The Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is scheduled to hold a series of themed press conferences on "China in These Ten Years" at 10 a.m. on June 28, 2022. Zhao Chenxin, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission,

2024/05/2011:26:33 hotcomm 1537

The Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is scheduled to hold a press conference on the theme of "China in These Ten Years" at 10 a.m. on June 28, 2022 (Tuesday). Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission Zhao Chenxin, Deputy Secretary-General Su Wei, Ou Hong and Yang Yinkai introduced the complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of 's new development concept , promoted high-quality development, and answered reporters' questions. China Net live broadcast, the following is the text record:

The Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is scheduled to hold a series of themed press conferences on

Photography: China Net Dong Ning

CNBC reporter:

I have two questions. The first question is, what are the specific achievements of foreign investment in promoting high-quality development? What are the key points for future directions? Second question: The unemployment rate among young people has been rising this year, and all parties are worried that China's economy will stagnate. In order to promote high-quality development, what are the considerations and measures for young people's employment and preventing economic stagnation? Thanks.

Su Wei, Deputy Secretary-General of the National Development and Reform Commission:

Let me answer the question about foreign investment. Over the past decade, our country has unswervingly expanded its opening up to the outside world and achieved important results through the use of foreign investment. First, use foreign capital to grow steadily. my country's investment scale has always ranked first among developing countries. In 2021, my country's actual use of foreign investment reached 1.15 trillion yuan, ranking second in the world, an increase of 62.9% compared with 2012. Second, the foreign investment legal system has been further improved. The Foreign Investment Law was officially implemented in 2020, with opening up as the main tone, defining the basic system for the promotion, protection, and management of foreign investment, providing a more comprehensive and powerful legal protection for the rights and interests of foreign investment, and reflecting the high level of opening up to the outside world. Characteristics of the times. Third, the level of opening up to the outside world has been significantly improved. From 2017 to 2021, we have reduced the negative list for foreign investment access for five consecutive years. The items of restrictive measures nationwide and in the pilot free trade zones have been reduced to 31 and 27 respectively. A series of major opening-up measures have attracted more foreign-invested enterprises to operate in China. Fourth, the foreign investment environment has improved significantly. For three consecutive years, we have cleaned up laws, regulations and normative documents that are inconsistent with the Foreign Investment Law, and have promoted the "establishment, reform or abolition" of more than 500 documents, fully ensuring fair competitive treatment for foreign-invested enterprises. As one of the largest and fastest-growing markets in the world, my country has a complete industrial supporting system, abundant human resources, a good innovation environment and unparalleled domestic demand potential. Foreign-funded enterprises have always been optimistic about China's economic development prospects and are willing to take root in China. The market and the Chinese economy grow together.

In the next step, the National Development and Reform Commission will continue to promote the implementation of various policies and measures for opening up to the outside world and stabilizing foreign investment.

First, revise and expand the Catalog of Industries Encouraging Foreign Investment. In May this year, we publicly released a draft for comments and received a large number of opinions and suggestions from all walks of life. We are currently revising and improving the Catalog. We will further expand the scope of encouragement and guide foreign investment to key areas such as manufacturing and producer services, as well as key regions such as the central and western regions and northeastern China.

The second is to promote major foreign investment projects. The first five batches of major foreign-invested projects have been accelerated and implemented, and major foreign-invested projects such as the Fujian Zhongsha Gulei Ethylene Project and the Shenyang Brilliance BMW Third Plant are progressing relatively smoothly. We are sorting out the reserve situation of foreign-invested projects in various places and will launch a new batch of major foreign-invested projects that will have a leading role in a timely manner.

The third is to strengthen foreign investment services. We will organize and carry out activities to promote international industrial investment cooperation and build a platform for investment by multinational companies and local investment promotion. Improve the direct contact point mechanism for foreign-funded enterprises, smooth communication channels, coordinate and resolve outstanding problems and reasonable demands reported by enterprises in a timely manner, and provide high-quality services for foreign-funded enterprises to expand their investment in China.

Fourth, optimize the foreign investment environment. We will continue to fully implement the Foreign Investment Law, ensure that foreign-invested enterprises equally apply various policies, and effectively enjoy national treatment. Continue to clear restrictions outside the negative list of foreign investment access, strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights, and continue to create a market-oriented, legal and international business environment.

Yang Yinkai, Deputy Secretary-General of the National Development and Reform Commission:

Let me answer the question about the employment of young people just mentioned by the reporter. Employment is not only a social issue but also an economic issue. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has always adhered to the people-centered development idea, deeply implemented the employment priority strategy, comprehensively strengthened employment priority policies, and promoted historic achievements in employment work. In the past ten years, the urban employment problem of 130 million people has been solved, and my country, a large developing country with a population of 1.4 billion, has achieved relatively full employment.

Since the beginning of this year, the international situation has been complicated, the domestic epidemic situation has rebounded, urban surveyed unemployment rate, especially the youth unemployment rate has increased, and youth groups such as college graduates have increased employment pressure. Since May, with the initial effects of a package of policies to stabilize the economy and the implementation of policies to promote youth employment and entrepreneurship, the employment situation has seen positive changes.

In the next step, we will resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, continue to increase the intensity of macro-policy adjustments oriented towards employment priority, refine and implement the employment priority policy, do everything possible to expand market-oriented social employment channels, and strive to do a good job in college graduation. employment for young students and other young groups.

First, continue to consolidate the economic foundation for the employment of young people. We will solidly promote the implementation of a package of policies and measures to stabilize the economy as soon as possible and promote the formation of more employment growth points. Vigorously develop advanced manufacturing industries and modern service industries, cultivate strategic emerging industries, and create more knowledge-based and technical jobs that can help leverage the intellectual advantages of young people. We will comprehensively implement the rural revitalization strategy, accelerate the construction of new urbanization in counties and cities, and encourage college graduates to find employment at the grassroots level in urban and rural areas and return to their hometowns to start businesses.

The second is to pragmatically promote the stabilization and expansion of market entities. Efforts should be made to conscientiously implement policies to assist enterprises in their difficulties, promote more enterprises to resume work and reach production capacity, and further enhance the employment capabilities of market entities. Guide all localities to implement subsidy policies to support small, medium and micro enterprises in absorbing the employment of college graduates as soon as possible, and provide preferential support when arranging bailout funds and providing discounted interest on technological transformation loans to small, medium and micro enterprises that have recruited a certain number of college graduates and meet relevant conditions. .

The third is to actively support innovation and entrepreneurship among young people. Continuously optimize the entrepreneurial environment, carry out in-depth special actions to promote entrepreneurship and employment, further enhance the leading service role of the mass entrepreneurship and innovation demonstration base, and guide college students to actively start businesses and find flexible employment. Guide all localities to implement relevant policies to support independent entrepreneurship of college graduates as soon as possible. The entrepreneurial vehicles invested and developed by the government will arrange about 30% of the venues to be provided free of charge to college graduate entrepreneurs.

The fourth is to vigorously strengthen employment service guarantees for young people. Provide continuous employment services for college graduates and other young groups, and accelerate the recruitment of local civil servants, public institutions, primary and secondary school preschool teachers , and grassroots employment projects. Deepen the integration of production and education, explore the integration of production and training, focus on young people, and carry out vocational skills training on a large scale and at multiple levels. Strengthen employment assistance and assistance to disadvantaged and unemployed young people in urban areas.

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