Smart, rich, Judaism, Israel, World War II concentration camps... I believe that most readers are familiar with the Jewish people, after all, they have such outstanding achievements in business history.

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Speaking of Jews, how much do you know? Smart, rich, Judaism , Israel, World War II concentration camps... I believe that most readers are familiar with the Jewish people. After all, they have such outstanding achievements in business history. During World War II, he experienced the brutal persecution of the German Nazis and shocked the world.

But you know that the Jews and Arabs in Israel are actually brothers from the same origin. They have the same origin in terms of blood and religion. Why are they so incompatible today?

Today Smart, rich, Judaism, Israel, World War II concentration camps... I believe that most readers are familiar with the Jewish people, after all, they have such outstanding achievements in business history. - DayDayNews

The red line is the approximate area of ​​the Euphrates River

The Jews are an ancient nation. Their ancestors are the Hebrews, an ancient North Semitic nation. They are nomadic people who originated in the eastern part of the Arabian Peninsula in Western Asia and on the grasslands of the Euphrates River Basin. , with a reproduction history of at least 3,000 years. The race of the Jews is the Semitic-Hamitic subrace of the Europa race. To put it simply, they are actually white people.

The relationship between Jews and Arabs

Jews and Arabs are actually of the same origin. Talking about the relationship between Jews and Arabs is inseparable from religion. According to the records in the Bible and the Old Testament, their distant ancestor is Abraham , and Abraham’s eldest son Ishmael is the recognized ancestor of the Arabs. The younger half-son Isaac is the ancestor of the Jews.

Smart, rich, Judaism, Israel, World War II concentration camps... I believe that most readers are familiar with the Jewish people, after all, they have such outstanding achievements in business history. - DayDayNews

1648 Latin Old Testament

It is not only a religious legend, but according to current scientific testing, the DNA of Jews is most similar to that of Arabs. In 2000, Hamel and others from the University of Arizona in the United States studied Jews from seven countries. and Arabs from five countries, and found that their Y chromosomes come from the same ancestor.

In addition, they also studied the Y chromosomes of the descendants of the Jews who fled to various parts of the world after being plundered by the Neo-Babylonian Kingdom in 586. They were also similar, and their Y chromosomes were similar to those of Syrians and Lebanese The similarity is also much higher than that of the Y chromosomes of other local ethnic groups.

In other words, today's Jews, Arabs, Palestinians , Syrians and Lebanese all come from the same ancestor. This is consistent with the religious legend that they are the descendants of Shem, son of Noah, that is, they are all Semites, or Semites, and both Noah and Shem are the ancestors of Abraham.

Next let's look at their languages ​​Arabic and Hebrew. Linguists classify these two languages ​​into the Semitic language family of the Semitic language family. This is not just based on religious legends. The reason is that the two languages ​​do have many similarities.

For example, the word "Arab" comes from Semitic and means "desert or desert dweller", and in the Jewish Bible, the Hebrew name "Erab" also means the same thing. Of course, there are many such examples.

In addition, from the perspective of living customs, they also have many similarities, such as not eating pork, animal blood and self-destructed livestock, and circumcision.

Although Jews and Arabs are closely related by blood, and theologians recognize that Judaism, which Jews believe in, is the source of Islam, which Arabs believe in.

But this did not stop it. Later, the Arab world and the Israeli Jews were incompatible with each other. This started with the restoration of Israel.

Israel’s past and present life

Israel is a country that is both young and ancient. It is young because Israel was only declared here in 1948.

And the ancient ones are quite complicated , because they believe that the establishment of Israel is a "restoration", not a new creation. This starts with the ancestors of the Jews. They lived in what is now Palestine a few thousand years ago, which was called "Canaan" at that time. This was an ancient area between modern Israel and the Mediterranean Sea. The area is also an area consisting of present-day Palestine and its surrounding areas.

Because in thousands of years BC, the ancestors of the Jews came to what is now Palestine. Later, due to drought and famine, they migrated to ancient Egypt in order to survive. The ancient Egyptians accepted the ancient Jews who fled the famine and moved the Nile River downstream. The area was given to them to live in, and the ancient Jews transformed from a nomadic people into an agricultural people.

Later, the Hyksos invaded Egypt and established the 15th and 16th dynasties in Egypt around the 15th century BC. At this time, the Jews did not share the hardships with the Nubians who took them in, but Revealing their profit-oriented genes, they helped the Hyksos exploit the Nubians. Later, when the Hyksos were overthrown by the Nubians and driven out of Egypt, the ancient Jews became slaves in Egypt. class.

A prophet named Moses was born among the ancient Jews who were unwilling to be oppressed. Moses led them out of Egypt to the Sinai Desert, and taught the ancient Jews to believe in the god Jahweh (Jahveh, or Yahveh) to endure pain and disaster. In the 19th century To this day, it is customary to translate it into the incorrect pronunciation "Jehovah" in literature.

Smart, rich, Judaism, Israel, World War II concentration camps... I believe that most readers are familiar with the Jewish people, after all, they have such outstanding achievements in business history. - DayDayNews

Moses statue

Moses secretly planned a plan to help the ancient Jews escape Egypt. Under the leadership of Moses, they broke through the Egyptian siege and paid a heavy price. Finally, the ancient Jews returned to their birthplace, Canaan, where They lived in Egypt for 400 years before. This period of history is also called "Exodus" and is recorded in the "Bible Old Testament".

The good times did not last long. The Jews were later destroyed by the Kingdom of Assyria and the Kingdom of Ancient Babylon. Their people were captured to the Mesopotamia area and became the "prisoners of Ancient Babylon." Later, as the Persian Empire destroyed ancient Babylon, the Jews returned to their homeland. But it was soon driven out by the Roman Empire.

After the Jews were once again subjugated, they began to disperse around the world to survive. By the time Israel was established, they had been displaced for nearly 2,000 years. During the Northern Song Dynasty in China, there were also Jewish footprints in Kaifeng. One of the evidences is the discovery of Jewish churches. They are called Kaifeng Jews.

Smart, rich, Judaism, Israel, World War II concentration camps... I believe that most readers are familiar with the Jewish people, after all, they have such outstanding achievements in business history. - DayDayNews

Descendants of Kaifeng Jews

Beginning in the 18th century, Jews began to return to the current Palestinian area on a small scale, and began to increase in scale in the 19th century. In 1896, Theodore Herzl, a Jewish journalist in Central Europe's Austro-Hungarian Empire , launched the Zionist movement, also known as the "Zionist movement", calling on Jews around the world to return to their homeland and restore their national identity. lifestyle. This paved the way for subsequent conflicts between Jews and Arabs.

In the 10 years from 1904 to 1914, the development of the Zionist movement promoted the second wave of return. About 40,000 Jews returned to Palestine to settle.

In 1917, the British occupied Palestine, and Foreign Minister Balfour issued the " Balfour Declaration": "His Majesty's Government supports the establishment of a Jewish nation-state in Palestine and will do its utmost to promote its realization." The British thus set a sinful tone for the decades-long war conflict between Afghanistan and Israel.

After World War I, the Jews launched the third and fourth waves of return. In 1920, the League of Nations entrusted Britain with administering Palestine. In 1922, the British divided the Mandatory Territory into two parts: the eastern part (now Jordan ) is where Arabs live, and the west is where Jewish residents live. The League of Nations decided to establish a "Jewish National Home" in Palestine. In 1940, Jews accounted for 30% of the total local residents. The subsequent Holocaust of Jews in Europe gave further impetus to the return of the Jews. Between 1944 and 1948, more than 200,000 Jews moved to Palestine through various channels. After the end of World War II, there were 600,000 Jewish residents in Palestine.

The United Nations established the "Special Committee on Palestine". In November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly voted on the "1947 United Nations Partition Plan", which was approved by 33 countries, including the United States and the former Soviet Union.They divided the Palestinian area into two states, with Jews and Arabs owning about 55% and 45% of the territory respectively, and placed Jerusalem under United Nations administration in an attempt to avoid conflict.

On May 14, 1948, at midnight the day before the end of the British trusteeship period, the State of Israel was officially declared established. That day was Israel’s National Day. Many countries in the surrounding Arab world, including Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon, simultaneously presented their Israel declares war and the Israeli War of Independence breaks out.

On May 11, 1949, Israel obtained a seat in the United Nations and became the 59th member state.

Seeing this, you may have a question. The Jews have been scattered all over the world for nearly 2000 years. Why can they still maintain their national independence and remember their homeland? This is due to their strong belief in their religion, Judaism.

The ancestor of the Jews Jacob injured his hamstring while wrestling with God. After that, Jacob changed his name to "Israel", which means "the one who wrestles with God". This is also the origin of the name of the country of Israel.

Religious factors in the fight for Jerusalem

Smart, rich, Judaism, Israel, World War II concentration camps... I believe that most readers are familiar with the Jewish people, after all, they have such outstanding achievements in business history. - DayDayNews

The current Jerusalem

Jerusalem is a controversial place. It is located at the transportation hub of Asia, Europe and Africa. Historically, it has been contested by various surrounding civilizations, countries and races. Jerusalem has been baptized by war for 2,000 years and has been destroyed and rebuilt many times. This is also a holy place shared by Judaism, Christianity (including Catholicism), and Islam, although they regard Jerusalem as a holy city for different reasons.

The Jews first conquered Jerusalem in the ancient Israelite era and expanded it. The ancient Jewish king David built the Jewish Temple on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. There is only a section of the Wailing Wall at the current site. Mount Zion is considered a holy mountain by the Jews and has therefore become a symbol of Jewish restoration. The Jewish Restoration Movement is also called the Mount Zion Movement.

Smart, rich, Judaism, Israel, World War II concentration camps... I believe that most readers are familiar with the Jewish people, after all, they have such outstanding achievements in business history. - DayDayNews

Jerusalem’s Wailing Wall

Later, the Romans captured Jerusalem in the 1st century AD, and the Jews were driven out of here.

Became part of the Arab Empire in the 7th century AD. Arabs continued to immigrate and assimilate with the local indigenous residents, gradually forming the modern Palestinian Arabs. From then on, Jerusalem was controlled by Islam.

There is the Holy Tomb of Jesus in Jerusalem. In 1099, the Crusaders captured Jerusalem and founded the country. It was a Frankish-style feudal country established by feudal lords. During this period, Jerusalem was controlled by Christianity.

Smart, rich, Judaism, Israel, World War II concentration camps... I believe that most readers are familiar with the Jewish people, after all, they have such outstanding achievements in business history. - DayDayNews

The Church of the Holy Sepulcher is considered the place where Jesus was killed, buried and resurrected

1On September 2, 187, the Jerusalem garrison surrendered under Saladin's attack. Saladin chose to enter Jerusalem on the day of the Ascension to commemorate the Prophet Muhammad. Ascending to the sky in Jerusalem, Jerusalem was once again under Islamic control.

After World War II, Jews immigrated in large numbers from other areas and expelled Palestinians at the same time.

In 1948, during the first Middle East War, Israel declared its state, invaded and occupied West Jerusalem, and East Jerusalem was under Jordanian management. Tel Aviv is the capital of Israel.

Smart, rich, Judaism, Israel, World War II concentration camps... I believe that most readers are familiar with the Jewish people, after all, they have such outstanding achievements in business history. - DayDayNews

Israeli paratroopers in front of the Wailing Wall

During the Third Middle East War in 1967, after Israel recaptured the Wailing Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem, the paratroopers stopped to gaze at the Wailing Wall, the ruins of the Jewish temple left by their ancestors. Jerusalem was almost 2,000 years old. Years later, it was again controlled by Judaism.

After Israel captured the entire Jerusalem in 1967, Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque (the third holiest mosque in Islam) was repeatedly destroyed by extremist Jewish elements. However, according to the United Nations resolution, the Al-Aqsa Mosque will always belong to Muslims and it still remains in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Smart, rich, Judaism, Israel, World War II concentration camps... I believe that most readers are familiar with the Jewish people, after all, they have such outstanding achievements in business history. - DayDayNews

Al-Aqsa Mosque

Seeing this, you should know why Israel and Arabs are incompatible, right? It can only be said that human reasons are greater than religious reasons. Although the current location of Israel was the homeland of the Jews nearly 2,000 years ago, it later became a place where Arabs lived.To give a popular example: If someone returns to the village where their ancestors lived for 18 generations and says that this is the ancestral land of my family, I want to bring my family back here to build a villa and build an ancestral hall. Then who are the people living here now? What about feelings?

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