Especially in the past two years, many electric vehicle owners have found that the battery life of electric vehicles has become more "fragile". The battery will become scrapped in less than a year and needs to be replaced with a new battery.

2024/06/1313:13:33 hotcomm 1901

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As we all know, before all products are produced, manufacturers will set a certain service life. For example, electric vehicles, which are people's means of transportation, usually have a service life of about 8-10 years. However, as the "heart" of electric vehicles, the battery does not have such a long service life. Usually the service life of the battery is about 3 years.

Especially in the past two years, many electric car owners have found that the battery life of electric cars has become more "fragile". The battery will become scrapped in less than a year and needs to be replaced with a new battery. Why does originally have a battery life of about 3 years, but in actual use it can only last about 1 year? What is the reason?

Correct answer: Electric vehicles are all overcharged. Avoid these mistakes and the battery will last 2 more years.

Especially in the past two years, many electric vehicle owners have found that the battery life of electric vehicles has become more

Mistake 1: Wrong charging time

When car owners charge their electric vehicles, they must first avoid a wrong way, which is the wrong charging time.

Some car owners charge their electric vehicles as they go. They charge for half an hour before going out, and then continue charging for another hour or two when they come back. Some car owners start charging their electric vehicles as soon as they get home from get off work and wait until one morning. Charge overnight. In fact, these methods are not correct charging methods. Although electric vehicles are very convenient and can be charged and used at any time, in order to better protect the battery, it is not recommended for everyone to charge like this.

Especially in the past two years, many electric vehicle owners have found that the battery life of electric vehicles has become more

The correct charging time is calculated according to winter time and summer time. The charging time of electric vehicles in winter is about eight to ten hours, but it is appropriate to float charge for one to two hours. The main reason is that the internal charging and discharging efficiency of the battery slows down in winter, and charging needs to be extended. time. The charging time in summer is six to eight hours. The main reason is that the ambient temperature in summer is relatively high, and high-efficiency charging can be achieved in 6-8 hours.

Error 2: Wrong use of charger

I don’t know if you have ever encountered an electric car without a matching charger when buying an electric car. The charger will need to be purchased by yourself later, so it is easy to charge in this case. The problem of using the wrong server.

Since electric vehicles currently on the market use different types of batteries, different types of batteries require matching charging with different types of chargers to achieve the best results. Otherwise, it will not only damage the battery, but also the charger, and increase the risk of spontaneous combustion of the electric vehicle.

Especially in the past two years, many electric vehicle owners have found that the battery life of electric vehicles has become more

The correct charger should match the battery model of the electric vehicle. For example, a 60V20AH electric vehicle uses a 60V20AH charger. You cannot mix chargers and use small or large models that do not match the charger.

Mistake 3: Charging environment error

Charging at high temperatures in summer and charging in cold storms and snow in winter. These two charging methods for electric vehicles can be said to be the most representative erroneous charging environments.

Most electric vehicles on the market now use lead-acid batteries, and the optimal ambient temperature for this type of battery is around 25 degrees. Therefore, when charging electric vehicles in summer, do not charge under direct sunlight at high temperatures. Charging under high temperature exposure will aggravate the evaporation of water inside the battery, thus shortening the battery life. In winter, the cold environment of zero degrees and below will slow down the charging and discharging efficiency, and even reduce the battery life. The battery cannot be charged.

Especially in the past two years, many electric vehicle owners have found that the battery life of electric vehicles has become more

The correct charging environment is at a special charging point. It cannot be charged indoors or at home. This not only violates fire safety laws, but also brings hidden dangers such as spontaneous combustion. Therefore, electric vehicles need to be placed in a special outdoor charging place.

Mistake 4: Wrong charging method

Some car owners think it takes too long to charge an electric vehicle and cannot wait, so they resort to charging at street fast charging stations. Little do they know that this fast and efficient method has huge safety hazards and is a wrong method that causes the battery to be scrapped after just one use.

Since fast charging stations charge with high currents, it is easy to cause serious water loss in the battery. Long-term use is also an important reason for battery swelling. If you frequently use fast charging stations for charging, the battery may need to be replaced in less than a year.

Especially in the past two years, many electric vehicle owners have found that the battery life of electric vehicles has become more

Correct charging method. Compared with fast charging stations on the street, if the car owner wants to adopt the fast charging method, it is recommended that the car owner choose an electric car with a fast charging mode when purchasing an electric car, and match it with a professional fast charging charger.

To sum up, if you want to make your electric vehicle battery last longer, you must avoid these four wrong ways, including wrong charging time, wrong use of charger, wrong charging environment and wrong Only by effectively avoiding these four charging methods, I believe that your electric vehicle battery can still be used for 2 more years.

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