When it comes to actor Zhao Xiaoqiao, many people may not know him, but when it comes to Fan Yunxi in "The Prince Turns into a Frog", Rita in "Smile Pasta", and Fan Xiaoling in "The Magician", I believe everyone is familiar with it.

2024/05/2617:58:33 hotcomm 1880

When it comes to actor Zhao Xiaoqiao, many people may not know him, but when it comes to Fan Yunxi in

Many people born in the 80s and 90s spent their youth in the company of Taiwanese idol dramas.

When it comes to the actor Zhao Xiaoqiao, many people may not know it, but when it comes to Fan Yunxi in " The Prince Turns into a Frog", Rita in " Smiling Pasta", and Fan Xiaoling in "The Magician of Love", I believe everyone None of them are unfamiliar.

The actor who plays these roles is none other than Zhao Xiaoqiao.

When it comes to actor Zhao Xiaoqiao, many people may not know him, but when it comes to Fan Yunxi in

In 2017, 38-year-old Zhao Xiaoqiao entered into marriage with Liu Liangzuo, who was 12 years older than him. In the years after marriage, Zhao Xiaoqiao’s biggest wish was to give birth to a baby and realize her wish to become a mother.

On February 19 this year, Zhao Xiaoqiao posted on Weibo to share his joy. After going through all kinds of hardships, he finally became pregnant with his baby.

When it comes to actor Zhao Xiaoqiao, many people may not know him, but when it comes to Fan Yunxi in

However, only 6 days later, God deprived her of the right to be a mother. This hard-won child was actually aborted. This forced Zhao Xiaoqiao to choose to have an abortion, and one can imagine his grief.

When it comes to actor Zhao Xiaoqiao, many people may not know him, but when it comes to Fan Yunxi in

Looking at Zhao Xiaoqiao’s journey of seeking a son, it is really heartbreaking. There are so many hardships and hardships on the road to pregnancy that only mothers can relate to.


1 times of artificial insemination, and two in vitro fertilization attempts

all failed

In the past two years, Zhao Xiaoqiao has really put in a lot of effort to conceive a child.

During the pregnancy preparation, she did not dare to wear perfume or dye her hair, and even turned down most of her work. However, after my husband and I checked our bodies, there were no problems, but we were still not pregnant.

The pain of wanting to conceive but not being able to conceive made Zhao Xiaoqiao decide to use the power of medicine.

At first, she chose artificial insemination, but it failed.

Then, she chose in vitro fertilization. Taking medicine, drawing blood, and giving herself injections can make people frown across the screen...

When it comes to actor Zhao Xiaoqiao, many people may not know him, but when it comes to Fan Yunxi in

The first time she tried test tube , she took a total of 13 eggs, but in the end only 3 were the healthiest. was implanted in the uterus. After being implanted, Zhao Xiaoqiao was extremely happy and chatted with the unformed baby in her belly.

When it comes to actor Zhao Xiaoqiao, many people may not know him, but when it comes to Fan Yunxi in

Unfortunately, the first test tube failed.

After watching a lot of Zhao Xiaoqiao’s videos, I found that she has always been a positive and optimistic person. Although her first test tube attempt failed and she was sad for a long time, she did not give up because of this. Instead, she adjusted her mentality and tried again. A challenge.

But this time, it failed again.

In April last year, she had her third egg retrieval...

When it comes to actor Zhao Xiaoqiao, many people may not know him, but when it comes to Fan Yunxi in

As her husband, Liu Liangzuo saw the pain she endured in order to get pregnant, and it also hurt in her heart.

In an interview, he said:

"I can't stand it myself. There are a lot of needles at home, and I have to poke them in the stomach every day."

"Her face is round, she has been taking medicine, and she is allergic Ah, it itch..."

When it comes to actor Zhao Xiaoqiao, many people may not know him, but when it comes to Fan Yunxi in

Perhaps only Zhao Xiaoqiao himself knows how bumpy the road to seeking a child was and how much suffering he endured. Now that he finally got pregnant and lost his child, it is really sad.

However, what is gratifying for Zhao Xiaoqiao is that she still has love and companionship around her. Her husband and stepson have always been by her side and will not let her fight alone.

The care and protection of family members is the best medicine to cure everything.


Before and after pregnancy, the heart and body are exhausted

When it comes to childbirth, women are destined to be miserable.

A woman who wants a child but cannot conceive suffers, and a woman who becomes pregnant suffers too.

After becoming pregnant, we learned that vomiting after eating is actually a kind of relief. Because when you want to vomit but can't, the feeling of scratching your heart and lungs is not to mention how disgusting it is.

After becoming pregnant, we learned that stretch marks will still grow when they are supposed to grow, even if you start applying oil all over your body when you are 3 months old.

We didn’t know until we got pregnant that bad wisdom teeth must be removed before pregnancy. Otherwise, if they become inflamed during pregnancy, they can neither be removed nor take medication, and they will have to go home in despair and wait for treatment after the child is born.

When it comes to actor Zhao Xiaoqiao, many people may not know him, but when it comes to Fan Yunxi in

During the tenth month of pregnancy, our bodies become heavier and heavier, our movements become slower and slower, and it becomes more and more difficult to fall asleep.

However, this is not enough. This is just the beginning of the pain. The bone-gnawing pain and risks during childbirth, as well as the various sequelae after childbirth, are really unspeakable.

Being a mother is really not easy. How many women have gone through hell alone with a sense of loneliness and courage.

When S had just given birth to her second child, she was admitted to ICU due to lack of physical strength, abdominal cramps and allergies to painkillers, and was admitted to ICU before she was out of danger.

Ella's uterus and bladder prolapsed due to childbirth. Even basic movements such as sneezing, jumping in place, and running can cause urinary incontinence.

Choo Ja Hyun suffered from cramps due to symptoms of pregnancy poisoning after giving birth, resulting in lung discomfort and hospitalization.

When it comes to actor Zhao Xiaoqiao, many people may not know him, but when it comes to Fan Yunxi in

Mothers were once weak children, but in order to have children, they seemed to have the courage to risk their lives.

They went into battle wearing armor, hiding their weakness, and doing everything they could to ensure that their children were born smoothly.

Every mother deserves to be cared for with care.


Fortunately, you guys are here

I remember that in "New Life Diary", I still watched the clip of Li Ai giving birth and I am still very moved.

Li Ai was about to give birth at that time, and her husband, mother and mother-in-law were all with her.

Before giving birth, my husband had done his homework well in advance. He knew all the procedures of giving birth and also knew how to use scientific methods to relieve the psychological pressure and physical pain of the mother.

When it comes to actor Zhao Xiaoqiao, many people may not know him, but when it comes to Fan Yunxi in

Seeing Li Ai in so much pain, he felt so distressed that he almost cried. He hated himself for being powerless, but his comforting hands never let go.

Li Ai's mother-in-law and mother were both experienced and could understand the hardships of women very well, so they told Li Ai from the beginning: "I hope you will not give birth to a daughter, and you must not give birth to a second child."

After reading this, I really feel that Li Ai is very lucky because she met her husband and family who truly respect and love her.

When it comes to actor Zhao Xiaoqiao, many people may not know him, but when it comes to Fan Yunxi in

Many men will ask, why does a wife change after giving birth to a child?

In fact, many times, is because the men around me have done nothing.

The gentleness in the details does not need to be taught to those who are willing, but it cannot be taught to those who are unintentional. When you don’t want to be the caring person, don’t complain that women have changed.

Women really don’t want much, nothing more than understanding, companionship and care.

Finally, I would like to pay tribute to every ordinary and extraordinary woman, and hope that I can be loved and respected for the rest of my life.

* The pictures in this article come from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact the author

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