Qingdao is a beautiful city by the sea and the wind, where Qi wind and Lu charm meet, and the Eurasian style is charming. Nowadays, in this island of youth and fashion city, the national trend is rising, adding more charm to the city.

2024/05/2622:01:33 hotcomm 1626

Peninsula All-Media Reporter Zhong Wenting

Qingdao is a beautiful city by the sea and the wind, where Qi wind and Lu charm meet, and the Eurasian style is charming. Nowadays, in this island of youth and fashion city, the national trend is rising, adding more charm to the city. - DayDayNews

Qingdao is a beautiful city by the sea and wind, where Qi wind and Lu charm meet, Eurasian charming style. Nowadays, in this island of youth and fashion city, the national trend is rising, adding more charm to the city. Here, traveling in Hanfu is no longer a surprise to passers-by; classical dances that were once popular among the public; cultural activities such as listening to storytelling and writing calligraphy are highly sought after by young people; traditional martial arts performances have become popular online talent broadcasts ... Behind it is the recognition of traditional culture, the expression of cultural confidence, the choice of young people, and the new color of this city.


"Spring White Snow" landed on the floor

Square dance with ancient charm

Started dancing at the age of five. She has appeared on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala for three consecutive years and participated in the 2008 Beijing Olympics opening and closing ceremony... Dance teacher Sun Linlin, about classical dance in recent years We have a strong say in the development of Qingdao.

Qingdao is a beautiful city by the sea and the wind, where Qi wind and Lu charm meet, and the Eurasian style is charming. Nowadays, in this island of youth and fashion city, the national trend is rising, adding more charm to the city. - DayDayNews

Sun Linlin's classical dance "Only Green" style

Sun Linlin has the nickname "Fairy Sister" in her circle of friends. When the reporter looked at this tall and tall Qingdao girl walking from a distance, even wearing simple casual clothes and a mask Even with half of her face covered, she can still be recognized from the crowd.

"When I was learning to dance when I was a child, regardless of the performance environment on the market or the children's choice of dance types, Chinese classical dance was relatively niche. Maybe you have only seen it in movies and TV dramas, and you feel that it is quite different. "It's far away, and it's not as easy to master as the dance of foreign singing and dancing groups." Sun Linlin was helpless about the previous environment of classical dance, "because Chinese classical dance is a more fusion dance type, integrating Chinese opera, martial arts, and acrobatics." , even the cultural allusions behind the dance must be fully understood in order to express the unique emotion and charm. Its "shape, spirit, energy, rhythm, Qi and meaning" are all indispensable, and it is not essential for the development of human temperament. "It happened overnight."

Sun Linlin, as the lead dancer of the dance team of Pingdu Experimental Primary School, was selected by the teacher of Weifang Art School and embarked on the path of professional dance. "I started to get up at 6 o'clock every day to practice morning exercises when I was 11 years old. At the end of the day, there will be a day of professional classes, including skills, carpet skills, repertoire... and additional training will be arranged in the evening, just like this day after day. "

Qingdao is a beautiful city by the sea and the wind, where Qi wind and Lu charm meet, and the Eurasian style is charming. Nowadays, in this island of youth and fashion city, the national trend is rising, adding more charm to the city. - DayDayNews

Long-term classical dance training has given Sun Linlin a classical temperament that has appeared on the map of a lady.

11 years old. The little girl is receiving professional dance training day after day alone in other places. The reporter couldn't help but sigh that there is a reason why Sun Linlin is so straight and aura. Through hard training, her professional skills in classical dance have improved day by day. From 2011 to 2013, she participated in the dance program of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala for three consecutive years.

"As a Chinese, it was a special honor for me to be on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. At that time, the whole family was watching in front of the TV." The happiest thing about Sun Linlin when she was a teenager was the pride of standing on the big stage. "Every year when I come back from participating in the Spring Festival Gala, I show my photos with celebrities to my neighbors, and I get a lot of envy."

Qingdao is a beautiful city by the sea and the wind, where Qi wind and Lu charm meet, and the Eurasian style is charming. Nowadays, in this island of youth and fashion city, the national trend is rising, adding more charm to the city. - DayDayNews

Sun Linlin's classical dance "Only Green" style

Sun Linlin said with a smile that at that time, she liked the honor of being on stage when she danced. In fact, When I look back when I grow up, I am most grateful for the inner growth brought about by classical dance training. "I think I can endure hardships better than my peers and have higher emotional intelligence. Once on the stage, the drama is bigger than the sky. Those' The classical dance training requirements of "integrating body and soul, using both body and mind, and unifying the inside and outside" have been integrated into my blood. "

" In recent years, everyone's enthusiasm for classical dance has increased significantly, and with the improvement of living standards, it has become more and more popular. "Many parents send their children to learn classical dance." Sun Linlin feels that in an environment where traditional culture is increasingly valued, the public's awareness of classical dance is also getting higher and higher, "even in the square dance of aunties." Classical dance elements will be incorporated into all the performances. Watching the aunties dancing with Chinese round fans, I was particularly touched and felt that classical dance has been integrated into the lives of Qingdao citizens, allowing people of all ages to feel the joy of dance.”

Qingdao is a beautiful city by the sea and the wind, where Qi wind and Lu charm meet, and the Eurasian style is charming. Nowadays, in this island of youth and fashion city, the national trend is rising, adding more charm to the city. - DayDayNews

Sun Linlin has a solid foundation in dance training for many years

"Now the classical dance environment in Qingdao is getting better and better. Kindergarten children can take children's dance exams from the age of four and a half. Whether they are taking a career path or taking an exam, the paths are getting better and better. Width."Sun Linlin showed the photos of students' performances to reporters, "Girls who have learned classical dance can't hide their brilliance. I hope that in their future lives, the dancers' flexible and proud character will last forever. "


Wearing Hanfu into daily wear

Making intangible cultural heritage flowers

"In the past, when I went out, I would often be watched and photographed. Now everyone is much calmer, because there are more and more people like me, and it is no longer a rarity. Jinger. "Zhao Xiaoqiao talked about the "treatment" she has received on the streets in the past two years, and lamented that citizens have gradually accepted the appearance of Hanfu on the streets, and more and more people are willing to try it, which makes her very happy.

Qingdao is a beautiful city by the sea and the wind, where Qi wind and Lu charm meet, and the Eurasian style is charming. Nowadays, in this island of youth and fashion city, the national trend is rising, adding more charm to the city. - DayDayNews

Zhao Xiaoqiao wears the Hanfu bombs she made by herself Guqin

Zhao Xiaoqiao is a well-known "Hanfu sister" in the Qingdao Hanfu circle. With her pink jacket , light yellow song trousers, and waist-length hair, she looks like she stepped out of a picture of a lady when she walks on the street. The time traveler.

"The name Hanfu is actually inaccurate. It is difficult to say which style of clothes is Hanfu. "Zhao Xiaoqiao told reporters about her understanding of Hanfu. In the past few years, she has changed from a simple Hanfu enthusiast to a tailor who can make Hanfu, a blogger who promotes Hanfu culture, and a craftsman who makes Hanfu headdress "Tanghua" Artist.

Zhao Xiaoqiao has been a girl who likes traditional culture since she was a child. She was a member of the literary club in college. She is the kind of literary young woman who speaks Tang poems and Song lyrics. The original intention of becoming obsessed with Hanfu is actually very simple, just because it looks good. " "It looks beautiful when you wear it."

Qingdao is a beautiful city by the sea and the wind, where Qi wind and Lu charm meet, and the Eurasian style is charming. Nowadays, in this island of youth and fashion city, the national trend is rising, adding more charm to the city. - DayDayNews

Hanfu is Zhao Xiaoqiao's daily style when going out on the street.

Zhao Xiaoqiao bought her first set of Hanfu online in 2012. She was excited for a long time after wearing it, but one thing made her very depressed, and that was this set. Although the clothes are beautiful, the quality and fabric are not up to par. “Clothes are not costumes. Of course, beautiful clothes must be wearable. "Zhao Xiaoqiao felt that clothes are for wearing. Since you can't buy the Hanfu you like, you should make it yourself.

Thinking of doing it, Zhao Xiaoqiao bought a sewing machine and picked up scissors to make it by herself. In order to find a satisfactory style, she visited museums, Look at academic information; in order to make Tang Dynasty clothing that satisfies her, she also deliberately consulted Dunhuang murals.

When Zhao Xiaoqiao introduced the clothes she made to the Hanfu circle, many fans immediately praised her and asked her for clothes. There were more and more people, and later she simply quit her white-collar job and became a tailor.

"Nowadays, the Hanfu circle is divided into retro and reform groups. Those who pay attention to 100% restoration of ancient clothing are called the retro style; those who modify traditional clothing so that people who like Hanfu can wear it normally are called the reform school. "Zhao Xiaoqiao said that she is a reformist, and she hopes that Hanfu can appear in everyone's wardrobe as a dressing style.

For example, the Tang and Song Dynasty-style round-neck robe designed by Zhao Xiaoqiao looks like a A denim skirt, but if you look closely, you can find the special features of the dress. Although the sleeves are streamlined, they can still cover the hands. Zhao Xiaoqiao said that this is the ancient concept that clothes must protect the body. All are covered, only this kind of design is "ritual", and in the clothes she designed, all the small details that are "ritual" are retained.

As everyone's love for Hanfu increases, Zhao Xiaoqiao has already studied the details of accessories when wearing Hanfu.

“When girls wear Hanfu, they always want to match it with some appropriate accessories, especially headwear, so I started to study entangled flowers. Flower wrapping uses multi-colored silk threads to wrap birds, beasts, insects, fish and other artworks on an embryonic frame made of cardboard or copper wire. It originated from the Northern Song Dynasty and flourished in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. "Zhao Xiaoqiao learned about the intangible cultural heritage handicraft Tangle Flower through Weibo. After carefully studying the history and production process of Tangle Flower, he tried to make Tangle Flower by hand and opened an online store to sell it.

Zhao Xiaoqiao hopes to do what he loves It has become a business, allowing more people to understand the new charm of traditional Hanfu.


Pingshu comes to the common people.

Hundreds of free performances of

traditional folk arts are performed. The audience can face to face with the actors and even interact on the spot.In Qingdao, there is a good thing about free experience of traditional folk arts, and it has been going on for many years! The bookstore has attracted more and more citizens to participate, and it has also provided a stage for the development and growth of new forces in local folk arts.

In 2017, Qingdao Municipal Cultural Center launched and opened the "Qingdao Stars Bookstore", which is also the first public welfare folk art bookstore in the province. It is completely free to watch and lectures start on time every Friday night. As the person in charge of the "Qingdao Stars Bookstore", Liu Zongqi has performed more than 200 times at the bookstore, and has witnessed the development process of the bookstore from its humble beginning to its current popularity.

Qingdao is a beautiful city by the sea and the wind, where Qi wind and Lu charm meet, and the Eurasian style is charming. Nowadays, in this island of youth and fashion city, the national trend is rising, adding more charm to the city. - DayDayNews

Liu Zongqi is performing at the Stars Bookstore

The traditional storytelling play "The Ugly Empress" that Liu Zongqi is currently telling has reached its twenty-eighth episode. Storytelling actors take the stage for nearly an hour each time, which is equivalent to performing an episode of a TV series with great emotion. What is different from the TV series is that the storytelling actor performs alone from beginning to end. Sometimes he is the narrator, sometimes he is the lady, sometimes he is the maid, sometimes he is the master, sometimes he is the scholar, and the whole audience performs a big play by himself.

Before Liu Zongqi performs on stage, he spends an entire afternoon preparing, and he has a thick stack of lines printed on A4 paper. He had to thoroughly understand these manuscripts before he could explain them to the audience. Therefore, each time there were at least more than 10,000 words of lines, which was quite a test for the actor.

Qingdao is a beautiful city by the sea and the wind, where Qi wind and Lu charm meet, and the Eurasian style is charming. Nowadays, in this island of youth and fashion city, the national trend is rising, adding more charm to the city. - DayDayNews

Liu Zongqi has given free storytelling performances for more than 200 times

"I find it very enjoyable." Liu Zongqi explained his feelings this way, "I have been memorizing tongue twisters since I was a child practicing basic skills. These words are nothing to me, and they are performed face to face. It's equivalent to live broadcasting, so every performance gives me a sense of excitement."

Liu Zongqi has loved traditional folk arts since he was a child. In 2007, when he was still in school, he went to Jinan to worship the famous cross talk and Allegro performance master Xiao. Mr. Guoguang is my teacher. In the year of graduation, Liu Zongqi also participated in the CCTV-3 " Challenge Host " column and won the monthly championship. Because of his diligence, Liu Zongqi, who just graduated, can earn more than 10,000 yuan a month by performing cross talk, making him a high-income earner among his peers.

Qingdao is a beautiful city by the sea and the wind, where Qi wind and Lu charm meet, and the Eurasian style is charming. Nowadays, in this island of youth and fashion city, the national trend is rising, adding more charm to the city. - DayDayNews

Stills of Liu Zongqi's storytelling performance

Although his income is considerable, as a grassroots actor, Liu Zongqi sometimes still doesn't get the most basic respect.

I remember once performing in a hotel. After a song and dance program, my partner and I went on stage. Just as we were about to speak, a drunken guest in the audience shouted at the top of his lungs, telling us to get out because he wanted to watch the dance. "In that performance, Liu Zongqi and his partner suppressed their anger, talked for 5 minutes, and then ended it hastily and left the hotel.

Although he experienced setbacks, the young Liu Zongqi never gave up. "As a young musician, he has a responsibility. He has the obligation to do his best to inherit and promote China's excellent traditional culture. This is also the responsibility of a cultural center folk art cadre. "This is what Liu Zongqi said and what he did.

In 2017, the audience of "Qingdao Stars Bookstore" was not large at the beginning, and it was mainly the elderly. After several years of development, the bookstore is bustling every Friday night. Extraordinary, among the full audience, the number of young people is gradually increasing. Everyone will post the highlights of the performance on social platforms, so that they are spread among the people.

Nowadays, Liu Zongqi has an increasing number of young audiences. There are more and more young fans who come to the bookstore on time every Friday to listen to books.

In Liu Zongqi's view, "Qingdao Stars Bookstore" is not so much a small theater, but a window for people to try to understand traditional Chinese folk arts. , and then a window to respect and love traditional folk arts. “I hope more and more people will look at this window and discover the world behind it. "Liu Zongqi said with expectation.


There are also calligraphy stalls in the night market.

Folding fans with inscriptions are fashionable.

When you walk in the Taitung night market, you will be dazzled by the rows of stalls around you. Those selling snacks, those selling toys, those making hoops and playing games... The bustling flow of people sometimes stops for a moment at an inconspicuous corner. It is the quietest stall in the whole night market - Zheng Xingliang is out.

Qingdao is a beautiful city by the sea and the wind, where Qi wind and Lu charm meet, and the Eurasian style is charming. Nowadays, in this island of youth and fashion city, the national trend is rising, adding more charm to the city. - DayDayNews

Zheng Xingliang is practicing calligraphy

Zheng Xingliang is a full-time calligraphy teacher. Last year, he had a sudden idea, why not set up a calligraphy stall?

"Dancing on the street is called hip-hop . Will I create a kind of street dance if I write calligraphy on the street?" Where are the books?" Zheng Xingliang joked to reporters. In fact, his main purpose is to let more people see calligraphy, a traditional Chinese culture, on streets with a lot of people.

Zheng Xingliang’s calligraphy stall is not for making money, “basically what he sells is not as much as what he gives away.”

Someone wants to buy a fan. Zheng Xingliang will write an inscription with a brush according to the customer's needs. The charge is only the purchase price of the white fan. "As long as I don't lose money, I'm very happy if someone appreciates my calligraphy. I often give away those bookmarks with poems on them." Zheng Xingliang feels that he has to practice calligraphy anyway, and there is no one to practice at home. If you see it, why don't you take it to the night market and take it if you like it, or if you are willing to stop and chat about calligraphy.

"I'm definitely not the best calligrapher in Qingdao, but if you count the number of donated works, I might still be able to count them." Zheng Xingliang joked while giving a small bookmark with "Healthy Growth" written on it to a mother. Holding little baby.

Qingdao is a beautiful city by the sea and the wind, where Qi wind and Lu charm meet, and the Eurasian style is charming. Nowadays, in this island of youth and fashion city, the national trend is rising, adding more charm to the city. - DayDayNews

Zheng Xingliang spends at least three hours practicing calligraphy every day

When a reporter asked him if he would be disturbed or embarrassed when writing at the night market. Zheng Xingliang said that he didn't feel shy at all when writing at the night market, and he was even proud when he was recognized by others.

As a full-time calligraphy teacher, Zheng Xingliang hopes that it would be best if someone appreciates his calligraphy and comes to learn from him.

"Although I am not very old, I have been my teacher's teaching assistant since I was 17 years old. Later I became a teacher myself, so I am considered a young old teacher." Zheng Xingliang is a native of Fujian. He has been influenced by his family since then. He started to get into calligraphy at the age of five. Later, he went straight from Fujian to Qingdao to learn the art from a teacher. He became a teacher of Chen Wenhong, the president of the Qingdao branch of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Federation, and later stayed in Qingdao.

Zheng Xingliang has learned calligraphy so far, and his biggest experience is writing brush characters. "It is no longer a job that retired people do in the traditional impression. In my night market stall, young people are most interested."

" It was hard to imagine before that when young people go to nightclubs to dance, they have to bring a folding fan with calligraphy written on it. This is called fashion. "Zheng Xingliang told reporters that he has never been to a nightclub by nature, but young people don't care. Taking his fan wherever he goes is a way of popularizing traditional culture.

"I think soft-pen calligraphy is a traditional writing method for Chinese people. Calligraphy works should not only appear in high-end museums or art auctions. It can also be integrated into the lives of ordinary people. I also helped a person passing by the stall. The young man wrote a love letter, and he later came back with his girlfriend to thank me. The girl thought the letter was much more romantic than typing on the phone," Zheng Xingliang said.


martial arts live broadcast has become popular

A young man wants to be Bruce Lee

Popular anchors who have emerged in recent years, talent shows have become more and more diversified from common singing and dancing, Mantis Boxing , Nunchucks and other Chinese traditions The martial arts project frequently logs into the live broadcast room. Luo Gang, a young man from Qingdao, is a martial arts anchor. In recent years, no matter spring, summer, autumn or winter, as long as it is a non-raining night, he will appear on time on May 4th Square for outdoor live broadcast.

Every night when night falls, singing fills the air in May Fourth Square. There are performers holding guitars and singing loudly facing the sea, and there are also acrobats like Luo Gang quietly playing with nunchucks.

Qingdao is a beautiful city by the sea and the wind, where Qi wind and Lu charm meet, and the Eurasian style is charming. Nowadays, in this island of youth and fashion city, the national trend is rising, adding more charm to the city. - DayDayNews

Luo Gang performs a nunchuck performance

Luo Gang wears a yellow sportswear with black lines every night. He positions himself as the Qingdao version of Bruce Lee, and his dream is to be a kung fu star like Bruce Lee.

Regardless of the exclamations from the passing citizens and tourists, Luo Gang still looked like a worldly expert concentrating on practicing martial arts, without squinting. "That's so cool!" Many passers-by cheered as they gathered around to take photos. A pair of nunchakus circled around Luo Gang like shooting stars. He couldn't see the movement clearly and could only feel the trajectory of the weapon seeming to glow. On the mobile phone in front of him, a single performance video has been played over a million times.

Qingdao is a beautiful city by the sea and the wind, where Qi wind and Lu charm meet, and the Eurasian style is charming. Nowadays, in this island of youth and fashion city, the national trend is rising, adding more charm to the city. - DayDayNews

Luo Gang's ideal in life is to become "Bruce Lee from Qingdao"

Luo Gang is 25 years old this year and is from Qingdao . He has been obsessed with martial arts movies since he was eight years old and watched Bruce Lee's "The Way of the Dragon" over and over again. At the age of 13, he officially entered the sports school system to study martial arts, majoring in Sanda, Mantis Boxing, and Nunchaku...

"The history of the Nunchaku has a long history. Some say it was first recorded in the Mozi's Art of War in the early Warring States Period of our country. , There are also legends that it was created by Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin. Anyway, the evolution of the nunchuck was developed with the needs of ancient warfare, so it is a practical weapon. "Luo Gang. He said that when he first started practicing nunchucks, he dreamed of being able to fight ten like Chen Zhen and Bruce Lee in the movie, and to participate in the national martial arts competition like Jet Li and win the first place...

Once when he was a teenager While practicing " flying in the air and kicking ", he couldn't keep his footing on the cement floor. The unstable landing caused a strain on the inside of his knee. He was training in a hurry before he could move smoothly, and he strained again while doing a side somersault. "That injury made me walk." They were all limping and couldn't do anything. They went back to their hometown to recover from their injuries for two years."

Qingdao is a beautiful city by the sea and the wind, where Qi wind and Lu charm meet, and the Eurasian style is charming. Nowadays, in this island of youth and fashion city, the national trend is rising, adding more charm to the city. - DayDayNews

While Luo Gang was recuperating from his injuries as a hero in the film and television drama

, Luo Gang began to think about his own way out. He wanted to transition from the practical combat training to performance, "After all, times have changed, and daily life is not about fighting. In the martial arts world of killing, good-looking performances are more enjoyable to watch than killing skills."

So, Luo Gang focused on how to make the performance more exciting, from luminous sticks, beating candles to bringing cold fireworks . In terms of performance, the "martial arts" may have lost a master of actual combat, but Qingdao's cultural performance market has gained a versatile and spiritual young man.

"A performance costs five to six hundred yuan, and sometimes there are more than 20 performances a month. On occasions such as weddings and openings, playing nunchucks is very lively and very popular." Luo Gang performs during the day and performs at night. During the live broadcast, I got up early at dawn every day to practice morning kung fu just like I did when I was a child. "Although I now use martial arts to make friends and compete with others without engaging in actual combat, I can't lose my kung fu. If I don't practice for one day, I will know that three If you don’t practice, your peers will know.”

With more and more fans, Luo Gang still sells goods in his live broadcast, "I don't sell anything when I bring goods, I only sell nunchaku courses."

Luo Gang showed reporters the small shopping cart below his video, click There are nunchaku courses in the store, "Basic class is 45 minutes, 30 yuan per session; advanced class is 45 minutes, 60 yuan per session. The sales are very good, men, women and children are all asking for advice, and you will see the order prompts as you play. Lights flash”.

Luo Gang said that many of his friends who play nunchaku started practicing in university clubs. Now, the nunchaku league competition jointly organized by more than a dozen universities in Qingdao has been held for 12 years. "I dream that with the help of the Internet platform, nunchaku can continue the glory of Bruce Lee's era. No matter who becomes the second Bruce Lee, I hope that the nunchuck sport can go further." Luo Gang is full of longing.

In fact, in Qingdao, not only these national trend cultural phenomena, but also many national trend products and brands are manufactured and become popular. Tradition and innovation meet at this open frontier, and the spirit of tolerance and fashion romance dance together. I believe that more outstanding Chinese cultural elements will develop and grow here, go abroad and go overseas.

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