She became the anchor of the "China News" column at the age of 23, and has successively served as the host of famous columns such as "Oriental Time and Space", "Focus Interview", and "International Observation".

2024/05/2700:22:32 hotcomm 1148

Who do you think of when you think of CCTV anchors?

is the intellectual and elegant Dong Qing , the calm and elegant Ni Ping?

or the humorous and witty Sabening and Nigmat ?

Sister Pa thought of Fang Jing.

She became the anchor of the

She is a national first-level announcer with a postgraduate degree and a Ph.D.

She is a close disciple of the famous singer Guo Lanying and has excellent singing skills.

She became the anchor of the " China News " column at the age of 23. She has successively served as the host of famous columns such as "Oriental Time and Space", " Focus Interview ", and "International Observation".

However, she was caught in the "Spygate" and her career was severely damaged. At the age of only 44, she died in a foreign country.

She became the anchor of the

What is her story?

Let’s listen to what Sister Ba has to say.

The Cheating Life of "Little Guo Lanying"

Fang Jing was born in Beijing in 1971. She was called a "child prodigy" in her childhood.

In addition to her excellent grades in all subjects, her singing skills are also very good.

took the stage at the age of 4 and began participating in competitions at the age of 6.

After someone listened to her song, she recommended it to Guo Lanying.

She became the anchor of the

Guo Lanying was greatly impressed after seeing Fang Jing. Teacher Guo Lanying, who had already stopped accepting disciples, made an exception and accepted Fang Jing as a closed disciple. People at the time of

called her "Little Guo Lanying".

In middle school, Fang Jing systematically studied cultural classes, sang songs, and learned foreign languages.

Before taking the college entrance examination, Beijing Foreign Studies University sent him a recommended spot.

However, Fang Jing rejected this learning opportunity that countless students dream of, citing the lack of challenge.

She became the anchor of the

Therefore, Fang Jing competed with thousands of elite students across the country to take the and broadcasting department of Beijing Broadcasting Institute.

This school is the cradle of our major TV stations, including CCTV hosts, and the competition is very fierce. However, Fang Jing passed all the tests and passed the exam. After graduating from

, Fang Jing joined CCTV and became the anchor of "China News" at the age of 23.

She became the anchor of the

After that, he co-hosted "Eastern Time and Space" with Bai Yansong , Jing Yidan and others collaborated on "Focus Interview", Shui Junyi hosted "International Observation", Zhang Zhaozhong cooperated with "New Defense Observation" etc.

From this experience, we can see that Fang Jing was completely cheating when she was a student and early in her career.

The programs she hosts may require superb foreign language proficiency, unique insights, or profound ideological awareness.

Isn’t this what the so-called young and promising people are like?

She became the anchor of the

However, we can never imagine that such an excellent female anchor would have her career ruined because she was involved in the "Spygate".

Trapped in "Spygate"

In 2004, Fang Jing was sent by CCTV to study at Harvard University in the United States.

At school, she met a classmate from Taiwan Province, and the two later developed into a relationship. After graduating from

, Fang Jing returned to CCTV and continued working.

Behind this seemingly calm situation, there is actually an undercurrent surging.

In 2009, the host of CCTV and Phoenix TV Ayi suddenly exposed: "The dignified and elegant sister Fang Jing was arrested on May 12!"

She became the anchor of the

She became the anchor of the

With one stone, Ayi's remarks caused a stir. Once it was exposed, it caused an uproar on the Internet, and countless netizens joined the team to denounce Fang Jing.

On June 11, 2009, Fang Jing temporarily opened her social media account to clarify that she was not a spy and had not been arrested.

She became the anchor of the

official media also issued a special statement to clarify: Fang Jing has never accepted any inquiry or investigation from anyone!

She became the anchor of the

Afterwards, the person who broke the news also issued an apology:

She became the anchor of the

However, this incident still had a huge impact on Fang Jing, and it was not until 2015 that Fang Jing briefly returned to CCTV.

However, at this time, the god of death had begun to extend his claws towards her.

died in a foreign country at the age of 44

At 10:26 am on November 18, 2015, Fang Jing died in Taiwan due to ineffective treatment for terminal cancer.

A generation of CCTV "famous speakers" have ended up in the treasure island of Taiwan, which makes people sigh.

As soon as the news of Fang Jing’s death came out, people from all walks of life expressed their condolences.

Kang Hui, Shui Junyi, Bai Yansong, Jing Yidan, Ha Wen, Dong Hao and others all wrote in memory of this professional and dedicated female anchor.

She became the anchor of the

Among them, Ha Wen even said sadly: 's greatest success is to stay alive!

She became the anchor of the

At the memorial service, Dong Hao was choked with tears when he spoke. He cried several times, and the scene was filled with sadness.

She became the anchor of the

As for Zhang Zhaozhong, he lost one of his best partners.

Fang Jing is proficient in multiple languages ​​and has experience studying abroad. She usually has deep and unique insights into hot current affairs in major foreign-language newspapers and periodicals.

It can be said that the two of them complement each other well when paired together. One is domineering and the other is dignified and calm.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to recover from overflowing water.

She became the anchor of the


Fang Jing has all the excellent qualities of an excellent female anchor: she is professional and makes almost no mistakes in any column group; she is dedicated and set a record of live broadcasting for 72 hours in 1997; She is low-key and reads books and newspapers outside of work; she is talented and has dreams, and plans to become a writer after retirement.

However, before she finished hosting the show and before she finished writing her book, her life was permanently fixed at the age of 44.

She became the anchor of the

In 2018, Fang Jing's half-written book "Where the Heart Is" was compiled and published. Her mother appeared at the book launch conference to launch the book for her daughter.

What pity the hearts of parents in the world!

She became the anchor of the

Rumors are stronger than tigers!

advises you to be kind.

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