*Statement: This article is only for popular science purposes and cannot be used as a basis for treatment. In order to protect patient privacy, the relevant information in the following content has been processed and transferred from the real experience of Xiaohe Health App [Dise

2024/05/2317:51:33 hotcomm 1037

* Statement: This article is only for popular science purposes and cannot be used as a basis for treatment. In order to protect patient privacy, the relevant information in the following content has been processed

*Statement: This article is only for popular science purposes and cannot be used as a basis for treatment. In order to protect patient privacy, the relevant information in the following content has been processed and transferred from the real experience of Xiaohe Health App [Dise - DayDayNews

Reprinted from the real experience of Xiaohe Health App

[Disease Type] Diabetes - Type 1 Diabetes

[ Basic information] Female, age at diagnosis 57 years old

[Treatment plan] Insulin injection

[Treatment cycle] Lifelong

Getting to know Tai Chi is effective in controlling sugar

Getting to know and like Tai Chi is the most correct choice I have made in my life. This is something I deeply understand. Words from the bottom of my heart.

The whole world knows that Tai Chi is a profound traditional fitness method passed down from the ancestors. Thirteen years ago, I accidentally became involved with Tai Chi and have been practicing it to this day.

I had abnormal blood sugar fifteen years ago. Due to my ignorance, I have been neglecting it without any treatment, lifestyle changes, or monitoring. The only thing that has kept me alive until today is the exercise of Tai Chi.

Today I will talk about the positive effect of Tai Chi on my blood sugar condition.

*Statement: This article is only for popular science purposes and cannot be used as a basis for treatment. In order to protect patient privacy, the relevant information in the following content has been processed and transferred from the real experience of Xiaohe Health App [Dise - DayDayNews

Picture source: provided by the narrator

Through continuous study and consultation with diabetes friends, I now know the dangers of type 1 diabetes without insulin . Insulin is the life of type 1 patients. However, I have had abnormal blood sugar for fifteen or six years without any treatment or control. Four of the five carriages have been stopped. Fortunately, the only carriage - Tai Chi has been with me through these more than ten years.

I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in November 2021. Although I already have complications , they are not serious yet. Fortunately, I sincerely appreciate the help of Tai Chi exercise, which effectively delayed my complications.

*Statement: This article is only for popular science purposes and cannot be used as a basis for treatment. In order to protect patient privacy, the relevant information in the following content has been processed and transferred from the real experience of Xiaohe Health App [Dise - DayDayNews

Image source: Provided by the narrator

Looking back on the past, I regret my ignorance of the disease and my ignorance of the disease for more than ten years. The most correct thing I did was to practice Tai Chi unremittingly.

Because of his love for Tai Chi, he has continued to practice rain or shine for more than ten years. He has now grown into a national first-level coach, a national first-level social sports instructor , and a national first-level referee. He has won numerous awards because of his love. Saved my body and mind.

Tai Chi is the best aerobic exercise for both internal and external training. It exercises muscles, bones and skin externally and one breath internally. The movements are soothing and gentle. It can improve cardiopulmonary function, improve immunity, reduce fat and shape, and lower the three highs.

My personal experience can once again prove the fitness effect of this kind of exercise. Although I have not been able to control my blood sugar (type 1 insulin) for many years, my blood pressure, blood lipids, cholesterol, etc. have always been normal, and I have always maintained a suitable weight and figure. There is no fat, and the complications of diabetes are effectively controlled.

*Statement: This article is only for popular science purposes and cannot be used as a basis for treatment. In order to protect patient privacy, the relevant information in the following content has been processed and transferred from the real experience of Xiaohe Health App [Dise - DayDayNews

Picture source: The narrator provides

real data and personally tested it to be effective

After I got sick, I used a dynamic blood glucose meter to consciously detect the changes in blood sugar caused by Tai Chi exercise, and recorded it with an blood glucose meter . It was true and effective that the data spoke directly.

For example, my blood sugar crashed last night. I took the risk and tried a bowl of seafood pimple soup for dinner, but I forgot to increase the amount of insulin. After eating, I looked at my phone for a while, and about an hour after the meal, I checked on my mobile phone. My blood sugar was 13.

*Statement: This article is only for popular science purposes and cannot be used as a basis for treatment. In order to protect patient privacy, the relevant information in the following content has been processed and transferred from the real experience of Xiaohe Health App [Dise - DayDayNews

Picture source: Provided by the narrator

I immediately took 0.5 units of insulin, but it didn’t work for 20 minutes. After I hurried out to do preparatory activities, I first did a set of Tai Chi for about six minutes, and then my blood sugar dropped to 12.1; I continued to do a set of Tai Chi for about fifteen minutes, and my blood sugar dropped to 9.7; then I took a set of , Tai Chi, , and my blood sugar level dropped to 7.7 when tested again.

The preparation activities included two sets of boxing and a set of equipment. It took about forty minutes. I was already sweating slightly and my blood sugar dropped by about 5 points.

*Statement: This article is only for popular science purposes and cannot be used as a basis for treatment. In order to protect patient privacy, the relevant information in the following content has been processed and transferred from the real experience of Xiaohe Health App [Dise - DayDayNews

Picture source: provided by the narrator

I used my personal experience and real data from personal testing to once again prove that aerobic exercise is real and effective in lowering blood sugar. Exercise is indispensable for sugar control, and Tai Chi is the most suitable control for me. Aerobic exercise for blood sugar. I will continue to persevere, life will never stop, and exercise will never stop.

exercise and fitness, I hope every sugar lover can strengthen exercise and control sugar through fitness.

Copyright belongs to the author

* Statement: This article is only for popular science purposes and cannot be used as a basis for treatment. In order to protect patient privacy, the relevant information in the article has been processed. The real experience is the real treatment experience of the author or his family. The copyright belongs to the author and no reproduction is allowed. If you find any errors in the content, please feel free to provide feedback in the message area or backend.

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