I think many people will say that the Indian prodigy is right! The Indian prodigy Anand can be said to be the most popular prophet in the past two years. In particular, he has a high interest in traditional Indian astrology, that is, learning Vedic astrology, and his talent is al

2024/05/1921:16:33 hotcomm 1333

Speaking of prophecies, do you know who is the most popular prophecy in modern times? I think many people will say that the Indian prodigy is right! Anand, the Indian prodigy, can be said to be the most popular prophet in the past two years.

I think many people will say that the Indian prodigy is right! The Indian prodigy Anand can be said to be the most popular prophet in the past two years. In particular, he has a high interest in traditional Indian astrology, that is, learning Vedic astrology, and his talent is al - DayDayNews

He became popular because he predicted the epidemic, and he suddenly became a world-famous prophet. However, if it was just like this, the Indian prodigy Anand would be popular for a while at most, and the reason why he has remained so famous for several consecutive years.

This is entirely because in addition to predicting the epidemic, he also predicted many things, such as the earthquake in Japan, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, etc.! Because of this, many people have become his fans and believe in his predictions.

So is the Indian prodigy Anand really so magical? So today we will talk about this Indian prodigy and his predictions for 2022.

I think many people will say that the Indian prodigy is right! The Indian prodigy Anand can be said to be the most popular prophet in the past two years. In particular, he has a high interest in traditional Indian astrology, that is, learning Vedic astrology, and his talent is al - DayDayNews

The original name of the Indian child prodigy is "Abijya Anand". He was born in 2006. According to his parents, he has been a genius boy since he was a child. No matter what he can learn, he has already learned it when he was eight years old. There are eight languages ​​including English, German , English, Sanskrit , Sindhi, etc.

In addition! In particular, he has a high interest in traditional Indian astrology, that is, learning Vedic astrology, and his talent is also very high. He began to study by himself at the age of 8, and in just 6 years, he gained degree in astrology.

During this period, he won many astrology awards, the most famous of which is called the "Southern Star Award". This award can be said to be a very authoritative award in India. Only those who have made outstanding contributions to astrology, or have achieved Only breakthrough prophets can achieve this honor.

The Indian prodigy Anand has won such an award. This can also be seen from the side that he still has strength, but it is precisely because of this that when he published the prediction video online, it attracted so many people Of course, in the beginning, the people who paid attention to him were all local Indians.

I think many people will say that the Indian prodigy is right! The Indian prodigy Anand can be said to be the most popular prophet in the past two years. In particular, he has a high interest in traditional Indian astrology, that is, learning Vedic astrology, and his talent is al - DayDayNews

It wasn’t until he made his prediction about the epidemic in 2019 that he became popular all over the Internet. He gained millions of fans overnight and became a popular prophet in the world. This has been mentioned before. Here we will discuss it. But no more talk.

Perhaps it is because of the growth in popularity that Anand has published more prophetic videos. Some people have counted that in 2021 alone, the Indian prodigy Anand made more than a hundred videos.

As for 2022, as early as the end of last year, the Indian prodigy Anand made a prediction. Today, he has published multiple prediction videos one after another. Let’s talk about some of the most discussed ones. prediction.

The first one: economy. He said that in 2022, the global economy will be turbulent, and the prices of various items will increase. If it is serious, there may even be an economic crisis , but he also said that people should not worry, because This aspect will get better.

Second: the epidemic. He said that the epidemic will not disappear in the first half of this year and will recur in many places. Especially after July, the situation will become more serious. But he also asked people not to worry because this situation will be resolved by the end of the year. Things are getting better and will be back to normal by next year.

I think many people will say that the Indian prodigy is right! The Indian prodigy Anand can be said to be the most popular prophet in the past two years. In particular, he has a high interest in traditional Indian astrology, that is, learning Vedic astrology, and his talent is al - DayDayNews

Third: Global energy crisis. He predicted that global energy will face a crisis this year, especially oil, natural gas and other natural energy sources. As a result, many places will lose power. However, he said that this is also a factor in the development of renewable energy sources such as solar energy. Opportunity.

Fourth: Extreme weather. He said that this year there will be an increase in all kinds of extreme weather around the world. The United States will be hit by hurricane , and extreme weather such as hail, heavy rain, and high temperatures will also be staged in many places around the world.

Fifth: Disasters. He said that disasters such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will become more and more frequent this year, especially in Japan, where volcanic eruptions are likely to occur. Sixth: Famine. He said that there will be a food crisis around the world this year, especially in backward areas, where famine will occur.

The above are the six predictions made by Indian prodigy Anand for 2022. So is this true? Can we believe it?

I think many people will say that the Indian prodigy is right! The Indian prodigy Anand can be said to be the most popular prophet in the past two years. In particular, he has a high interest in traditional Indian astrology, that is, learning Vedic astrology, and his talent is al - DayDayNews

 To this! I personally don’t believe it, and I even doubt Anand’s understanding of Vedic astrology. The reason why I say this is because his predictions in Vedic astrology must be able to accurately predict the exact time and place of something. , and the time it will occur, and the solution will also be given.

But look at the 6 predictions above, which one meets this standard? In addition, there is his success rate. As we have said before, in 2021 alone, the Indian prodigy Anand made hundreds of predictions, but his accuracy rate is frighteningly low, even less than 10%.

Even those successful predictions are all in the above form, but the content of those predictions seems to happen every year, right? Can this also be called a prophecy? Therefore, everyone must not believe in prophecies, they are all lies.

I think many people will say that the Indian prodigy is right! The Indian prodigy Anand can be said to be the most popular prophet in the past two years. In particular, he has a high interest in traditional Indian astrology, that is, learning Vedic astrology, and his talent is al - DayDayNews

  is ready! So that’s it for today. Friends who like it can like, follow, and leave messages to support it. I’m Guan Zhi, so let’s see you in the next issue.

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