Dear friends, are you still having headaches and worries about learning Japanese? Next, Xiaoyu teacher will teach you: Self-study Japanese learning methods, 6 tips for self-study Japanese: 1. It is very important to choose appropriate teaching materials for self-study. Each Japan

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Dear friends, are you still having headaches and worries about learning Japanese? Next, Xiaoyu teacher will teach you: Self-study Japanese learning methods, 6 tips for self-study Japanese:

Dear friends, are you still having headaches and worries about learning Japanese? Next, Xiaoyu teacher will teach you: Self-study Japanese learning methods, 6 tips for self-study Japanese: 1. It is very important to choose appropriate teaching materials for self-study. Each Japan - DayDayNews

1. It is very important to choose appropriate teaching materials for self-study

Each Japanese learning partner has different learning time and purpose, so before choosing You should also choose teaching materials carefully. Because a set of teaching materials that is very suitable for Japanese majors is not suitable for office workers who want to add another skill, because time does not allow a large amount of practice every day. Some textbooks are suitable for hobby enthusiasts, such as books about watching anime to learn Japanese, watching variety shows, movies and TV shows, etc. However, these are not suitable for friends who want to test their grades.

So our common textbooks include "Everyone's Japanese", "New Standard Japanese", "New Japanese Tutorial", etc. Each textbook has its own advantages and disadvantages. We can choose different teaching materials according to our different situations. .

2. Getting started with self-study Japanese fifty tones learning

The fifty tones are the entry-level foundation for learning Japanese, and it is also the only way for everyone. If we do not even learn the fifty tones well, it will directly affect the progress of Japanese later and Japanese standard. Japanese fifty-syllabary chart has become very important for friends with no basic knowledge. Some friends find it difficult to remember the Japanese syllabary, and some remember the first five vowels but not the following ones. At this time, we need to pay attention to methods and strategies. In addition to memorizing by rows, we also memorize by columns.

also has some tips. For friends who have difficulty remembering katakana, they are to use cards to remember all hiragana , and then write the katakana corresponding to each card to keep memorizing it.

3. Self-study Japanese pronunciation practice is very important

The biggest fear when learning a language is to become a mute. Some people can only write but not speak. So what is the meaning of learning this language? Therefore, in the early stage of learning Japanese, we must lay a good foundation for spoken Japanese and standardize pronunciation.

Features of Japanese pronunciation:

1. Small mouth shape, not too big;

2. Short and powerful, not dragging;

3. Don’t open your mouth, the pronunciation will be backwards

In the early stage of learning Japanese, we must first check whether the pronunciation is standard. If you work hard, it is not feasible if you blindly imitate animation, movies, variety shows, etc. Sometimes movies and TV shows will have little effect on friends who have no basic knowledge in order to meet the "quip".

4. Don’t be intimidated by grammar when self-study

Japanese grammar is many and complicated. When we learn grammar in the early stage, we only need to clarify the grammatical points in the textbook. Don’t get into too many corners, which will easily lead you to a dead end.

5. Learning and life complement each other

Learning Japanese is a cumulative process. Over time, our enthusiasm may be wiped out. At this time, we must turn learning Japanese into a habit, experience the joy of Japanese in life, and let Japanese and Life is connected, such as:

1. When we encounter something, we have to think of the corresponding Japanese word to deepen the impression of this word in our mind.

2. Seize the opportunity to speak Japanese, have Japanese conversations with teachers and classmates, and also have conversations with friends.

3. Choose your favorite Japanese anime to watch. The animation speed is slightly slower than that of Japanese dramas, and it is also suitable for beginners to cultivate their interests.

6. Self-learners make a learning plan that suits them

Learning a language is a long-term accumulation. This process requires us to persist and plan for our daily, monthly and quarterly learning. For example:

Learn half a day every day An hour of Japanese oral training, an hour of basic questions, or half an hour to recite words, etc. No matter what kind of plan you make, it must be suitable for you and achievable. To what extent should you learn the textbooks in half a year, and whether you need to pass the Japanese level N1 or N2 in half a year or a year, you must have a clear goal. .

For more Japanese consultation, please add WeChat to communicate.

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Dear friends, are you still having headaches and worries about learning Japanese? Next, Xiaoyu teacher will teach you: Self-study Japanese learning methods, 6 tips for self-study Japanese: 1. It is very important to choose appropriate teaching materials for self-study. Each Japan - DayDayNews

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