the South China Sea and "who is threatening the freedom and safety of navigation."

Fourth, China is a staunch defender and practitioner of the international rule of law. As a founding state party to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, we have always insisted on correctly understanding and conscientiously implementing the Convention, and taking practical actions to defend the authority and integrity of the Convention. The United States often calls itself the "defender of international law" and always refers to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. It frequently uses the Convention as an argument and asks the United States to join the Convention first. The United States keeps insisting on a "rules-based order," but refuses to implement the International Court of Justice's rulings, advisory opinions, and United Nations General Assembly resolutions. The standard behavior has long been exposed in front of the world.

Fifth, the South China Sea is one of the busiest sea lanes in the world and the lifeline of China's maritime trade. About 30% of the world's goods trade passes through the South China Sea, and about 100,000 merchant ships sail through the South China Sea every year. Thanks to the joint efforts of regional countries, including China, the South China Sea has remained open and safe for some time. We have not heard of any ship being blocked in the South China Sea and its safety being threatened. The US's claim that "freedom of navigation in the South China Sea is threatened" is simply untenable.

Sixth, the South China Sea is the common home of regional countries and should not become a hunting ground for the United States to pursue geopolitical selfish interests. China and the countries involved in the South China Sea have effectively managed conflicts and differences through dialogue and consultation, and continuously promoted practical cooperation. China and ASEAN countries have fully and effectively implemented the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, actively promoted consultations on the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea, and made important progress. The United States and other countries outside the region should respect the efforts of regional countries to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea.

Zhao Lijian finally said that China urges the United States to stop abusing international law, stop using force or threatening force, stop provoking troubles in the South China Sea, abide by international law with the "United Nations Charter" as the core, respect China's sovereignty and rights and interests in the South China Sea, and do not Going further and further down the wrong path. China will continue to firmly safeguard its sovereignty, rights and security in accordance with the law, firmly safeguard its friendly and cooperative relations with regional countries, and firmly safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea.

Source: Global Times

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