From June 2 to June 4, 2019, a project review meeting convened by the Psychology Standards and Research Services Committee of the Chinese Psychological Society was held in Beijing. During the three-day review meeting, 16 review experts and course experts including Academician Fan

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On June 2-4, 2019, a project review meeting convened by the Psychology Standards and Research Services Committee of the Chinese Psychological Society (hereinafter referred to as the Standards Committee) was held in Beijing. During the three-day review meeting, 16 review experts and course experts including Academician Fan Daiming, Professor Zhang Kan, and Professor Mei Jian participated. During the

review meeting, Professor Liao Fengchi, a teaching expert of the 1879 Project, comprehensively introduced the curriculum system and practice standards of 1879, and reported that he had visited many places across the country in the past few years to establish an internship base for the 1879 Project.

From June 2 to June 4, 2019, a project review meeting convened by the Psychology Standards and Research Services Committee of the Chinese Psychological Society was held in Beijing. During the three-day review meeting, 16 review experts and course experts including Academician Fan - DayDayNews

Liao Fengchi: PhD from the Institute of Educational Psychology and Counseling of Taiwan Normal University . He was the director of the Institute of Counseling and Counseling at Kaohsiung Normal University and a doctoral supervisor.

Professor Zhang Kan calls Professor Liao Fengchi a master of psychological counseling in mainland China. The significance of psychological counseling to the people of mainland China cannot be overemphasized. China is currently in the most chaotic state of mind. China has been an agricultural patriarchal society for thousands of years. In the past, 90% of the population were farmers. Times have changed dramatically, and now 75% of the population is urban. However, the upper-level system is still traditional and cannot keep up with the needs of the times, resulting in a generally abnormal mentality. Mainland China not only needs psychological counseling, but also needs to do more popularization, education, and training before psychological counseling.

Professor Zhang Kan also emotionally shared the story of a student in the 1879 review session:

and a former employee of the psychologist college. He was in his twenties, majored in psychology, and determined to be a psychological counselor. division. After comparing all the programs on the market, I decided to come back and sign up for the 1879 program to continue my studies to complete the systematic education of a psychological counselor. Zhang Yanping, a student in the first class of the

1879 program, gave a report on the learning process. She shared that she was originally a novice in psychology, so she first obtained the psychological counselor qualification certificate to give it a try, and confirmed that this was a career she liked.

Next, she inspected and selected various workshops on the market. Unfortunately, she was not satisfied with any of them and they were not what she really wanted. Until she accidentally saw the course structure in the 1879 Project white paper, she immediately determined that this was the course she had been looking for. I signed up for the first class without hesitation the same day I read the 1879 Project white paper.

During the three years of study, she worked steadily and steadily. She persisted in studying until the third year of internship, and then she started to practice consulting and accepting cases step by step. After completing all courses in the 1879 Project, he became a full-time psychological counselor. In just half a year, he went from being the lowest-ranking novice counselor in the organization to a very popular counselor.

From June 2 to June 4, 2019, a project review meeting convened by the Psychology Standards and Research Services Committee of the Chinese Psychological Society was held in Beijing. During the three-day review meeting, 16 review experts and course experts including Academician Fan - DayDayNews

Zhang Yanping, a student in the first class of the 1879 Project.

Teaching expert Professor Zeng Wenzhi said:

1879 The students in the 1879 Project may not be in this major, but there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Among the students I supervise, there are lawyers, doctors, and people who study electricity, etc. wait. In fact, one advantage they have is that although they started late, they can use their own major to rethink psychological counseling and combine it with their own major. Due to their own maturity and the solidity of the 1879 course, I personally feel that they have changed a lot in the course of three years and have strong plasticity.

From June 2 to June 4, 2019, a project review meeting convened by the Psychology Standards and Research Services Committee of the Chinese Psychological Society was held in Beijing. During the three-day review meeting, 16 review experts and course experts including Academician Fan - DayDayNews

Zeng Wenzhi: Ph.D. in the Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology at Kansas State University in the United States and professor in the Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling at Tsinghua University in Taiwan.

Professor Zhang Hongchuan, director of the Psychology Department of Central University of Finance and Economics, said: The curriculum system and training of the

1879 program have surpassed the best consultant training in mainland China that I have seen so far. At the same time, we also look forward to summarizing the rules and mechanisms for the success of the 1879 Project to carry out large-scale nationwide promotion. Many students in colleges and universities particularly want to learn psychological counseling, but they are unable to find good educational resources. The 1879 Project may join forces with universities to promote and promote the implementation of the project.

From June 2 to June 4, 2019, a project review meeting convened by the Psychology Standards and Research Services Committee of the Chinese Psychological Society was held in Beijing. During the three-day review meeting, 16 review experts and course experts including Academician Fan - DayDayNews

Zhang Hongchuan: Associate Professor, Assistant to the Dean, School of Social Sciences and Psychology, Central University of Finance and Economics, and Director of the Department of Psychology.

Deputy Director of the Preparatory Committee of the Chinese Psychological Counselor Association and Professor Lin Chun from the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, said:

In the previous psychological counselor certification training, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security trained more than 4 million people, and about 1.4 million people received certificates.However, most people who get the certificate do not seek consultation, but do it out of curiosity or are assigned by their unit to verify the certificate. After that, the certificate is kept at the bottom of the box.

We have also witnessed that many consultants spend a lot of money, but their training is not systematic and they are unable to actually provide consultation. There is no systematic and complete course offered by any university in China. I was shocked when I saw the curriculum system of the 1879 Project. Whether it is theoretical knowledge, basic techniques, or practical schools, they respect the rules of learning and are both systematic and scientific. .

From June 2 to June 4, 2019, a project review meeting convened by the Psychology Standards and Research Services Committee of the Chinese Psychological Society was held in Beijing. During the three-day review meeting, 16 review experts and course experts including Academician Fan - DayDayNews

Lin Chun: Professor at the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, deputy director of the Preparatory Committee of the Chinese Psychological Counselors Association

From June 2 to June 4, 2019, a project review meeting convened by the Psychology Standards and Research Services Committee of the Chinese Psychological Society was held in Beijing. During the three-day review meeting, 16 review experts and course experts including Academician Fan - DayDayNews

Review experts said that the 1879 Project is a model for the industry.

From June 2 to June 4, 2019, a project review meeting convened by the Psychology Standards and Research Services Committee of the Chinese Psychological Society was held in Beijing. During the three-day review meeting, 16 review experts and course experts including Academician Fan - DayDayNews

On-site review meeting

Chinese Psychological Society’s Psychology Standards and Service Research Committee

Evaluation opinions on the 1879 plan project

The course structure of the 1879 plan has clear logic and reasonable structure, follows the learning logic of psychological counselors, and complies with international industry standards for psychological counseling. It is a psychological counselor training program with reasonable concepts, complete system and distinctive effects. It has good social value and academic value. It provides systematic solutions for the growth of counselors. The teaching objectives are clear, the framework is reasonable, the teaching philosophy is scientific, and after learning, you can master the basic theories and skills in the field of psychological counseling.

experts are all scholars and professors with theoretical foundation and clinical experience. They have rich teaching experience and various course formats, which can effectively promote students' digestion and absorption of knowledge and skills.


1. Strengthen the creation of cross-strait expert teams, conduct regular teaching evaluations, and form a teaching team with similar concepts, mutual complementation, and mutual support.

2. Strengthen the construction of student teams, create a paradigm of demonstration, innovative and entrepreneurial base, and create a light cavalry for psychological counseling.

3. Strengthen the connection between the 1879 Plan and local schools to realize the 1879 Plan taking root in multiple places.

4. It is necessary to realize the sustainability and popularization of 1879 and form a replicable 1879 model.

suggests further additions and improvements based on the above modifications. After discussion, it was unanimously adopted.

From June 2 to June 4, 2019, a project review meeting convened by the Psychology Standards and Research Services Committee of the Chinese Psychological Society was held in Beijing. During the three-day review meeting, 16 review experts and course experts including Academician Fan - DayDayNews

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