In our country, home decoration is one of the few industries with a market size exceeding 4 trillion, and it is also one of the first areas to be seized by the digital wave. However, in the long process of Internet transformation, even those as powerful as Alibaba could not escap

2024/05/2316:35:32 hotcomm 1672

In our country, home decoration is one of the few industries with a market size exceeding 4 trillion, and it is also one of the first areas to be seized by the digital wave. However, in the long process of Internet transformation, even those as powerful as Alibaba could not escape the wall. Most of the first batch of entrepreneurs who "crossed the river by feeling for the stones" failed.

The black swan incident has dispelled the noise and fanaticism in the industry, and the emergence of the Matthew Effect has accelerated the reshuffle of the industry. Entrants realize that the Internetization of home decoration is not a simple transfer of sales forms, but a complete change covering the entire supply chain and deep business logic.

When Internet home decoration started again, Ali, as a "veteran" in the industry, rejoined the battle for the home field. But this time, the person standing behind him was Xi Linmen.

html On June 9, the Xilinmen & "Tmall Home Decoration Reliable Plan" project cooperation signing ceremony was held at Xilinmen Shaoxing Paojiang Import and Export Base. As the only cooperative enterprise in the field of mattresses, the connection between Xilinmen and Alibaba's ecology is by no means just superficial support and complementarity, but a pursuit of deeper strategic coupling in the digital era.

In our country, home decoration is one of the few industries with a market size exceeding 4 trillion, and it is also one of the first areas to be seized by the digital wave. However, in the long process of Internet transformation, even those as powerful as Alibaba could not escap - DayDayNews

Yang Gang, President of Xilinmen Furniture Co., Ltd. (left) Feng Chi, head of Tmall home decoration industry

On the title page of the history of Internet home decoration, can Alibaba and Xilinmen write the story of the new era side by side?

Ali returns to the battlefield and lets those who can hear the artillery fire direct the battle

Today, the contradiction in the Internet home decoration industry is that consumers have market demand and the industry lacks supply capacity. The "2020 Mobile Internet Report" released by

TalkingData shows that among users with decoration needs, 54.3% are willing to choose Internet decoration services. The current situation of the industry is that around 2015, platform companies that took advantage of the "Internet +" trend to flood into home decoration are now only a handful.

In our country, home decoration is one of the few industries with a market size exceeding 4 trillion, and it is also one of the first areas to be seized by the digital wave. However, in the long process of Internet transformation, even those as powerful as Alibaba could not escap - DayDayNews

The industry’s sluggishness and the lack of blood-building of enterprises are largely due to the simple and extensive layout logic: many companies chasing traffic simply apply the e-commerce model and are not familiar with the home decoration industry that relies heavily on offline. They “talk on paper” since It cannot be shaken. As a result, apart from placing orders, consumers still have to solve other processes offline.

If Internet home decoration wants to truly start the second half, it must "let those who can hear the cannon fire direct the battle", that is, let those leading companies from the front line join in. This also points to a difficult and difficult road for platform enterprises: in addition to providing online channels, they must also open up all aspects of the entire process and build a full-chain ecological closed loop.

And this is Alibaba’s core idea. Based on the strategic framework of "China and Taiwan", Alibaba stated at the 2020 Home Decoration Ecological Strategy Summit that it will increase the digitalization rate of the home decoration industry from 10% to 20% in the next three years.

In our country, home decoration is one of the few industries with a market size exceeding 4 trillion, and it is also one of the first areas to be seized by the digital wave. However, in the long process of Internet transformation, even those as powerful as Alibaba could not escap - DayDayNews

As of May 25, Alibaba has released the "Tmall Home Decoration Reliable Plan", which has attracted more than 40 leading companies in various fields of home decoration to jointly develop a new track for the integration of middle and front offices and online and offline collaboration.

Since it is "proofing" for the industry, Alibaba has also assembled a star lineup including Xilinmen, Lin's Wood Industry, Red Star Macalline and other brands. Among them, Xilinmen, as the only representative company in the field of mattresses, has become the "one-fortieth" standing behind Alibaba.

One-fortieth behind Ali, 100% in the mattress field

For Ali, who has returned to the field with a reload, this battle cannot be lost. Especially in the process of building a full-chain ecological closed loop, no link can be left behind, so Alibaba has entrusted multiple companies to work together at many key gates. But in the subdivided battlefield of mattresses, why is Xi Linmen the only one holding the line?

It is obviously too simple to explain that Xi Linmen is Ali’s “old comrade” for 12 years.

In the field of pan-home decoration surrounded by giants, only those companies that have done their homework for a long time can win. From this perspective, as "China's No. 1 mattress stock", Xilinmen can naturally be regarded as the "number one player" in the mattress industry. Along with the industry for 37 years, Xilinmen has witnessed the development of the industry and has always acted as the vane and navigator of the industry.

In other words, Xilinmen is not only one-fortieth behind Alibaba, but also represents 100% authority in the mattress field. Why?

First of all, Xilinmen has a keen sense of Internet. He is the earliest brand in the mattress industry to deploy live broadcasts. Not only has he teamed up with top anchors such as Wei Ya, but he has also developed diversified attempts such as president live broadcasts. In addition, Xilinmen has achieved coverage and penetration of the top KOLs in the Tmall system. With its high efficiency and high frequency Baffa has become the first batch of industry companies to successfully launch under the "Internet +" wave.

The second is the transformation and upgrading of the Internet from the inside out. Some media once commented on Xilinmen, saying that it had achieved a leap from leading "functional mattresses" to leading "smart mattresses". The internal reason is that Xilinmen's Internet transformation is not just about form, but also integrates products, technology and even consumer propositions. For example, it launched the "Smart 1" smart mattress that can understand the user's deep sleep, leading the trend of healthy deep sleep with a systematic intelligent layout.

Third, the world’s leading technological innovation strength. From dual-core antibacterial and anti-mite technology, patented zero-formaldehyde technology, to the development of the "Smart Wave spine protection deep sleep system", AI deep learning is used to bring the industry from "people adapt to the bed" to a new level of "bed adapts to people"... in To a certain extent, Xilinmen represents the pinnacle of industry technology in this era.

In our country, home decoration is one of the few industries with a market size exceeding 4 trillion, and it is also one of the first areas to be seized by the digital wave. However, in the long process of Internet transformation, even those as powerful as Alibaba could not escap - DayDayNews

Finally, Xilinmen has improved the "last mile" in the digital home decoration era by strengthening the back-end service system. In 2020, Xilinmen reached a cooperation with Cainiao Wrap, becoming the merchant with the highest warehousing penetration rate in the mattress category; in 2021, Xilinmen expanded its customer service team with a 300% increase in capacity, achieving an improvement in the efficiency of pre-sales and after-sales services throughout the process.

It can be said that from the beginning of China's mattress industry to the present, Xilinmen has achieved undisputed continued leadership in supply chain, manufacturing, technological innovation, capital appeal and other aspects.

Alibaba and Xilinmen join hands to redefine the Internet home decoration

perspective shift industry. If the past ten years in the home decoration field were driven by products, prices, channels, and promotions, then in the next ten years, the keywords of the industry will be inseparable from the overall solution, intelligence, efficiency, and integration.

At such a critical moment in the Internet home decoration, the cooperation between Alibaba and Xilinmen is a milestone for itself, the industry and consumers.

In our country, home decoration is one of the few industries with a market size exceeding 4 trillion, and it is also one of the first areas to be seized by the digital wave. However, in the long process of Internet transformation, even those as powerful as Alibaba could not escap - DayDayNews

The most intuitive thing is that the accelerated integration of online and offline, middle and front offices explored by Alibaba & Xilinmen will lay a first-mover advantage for itself in the second half. In the first game of the home game, Alibaba showed to the outside world its advantages in the entire ecological closed loop, which is a key element in building unified standards and seizing the right to speak in the industry; for Xilinmen, its technology, manufacturing, services, etc. are leading This can be further amplified through the Alibaba platform, consolidating barriers and industry influence, and driving industrial upgrading from a wider scope and a deeper perspective.

Based on Alibaba's closed-loop ecology, segmented enterprises represented by Xilinmen will comprehensively promote dual-line integration to connect the entire industry from "isolated islands" to "mainland" and achieve comprehensive integration from channels to supply chain, services, and follow-up experience. Digital transformation creates a positive cycle in which good money drives out bad money.

For consumers, the era of true digital home decoration and intelligent living may be coming. You only need to state your needs, and everything from early finalization and ordering to mid-term decoration and construction to later home furnishing facilities will be coordinated and packaged by a unified platform to achieve one-stop service; after moving in, the intelligent experience represented by Xilinmen's "Deep Sleep" will be reshaped The lifestyle of the younger generation creates an ideal habitat where health and wisdom are everywhere, making happiness within reach.

American entrepreneur S.M. Watson once concluded: "A successful decision is 90% information plus 10% intuition." Of course, we cannot specifically quantify the decision to focus on Internet home decoration. Does Alibaba have 90% information and resources? But at least in the field of mattresses, his certainty may be infinitely close to 100%.

(Source: Consumer Daily Network)

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