Today's real-time exchange rate of New Taiwan Dollar to New Zealand Dollar (updated at 2016-09-15 07:33): Currency conversion 1 New Zealand dollar = 23.0415 New Taiwan Dollar exchange rate buying price and selling price update time 0.

2024/05/2607:40:32 hotcomm 1786

New Taiwan dollar to New Zealand dollar today's real-time exchange rate (2016-09-15 07:33 update):

currency exchange

1 New Zealand dollar = 23.0415 New Taiwan dollar

exchange rate buying price selling price update time
0.0434NaNNaN07:33 :30

New Taiwan dollar to New Zealand dollar exchange rate trend chart (one week):

Today's real-time exchange rate of New Taiwan Dollar to New Zealand Dollar (updated at 2016-09-15 07:33): Currency conversion 1 New Zealand dollar = 23.0415 New Taiwan Dollar exchange rate buying price and selling price update time 0. - DayDayNews

On September 15, 2016, the central parity rate of the New Zealand dollar exchange rate in the interbank foreign exchange market was: 1 New Taiwan dollar to New Zealand dollar 0.0434 yuan, and 100 New Taiwan dollar to New Zealand dollar 4.34 yuan.

The risk aversion sentiment so far this year will therefore continue to prevail, and the extent of the decline in the Japanese yen (a safe haven currency) will also be limited. We think other Asian currencies will continue to face the risk of being hit, and the recent rebound in the New Zealand and Australian dollars may also be frustrated, especially given the possibility of a series of data releases from China next week.

After the exchange rate marketization, when the local currency is in a weak position, it is a common phenomenon to increase the allocation of foreign currency assets. Taking Taiwan, China as an example, from 1997 to 2010, the New Taiwan dollar trend was weak, and it once depreciated by 20%. During the same period, foreign exchange deposits accounted for The proportion of total deposits doubled from 5.5% to 11%.

and above New Taiwan dollar to New Zealand dollar exchange rate Today's market information is provided by the CICC Market Center for reference only. If you want to know more about the trend of the New Taiwan dollar to New Zealand dollar exchange rate, you can follow CICC Finance News Channel Daily Financial Report.

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