Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun is on a trip to the United States. In order to win favor from Americans, he will not hesitate to damage cross-strait relations. You Jiafu, a senior member of the Kuomintang, publicly attacked Zhu Lilun, claiming that "this party chairman seems to be

2024/05/2509:44:33 hotcomm 1609

Chairman of the Kuomintang Zhu Lilun is on a trip to the United States. In order to invite Americans to favor him, he will not hesitate to destroy cross-strait relations at the expense. He actually openly claimed that "Once the mainland reunifies Taiwan, it will threaten the security of the United States." His capriciousness and political lies have seriously damaged cross-strait relations, and dissatisfaction is spreading within the KMT. You Jiafu, a senior member of the Kuomintang, publicly attacked Zhu Lilun, claiming that "this party chairman seems to be from the Democratic Progressive Party." Media boss Wu Zijia once suspected that Zhu Lilun had a private deal with the DPP. During the KMT chairman election last October, Zhang Yazhong, the principal of Sun Wen School, also asked whether Zhu Lilun was an American informant. Zhu Lilun took charge of the Kuomintang twice, but he did not have a decent record. The Kuomintang collapsed under his hands, and there were constant turmoil. Let me tell you the specific situation.

Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun is on a trip to the United States. In order to win favor from Americans, he will not hesitate to damage cross-strait relations. You Jiafu, a senior member of the Kuomintang, publicly attacked Zhu Lilun, claiming that

Zhu Lilun

Zhu Lilun's political lies

Zhu Lilun is a child of a traditional family in the Kuomintang. His father, Zhu Zhangxing, was a colonel of the Kuomintang and was responsible for the construction of Chiang Kai-shek Cihu Mausoleum in Taiwan. The family to which his wife Gao Wanqian belongs is even more powerful in Taiwan. Zhu Lilun's father-in-law Gao Yuren was once the speaker of the Taiwan Provincial Assembly, and his wife's brother Gao Sibo was also a public opinion representative in Taiwan's legislative body. Zhu Lilun himself is a Ph.D. student studying in the United States and a professor at National Taiwan University, so his political path has been smooth. But from a long-term perspective, Zhu Lilun's personal ethics and political integrity in politics are very poor. He is a political chameleon who "talks to people and talks to ghosts". From his political resume, we can often see that it only takes a few months for Zhu Lilun to go back on his words, turn his hands into clouds, and turn his hands into rain. The outside world basically has no access to his true core political ideas. He is always left and right, erratic and profit-seeking, which is the portrayal of Zhu Lilun.

Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun is on a trip to the United States. In order to win favor from Americans, he will not hesitate to damage cross-strait relations. You Jiafu, a senior member of the Kuomintang, publicly attacked Zhu Lilun, claiming that

Zhu Lilun and his father-in-law's family

In 1998, Zhu Lilun officially entered the political arena as a professor at National Taiwan University and ran for election as a public opinion representative in Taiwan's legislative body. That year happened to be a critical period of political transformation in Taiwan. The number of public representatives in the legislative body and the difficulty of election were greatly reduced. Zhu Lilun successfully entered the legislative body with the help of his father-in-law, and the following year Zhu Lilun publicly supported Lee Teng-hui and his "two-state theory." On July 23, 1999, Taiwan newspapers reported high-profile reports on the cross-party public opinion representatives Chen Hongji and Chu Lilun in the legislative body. , Li Wenzhong, Lai Qingde, Zhuo Rongtai, Xu Qingyuan, Cai Zhonghan and others supported Lee Teng-hui's "two-nation theory" and severely condemned the "anti-two-nation theory" campaign launched by the New Party. This can be regarded as Zhu Lilun’s initial political position. Now many people call him "Lee Teng-hui second", and there is a reason for this. But just one year later, the Democratic Progressive Party came to power, and the Kuomintang lost power for the first time. Zhu Lilun began to bite back on Lee Teng-hui. Ding Shouzhong, a young general in the Kuomintang, launched the first attack and demanded that Lee Teng-hui be fired. Zhu Lilun followed closely and focused his artillery fire on Li Tenghui.

Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun is on a trip to the United States. In order to win favor from Americans, he will not hesitate to damage cross-strait relations. You Jiafu, a senior member of the Kuomintang, publicly attacked Zhu Lilun, claiming that

Zhu Lilun sometimes fawns over and sometimes criticizes Lee Teng-hui

Zhu Lilun swings left and right. It can be said that the two ends of the first rat are deeply rooted in the genes. In 2015, Zhu Lilun was serving as mayor of New Taipei City and chairman of the Kuomintang. He is very much looking forward to representing the Kuomintang in the Taiwan leadership election in 2016, so he actively operates within the Kuomintang. In February 2015, Zhu Lilun took the Chinese New Year as an opportunity to visit Lee Teng-hui's residence, and also to build a good relationship with Lee Teng-hui. He said:

"Whether you have been in the Kuomintang or have left the Kuomintang, including Soong Chu-yu, Lee Teng-hui, etc. I will humbly accept any suggestions from my seniors."

On August 23, 2015, the new party held a party celebration. Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun , former Democratic Progressive Party Chairman Shi Mingde all attended to congratulate. At that time, Lee Teng-hui made "Japanese-favoring" remarks in the news media, which seriously hurt the feelings of Taiwanese people. New Party Chairman Yu Muming, Zhu Lilun, Shi Mingde and others all denounced Lee Teng-hui at the celebration. Zhu Lilun even said bluntly: "It is impossible for the colonized Taiwanese to regard themselves as Japanese. This is the backbone of the Taiwanese people." Compared with his attitude towards asking Lee Teng-hui for advice six months ago, Zhu Lilun was completely different from before and after. I really don’t know which face is Zhu Lilun’s true face, or that his original face is like that of thousands of people, changing his face when meeting everyone.

Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun is on a trip to the United States. In order to win favor from Americans, he will not hesitate to damage cross-strait relations. You Jiafu, a senior member of the Kuomintang, publicly attacked Zhu Lilun, claiming that

Zhu Lilun presented flowers to Sun Yat-sen in the United States

Zhu Lilun was also a liar on the mainland issue. In 2015, when Zhu Lilun went to the mainland, he publicly stated: "In 1992, both sides of the Taiwan Strait reached the 1992 Consensus that both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to one China, but the connotations are different." But seven years later, the "1992 Consensus" came to Zhu Lilun's The words became "Consensus without consensus". In 2015, Zhu Lilun talked in Beijing about "Mr. Sun Yat-sen expelled the Tartars, overthrew the Manchu monarchy, and restored China." In San Francisco, the United States, in 2022, Zhu Lilun raved in the park where Mr. Sun Yat-sen founded the Xingzhong Association: The Kuomintang has since It was a pro-American political party from the beginning. Dr. Sun Yat-sen's "Three People's Principles" were derived from Lincoln's theory of "of the people, by the people, and for the people." " Such capricious behavior has no loyalty at all. It is the cross-strait relations that are harmed, but it is not the KMT that benefits, but the DPP who is watching.

The KMT internally fired shots at Zhu Lilun

Zhu Lilun's arrogant remarks also caused Now the senior figure within the KMT, You Jiafu, has officially fired the first shot, pointing out that "this party chairman seems to be from the Democratic Progressive Party." In fact, if you look closely at Zhu Lilun's political resume. , it is not difficult for us to find that since he took office, the Kuomintang has had more internal strife and disturbances. It is not that Zhu Lilun was an undercover agent sent by the Democratic Progressive Party in 2016. The biggest beneficiary, and also played a particularly "strange" role in it. The background of that year was that the Kuomintang encountered an unprecedented crisis. The support rate of Ma Ying-jeou's government fell to single digits, and the big bosses in the Kuomintang shunned it. Talking about the 2016 Taiwan leadership election. Hong Xiuzhu stepped forward and directly challenged Tsai Ing-wen with the slogan "Stir-fried water spinach with small peppers". Unexpectedly, he was well received by the society but because Hong Xiuzhu was not active. The country moved closer to the United States, so the United States began to operate secretly to encourage the top leaders of the Kuomintang to "change pillars."

Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun is on a trip to the United States. In order to win favor from Americans, he will not hesitate to damage cross-strait relations. You Jiafu, a senior member of the Kuomintang, publicly attacked Zhu Lilun, claiming that

Hong Xiuzhu was tragically replaced.

The chairman of the Kuomintang at the time was Zhu Lilun. He had discussed with Hong Xiuzhu many times. Zhu Lilun said that after replacing her. , she accepted the conscription to run for the 2016 election, and even allowed Hong Xiuzhu to serve as her deputy. Hong Xiuzhu would naturally not be moved by this. She established campaign headquarters across the island to compete. However, the Kuomintang at that time was not convinced. The top management was all under the control of pro-American forces such as Ma Ying-jeou and Zhu Lilun. In the end, Hong Xiuzhu was openly replaced. Hong Xiuzhu said decently at the end: "The Kuomintang may not want me, but I will not give up on the Kuomintang." This looks like Zhu Lilun. It seems that he is just greedy for power, but Wang Jinping later broke the news:

"Zhu Lilun came to me five or six times before the 'Changing Pillars' and invited me to come out to choose the leader, but in the end it was not me. "

At that time, Wang Jinping was actually one of the most prestigious candidates in the Kuomintang, but he did not agree to compete because of the opposition of his family. From this point of view, Zhu Lilun worked very hard to win the position of the candidate. On the one hand, he stabilized his position. Wang Jinping, on the other hand, put pressure on Hong Xiuzhu. The result was an unprecedented defeat for the Kuomintang. Zhu Lilun lost 3 million votes against Tsai Ing-wen. Zhu Lilun eliminated the two potential opponents of Hong Xiuzhu and Wang Jinping. After 2016, Wang Jinping almost faded out of politics and officially retired. Although Hong Xiuzhu became the chairman of the Kuomintang after Zhu Lilun, it was difficult to restore the overall situation.It can be said that the "Pillar Changing Incident" occupied a prominent position in the decline of the Kuomintang.

Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun is on a trip to the United States. In order to win favor from Americans, he will not hesitate to damage cross-strait relations. You Jiafu, a senior member of the Kuomintang, publicly attacked Zhu Lilun, claiming that

Zhu Lilun and Wang Jinping

In 2021, Zhu Lilun defeated his strong competitor Zhang Yazhong through a series of means and became the chairman of the Kuomintang again. Since Zhu Lilun came to power, many battles in which the Kuomintang had an advantage have suffered inexplicable defeats. The first is the "Four Major Referendums". These four proposals were going very smoothly before Zhu Lilun came to power, and the public participation was very high. , especially opposition to the entry of US pork containing clenbuterol into Taiwan, has aroused public resonance. However, after Zhu Lilun came to power, he did not actively promote the social publicity of various proposals. In order to resist the "four major referendums" of the Kuomintang, the DPP Chairman Tsai Ing-wen and the township chiefs with DPP membership in various places have mobilized. Tsai Ing-wen, Lai Ching-te, and Su Tseng-chang alone have held hundreds of seminars in Taiwan, causing the people to be deeply brainwashed and beguiled by their fallacies. In the end, all the "four major referendums" were rejected, and the Kuomintang was completely wiped out.

Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun is on a trip to the United States. In order to win favor from Americans, he will not hesitate to damage cross-strait relations. You Jiafu, a senior member of the Kuomintang, publicly attacked Zhu Lilun, claiming that

The Democratic Progressive Party mobilized the entire Democratic Progressive Party.

At the same time, the removal of Lin Changzuo, the pro-independence public opinion representative in Taipei City, and the by-election of public opinion representatives in Taichung City were also held. These two battles are also battles in which the KMT has a high probability of winning. But surprisingly, Zhu Lilun and the Kuomintang kept a certain distance from these two matters, and even sat on the sidelines and turned a blind eye. Lin Changzuo is a representative of Taiwan's independence forces. He not only repeatedly attacks the mainland, but also turns a blind eye to the outbreak of new crown local cases in the communities under his jurisdiction. There are 230,000 people in Lin Changzuo's constituency. As long as the Kuomintang takes active action, it is basically not a problem to successfully remove him. However, almost no one in the entire Kuomintang contributed to this battle, and the result was only a shortfall of more than 8,000 votes, allowing Lin Changzuo to escape.

Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun is on a trip to the United States. In order to win favor from Americans, he will not hesitate to damage cross-strait relations. You Jiafu, a senior member of the Kuomintang, publicly attacked Zhu Lilun, claiming that

Lin Changzuo

The public opinion representative by-election in Taichung City is another head-on conflict between the Kuomintang and the Democratic Progressive Party. The deputy secretary-general of the Kuomintang Yan Kuanheng participated in the by-election in his hometown, and his opponent was the Democratic Progressive Party from elsewhere." Lin Jingyi came by air. The Yan Kuanheng family has been operating in the local area for decades and has a large tree with deep roots. Unexpectedly, it was defeated by Lin Jingyi and the Democratic Progressive Party. Yan Kuanheng’s father Yan Qingbiao had a rough background, which the DPP also clung to. Yan Kuanheng asked Zhu Lilun for help, but Zhu Lilun and the entire Kuomintang still sat firmly on the Diaoyutai without a single rescuer. As a result, Yan Kuanheng's front completely collapsed, and Lin Jingyi won with a high vote. Zhu Lilun suffered six consecutive defeats in less than three months after taking office. At that time, people just felt that Zhu Lilun was incompetent, but as Zhu Lilun's plan for the 2022 local county and mayor elections in Taiwan this year was full of loopholes, everyone felt that things seemed not that simple.

Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun is on a trip to the United States. In order to win favor from Americans, he will not hesitate to damage cross-strait relations. You Jiafu, a senior member of the Kuomintang, publicly attacked Zhu Lilun, claiming that

Yan Kuanheng’s family

Zhu Lilun’s layout for the county mayor election can be said to be unruly and turbulent. Taipei City Councilor Luo Zhiqiang first expressed his hope to run for Taoyuan Mayor, but Zhu Lilun vigorously suppressed it and sternly refused. Zhu Lilun not only made a three-hour phone call to persuade Luo Zhiqiang to quit, but also said words such as "the fish will die and the network will break". Local people in Taoyuan City hope to send a Taoyuan person to participate in the election, and the three are in a stalemate. As a result, Zhu Lilun used surprise tactics to forcibly recruit the former head of the administrative agency Zhang Shanzheng to fight for the mayor of Taoyuan. This not only angered Luo Zhiqiang and the local factions in Taoyuan City, but also made supporters of all parties furious. Wu Zijia, chairman of Taiwan's "Beautiful Island Electronic News", said at the time "Maybe Zhu Lilun has some private deal with the Democratic Progressive Party." Zhang Shanzheng has made outstanding achievements in the field of science and technology, but has no local administrative experience and is not from Taoyuan. This arrangement obviously benefits the DPP. Luo Zhiqiang also openly criticized Zhu Lilun as "disqualified, dishonest and incompetent". This incident was also jokingly called "dismantling the strong".

Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun is on a trip to the United States. In order to win favor from Americans, he will not hesitate to damage cross-strait relations. You Jiafu, a senior member of the Kuomintang, publicly attacked Zhu Lilun, claiming that

Luo Zhiqiang

The "column-changing" incident disrupted the KMT's layout in 2016, and the "demolishing" incident shook the KMT election in 2022. Zhu Lilun’s visit to the United States blatantly abandoned the “1992 Consensus” and directly harmed cross-strait relations. KMT senior executive You Jiafu directly mocked Zhu Lilun, saying: "This party chairman seems to be from the Democratic Progressive Party" . He also bluntly said:

"Zhu Lilun's trip has seriously damaged his personal leadership prestige. The dignified chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang actually talked nonsense on important cross-strait discussions just to please the United States. The Zhenglan camp within the Kuomintang cannot accept it."

You Jiafu He is a senior figure in the Kuomintang and currently serves as the chairman of Shengpin Technology Company and the chairman of Fubang Investment Company. His elder brother is Taichung City Councilor You Jiazhang, who was formerly affiliated with Wu Dunyi of the Kuomintang. He himself has visited the mainland many times and is one of the representatives of Taiwan's business community. Taiwanese businessmen are most likely to be affected by Zhu Lilun's reckless actions on cross-strait relations, and most of these people are the KMT's vote base. Zhu Lilun's move can be said to have shaken the foundation of the Kuomintang, which is why You Jiafu said harshly, " If the election at the end of the year is not good, Zhu Lilun will be fired."

Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun is on a trip to the United States. In order to win favor from Americans, he will not hesitate to damage cross-strait relations. You Jiafu, a senior member of the Kuomintang, publicly attacked Zhu Lilun, claiming that


Zhu Lilun has served as the chairman of the Kuomintang twice from January 2015 to January 2016 and from October 2021 to the present. Taking a careful look at Zhu Lilun's two-term resume, it is not difficult to find that under the leadership of Zhu Lilun, the Kuomintang never even won a single victory. Zhu Lilun's role is often negative, which is no wonder why the outside world will increase doubts about him. During the 2021 campaign for party chairman, Zhang Yazhong, the principal of Sun Wen School who was also competing in the same field, once asked Zhu Lilun if he was an American informant. still seems quite conservative now. Someone should ask him if he is an undercover agent from the Democratic Progressive Party who went to the Kuomintang specifically to bring down the Kuomintang. As the saying goes, "One general is incompetent and the three armies are exhausted." Zhu Lilun's flattering of the United States has caused internal backlash, and the deadline for stepping down should be at the end of this year. Zhu Lilun's political development is based on lies, flattery and calculations, and he seems to be a "political actuary" with unlimited fame. But without basic loyalty and firm belief, in the end he is just a political clown and will only leave a disgraceful mark in history.

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