If a person is diagnosed with terminal cancer and there is little hope of cure, some people may choose to put down their work and spend the last days of their lives; some people will persist in treatment and seek hope in the cracks.

2024/05/2707:12:33 hotcomm 1638

If a person is diagnosed with cancer in the late stage and there is little hope of cure, some people may choose to put down their work and spend the last days of their lives; some people will insist on treatment and seek hope in the cracks.

Wang Lei is the vice president of The Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University. Unfortunately, who had devoted his whole life to "fighting" colorectal cancer, was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer, the "king of cancers" , and the cancer cells had spread to the liver.

Faced with this result, he felt helpless but still faced it calmly, "If a person cannot accept what is about to happen, it will only cause pain to himself and the people around him."

If a person is diagnosed with terminal cancer and there is little hope of cure, some people may choose to put down their work and spend the last days of their lives; some people will persist in treatment and seek hope in the cracks. - DayDayNews

1. After 27 years of fighting cancer, I In the end, he became a cancer patient

If a person is diagnosed with terminal cancer and there is little hope of cure, some people may choose to put down their work and spend the last days of their lives; some people will persist in treatment and seek hope in the cracks. - DayDayNews1. He was born in a medical family and has been practicing medicine for more than 20 years.

His name is Wang Lei. He is the vice president of the Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University and enjoys the special allowance of the State Council . Wang Lei was born in a medical family. His father is a general surgery doctor.

Influenced by his father since childhood, Wang Lei has also embarked on the path of medicine. has been committed to research on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancer and radiation enteritis. He has been practicing medicine for 27 years.. His original "Tianhe surgery", a new surgical method for extended left hemiectomy of rectal cancer and , has also made great contributions to the medical community.

If a person is diagnosed with terminal cancer and there is little hope of cure, some people may choose to put down their work and spend the last days of their lives; some people will persist in treatment and seek hope in the cracks. - DayDayNews2. Diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in his prime pancreatic cancer

As an oncologist, Wang Lei never thought that he would also be targeted by tumors. In 2017, Wang Lei, who was only 49 years old, had a prosperous medical career.

I am busy working day and night, and my body also has a red light. Wang Lei often feels low back pain and often catches colds, which is difficult to get better. Wang Lei thought he was just too tired and didn't take the abnormality to heart.

However, during the employee physical examination in 2018, Wang Lei was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer, and the cancer cells had spread to the liver. The moment he learned about his condition, Wang Lei felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

If a person is diagnosed with terminal cancer and there is little hope of cure, some people may choose to put down their work and spend the last days of their lives; some people will persist in treatment and seek hope in the cracks. - DayDayNews

But he did not give up easily, and he was determined to actively treat it. After the operation, Wang Lei's spleen, 80%pancreas, most of the stomach, and the nerves controlling the intestines were massively removed. He was unable to eat independently and could only rely on nutritional injections to maintain his life. His body became very weak.

If a person is diagnosed with terminal cancer and there is little hope of cure, some people may choose to put down their work and spend the last days of their lives; some people will persist in treatment and seek hope in the cracks. - DayDayNews3. He is a cancer patient, and he is also a doctor.

Despite this, he is committed to the medical career. Soon after the operation, he still dragged his sick body to the clinic and scientific research conference room, practicing his ideal of a doctor.

He said, "I may not be able to extend the length of life, but I can control the thickness of life."

Two months after the operation, he participated in the 53rd American Clinical Oncology Congress in Chicago. He was still rescuing people one day, but the next day he appeared at the preliminary review meeting of the Guangdong Science and Technology Award.

is not only a cancer patient, but also a doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded. While dragging his sick body, saves himself while constantly bringing comfort to the patients. He showed up on time at the medical seminar every Wednesday afternoon, sometimes even with an IV drip.

If a person is diagnosed with terminal cancer and there is little hope of cure, some people may choose to put down their work and spend the last days of their lives; some people will persist in treatment and seek hope in the cracks. - DayDayNews

2. Reflection: If I had been slower, the result might have been different

After fighting pancreatic cancer for more than a year, Wang Lei passed away on June 23, 2019. He was only 50 years old. Before he died, Wang Lei said to his wife: "If I had been slower, maybe today would not have ended like this."

For more than ten years, Wang Lei's family has been crowded into a small house of more than ten square meters in the hospital. Later, they bought a new house for the convenience of going there. Wang Lei was unwilling to move the hospital. Even during the treatment period, Wang Lei did not forget to work and stretched his body again and again.

Peng Guoqiu, director of the Psychosomatic Medicine Clinic of the Fourth Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital, once said, From fatigue to cancer, it only takes five steps:

The first step

When work pressure continues to increase, the amount of oxygen inhaled will decrease. As a result, the oxygen concentration and blood sugar in the blood drop, resulting in fatigue.

If a person is diagnosed with terminal cancer and there is little hope of cure, some people may choose to put down their work and spend the last days of their lives; some people will persist in treatment and seek hope in the cracks. - DayDayNews

Step 2

I feel that my body is heavy and I can’t lift myself up. The body is further overdrawn, and local tissues in the muscles or internal organs may also experience insufficient oxygen.

The third step

Exhausted, mood swings, prone to anxiety, mania, and depression.

Step 4:

Physical symptoms appear, such as back pain, constipation, gastritis, oral ulcers, etc.

The fifth step

Small problems keep coming, and serious diseases are also coming to your door, high blood pressure , diabetes , heart disease and even cancer.

If a person is diagnosed with terminal cancer and there is little hope of cure, some people may choose to put down their work and spend the last days of their lives; some people will persist in treatment and seek hope in the cracks. - DayDayNews

If the fatigue persists for 3-6 months and does not relieve, and you also experience low-grade fever, hair loss, , insomnia, anorexia, weight gain or loss, gastrointestinal discomfort and other symptoms , it may be chronic fatigue syndrome. levy .

The occurrence of chronic fatigue syndrome indicates that there is a gap in the immune system and is easily targeted by diseases. The risk of depression, cancer and other diseases will also increase accordingly. So, no matter what, we should not overextend our health.

3. Pancreatic cancer, the “king of cancers”, don’t ignore it if you find abnormalities

Pancreatic cancer is called the “king of cancers”. Jin Gang, director of the Pancreatic and Hepatobiliary Surgery Department of Changhai Hospital Affiliated to the Naval Medical University, pointed out that the survival rate of pancreatic cancer is very low, The 5-year survival rate of radical resection is around 20%, and the 10-year survival rate is less than 5%.

Due to the special location of the pancreas, when lesions occur, there are almost no obvious symptoms and it is difficult to detect them through routine physical examinations. So in the late stages, the prognosis of pancreatic cancer is very poor. In addition, treatment is relatively difficult and it is easy to relapse, which ultimately leads to pancreatic cancer’s “notoriety”.

If a person is diagnosed with terminal cancer and there is little hope of cure, some people may choose to put down their work and spend the last days of their lives; some people will persist in treatment and seek hope in the cracks. - DayDayNews

And pancreatic cancer is good at disguising itself as stomach disease. If these symptoms appear frequently, you should be more vigilant, especially high-risk groups:

If a person is diagnosed with terminal cancer and there is little hope of cure, some people may choose to put down their work and spend the last days of their lives; some people will persist in treatment and seek hope in the cracks. - DayDayNews. Abdominal pain

Abdominal pain is one of the typical symptoms of pancreatic cancer, mainly concentrated in the left upper quadrant and right upper quadrant. , if the condition is serious, it will spread to other parts and be easily confused.

If a person is diagnosed with terminal cancer and there is little hope of cure, some people may choose to put down their work and spend the last days of their lives; some people will persist in treatment and seek hope in the cracks. - DayDayNews. Gastrointestinal discomfort

manifests as loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and even vomiting blood and so on.

If a person is diagnosed with terminal cancer and there is little hope of cure, some people may choose to put down their work and spend the last days of their lives; some people will persist in treatment and seek hope in the cracks. - DayDayNews, Jaundice

Jaundice is also one of the main symptoms of pancreatic cancer, manifesting as yellowing of the eyeballs and skin.

If a person is diagnosed with terminal cancer and there is little hope of cure, some people may choose to put down their work and spend the last days of their lives; some people will persist in treatment and seek hope in the cracks. - DayDayNews. Diabetes

Some patients with pancreatic cancer will show symptoms of diabetes in the early stage, such as weight loss and weight loss, which are easily ignored. There are also some patients who develop pancreatic cancer on the basis of diabetes.

If a person is diagnosed with terminal cancer and there is little hope of cure, some people may choose to put down their work and spend the last days of their lives; some people will persist in treatment and seek hope in the cracks. - DayDayNews

Life is not easy. For modern people, stress has become the norm. However, if we suffer from excessive stress and mental stress for a long time, our bodies will not be able to bear it.

Therefore, you must take good care of your body, combine work with rest, and develop a reasonable lifestyle, so that you can stay healthy and stay away from diseases.



[1] "Oncologist reflects before dying of cancer: If I had been slower, maybe it would not have been the ending today...". Popular Science China. 2020-06-26

[2] " "Exhausted" is no joke! When you feel tired, these diseases have quietly come to your door." Life Times. 2019-11-26

[3] "The "King of Cancers" is often mistaken for stomach disease. Be wary of these five symptoms! 》.Health Times.2019-11-21

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