Love Jilin, gather together in Shengxin, large-scale public welfare activities to benefit the people. Enjoy the promotional video on the way, the tour guide introduces Shengxin Scenic Area, announces the activity process, distributes lottery tickets, and informs

2024/05/2623:14:32 hotcomm 1917

Love Jilin, gather together in Shengxin, large-scale public welfare activities to benefit the people. Enjoy the promotional video on the way, the tour guide introduces Shengxin Scenic Area, announces the activity process, distributes lottery tickets, and informs - DayDayNews

Love Jilin, gather together in Shengxin, large-scale public welfare activities to benefit the people. Enjoy the promotional video on the way, the tour guide introduces Shengxin Scenic Area, announces the activity process, distributes lottery tickets, and informs - DayDayNews

[Event time] Love Jilin, gather together in Shengxin, large-scale public welfare activities to benefit the people. Enjoy the promotional video on the way, the tour guide introduces Shengxin Scenic Area, announces the activity process, distributes lottery tickets, and informs - DayDayNews 12th

[Estimated number of people] 500-800 people

[Theme] Love Jilin, gather in Shengxin, large-scale public welfare activities

[Organizer] Shengxin Winery, Jilin City China International Travel agency

[Cooperating units] Shengxin, Jilin City International Travel Service, China Federation of Trade and Industry Council

[Media support] Jiangcheng Daily Jiangcheng Evening News Shengxin

[Prize content] 50-100 tickets for the day of Shengxin Hot Spring (according to visiting tourists) Number of people 10%)

Love Jilin, gather together in Shengxin, large-scale public welfare activities to benefit the people. Enjoy the promotional video on the way, the tour guide introduces Shengxin Scenic Area, announces the activity process, distributes lottery tickets, and informs - DayDayNews

Love Jilin, gather together in Shengxin, large-scale public welfare activities to benefit the people. Enjoy the promotional video on the way, the tour guide introduces Shengxin Scenic Area, announces the activity process, distributes lottery tickets, and informs - DayDayNews

Love Jilin, gather together in Shengxin, large-scale public welfare activities to benefit the people. Enjoy the promotional video on the way, the tour guide introduces Shengxin Scenic Area, announces the activity process, distributes lottery tickets, and informs - DayDayNews


08:30 Departure from the Confucian Temple Square by gathering

Enjoy the promotional video on the way. The tour guide introduces the Shengxin Scenic Area, announces the activity process, issues prize redemption coupons, and informs the prize content of the redemption requirements.

09:30 Expect to arrive at Shengxin Winery and meet at the Aegean Sea.

09:50 Opening dance

The host warms up, interacts, introduces the content and process of the event, and introduces the organizer's leaders

10:00 Leader's speech

10:10 The live event begins

dance interactive activities, interspersed with lottery draws ------- Shengxin Tickets for the hot spring day are 50-100 (10% based on the number of tourists)

Wine cellar tours and wine tasting activities. Scenic area staff will enter the wine cellar according to the number of people. Tourists can buy wine at a special price of 98 yuan/bottle

11:30-12: 30 Lunch

13:00-14:00 Hot spring experience, (Add 58 yuan for the same day ticket to experience Shengxin Hot Spring)

Shengxin Hot Spring Treasure Hunt (the prize is Rime Mountain wine, 5-10 bottles)

15:00-15: 30 Return to the city in unison to end the activity.

Love Jilin, gather together in Shengxin, large-scale public welfare activities to benefit the people. Enjoy the promotional video on the way, the tour guide introduces Shengxin Scenic Area, announces the activity process, distributes lottery tickets, and informs - DayDayNews

Love Jilin, gather together in Shengxin, large-scale public welfare activities to benefit the people. Enjoy the promotional video on the way, the tour guide introduces Shengxin Scenic Area, announces the activity process, distributes lottery tickets, and informs - DayDayNews

Love Jilin, gather together in Shengxin, large-scale public welfare activities to benefit the people. Enjoy the promotional video on the way, the tour guide introduces Shengxin Scenic Area, announces the activity process, distributes lottery tickets, and informs - DayDayNews

Love Jilin, gather together in Shengxin, large-scale public welfare activities to benefit the people. Enjoy the promotional video on the way, the tour guide introduces Shengxin Scenic Area, announces the activity process, distributes lottery tickets, and informs - DayDayNews

[Activity fee] Love Jilin, gather together in Shengxin, large-scale public welfare activities to benefit the people. Enjoy the promotional video on the way, the tour guide introduces Shengxin Scenic Area, announces the activity process, distributes lottery tickets, and informs - DayDayNews9 yuan/person


Shengxin Winery A scenic spot ticket (worth 40 yuan)

Special Shengxin Kaijiang fish lunch 10 dishes and one meal for 10 people/table (worth 40 yuan)

Tour bus Car (valued at 15 yuan/person)

Travel personal accident insurance (valued at 10 yuan/person)

Free visit to the wine cellar and wine tasting

Lunch dishes

Love Jilin, gather together in Shengxin, large-scale public welfare activities to benefit the people. Enjoy the promotional video on the way, the tour guide introduces Shengxin Scenic Area, announces the activity process, distributes lottery tickets, and informs - DayDayNews

Love Jilin, gather together in Shengxin, large-scale public welfare activities to benefit the people. Enjoy the promotional video on the way, the tour guide introduces Shengxin Scenic Area, announces the activity process, distributes lottery tickets, and informs - DayDayNews

Love Jilin, gather together in Shengxin, large-scale public welfare activities to benefit the people. Enjoy the promotional video on the way, the tour guide introduces Shengxin Scenic Area, announces the activity process, distributes lottery tickets, and informs - DayDayNews

Love Jilin, gather together in Shengxin, large-scale public welfare activities to benefit the people. Enjoy the promotional video on the way, the tour guide introduces Shengxin Scenic Area, announces the activity process, distributes lottery tickets, and informs - DayDayNews

Introduction to Shengxin Winery:

Shengxin Winery is located in the Songhua Lake Scenic Area , is a national 4A tourist attraction, a national cultural industry demonstration base, and won the gold medal in the National Leisure Agriculture Creative Park Finals. The park has the only wine culture museum in the three northeastern provinces with the theme of traveling to Guandong and a large underground constant-temperature wine cellar. The Wusong Mountain wine series produced by Shengxin Winery has been certified as organic products by the country. Shengxin Winery's Wusong Mountain wine has also become the only designated mountain wine for the 24th Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival.

Love Jilin, gather together in Shengxin, large-scale public welfare activities to benefit the people. Enjoy the promotional video on the way, the tour guide introduces Shengxin Scenic Area, announces the activity process, distributes lottery tickets, and informs - DayDayNews

Love Jilin, gather together in Shengxin, large-scale public welfare activities to benefit the people. Enjoy the promotional video on the way, the tour guide introduces Shengxin Scenic Area, announces the activity process, distributes lottery tickets, and informs - DayDayNews

Jilin Shengxin Winery specializes in Northeastern characteristic mountain wines. It plants the improved double red and double excellent mountain grape varieties on the riverside slopes in the famous Jilin Rime scenic area. Jilin rime is one of the four wonders of our country, and every inch of land in the rime scenic area is precious. Shengxin Winery has the only 200-acre mountain grape planting base in the Rime Scenic Area. The mountain grapevines are moistened by the water vapor formed by the hydropower station dam all year round, creating the unique taste and quality of Rime Mountain wine. Mountain grapes have high nutritional content. The content of anthocyanins and resveratrol , which can improve immunity and antioxidants, is 3-4 times higher than that of European and Asian grape varieties. The average annual visitor flow to the winery reaches 200,000 and is increasing year by year. As a specialty tourism product of Jilin City, Wusong Mountain wine is sold all over the country and is favored by tourists.

Love Jilin, gather together in Shengxin, large-scale public welfare activities to benefit the people. Enjoy the promotional video on the way, the tour guide introduces Shengxin Scenic Area, announces the activity process, distributes lottery tickets, and informs - DayDayNews

Love Jilin, gather together in Shengxin, large-scale public welfare activities to benefit the people. Enjoy the promotional video on the way, the tour guide introduces Shengxin Scenic Area, announces the activity process, distributes lottery tickets, and informs - DayDayNews

Love Jilin, gather together in Shengxin, large-scale public welfare activities to benefit the people. Enjoy the promotional video on the way, the tour guide introduces Shengxin Scenic Area, announces the activity process, distributes lottery tickets, and informs - DayDayNews

Love Jilin, gather together in Shengxin, large-scale public welfare activities to benefit the people. Enjoy the promotional video on the way, the tour guide introduces Shengxin Scenic Area, announces the activity process, distributes lottery tickets, and informs - DayDayNews

Love Jilin, gather together in Shengxin, large-scale public welfare activities to benefit the people. Enjoy the promotional video on the way, the tour guide introduces Shengxin Scenic Area, announces the activity process, distributes lottery tickets, and informs - DayDayNews

Address: No. 502, Chaoyang Century City, Changyi District, Jilin City China International Travel Service

Telephone: 400-0432-126

Source: Jilin City China International Travel Service

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