Source: [Sunshine News • Sunshine Network] More than 500 vocational high school students took the college entrance examination. Among them, more than 100 students passed the first line, nearly 500 students reached the second line, and almost all students in the art class passed t

2024/06/0407:17:33 hotcomm 1652

Source: [Sunshine News • Sunshine Network]

More than 500 vocational high school students took the college entrance examination. Among them, more than 100 students passed the first line, nearly 500 students reached the second line, and almost all students in the art class passed the bachelor's degree! This honor belongs to Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School and its 2019 students! Three years ago, almost all of them were borderline students when they entered the school, but many of them achieved a counterattack. "These three years in Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School have been the time for me to rebuild my confidence, gain the most, and be full of happiness." It’s been an amazing three years!” said Liu Yingrui, a class 3 student majoring in Business English who scored 505 points in the exam this year.

Source: [Sunshine News • Sunshine Network] More than 500 vocational high school students took the college entrance examination. Among them, more than 100 students passed the first line, nearly 500 students reached the second line, and almost all students in the art class passed t - DayDayNews

15 teaching classes, 5 of which have all undergraduate courses online! Realize "low in and high out"!

Zhong Wei, the principal of Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School, said with joy: "There are a total of 15 teaching classes in the 2019 class, and 5 of them have all passed the undergraduate level!" He told reporters that the overall quality of students in this class is good. , almost all are critical students. That is to say, starting from this class of students, the school will fully benchmark the teaching of cultural courses against key high schools in Xi'an, including teaching plans, teaching requirements, lesson preparation requirements, cultural course test papers, etc.

"Our goal for benchmarking key high schools is to catch up in the first year of high school, keep the same level in the second year of high school, and surpass them in the third year of high school. This year's college entrance examination results have basically achieved this goal."

Principal Zhong said that the school has equipped the strongest teachers for the students in the third year of high school. They are all experienced senior teachers. The school’s teaching supervisor, Professor Deng Zhiguo (retired) from the School of Mathematics of Northwest University, special teacher , and teaching supervisor Gao Guoguo gave special lectures on the college entrance examination to students and imparted rich experience in preparing for the exam. In addition, the school's management has become more sophisticated, from scientific daily schedules to regular psychological counseling, as well as the hands-on work of the class teacher, etc., all in order to provide the best protection for senior high school students and help students maintain the best state for taking exams.

Principal Zhong said: "There is another special thing about our current class of students - the school has opened innovative thinking classes for them, which is very helpful in improving students' learning, thinking and understanding abilities. Although this class of students is in the midst of the epidemic It grew up in the countryside, but the school focused on the combination of online and offline, and gradually formed an effective teaching method, achieving the goal of 'lower, higher, higher'."

Liu Yingrui: 505 points in the college entrance examination, from 67th place in school to grade 1. one!

Source: [Sunshine News • Sunshine Network] More than 500 vocational high school students took the college entrance examination. Among them, more than 100 students passed the first line, nearly 500 students reached the second line, and almost all students in the art class passed t - DayDayNews

Student Liu Yingrui (in the picture)

For many students, the college entrance examination score of 505 points (science) is quite good. Liu Yingrui, a class 3 business English class 2019 student at Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School, said that he can actually do better in the exam. , I can usually get about 560 points in the school mock test, "I want to take a book in Xi'an."

He said that he entered the business English major class of Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School three years ago with a score of 547 in the high school entrance examination. He admitted that he had worked hard and fulfilled these three years. During the high school entrance examination, my English was not very good. When I first came to Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School, I could only get 30 or 40 points in the English test. After entering the school, the resources provided by the school are getting better and better. "Three years in high school, I was fortunate enough to meet three good English teachers. The first was Teacher Lei Hong. I only got 40 or 50 points in the English test, but she never gave up on me and often encouraged me, which inspired me who already hated English. Regarding my interest in learning English, Teacher Lei often talked to me, and she also cared about me and encouraged me, and also taught me some methods. Later, I met Teacher Meng Yanling, and with her help, I passed the test in English. She said that people like me who have a weak foundation need to improve their vocabulary. When I entered the third year of high school, my English teacher Li Zhaodi also helped me a lot. My English score reached 100 points, and my best score was more than 110 points in this year's college entrance examination. , Liu Yingrui’s English score was 103!

"Our teachers are very qualified. The teachers are very attractive in class. They have unique teaching methods for some knowledge points and the teaching methods are relatively novel. For example, the physics teacher Huang Hailong likes to leave the class to us and let everyone go to the blackboard to give Everyone said that during the lecture, Teacher Huang found everyone's shortcomings and then explained the common problems, and the effect was particularly good."

Liu Yingrui clearly remembers that he ranked 67th in the first exam in the first year of high school. He continued to improve after that, and rose to the first place in the grade in the first exam in the second year of high school! After entering the third year of high school, his score was stable among the top 10 in the grade. In the third year of high school, he still ranked first in the grade. Winning a scholarship, "It was also the first time in my life that I received a scholarship. At that time, only 6 people in the school received the scholarship."

"Our class teacher is Mr. Xu Wenjie, who was born in the 1990s. He is very close to us and is like a friend. We all trust him." . If we didn’t perform well in the senior year mock test, Teacher Xu would encourage us, share his stories, give us inspirational words, treat us to the specialties from his hometown, and buy us snacks box by box. He was very kind to everyone. . "

Liu Yingrui said that Teacher Xu is warm-hearted. As long as there are new policies, he will explain them to everyone. He is an energetic and humorous teacher. "He is the best class teacher I have ever encountered."

Source: [Sunshine News • Sunshine Network] More than 500 vocational high school students took the college entrance examination. Among them, more than 100 students passed the first line, nearly 500 students reached the second line, and almost all students in the art class passed t - DayDayNews

Parents: The child said he wanted to return to Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School to be a teacher.

Liu Yingrui's father, Mr. Liu, said excitedly: "In junior high school, the child was not self-disciplined and was quite disorganized. After arriving at Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School, the child seemed like a different person. The teacher's teaching method is very good and guides her to study seriously. The child's attitude and habits towards learning have changed in all aspects. Sometimes when I pick him up on Saturday, he says he wants to buy review materials and study when he gets home. In the third year of high school, my child didn't sleep before 12 o'clock in the evening. He memorized words in the car and subway. I was surprised that he scored 103 points in the English test this time. "

Mr. Liu also told reporters that his child's goal is to major in automation at Xi'an University of Technology, and he will continue his studies after entering university. "The child said that he will take the postgraduate entrance examination and the Ph.D. examination in the future. He once said that he wanted to return to Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School to be a teacher, said I especially like the head teacher and teachers."

Yang Yao: 474 points in the college entrance examination. If you go to a general high school to study, you may not be able to get into the first class.

This time, Yang Yao, a student in the Business English Class of Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School, also achieved gratifying results. She scored 474 points (science). Yang Yao said that she usually scored 621 points in the high school entrance examination. She came to Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School because of the delay.

Talking about her experience in studying, Yang Yao said frankly: “If I had gone to Puguo High School back then, I might not have worked hard at Xi’an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School, and I might not even have been able to get into first grade. Because Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School can pay attention to me, as a residential student, I can save time on the road and use it to study. "

Source: [Sunshine News • Sunshine Network] More than 500 vocational high school students took the college entrance examination. Among them, more than 100 students passed the first line, nearly 500 students reached the second line, and almost all students in the art class passed t - DayDayNews

Yang Yao said that her English was not very good before. After coming to Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School, her English improved greatly. At the beginning, her score was more than 70 points, and later it was 100 points, and she even passed 120 points. "The head teacher, My English teachers all encouraged me to memorize words. Starting from the second half of my second year in high school, I suddenly found that I had a sense of superiority in memorizing words. By the first semester of my third year in high school, my vocabulary reached the 3500 required by the college entrance examination, so my English scores improved. . I have worked very hard these past three years. Everyone likes the teacher's teaching style. Thanks to English teacher Ma Yong, mathematics teacher Zhang Jin and other teachers. In addition to giving good mathematics classes, Teacher Zhang Jin also teaches us how to be a human being, such as interpersonal communication in life. The class teacher, Ma Shan, is very good at livening up the atmosphere, being very kind to everyone, and also rewards everyone with snacks. "

Speaking of the most unforgettable thing, Yang Yao actually said: "At school, sometimes I really want to take a certain class, hehe. "

Xu Ziyan: She scored 514 points in the college entrance examination and completed a counterattack at Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School!

Source: [Sunshine News • Sunshine Network] More than 500 vocational high school students took the college entrance examination. Among them, more than 100 students passed the first line, nearly 500 students reached the second line, and almost all students in the art class passed t - DayDayNews

Xu Ziyan's classmate

In this year's college entrance examination, Xu Ziyan, a liberal arts student majoring in business English at Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School, scored 514 points!

She was delighted He said: “I am the happiest in my senior year of high school because I have made great progress and my college entrance examination scores are the best in the class. "Xu Ziyan told reporters that her first choice was Xi'an International Studies University . Because English is a dominant subject, she scored 124 points. When she entered Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School, her high school entrance examination score was 549 points. In the past three years of vocational high school, Xu Ziyan has made a counterattack and created opportunities for herself.

“The teachers in the senior year are great and they are very good at guiding students’ interests.Teachers not only teach but also educate. For example, English teacher Guo Yuan often encourages everyone. The teachers also shared with us their successful lives. They lived their dreams. We will regard teachers as our goals." Xu Ziyan revealed that she wants to engage in translation, foreign trade, and diplomacy in the future.

"In the past three years, I have Xi'an Datang Comprehensive Vocational High School has participated in competitions inside and outside the school. In-school activities include speech contests to allow for all-round development. Now I am confident and generous. I am very grateful for the guidance of my teachers and the company of my classmates. Especially in my senior year of high school, it feels very good to have everyone working together and progressing together.

This article comes from [Sunshine News·Sunshine Network] and represents only the author's views. The National Party Media Information Public Platform provides information release and dissemination services.


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