In the United States, although everyone is very open about careers, the older generation and the younger generation have completely different understandings of "good" jobs. In the United States, people of my mother's generation would find professions such as doctors, nurses, lawy

2024/05/2304:10:33 hotcomm 1481

In the United States, although everyone is very open about careers, the older generation and the younger generation have completely different understandings of "good" jobs. So today let’s talk about what are the most popular jobs in the United States!

In the United States, people of my mother’s generation would find professions such as doctors, nurses, lawyers, accountants, and real estate sales more popular. Because in that era, these were very stable and the wages were relatively high.

The annual salary of nurses is about 70,000 U.S. dollars, and that of engineers is 100,000-150,000 U.S. dollars. Doctors who perform surgeries can earn up to 500,000 U.S. dollars a year and as low as 100,000 U.S. dollars a year. By the way, lawyers are one of the most unpleasant jobs in the United States, because everyone thinks they like talking nonsense, but lawyers' annual salary is very high.

In the United States, although everyone is very open about careers, the older generation and the younger generation have completely different understandings of

Ranking of the most popular jobs in the United States

In the United States, although everyone is very open about careers, the older generation and the younger generation have completely different understandings of

Ranking of the most popular jobs in the United States

I found a table, which is the 50 most popular occupations in the United States in 2021. You can see that there are 25 occupations in the top 50, all of which can be found. Get involved with engineers.

Engineer is an industry that has become popular in recent years. The satisfaction level of this type of job is above 4 points (out of five points). Most people think this job is good because they can work from home, have flexible hours, and make money without having to do physical work. Older people think that working with their brains is easier than making money with their physical strength.

Most people of the previous generation worked in blue-collar jobs, and they were envious of being able to sit in an office and work. Some elders prefer that their children not do manual labor, but now that there are fewer and fewer blue-collar workers, the money earned by blue-collar workers has increased. Young people can earn hundreds of dollars an hour, and young people have begun to return to the blue-collar industry. went. Is this the legendary "things must turn against each other"?

In the United States, although everyone is very open about careers, the older generation and the younger generation have completely different understandings of


Many people also asked me in private messages, are there "iron rice bowl" jobs in the United States?

In fact, in rural America, it is rare to see "iron rice bowl" jobs. But in my hometown, there is a profession that is very similar to civil servants. That was working in a national park, and two of my friends were working there, one was a manager and the other was a forest fire warden.

Their salary is paid by the state. There is no need to take an exam before joining the job. The main thing is to look at personal ability. Although the annual salary is not high, the working hours are stable and there are many benefits. They can see the dentist for free, get 15 days of annual leave every year, the government will also provide them with cars, give them bonus subsidies at Christmas and New Year, etc. .....I really don’t want to put down this job once I pick it up.

However, even with so many benefits, only 3% of college students want to be American "civil servants." The most direct reasons are low wages, slow promotions, and the work content is not very interesting.

In the United States, although everyone is very open about careers, the older generation and the younger generation have completely different understandings of

Bai Junran himself

The young generation in the United States have all been affected by the Internet. Most young people prefer to be Internet celebrities, or work at Apple .

In the ranking of jobs that young Americans most want to do, five of the top ten are engineers. Others are relatively special professions, such as probation officer and correctional treatment specialists. This is the first time I have heard of this profession, but in the past four years or so, young people have been working in the industry. The proportion in it increased by 11%.

and Physical therapists (physical therapists) use exercise therapy to improve people's quality of life and regulate their psychological emotions. This is what my second brother-in-law does. There is also pet doctor, which has also become a very popular profession among young people. With the development of the Internet, they have learned about different work contents and seen the development prospects of many new industries, so they have many more choices than in the past.

In the United States, although everyone is very open about careers, the older generation and the younger generation have completely different understandings of

Bai Junran and friends

I heard that there are many new professions emerging in China, such as hotel sleep testers . Have you heard of them? After hearing the description, I really wanted to give it a try.You can travel everywhere and make money at the same time. Is there really anyone who doesn’t want to do this career?

Have you discovered any jobs recently that you have never heard of before?

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