Learn English like this: How do you say "power outage" in English? Today we will take a look at how we "don't know" how to say "power outage" in English. However, we have English Yahoo search and "understand" a little English, such as no electricity. How can we use the English we

2024/05/2006:01:33 hotcomm 1680

Learn English like this: How do you say "power outage" in English?

Let’s take a look today. We “don’t know” how to say “power outage” in English. However, we have English Yahoo search and “understand” a little bit of English, such as no electricity. How can we use the English we “know” in Search on Yahoo and find out the English word "power outage".

Indeed, since we already "know" no electricity in English, why not use it to "explore, discover and verify" what we want in English "no electricity" in English Yahoo search? , can we solve the problem of how to say "power outage" in English by ourselves?

This is the important "learning ability" that in the "Internet +" era, we use "known" English to "explore, discover, and verify" in Yahoo to seek "answers" (power outage). That is, what we lack is not "not being able to speak" "What is lacking is how to use tools to solve the problem of "not being able to speak". At the same time, it is also an important manifestation of our efforts to learn language in the "language environment".

Learn English like this: How do you say

1. Expand no electricity and "speak" English we have no electricity tonight

2. Yahoo we have no electricity tonight

3. We found a large number of "English language environments" about "power outage" in English.

From the "English language environment" searched below, have you learned the various expressions of "power outage" in English?

1. Whenever electricity goes out I feel like the universe is giving me permission to do nothing. No electricity? We're basically in the stone ages. Let's just sleep and eat and tell stories around a campfire.

2. We lived for over a week without electricity. We have a propane cook stove, so we could cook. We also have a battery converter, so the fridge would still run.

3. What is the correct way to say that the electricity has come back after a power outage?

3a.The power is out.

3b.The electricity went out.

3c. We just experienced a power outage.

4. In Britain we could say The power/electricity is back on.

5. I have quite often heard the following:

5a. Power is back

5b.Power is back on/up.

5c. Power has returned

5d. Power is up.

More formally, in the news or so; Power has been restored (to the affected areas)

6. Power is down.

7. The electricity supply is interrupted

Learn English like this: How do you say

All the above English not only basically solve the expression of "power outage" in English (of course there are other expressions, which will not be discussed here), but also solve the expression of "power on" in English.

Now, we can "use the English we have learned" and learn English with English (never use the "English-to-Chinese" style of learning).

4. Learn English in English and practice spoken English

1. Okay.I got you.I know what to say about it.We have many many ways to say it.

2.We can say The electricity goes out/went out.

3 .We can also say The power is down/out.

4.We can also say No electricity!

5. We can also say The electricity supply is interrupted

As for "power on" and "power restored", you can refer to the above A variety of self-expression training, but it must be English-to-British English training, not "English-to-Chinese".

Learn English like this: How do you say

Such "English learning" allows you to learn and acquire not only "how to say" an English sentence, but also allows you to master how to solve "how to say", which I call "learning ability".

Learning English is essentially the so-called "buying fish directly from others, it is better to learn to fish by yourself". Although this will be a bit harder and more troublesome at first, once you become proficient, you will no longer be subject to the market: if you buy fish, you will eat it, if you don't sell it to you, you will go hungry.

#graduate student# #English thinking#

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