Some parents think that when their children are young, they can do whatever they can for them. It is just a small task and it is enough to complete it. Some parents also believe that since the teacher has left homework, it means that it is valuable and should be taken seriously.

2024/05/2012:01:33 hotcomm 1769

What is the attitude of parents towards the homework left for their children in kindergarten? Some parents think that when their children are young, they can do whatever they can for them. It is just a small task and it is enough to complete it. Some parents also believe that since the teacher has left homework, it means that it is valuable and should be taken seriously. For children, every homework given by the teacher is to exercise the child's ability in and make the child more independent.

Some parents think that when their children are young, they can do whatever they can for them. It is just a small task and it is enough to complete it. Some parents also believe that since the teacher has left homework, it means that it is valuable and should be taken seriously. - DayDayNews

case incident:

A parent group went viral because of a picture. The kindergarten teacher left an assignment during the long vacation, requiring parents and children to complete a beautiful "paper house" together. The purpose is to enhance parent-child relationships and cultivate children's hands-on ability. Teacher

requested that the children should try to let the children paste, color and build by themselves to see who has the best creativity. The finished works will be displayed in the group, and the teacher will comment. Finally, there will be a voting and awarding session.

Some parents think that when their children are young, they can do whatever they can for them. It is just a small task and it is enough to complete it. Some parents also believe that since the teacher has left homework, it means that it is valuable and should be taken seriously. - DayDayNews

When the day came for the photo display, the teacher was very pleased to see the various paper houses in the group. Some were "Piggy House" made with family photos, and some were "Qingqing Prairie" made with the children's favorite paper houses. Made of animal pictures. But one of the photos was creepy. It turned out to be a very weird paper house. The more the teacher looked at it, the more something seemed wrong. The color scheme, material, style... this was too strange. Teacher

found the parent who sent this picture. The parent quickly apologized and said that he did not know that the teacher would be responsible for checking. Because he was busy, he did not have time to do it with his children. Anyway, he just sent the picture and he borrowed it from a shroud shop. I took a photo of this house and uploaded it. When I saw that the other parents did a good job and named it, I felt so ashamed that it was too late to withdraw the photo.

Some parents think that when their children are young, they can do whatever they can for them. It is just a small task and it is enough to complete it. Some parents also believe that since the teacher has left homework, it means that it is valuable and should be taken seriously. - DayDayNews

Analysis of the problem:

This parent also really thought about it. Such a weird and bizarre approach may seem absurd, but in fact it means that the parent does not pay enough attention to some homework and does not pay enough attention to the child's tasks. He thinks that he can just deal with it. Just save yourself the trouble and don't have to worry about it.

actually affects the state of the child. On the one hand, the child feels a sense of loss when he cannot complete the homework. On the other hand, the parent-child ability and hands-on ability have not been improved, and the purpose of education cannot be achieved. Furthermore, if parents do this, how will teachers view their children? What kind of parents have what kind of children? In the future, they are really afraid that their children will use hanging bottles filled with beer to inject themselves.

Some parents think that when their children are young, they can do whatever they can for them. It is just a small task and it is enough to complete it. Some parents also believe that since the teacher has left homework, it means that it is valuable and should be taken seriously. - DayDayNews

Don’t neglect cultivating your baby’s hands-on ability. Parents should know these benefits.

Some parents think that when their children are young, they can do whatever they can for them. It is just a small task and it is enough to complete it. Some parents also believe that since the teacher has left homework, it means that it is valuable and should be taken seriously. - DayDayNews. Strengthen your child’s thinking ability.

Manual dexterity and hands-on ability can cultivate the small muscle groups of the child’s hands. The flexibility of the hands can send more careful signals to the brain. Signal, deeper thinking, improve children's thinking ability. By thinking by doing and operating by thinking, children will really understand. The child's left and right hands cooperate, and the development of each finger is regular. If the development is guided by the rules, the child will improve his logical thinking ability and left and right brain thinking ability during hands-on operations.

Some parents think that when their children are young, they can do whatever they can for them. It is just a small task and it is enough to complete it. Some parents also believe that since the teacher has left homework, it means that it is valuable and should be taken seriously. - DayDayNews

. Enhance children’s creativity

When doing things, children will add their own ideas and make imagination become reality. can better cultivate their imagination and creativity, making children more confident. have the motivation to be themselves. Like things. Many inventors have developed innovative patented works that have contributed to mankind through continuous hands-on practice. Children's creativity is protected, and parents must pay attention to it so that children can grow more completely and reap the rewards of growth. Even if the works created by children are not very good, parents should encourage them to make their children more confident to create better works.

. Exercise children's independent ability

hands-on ability to make children more independent and able to take care of themselves. make positive and correct responses when necessary to make children more independent in behavior. For example: dressing oneself, eating, and going to the toilet are all related to hands-on ability. Those children with strong hands-on ability are quick to do things and have strong understanding, so they appear more independent and behave more maturely and steadily.

Some parents think that when their children are young, they can do whatever they can for them. It is just a small task and it is enough to complete it. Some parents also believe that since the teacher has left homework, it means that it is valuable and should be taken seriously. - DayDayNews

A must-read small class for mothers: If you want to cultivate your children's hands-on ability, 3 points are worth a try for parents.

Some parents think that when their children are young, they can do whatever they can for them. It is just a small task and it is enough to complete it. Some parents also believe that since the teacher has left homework, it means that it is valuable and should be taken seriously. - DayDayNews. Buy some educational toys.

Parents can choose some educational toys according to their children's personality characteristics, such as puzzles. magnetic piece , building blocks. It can also be Rubik's Cube , Kong Mingsuo , so that children are interested first and then operate it, so that children can play for longer, focus on their own hands, and develop their fine hand movements. Nowadays, there are some educational toy books , which are not only three-dimensional but also can be read by point. Parents can explore the secrets in the books with their children.

Some parents think that when their children are young, they can do whatever they can for them. It is just a small task and it is enough to complete it. Some parents also believe that since the teacher has left homework, it means that it is valuable and should be taken seriously. - DayDayNews

. Do your own things by yourself

Parents should not do things that their children can do, such as dressing, eating, sleeping, and playing games. In fact, children can do many things by themselves, but parents always take the lead and prevent children from getting a chance to do it. If this goes on for a long time, the child's hands-on ability will deteriorate and he will no longer take the initiative to do things. He will only wait for the results and will not think about the process of hands-on work. If the child lacks the ability to take care of himself, it will be difficult for the child to adapt to the development of society.

Kindergarten is a watershed. Children with strong self-care ability will naturally adapt faster, while children with poor self-care ability will take a while to adjust themselves and adapt slower. Before a child goes to kindergarten, it is necessary to start training the child's hands-on ability at least half a year, such as eating by himself, sleeping by himself, dressing and going to the toilet by himself. Parents can give a demonstration first and let the child imitate it. After repeated practice a few times, the child will be able to do it. .

Some parents think that when their children are young, they can do whatever they can for them. It is just a small task and it is enough to complete it. Some parents also believe that since the teacher has left homework, it means that it is valuable and should be taken seriously. - DayDayNews

. Sign up for some extracurricular handicraft classes

Parents can use external resources to find some interest classes suitable for their children to specifically exercise concentration and hands-on skills. A parent shared: "Children's hands-on ability and concentration are inseparable, because when their children are learning robot construction courses, as long as they are interested, they can do it themselves and study for a long time.

It's not what adults think at all. As long as you sit still, your concentration will come. "The manual course is just a supplement. If you sign up, you have to stick to it one session a week. Don't give up halfway. Practicing the fine movements of your hands is not something you can do overnight, but it can be achieved in a day." Accumulated bit by bit, parents must first persist and then ask their children to keep up with the rhythm of class. If the child doesn't like it, don't force it. You can find a few more options and let the child choose.

Some parents think that when their children are young, they can do whatever they can for them. It is just a small task and it is enough to complete it. Some parents also believe that since the teacher has left homework, it means that it is valuable and should be taken seriously. - DayDayNews

Parenting experience:

Parents should not make "childish" mistakes and ignore their children's growth when it comes to parenting issues. Nowadays, parents ignore their children's growth. When they grow up, their children will not be responsible for their own lives and will be perfunctory. irresponsible. Parents should pay more attention to every task left by the teacher. Because this is respect for the teacher, and it is also responsible for one's own children. Take advantage of the opportunity to complete tasks with your children, accompany them well, provide high-quality companionship, devote yourself to parent-child interaction, and use love and attention to help children grow more confidently.

Think twice today:

In life, have you deprived your children of some opportunities to exercise their hands-on skills? Does

still blindly help children do something?

What better ways do you have to improve children’s hands-on ability?

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