Today's story is "Every day I see you" and I enter the story. . Let us walk into "Daily Discovery" today. Daily discovery.mp3もっともっとおもしろくいきようよLet’s live a more colorful lifeーーMinomi Kamada       People are healthy and beautiful. People who never forget to dress up no matter how ol

2024/05/2517:18:32 hotcomm 1941

Today's story is

天は一丝に『Everydayが発见』に入りましょう. .

Let us walk into "Daily Discovery" today.

Daily discovery.mp3


Live a more colorful life

ーーKamada Minoru


Today's story is


 いくつになっても、おしゃれをforgotれない人は、Healthy and beautifulしい.

People who never forget to dress up no matter how old they are are healthy and beautiful.


Kamada is a soft mohawk?

 のことですが 9 years ago, がんtreatment の専门志で, and welfare beautician の Shinoda Hisao さんと対 talk したことがあります. Heは、悪性リンパ swellingのステージ4. 「がんと闘うための铠のようなもの」と、ロックンローラーのような faction hand なファッションで生をsolidめていました.

It was already nine years ago that I had a conversation with beautician Hisao Shinoda in a magazine specializing in cancer treatment.

He was in the fourth stage of malignant lymphoma. Wearing fashion that's as glamorous as a rock machine is like armor in the battle against cancer.

さんは beautician Shinoda として, みんなが同じような髪shaped にするのが Xu せなかったようです. Illness progress してからも、ボランティアでwelfare facilities に行き、子どもたちの Opinion を文きながら、その子に合った髪shaped にカットしていました.

As a beautician, Mr. Shinoda seems not to allow everyone to have the same hairstyle. After his condition worsened, he continued to work as a volunteer at the welfare club, listening to the children's opinions and cutting hair styles that suited the children.

とになりました.まず, 髪をRed, dyed めて, はやっていたソフトモヒカンにしようということになりました.ぼくにとっては、髪を色めることもソフトモヒカンも初体験です.ちょっと戸游いましたが, Shinoda さんが言うならとお人せしました.

One day, he came to the hotel where I was staying and helped me change my hairstyle. First, he decided to dye his hair red and turn it into a mohawk that was popular at the time. For me, whether it’s dyeing my hair or doing a mohawk, it’s my first experience. I was a little overwhelmed, so I left it all to Mr. Shinoda.

Halfway through, the two of them laughed together.ふだんとはviolate hair-shaped やattire を楽しむことは, おしゃれの醍醐酐. 「こんな自分になれる!」と, 自分の possibility を広げることこそ,生きる喜びです.

However, my hair is relatively soft and cannot stand up even if I use hair wax. Faced with the unusually "soft" Xi Gan, we both hugged and laughed. Enjoying different hairstyles and clothes from usual ones is the fun of fashion. "I can be like this myself" and expanding one's possibilities is the joy of existence.

 Beauty care and beauty care will become the driving force of living.

Beauty care will become the driving force of living.

した. The special nursing care is on-site, and the tendency is that the color is strong and the residual color is strong. 「メイクしたり、おしゃれしたりということを女は何十もやってきました.それが、年をとったり、体が不Free になったり, facilities に入ったりすることできなくなってしまう.てはriskないということで、makeup propsり上げられてしまうことがあります.すごくショックなんです."

In the medical field where I work, "health" and "life" are given priority, and "beauty" is the last consideration for a long time. Especially at the nursing site, where the phenomenon is stark. "Women have been doing makeup and dressing up for decades. Because they get older, their bodies become inconvenient, or they enter facilities, they no longer wear makeup and dress up. And it is very dangerous to put cosmetics into the eyes sometimes, so Sometimes cosmetics are put away, which is a big shock to me. ”

The representative of そう语るのは and nursing and beauty care group むミライプロジェクトの山氡. The beautician facilities are dispatched and the care and beauty personnel are trained.

said this from Satoshi Yamabe, the representative of the Miley project dedicated to care and beauty. Dispatch beauticians to facilities to develop human resources for care and beauty.


Today's story is

かまた・みのる Born in 1948.

Minoru Kamada was born in 1948.

Physician, writer, honorary president of Suwa Central Hospital.

Doctor, writer, honorary president of Suwa Central Hospital.

チェルノブイリ, イラクへ medical support, the Great East Japan Earthquake disaster relief group んでいる. 「KADOKAWA」など has written many books.

is involved in Chernobyl , medical support in Iraq, and support for areas stricken by the Great East Japan Earthquake. He is the author of many books including "Don't Be Deceived".

【Read aloud】


【Proofreading】Chen Minjia

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