A new journey has begun and a new blueprint is being drawn. "Promote digital reform at a high level and create a highland for digital change" and "strive to promote digital reform to lead systemic change"... Digital reform has achieved groundbreaking results in Zhejiang. Now, Zhe

2024/05/2423:21:34 hotcomm 1683

A new journey has begun, and a new blueprint is being drawn. "Promote digital reform at a high level and create a highland for digital change" and "strive to promote digital reform to lead systemic change"... Digital reform has achieved groundbreaking results in Zhejiang. Now, Zhejiang has entered the "deep water zone" and is at a new starting point.

A new journey has begun and a new blueprint is being drawn.

Telecom 5G empowers thousands of industries

cloud-network integration, and the interplay of data and intelligence. For more than a year, China Telecom Zhejiang Company has actively played its role as "the main force in the construction of digital Zhejiang" and its core advantages in cloud-to-digital transformation, focusing on building a multi-level cloud-network integration computing power layout system, leading or participating in the "Seven Applications" List" and other 16 best applications in the province, undertook the construction of major applications such as the "Zheli Red Root Strengthening Project", participated in the promotion of many key projects such as the "Sunshine Kitchen", and achieved reform breakthroughs of "2 golds, 3 silvers and 6 bronzes" Award, and exclusively organizes the Zhejiang Province Digital Reform Achievements Exhibition.

has made contributions to a new era and forged ahead on a new journey. China Telecom Zhejiang Company has always kept in mind its mission of being the “main force in the construction of Digital Zhejiang” and inherited the red telecommunications spirit of obeying the party’s command, firm belief, serving the people wholeheartedly, reform and innovation, advocating technology, and safe and smooth communication. Facing unprecedented new historical missions and new development opportunities, China Telecom Zhejiang Company will continue to give full play to the basic, leading and integrated role of information and communication technology, actively empower the digital transformation of thousands of industries, and fully promote the digital reform of Zhejiang. , solidly promote the high-quality development of and to build a common prosperity demonstration zone, and strive to promote the "two firsts" with the mission and responsibility of building a cyber power and digital China, and maintaining the main force of the national network information security team.

Inspire "new momentum"

Help digital reform to achieve practical results

Open the takeout online APP, and the merchant's kitchen will immediately come into view, whether there is a mouse or not, it can be identified and captured; 96110 Anti-fraud warning "one network on the cloud" to save the people Economic losses of hundreds of millions of yuan; "Seven Problem Lists", based on inspections, audits, inspections, etc., to focus on party building and lead the overall situation... These applications are the epitome of the digital reform achievements of Zhejiang Province, and are also the new driving forces for China Telecom Zhejiang Company to stimulate digital intelligence. , a typical case of promoting the actual effectiveness of digital reform.

Over the past year, China Telecom Zhejiang Company has seized the key strategic opportunity period of "digital reform + common prosperity", deeply understood the internal logic of the "1612" system architecture, and actively served digital government , digital economy , and digital society construction. , strengthen the layout of digital life field, promote the comprehensive integration of major applications, and ensure the rapid implementation of digital reform tasks and detailed implementation. In the field of party building and overall intelligent governance,

has developed its own core base, created the "No. 1 Application" and "Seven Question Lists" for digital reform, and undertook the construction of major applications such as the "Zhejiang Red Root Strengthening Project" and "People Call Us". In the field of digital government, we support the construction of 6 best applications, self-developed and built sunshine kitchen modules, and help create a transparent and safe consumption environment for online catering. In the field of digital economy, we have self-developed a platform for increasing Zhejiang animal husbandry production and ensuring supply, creating the "Zhejiang Animal Husbandry Industry Brain", which has been recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture; we have developed "Zhejiang Intelligent Manufacturing Online" to assist industrial groups in the reform of intelligent manufacturing integrated services. In the field of digital society, we actively participate in the promotion of projects such as " Zhejiang Medical Mutual Recognition", "Zhejiang Epidemic Prevention", "Zhejiang First Aid", "Zhejiang Health Safety" and "Digital Health Care", and self-study "Community Epidemic Prevention One Thing and Normality" Five major epidemic prevention platforms, including nucleic acid testing point monitoring, epidemic prevention in key places of buildings and shops, mobile cabin hospitals and health station informatization, and disease control and epidemic control, use digital means to significantly relieve the workload at the grassroots level and improve residents’ satisfaction. In the field of digital culture , we undertake the construction of applications such as red resources online, smart culture cloud, and cultural relic security smart supervision. In the field of digital rule of law, the Digital Legal Research Institute was jointly established with the Provincial Political and Legal Committee to lead the construction of seven provincial-level applications.

A new journey has begun and a new blueprint is being drawn.

Digital Empowerment of 5G Future Factory

Zhejiang Province has clearly proposed new tasks and goals such as "comprehensively deepening digital reform" and "iteratively upgrading the '1612' system architecture to comprehensively improve the actual effectiveness of digital reform."The information and communication industry is an important force in promoting new driving forces for the development of the digital economy and promoting the construction of common prosperity demonstration zones. Next, China Telecom Zhejiang Company will aim at new goals and tasks, give full play to the endowment advantages of information resources, and deeply participate in the "1612" system architecture of Zhejiang's digital reform and the "1+7+N" key work system and "1 +5+N" major reform system construction, iteratively upgrades digital reform, improves quality and expands scope, accelerates the creation of landmark results that solidly promote common prosperity, and provides telecom wisdom and telecom solutions that are easy to use, practical and effective. In terms of empowering digital applications through cloud and network integration,

will give full play to the advantages of cloud and network integration and accelerate the advancement of the new generation of information and communication technology represented by 5G, cloud computing , artificial intelligence , big data, etc., as well as digital government and digital economy. , digital society, and digital culture are deeply integrated to help high-quality economic and social development, etc. In terms of building a digital security barrier with independent control, China Telecom Zhejiang Company is preparing to build big data security operation centers in Huzhou, Shaoxing and other places to continuously consolidate the security foundation for digital reform. In terms of improving the self-research capability system through scientific and technological innovation, it will take building a technology-based enterprise as its own responsibility and fully support the digital reform and high-quality development of Zhejiang Province to build a demonstration zone for common prosperity.

Opening up the "main arteries"

Consolidating the basic foundation for cloud-network integration

The network is the foundation, and the cloud is the core.

In the era of digital economy, cloud-network integration has very important strategic value. In fact, cloud-network integration has become a core feature of digital information infrastructure.

China Telecom Zhejiang Company is the only operator in Zhejiang Province that has an integrated ubiquitous network of land, sea, air, space and ground, and has full-service, cross-regional comprehensive information service capabilities such as broadband, mobile, fixed-line, satellite communications, cloud computing, big data, and the Internet of Things. business. At present, China Telecom Zhejiang Company has undertaken the construction of 100% of the province's government affairs network, participated in the construction of 9 government affairs clouds , and is exclusively responsible for the construction of the provincial Xinchuang cloud; it has 446,000 5G base stations, enabling the province's main urban areas, counties and key towns The 5G commercial network has continuous coverage, with deep coverage of key scenes and subway lines; the optical network achieves province-wide coverage, with an access capacity of over 25 million and Gigabit access capabilities.

A new journey has begun and a new blueprint is being drawn.

Telecom’s 5G network covers

Next, China Telecom Zhejiang Company will give full play to the basic advantages of the Internet, grasp the development direction of the cloud, and accelerate the construction of high-speed ubiquity, integration of heaven and earth, cloud-network integration, intelligent and agile, green and low-carbon, safe and controllable Intelligent comprehensive digital information infrastructure, strengthen scientific and technological innovation, optimize resource layout, promote the convergence and innovation of multiple factors such as DC, network, computing power, cloud, big data/AI, security, green, etc., to open up information for economic and social development. "Artery" contributes telecommunications power.

is high-speed and ubiquitous, integrating heaven and earth. Adhere to the network as the foundation, actively build a high-speed ubiquitous basic network that integrates heaven and earth, consolidate the new infrastructure base, serve the national economy and people's livelihood, and fully support the digital transformation of the economy and society. Accelerate the construction of high-quality 5G networks and promote 5G ultra-clear video (VoNR); build a high-speed cloud backbone network and build the country's leading "cloud + metro cloud network + edge + security" integrated infrastructure to create a multi-cloud, multi-network, and secure One-stop service; lay out 10 Gigabit optical network capabilities and realize unconditional acceptance of Gigabit broadband in urban areas. Through the guidance of Hangzhou and Ningbo Gigabit city benchmarks, most cities in the province will basically reach Gigabit city standards by the end of 2022.

cloud-network integration, intelligence and agility. Focusing on the national integrated big data center system, we will build a multi-level cloud-network integrated computing power layout system to realize network resources according to cloud needs, network scheduling to follow the cloud, and cloud-network integrated deployment. Take the initiative to undertake the " east to west calculation " project, accelerate the planning and construction of data center resources in the province, and start the construction of big data centers in Hangzhou and Jiashan; connect the national cloud construction, layout "Tianyi Cloud" one city and one pool, create hierarchical deployment, High-speed interconnected distributed cloud covers all regions and cities, realizing ubiquitous computing.

is green, low-carbon, safe and controllable.Coordinate development and security, always make network security a top priority, and build a green new cloud network through new technologies, new models, and new operations. Continue to improve cloud network security protection capabilities and consolidate network, information, and data security bases; create a six-end security operation system of "cloud network terminals, data and edges"; and strengthen network information security services. Adhere to green and low-carbon development, build a green cloud network through a multi-pronged approach, implement the Zhejiang Provincial Government Dual Carbon Action Plan and China Telecom Group Company "1236" Dual Carbon Action Plan, build new green information infrastructure, and empower Green economic and social development; focus on promoting energy conservation and carbon reduction in key energy-consuming units such as 5G and data centers.

Firmly establish the "foothold"

Promote the sharing of high-quality public services

Provide a "digital highway" for rural revitalization, build thousands of "love wing stations", implement fee reductions and improve quality to help reduce the operating costs of small and medium-sized enterprises... "People's Posts and Telecommunications serves the people ”, no matter how technology develops or how the scene changes, adhering to “people-centered” has always been the consistent value orientation and the “foothold” of corporate development of China Telecom Zhejiang Company. By strengthening the supply of comprehensive intelligent information products and services, China Telecom Zhejiang Company continues to meet the people's yearning and multi-level needs for a better life, strives to solve the "urgent, difficult and anxious" problems of our customers, and continuously enhances the people's sense of gain and happiness. ,sense of security.

A new journey has begun and a new blueprint is being drawn.

Digital rural cloud platform

continues to promote rural revitalization. In the previous stage, the three levels of provincial, municipal, and county companies worked together to promote "1+6" paired assistance, achieving the paired assistance goals set by the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government two years ahead of schedule. Next, China Telecom Zhejiang Company will focus on the "Digital Intelligence Assistance Action" for rural revitalization and focus on promoting four major measures: First, increase investment in information infrastructure construction in rural areas to provide a "digital highway" for rural revitalization. ; The second is to promote the digital transformation of agriculture, actively explore the integrated application of information technology in various fields of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, build 5G smart farms and smart agricultural industrial parks, and provide "new agricultural tools" for rural revitalization; the third is to carry out the construction of big data in agriculture and rural areas, Help build an agricultural and rural big data platform and inject "smart genes" into rural revitalization; fourth, continue to increase rural counterpart assistance and carry out the "Billion Assistance, Ten Thousand Villages Co-construction" public welfare service project to provide "technological innovation" for rural revitalization. engine".

continues to improve its "satisfied customers" service capabilities. China Telecom Zhejiang Company vigorously promotes aging-friendly services and has built thousands of "Love Wing Stations". A total of 82 districts and counties in the province have carried out joint licensing activities with the local Federation of Trade Unions, and 9 have been rated as "Love Wing Stations" by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. "The most beautiful union outdoor worker service site", it has carried out more than 6,000 happiness classes and served nearly 100,000 people. It has launched products and services such as Telecom and TV Elderly Edition. The 10,000 hotline has received 1.5 million elderly customers with one click, and the 114 elderly life service has reached 27.3 Thousands of people. Next, China Telecom Zhejiang Company will further implement the six major service initiatives of "good service is more convenient" including digital intelligence, care, network, consumption, convenience, and security, continue to improve basic service levels, and fully meet customer information needs, respond to customer demands faster and more conveniently.

helps small and medium-sized enterprises to solve their problems. In order to support the healthy development of small and medium-sized enterprises, under the guidance of the group company, China Telecom Zhejiang Company fulfills its responsibilities as a central enterprise, actively helps small and medium-sized enterprises to relieve difficulties and promote coordinated development, and develops a "combination punch" to help enterprises to bail out. Through "pay as much as payable and pay as fast as payable", accounts can be paid in full and on time to help alleviate the financial difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises. Through "exemption for all those who should be exempted, and exemption for those who should be exempted as soon as possible", we will effectively accelerate the reduction and exemption of rent and help support small and micro enterprises in the service industry and individual industrial and commercial households to tide over the difficulties. Through vigorous implementation of fee reduction and quality improvement, we will help reduce the operating costs of small and medium-sized enterprises. On the basis of the 12.96% drop in Internet dedicated line tariffs and the 9.65% drop in broadband tariffs in 2021, benefiting 42,200 small and medium-sized enterprises, the average broadband and dedicated line tariffs for small and medium-sized enterprises will be reduced by another 10% in 2022. Help ease the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises by providing strong support for financing. By continuing to increase innovation support, efforts will be made to promote the integration and innovation of large, small and medium-sized enterprises.Through continuous strengthening of leadership, efforts will be made to achieve coordinated development of large, medium and small enterprises.

Let’s start again on the road to exams and move forward bravely towards the future. China Telecom Zhejiang Company will insist on giving full play to the multiplier effect of digital elements, fully promote integrated integration, digital intelligence empowers practical results, demonstrate new responsibilities and new achievements in the vivid practice of high-quality development and construction of a common prosperity demonstration zone, and strive to win More excellent results.

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