Title: "The fundamental source of national scientific and technological innovation lies in people" - the story of Xi Jinping's concern for scientific and technological workers. "Development is the first priority, talent is the first resource, and innovation is the first driving f

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Poster design: Zhao Danyang

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 30th Title: "The fundamental source of national scientific and technological innovation lies in people" - the story of Xi Jinping's concern for scientific and technological workers

Xinhua News Agency reporter

"Development is the first priority. Talent is the first resource, and innovation is the first driving force.”

General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to science and technology and cares about science and technology workers, and has strategically laid out innovation for a great country to make innovation an inexhaustible driving force for national rejuvenation. Under the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping, China is forging ahead on a new journey to build a scientific and technological power!

Strive to achieve high-level technological self-reliance and self-reliance - "We must find a new path and rely on innovation to drive"


At 6:52 on May 14, 2022, the C919 large aircraft numbered B-001J took off from the 4th runway of Shanghai Pudong Airport. , landed safely at 9:54, marking the successful completion of the first flight test of COMAC’s first C919 aircraft, which is about to be delivered to its first customer. Xinhua News Agency reported

On May 14, 2022, the first C919 large aircraft to be delivered by COMAC successfully completed its first flight test. From the establishment of the "Yun-10" aircraft independently developed in my country in 1970 to the large passenger aircraft independently developed today soaring in the blue sky, the Chinese people's "big aircraft dream" has spanned half a century.

html This scene 18 years ago is still fresh in people's memory:

On May 23, 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping boarded the C919 large passenger aircraft to display a prototype during an inspection at COMAC to learn more about the design. He pointed out: "If we want to become a powerful country, we must develop the equipment manufacturing industry and large aircraft to play a leading and iconic role."

has many concerns and high hopes for the dream of becoming a powerful country through science and technology.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has placed scientific and technological innovation at the core of the overall development of the country, made strategic plans and systematic arrangements, and focused on accelerating scientific and technological innovation and building a world science and technology power. Make a series of demands.

On June 9, 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out at the Chinese Academy of Sciences 17th Academician Conference and Chinese Academy of Engineering 12th Academician Conference:

"History tells us a truth: whether a country is strong or not cannot be achieved alone. In terms of the size of its economic aggregate, whether a nation is strong cannot be determined solely by its population size and territorial size. In modern history, one of the root causes of my country’s backwardness is technological backwardness.”

In March 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping stated: "Innovation is the first driving force for development."

On May 28, 2021, at the 20th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the 15th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the Chinese Association for Science and Technology 10th National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping called for “strive to achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance.”

History has repeatedly proved that there is no way out from always following and imitating, and we must unswervingly follow the path of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics -

On February 15, 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Machinery, Chinese Academy of Sciences for investigation. He pointed out that "the core "Technology cannot be obtained through alms, but must be achieved through self-reliance." "Scientific and technological personnel must establish a strong sense of innovation responsibility and confidence in innovation."

seeds are agricultural "chips" and are related to food security, the "biggest country". In April 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Hainan National Southern Breeding Research and Breeding Base. Along the field ridge, General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into the super rice display field, sometimes observing the growth of the rice, and sometimes communicating with Yuan Longping.

General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "We must make up our minds to develop our country's seed industry, cultivate excellent varieties with independent intellectual property rights, and ensure national food security from the source."

Yuan Longping confidently told the General Secretary: Hybrid rice yield per mu 1000kg, no problem!

One year later, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, Yuan Longping was awarded the "Medal of the Republic of China". General Secretary Xi Jinping awarded him the medal. During this meeting, the General Secretary asked Yuan Longping: What progress has been made?

Yuan Longping replied: We are sprinting towards a yield of 1,200 kilograms per mu!


On October 17, 2021, staff of the production measurement team checked the growth of rice at the production measurement site in Qingzhu Village, Hengnan County, Hengyang City, Hunan Province.Title:

Poster design: Zhao Danyang

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 30th Title: "The fundamental source of national scientific and technological innovation lies in people" - the story of Xi Jinping's concern for scientific and technological workers

Xinhua News Agency reporter

"Development is the first priority. Talent is the first resource, and innovation is the first driving force.”

General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to science and technology and cares about science and technology workers, and has strategically laid out innovation for a great country to make innovation an inexhaustible driving force for national rejuvenation. Under the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping, China is forging ahead on a new journey to build a scientific and technological power!

Strive to achieve high-level technological self-reliance and self-reliance - "We must find a new path and rely on innovation to drive"


At 6:52 on May 14, 2022, the C919 large aircraft numbered B-001J took off from the 4th runway of Shanghai Pudong Airport. , landed safely at 9:54, marking the successful completion of the first flight test of COMAC’s first C919 aircraft, which is about to be delivered to its first customer. Xinhua News Agency reported

On May 14, 2022, the first C919 large aircraft to be delivered by COMAC successfully completed its first flight test. From the establishment of the "Yun-10" aircraft independently developed in my country in 1970 to the large passenger aircraft independently developed today soaring in the blue sky, the Chinese people's "big aircraft dream" has spanned half a century.

html This scene 18 years ago is still fresh in people's memory:

On May 23, 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping boarded the C919 large passenger aircraft to display a prototype during an inspection at COMAC to learn more about the design. He pointed out: "If we want to become a powerful country, we must develop the equipment manufacturing industry and large aircraft to play a leading and iconic role."

has many concerns and high hopes for the dream of becoming a powerful country through science and technology.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has placed scientific and technological innovation at the core of the overall development of the country, made strategic plans and systematic arrangements, and focused on accelerating scientific and technological innovation and building a world science and technology power. Make a series of demands.

On June 9, 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out at the Chinese Academy of Sciences 17th Academician Conference and Chinese Academy of Engineering 12th Academician Conference:

"History tells us a truth: whether a country is strong or not cannot be achieved alone. In terms of the size of its economic aggregate, whether a nation is strong cannot be determined solely by its population size and territorial size. In modern history, one of the root causes of my country’s backwardness is technological backwardness.”

In March 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping stated: "Innovation is the first driving force for development."

On May 28, 2021, at the 20th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the 15th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the Chinese Association for Science and Technology 10th National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping called for “strive to achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance.”

History has repeatedly proved that there is no way out from always following and imitating, and we must unswervingly follow the path of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics -

On February 15, 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Machinery, Chinese Academy of Sciences for investigation. He pointed out that "the core "Technology cannot be obtained through alms, but must be achieved through self-reliance." "Scientific and technological personnel must establish a strong sense of innovation responsibility and confidence in innovation."

seeds are agricultural "chips" and are related to food security, the "biggest country". In April 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Hainan National Southern Breeding Research and Breeding Base. Along the field ridge, General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into the super rice display field, sometimes observing the growth of the rice, and sometimes communicating with Yuan Longping.

General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "We must make up our minds to develop our country's seed industry, cultivate excellent varieties with independent intellectual property rights, and ensure national food security from the source."

Yuan Longping confidently told the General Secretary: Hybrid rice yield per mu 1000kg, no problem!

One year later, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, Yuan Longping was awarded the "Medal of the Republic of China". General Secretary Xi Jinping awarded him the medal. During this meeting, the General Secretary asked Yuan Longping: What progress has been made?

Yuan Longping replied: We are sprinting towards a yield of 1,200 kilograms per mu!


On October 17, 2021, staff of the production measurement team checked the growth of rice at the production measurement site in Qingzhu Village, Hengnan County, Hengyang City, Hunan Province.The yield test results show that the double-cropping hybrid rice developed by the expert team of Academician Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice ", has a double-cropping yield of 1,603.9 kilograms per mu, setting a new record again. Photo taken by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Zhenhai

Title: 603.9 kilograms! On October 17, 2021, in Qingzhu Village, Hengnan County, Hengyang City, Hunan Province, the double-cropping hybrid rice developed by the expert team of Academician Yuan Longping once again set a new record after exceeding the 1,500 kilograms per mu mark.

In April 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Hainan again to inspect scientific research and breeding, and pointed out: "Only by grasping China's seeds with one's own hands can China's rice bowl be stabilized and food security be achieved."

Shanxi Taigang , the world's largest stainless steel company , once suffered huge losses. In 2017 and 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited this company twice for inspection and investigation. During the first inspection of

, Liao Xi, a technician born after 1985, was struggling to explore the new project "hand-shredded steel" and failed on average once every two days. The ardent expectations raised by the General Secretary gave him the courage to innovate.

Three years later, TISCO was reborn and successfully developed the world's thinnest "hand-shredded steel". Seeing General Secretary Xi Jinping entering the production workshop again, Liao Xi was nervous and excited. Picking up a piece of "hand-shredded steel", the General Secretary gently twisted it and praised: " Hundreds of steelmaking made it soft enough to wrap around your fingers."

General Secretary Xi Jinping sent an affectionate message: "I hope you will continue your efforts and develop in high-end manufacturing." As the first human lunar sampling return mission in the 21st century, the successful implementation of the Chang'e-5 mission created " China’s first” and world record.

On the morning of February 22, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping met with representatives of the lunar exploration project Chang'e 5 mission participants and visited the exhibition of lunar samples and lunar exploration project results at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Institutional advantages and increased efforts in independent innovation.

Under the encouragement of General Secretary Xi Jinping, our country's scientific and technological workers have worked hard to tackle key problems, and scientific and technological achievements have continued to emerge. A large number of independently developed advanced technological equipment and systems have become practical and have become a "sharp weapon" to promote rapid industrial upgrading. Supercomputers, high-speed railways, smart grids, fourth-generation nuclear power, and ultra-high-voltage transmission technologies have entered the ranks of the world's advanced countries. In particular, 5G R&D and application scenarios have been deeply expanded, and a Chinese-characteristic ecosystem for the development of artificial intelligence and has been initially established.


At 7:18 on May 15, 2021, the Tianwen-1 landing patrol vehicle successfully landed in the pre-selected landing area in the southern part of Mars' Utopia Plain. my country's first Mars exploration mission successfully landed on Mars. This is a celebration by aerospace researchers in the command hall of the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jin Liwang

"Tianwen" probed Mars, "Chang'e" landed on the moon, "Shenshisan" and "Tianhe" core modules were successfully docked... my country has produced output in the fields of basic research and strategic high-tech A batch of world-class scientific and technological achievements, deep space exploration has achieved a major leap forward, the "Deep Sea Warrior" , "Struggle" , " Sea Dou One" " were successfully developed, and our country has become the world's leader in two physical systems. The country of “Quantum Computing Superiority”.


Photographed at the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center on October 16, 2021, astronauts Zhai Zhigang (middle), Wang Yaping (right) and Ye Guangfu stationed in the Tianhe core module waved to the people of the country. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Tian Dingyu


On August 18, 2021, staff prepared to deploy the "Struggle" from the deck of the "Exploration 1" scientific research ship in the Western Pacific. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Kaizi

In the face of risks and challenges, we must solve the "stuck neck" problem as soon as possible and firmly grasp the initiative in technology and development in our own hands -

Solving the "stuck neck" problem is of great concern to General Secretary Xi Jinping.

On April 19, 2016, at a symposium on network security and informatization, General Secretary Xi Jinping used a vivid metaphor to remind him of the risk of "stuck neck": "If core components rely heavily on foreign countries, the supply chain's vitality will 'If it is in the hands of others, it is like building a house on someone else's foundation. No matter how big or beautiful it is, it may not be able to withstand the wind and rain, or even be vulnerable.”

On April 26, 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited FiberHome Technology Group and Wuhan Xinxin Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Co., Ltd. in the East Lake High-tech Zone, , to inspect the innovation and development of the enterprises, and walked into the production workshop. He said sincerely The person in charge of the company said that innovation is the first priority in the new development concept. Our country has become the world's second largest economy. The past method of mainly relying on resource input to promote economic growth will not work. We must rely on independent knowledge. The core technology of property rights is the "vital gate" of an enterprise.

Scientific and technological research must be problem-oriented and focus on the most urgent and urgent problems. The key to solving "stuck neck" and "vital gate" problems is independent innovation.

Under the care and guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and based on the urgent and long-term needs of the country, our country has made every effort to develop key core technologies in oil and gas, basic raw materials, high-end chips, industrial software, crop seeds, scientific experimental instruments and equipment, chemical preparations, etc. To tackle key problems and accelerate the breakthrough of a number of key core technologies in the fields of medicines, medical devices, medical equipment, vaccines and other fields. In basic and core areas related to overall development and national security, our country is targeting frontier areas and deploying a number of strategic and reserve technology research and development in a forward-looking manner. Project. The world's first fourth-generation nuclear power high-temperature gas-cooled demonstration reactor, the "Guohe No. 1" nuclear power unit and other important equipment of the country have made outstanding achievements.

The majority of scientific and technological workers must apply scientific and technological achievements in the great cause of modernization. The paper was written on the land of the motherland -

On the afternoon of March 22, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was inspecting and conducting research in Fujian, came to the Yanziciao Ecological Tea Garden in Xingcun Town, Wuyishan City.

Under the guidance of a team of science and technology commissioners, the tea garden highlighted ecological planting. The quality of tea has been improved and the income of tea farmers has increased. General Secretary Xi Jinping was very happy to learn about this situation. He pointed out that it is necessary to sum up the experience of the science and technology commissioner system and continue to improve, consolidate and adhere to it.

Fujian Nanping, science and technology commissioner. The birthplace of the system. It is from here that the team of science and technology commissioners praised by the General Secretary went to the country and the world.

At the end of November 1998, in order to solve the "three rural problems", Nanping City, Fujian Province, sent agricultural technicians directly to the countryside. It became the origin of the rural science and technology commissioner system

In 2002, Xi Jinping, then governor of Fujian Province, conducted a special investigation on this work and published an article in the magazine "Strive to innovate the rural work mechanism-Fujian Province". "Investigation and Thoughts on Nanping City's Selection of Cadres to Rural Areas" pointed out that this approach is a useful exploration of innovative rural work mechanisms under the conditions of market economy, and deserves careful summary.

The science and technology commissioner system is a close combination of Comrade Xi Jinping's theoretical guidance and practical exploration. , originated from the rural work mechanism in Nanping and matured in Fujian. He clearly stated that we must have a good mechanism to enable scientific and technological personnel who go to the countryside to gain both fame and fortune.

has risen from local practice to an institutional arrangement at the national level. Now, a spark has become a prairie fire. Hundreds of thousands of "Scientists" are active on the front line, planting the seeds of wealth through science and technology in the fertile soil of the countryside.

"The fundamental source of national scientific and technological innovation lies in people." In September 2020, at a symposium of scientists, General Secretary Xi Jinping expanded "facing the world's technological frontiers, facing the main economic battlefield, and facing major national needs" to "facing world science and technology "Frontier, oriented to the main economic battlefield, oriented to the country's major needs, and oriented to people's lives and health", he entrusted scientific researchers: "Now, our country's economic and social development and improvement of people's livelihood require scientific and technological solutions more than ever before. Strengthen innovation as the primary driving force." At the National Science and Technology Innovation Conference, the Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Ninth National Congress of the China Association for Science and Technology in May 2016, the General Secretary sent an affectionate message: "Scientific research requires the pursuit of knowledge. and the truth, but also to serve the economic and social development and the broad masses of the people. The majority of scientific and technological workers should write their papers on the land of the motherland and apply scientific and technological achievements in the great cause of realizing modernization."


Fudan University Professor Zhong Yang. took photos during plant sampling in Shigatse, Tibet (photo taken on August 4, 2013).Xinhua News Agency (photo by Feng Ai)

Everything is for the country’s scientific research! Zhong Yang, a botanist and professor at Fudan University, took root in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. He led a team to collect 40 million seeds and took inventory of the biological "family" on the roof of the world, leaving behind a precious "seed spirit."

A large number of scientific and technological workers responded to the General Secretary’s call and went deep into the front line of hardship. They were willing to endure hardships and endure loneliness. They wrote their papers on the mountains and rivers of the motherland and poured their efforts and sweat into the places where the country and the people need it most.

The only way to innovate is to win people - "If our country wants to achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance, it ultimately depends on high-level innovative talents."

Innovative talents are like excellent seeds and must be vigorously cultivated.

In 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized when attending the deliberations of the Guangdong delegation at the first session of the Thirteenth National People's Congress: "If China does not follow the path of innovation-driven development and cannot smoothly switch between new and old driving forces, it will not be able to become truly strong. To become strong, we must rely on Innovation, innovation depends on talents.”


On November 23, 2021, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University Juncao expert Lin Zhanxi (first from the left) gave a speech to foreign students at the National Juncao Engineering Technology Research Center Juncao Germplasm Resource Garden. Second from left, third from left) explains the planting and cultivation techniques of Juncao. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Lin Shanchuan

In the 1980s, the Juncao technology invented by Lin Zhanxi, a Juncao expert at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, opened up a new way for the sustainable development of the mushroom industry. During the poverty alleviation cooperation period in Minning, Xi Jinping, then deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, personally ordered him to go to Ningxia to spread Juncao technology.

In 1997, Lin Zhanxi’s team took six boxes of Juncao and established Juncao industry poverty alleviation demonstration production bases in more than a dozen counties in Ningxia. Edible fungi have become a pillar industry for local industrial poverty alleviation.

Entering the 21st century, Juncao technology has reached a critical period of "not advancing or retreating" in scientific research and industrial development. It urgently needs strong support from the government. Lin Zhanxi called for the establishment of a Juncao science laboratory at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, the company that invented Juncao technology, as soon as possible. . But at the time, opinions were divided.

After arranging two inspections and investigations and thorough judgment, Xi Jinping firmly supported the construction of a Juncao scientific laboratory, and Juncao technology was able to achieve great development in the new century. At present, Juncao technology has spread to more than 100 countries around the world, training tens of thousands of students, and contributing Chinese wisdom to global poverty reduction.

"The only way to innovate is to win people. To win people, you must find ways to store them."

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made the reform of the scientific and technological system the focus of comprehensively deepening the reform, and has personally led, Personally deployed, many major scientific and technological system reform issues are aimed at stimulating the enthusiasm and creativity of scientific research workers.

- Create a better innovation environment for scientific and technological workers.

At the 2018 Academician Conference of the two academies, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "It is necessary to create a good innovation environment, accelerate the formation of a training mechanism that is conducive to the growth of talents, a utilization mechanism that is conducive to people's talents, and incentives that are conducive to competing for growth and showing their talents. Mechanisms and competition mechanisms that help all types of talents stand out, cultivate fertile ground for talents to grow, and allow talents to develop and thrive one after another.”

Under the personal care of General Secretary Xi Jinping, my country’s science and technology system reform has taken hard measures. Recruitment is practical. The Central Commission for Deepening Reform has reviewed more than 20 major reform plans in the field of science and technology. The 143 tasks deployed in the "Implementation Plan for Deepening the Reform of the Science and Technology System" proposed by the central government have been fully completed. The institutional and basic framework to support comprehensive innovation has basically been completed. Establish. Substantial progress has been made in the reform of key areas and key links, and breakthroughs have been made in some key, difficult and blocking issues that have not been resolved for a long time.

In order to form a strong synergy to promote scientific and technological innovation and make the scientific and technological governance mechanism more adaptable to the needs of scientific and technological development, my country established the National Science and Technology Advisory Committee for the first time and established the National Science and Technology Ethics Committee to reconstruct the science and technology planning system and solve the problem of closed and decentralized allocation of scientific and technological resources. To solve the problem, build the national laboratory , initiate the reorganization of the national key laboratory system, expand the autonomy of universities and scientific research institutes, and further strengthen the national strategic scientific and technological strength.

- Free scientific researchers from tedious affairs and unreasonable institutional constraints.

At the "Three Science and Technology Conferences" in 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "We must focus on reforming and innovating the use and management of scientific research funds, so that funds can serve people's creative activities, rather than people's creative activities serving funds."

A series of Important progress has been made in the reform, including the implementation of knowledge value-oriented distribution policies, the establishment of a trust-based management system for scientific and technological projects and funds, the establishment of an evaluation orientation centered on quality, performance, and contribution, and the substantial enhancement of incentives for scientific researchers. . The reform of the "three evaluations" of project evaluation, talent evaluation, and institutional evaluation was carried out in an orderly manner, and the path to realize classified evaluation was explored.

At the 2018 Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “It is necessary to pass reforms to change the practice of labeling talents with ‘permanent cards’ based on static evaluation results, and to change the one-sided use of papers, patents, and funding amounts as talent evaluations. The standard approach is not to let red tape tie up scientists’ hands and feet, nor to let endless reports and approvals delay scientists’ energy!”

At the 2021 Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the China Association for Science and Technology, General Secretary Xi Jinping Emphasis: "Scientific and technological personnel must be allowed to devote their main energy to scientific and technological innovation and R&D activities. They must not be allowed to spend a lot of time on unnecessary welcome and delivery activities, unnecessary review and evaluation activities, and formal "

Under the personal care of General Secretary Xi Jinping, in order to support scientists in bold exploration, our country has implemented the "revelation list" and "horse racing" system for major scientific research tasks, and implemented the chief scientist responsibility for cutting-edge exploration projects. system, and also set up special projects for disruptive technologies, and set up young scientist projects in the National Key R&D Plan of the "14th Five-Year Plan" to allow more young scientists to be leaders and take the lead, and to give scientists greater power to decide on technical routes and use funds. right.

- Give special care to technology workers.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has attended the National Science and Technology Awards Conference every year. Starting from 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping will present awards to the two winners of the country's highest science and technology award at the award ceremony, and invite them to sit on the podium.

Since 2017, our country has established May 30 every year as " National Science and Technology Workers Day ". Since then, the majority of scientific and technological workers have had their own festival. In the past few years, General Secretary Xi Jinping has attended important meetings, delivered important speeches or written letters on many occasions, extending his sincere greetings to science and technology workers across the country.

is located in Jinyintan, Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province. It is the former site of the state-owned 221 Factory, my country's first nuclear weapons development base. General Secretary Xi Jinping is very concerned about the retired employees of No. 221 Factory and has issued important instructions many times to solve the difficulties and problems encountered by retirees in their lives.

Now, with the care of the General Secretary, the retired employees of No. 221 Factory are getting better treatment, and it is easier to see a doctor. The relevant units have also repaired the employees’ housing, beautified the community environment, and made their lives much more comfortable.

adheres to the concept that talents are the first resource and creates a good atmosphere of "gathering talents from all over the world and using them". The innovative vitality of all types of talents is constantly stimulated. China's scientific and technological innovation has achieved a historic leap. Our country's global innovation index ranking has risen to the world No. 12.

Striving forward on the journey of great rejuvenation - "Continue to carry forward the spirit of scientists based on patriotism"

Jiaotong University Xiqian Museum is located on the Xingqing campus of Xi'an Jiaotong University. In the museum, a pink ticket carries the memory of burning passion. It was a special train ticket for people from Jiaotong University to move westward in 1956. There was a sentence printed on it - march towards science and build a great northwest!

On April 22, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into the Xiqian Museum of Jiaotong University and cordially met with 14 old Xiqian professors.

"From the banks of the Huangpu River to the shores of the Weishui River, you packed up your backpack and set off, leaving your home to take care of everyone else. Jiaotong University's westward move is of great significance to the entire country and nation, as well as to the strategic layout of the development of the western region. Very important.”

General Secretary Xi Jinping has a profound explanation of the “ Westward Journey Spirit”: the core is patriotism, the essence is to listen to the party’s command and follow the party, to breathe and share the same destiny with the party and the country, the nation and the people, which has profound practical significance. and historical significance.

A history of scientific and technological innovation that also writes the spiritual journey of scientists.


On December 4, 2020, the National Space Administration released a photo of the lunar exploration project Chang'e 5 probe displaying the national flag on the lunar surface. Social Development (Photo provided by the National Space Administration)

From the "Westward Spirit" to the "Two Bombs and One Satellite" spirit, from the manned space spirit to the lunar exploration spirit... The spirit of scientists praised by General Secretary Xi Jinping is a generational spirit. Another generation of scientists cares about the motherland and the people and has left precious spiritual wealth on the journey of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

In May 2021, at the Academician Conference of the two academies and the Tenth Congress of the China Association for Science and Technology, General Secretary Xi Jinping issued a call: " On the journey of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, generations of scientists have cared about the motherland and the people, defying hardships and making selfless contributions, making significant contributions to the progress of science and technology, the improvement of people's lives, and the development of the Chinese nation. In the new era, it is even more necessary to inherit and carry forward the spirit of patriotism that takes the destiny of the country and the nation as its own responsibility, and it is even more necessary to continue to carry forward the spirit of scientists with patriotism as its background. "

This is the patriotic sentiment of caring about "national affairs" and shouldering "national responsibility" -

In 2017, the 58-year-old geophysicist Huang Danian died of illness due to overwork. Before his death, he gave up the superior conditions abroad and returned to the motherland. , worked hard and innovated relentlessly, leading the scientific research team to break through foreign technological blockades and promote China into the "deep earth era". Huang Danian, a geophysicist, teaches students at Jilin University (photo taken by Xinhua News Agency on April 10, 2011). Post

General Secretary Xi Jinping gave important instructions on Comrade Huang Danian’s advanced deeds: “We must follow Comrade Huang Danian as an example, learn from his patriotic feelings of having a big heart and sincerely serving the country, learn from his professionalism in teaching and educating people, and daring to be the first, and learn from With his noble sentiments of being indifferent to fame and wealth and willing to contribute, he integrated his patriotism and ambition to serve the country into the great cause of reform and development of the motherland and into the great struggle of the people to create history."

This is "Yi Yu's heart is kind." The 6500-meter aperture spherical radio telescope is called the "China Sky Eye". General Secretary Xi Jinping has always been concerned about this important weapon of the country. When it was completed and opened in September 2016, The General Secretary sent a special congratulatory letter.


Astronomer Nan Rendong (middle) and engineering and technical personnel inspected the construction progress of the Dawodang (photo taken on December 1, 2014) Xinhua News Agency ( Chinese Academy of Sciences National). Photo courtesy of the Observatory )

The famous astronomer Nan Rendong was a researcher at the National Astronomical Observatory and the initiator and founder of the "China Sky Eye", a major national scientific and technological infrastructure construction project. He died of illness on September 15, 2017.

In 2019 New Year's message , General Secretary Xi Jinping said emotionally: "At this moment, I especially want to mention some shining names. This year, there is an extra ' Nan Rendong Star ' in the sky..."

On February 5, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping cordially met with the person in charge of the "China Sky Eye" project and the backbone of scientific research, and pointed out: "I hope everyone will learn from Nan Rendong As an example, Mr. Xi Jinping should carry forward the spirit of scientists, bravely climb the world's technological peaks, accelerate the transformation from following to running and leading, maintain a leading advantage in some fields, and make greater contributions to building a technologically powerful country and achieving technological independence and self-reliance. "

This is the selfless dedication of "The frost is all the painstaking efforts, sprinkled on Qianfengqiuyedan" -

goes to the grassroots for more than 200 days every year, making 1.4 million acres of barren hills covered with green; constantly innovates agricultural technology achievements, leading 100,000 Farmers get rid of poverty and become rich... Professor Li Baoguo of Hebei Agricultural University has been practicing his original intention of "writing the paper on the land of the motherland" for 35 years. On April 10, 2016, Li Baoguo, a professor of Hebei Agricultural University, died suddenly of illness. (Front left) Explaining fruit tree pruning knowledge to villagers in Gangdi Village, Neiqiu County, Hebei Province (photo taken on January 27, 2016).Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhu Xudong

General Secretary Xi Jinping gave important instructions on the advanced deeds of Comrade Li Baoguo: "Comrade Li Baoguo can be called a model of Communists in the new era, an outstanding representative of intellectuals, and the new foolish old man on the Taihang Mountains."

From Li Siguang , Qian Xuesen, Deng Jiaxian to Yuan Longping, Huang Danian, Li Baoguo...these resounding names were mentioned again and again by the General Secretary to pay tribute to them.

To grasp innovation is to strive for development, and to seek innovation is to seek the future. General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "Practice has proved that my country's independent innovation cause has great potential! The vast number of scientific and technological workers in our country have great potential!"

In the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core Under strong leadership, the vast number of scientific and technological workers in our country will surely shoulder the important responsibilities of the times with the spirit of keeping pace with the times, the courage to innovate and indomitable determination, march forward courageously on the journey of great rejuvenation, and strive to achieve high-level scientific and technological independence. Self-improvement! (Reporters Chen Fang, Hu Zhe, Wen Jinghua, Dong Ruifeng, Zhang Quan, Wang Linlin)

On April 26, 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited FiberHome Technology Group and Wuhan Xinxin Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Co., Ltd. in the East Lake High-tech Zone, , to inspect the innovation and development of the enterprises, and walked into the production workshop. He said sincerely The person in charge of the company said that innovation is the first priority in the new development concept. Our country has become the world's second largest economy. The past method of mainly relying on resource input to promote economic growth will not work. We must rely on independent knowledge. The core technology of property rights is the "vital gate" of an enterprise.

Scientific and technological research must be problem-oriented and focus on the most urgent and urgent problems. The key to solving "stuck neck" and "vital gate" problems is independent innovation.

Under the care and guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and based on the urgent and long-term needs of the country, our country has made every effort to develop key core technologies in oil and gas, basic raw materials, high-end chips, industrial software, crop seeds, scientific experimental instruments and equipment, chemical preparations, etc. To tackle key problems and accelerate the breakthrough of a number of key core technologies in the fields of medicines, medical devices, medical equipment, vaccines and other fields. In basic and core areas related to overall development and national security, our country is targeting frontier areas and deploying a number of strategic and reserve technology research and development in a forward-looking manner. Project. The world's first fourth-generation nuclear power high-temperature gas-cooled demonstration reactor, the "Guohe No. 1" nuclear power unit and other important equipment of the country have made outstanding achievements.

The majority of scientific and technological workers must apply scientific and technological achievements in the great cause of modernization. The paper was written on the land of the motherland -

On the afternoon of March 22, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was inspecting and conducting research in Fujian, came to the Yanziciao Ecological Tea Garden in Xingcun Town, Wuyishan City.

Under the guidance of a team of science and technology commissioners, the tea garden highlighted ecological planting. The quality of tea has been improved and the income of tea farmers has increased. General Secretary Xi Jinping was very happy to learn about this situation. He pointed out that it is necessary to sum up the experience of the science and technology commissioner system and continue to improve, consolidate and adhere to it.

Fujian Nanping, science and technology commissioner. The birthplace of the system. It is from here that the team of science and technology commissioners praised by the General Secretary went to the country and the world.

At the end of November 1998, in order to solve the "three rural problems", Nanping City, Fujian Province, sent agricultural technicians directly to the countryside. It became the origin of the rural science and technology commissioner system

In 2002, Xi Jinping, then governor of Fujian Province, conducted a special investigation on this work and published an article in the magazine "Strive to innovate the rural work mechanism-Fujian Province". "Investigation and Thoughts on Nanping City's Selection of Cadres to Rural Areas" pointed out that this approach is a useful exploration of innovative rural work mechanisms under the conditions of market economy, and deserves careful summary.

The science and technology commissioner system is a close combination of Comrade Xi Jinping's theoretical guidance and practical exploration. , originated from the rural work mechanism in Nanping and matured in Fujian. He clearly stated that we must have a good mechanism to enable scientific and technological personnel who go to the countryside to gain both fame and fortune.

has risen from local practice to an institutional arrangement at the national level. Now, a spark has become a prairie fire. Hundreds of thousands of "Scientists" are active on the front line, planting the seeds of wealth through science and technology in the fertile soil of the countryside.

"The fundamental source of national scientific and technological innovation lies in people." In September 2020, at a symposium of scientists, General Secretary Xi Jinping expanded "facing the world's technological frontiers, facing the main economic battlefield, and facing major national needs" to "facing world science and technology "Frontier, oriented to the main economic battlefield, oriented to the country's major needs, and oriented to people's lives and health", he entrusted scientific researchers: "Now, our country's economic and social development and improvement of people's livelihood require scientific and technological solutions more than ever before. Strengthen innovation as the primary driving force." At the National Science and Technology Innovation Conference, the Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Ninth National Congress of the China Association for Science and Technology in May 2016, the General Secretary sent an affectionate message: "Scientific research requires the pursuit of knowledge. and the truth, but also to serve the economic and social development and the broad masses of the people. The majority of scientific and technological workers should write their papers on the land of the motherland and apply scientific and technological achievements in the great cause of realizing modernization."


Fudan University Professor Zhong Yang. took photos during plant sampling in Shigatse, Tibet (photo taken on August 4, 2013).Xinhua News Agency (photo by Feng Ai)

Everything is for the country’s scientific research! Zhong Yang, a botanist and professor at Fudan University, took root in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. He led a team to collect 40 million seeds and took inventory of the biological "family" on the roof of the world, leaving behind a precious "seed spirit."

A large number of scientific and technological workers responded to the General Secretary’s call and went deep into the front line of hardship. They were willing to endure hardships and endure loneliness. They wrote their papers on the mountains and rivers of the motherland and poured their efforts and sweat into the places where the country and the people need it most.

The only way to innovate is to win people - "If our country wants to achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance, it ultimately depends on high-level innovative talents."

Innovative talents are like excellent seeds and must be vigorously cultivated.

In 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized when attending the deliberations of the Guangdong delegation at the first session of the Thirteenth National People's Congress: "If China does not follow the path of innovation-driven development and cannot smoothly switch between new and old driving forces, it will not be able to become truly strong. To become strong, we must rely on Innovation, innovation depends on talents.”


On November 23, 2021, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University Juncao expert Lin Zhanxi (first from the left) gave a speech to foreign students at the National Juncao Engineering Technology Research Center Juncao Germplasm Resource Garden. Second from left, third from left) explains the planting and cultivation techniques of Juncao. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Lin Shanchuan

In the 1980s, the Juncao technology invented by Lin Zhanxi, a Juncao expert at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, opened up a new way for the sustainable development of the mushroom industry. During the poverty alleviation cooperation period in Minning, Xi Jinping, then deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, personally ordered him to go to Ningxia to spread Juncao technology.

In 1997, Lin Zhanxi’s team took six boxes of Juncao and established Juncao industry poverty alleviation demonstration production bases in more than a dozen counties in Ningxia. Edible fungi have become a pillar industry for local industrial poverty alleviation.

Entering the 21st century, Juncao technology has reached a critical period of "not advancing or retreating" in scientific research and industrial development. It urgently needs strong support from the government. Lin Zhanxi called for the establishment of a Juncao science laboratory at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, the company that invented Juncao technology, as soon as possible. . But at the time, opinions were divided.

After arranging two inspections and investigations and thorough judgment, Xi Jinping firmly supported the construction of a Juncao scientific laboratory, and Juncao technology was able to achieve great development in the new century. At present, Juncao technology has spread to more than 100 countries around the world, training tens of thousands of students, and contributing Chinese wisdom to global poverty reduction.

"The only way to innovate is to win people. To win people, you must find ways to store them."

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made the reform of the scientific and technological system the focus of comprehensively deepening the reform, and has personally led, Personally deployed, many major scientific and technological system reform issues are aimed at stimulating the enthusiasm and creativity of scientific research workers.

- Create a better innovation environment for scientific and technological workers.

At the 2018 Academician Conference of the two academies, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "It is necessary to create a good innovation environment, accelerate the formation of a training mechanism that is conducive to the growth of talents, a utilization mechanism that is conducive to people's talents, and incentives that are conducive to competing for growth and showing their talents. Mechanisms and competition mechanisms that help all types of talents stand out, cultivate fertile ground for talents to grow, and allow talents to develop and thrive one after another.”

Under the personal care of General Secretary Xi Jinping, my country’s science and technology system reform has taken hard measures. Recruitment is practical. The Central Commission for Deepening Reform has reviewed more than 20 major reform plans in the field of science and technology. The 143 tasks deployed in the "Implementation Plan for Deepening the Reform of the Science and Technology System" proposed by the central government have been fully completed. The institutional and basic framework to support comprehensive innovation has basically been completed. Establish. Substantial progress has been made in the reform of key areas and key links, and breakthroughs have been made in some key, difficult and blocking issues that have not been resolved for a long time.

In order to form a strong synergy to promote scientific and technological innovation and make the scientific and technological governance mechanism more adaptable to the needs of scientific and technological development, my country established the National Science and Technology Advisory Committee for the first time and established the National Science and Technology Ethics Committee to reconstruct the science and technology planning system and solve the problem of closed and decentralized allocation of scientific and technological resources. To solve the problem, build the national laboratory , initiate the reorganization of the national key laboratory system, expand the autonomy of universities and scientific research institutes, and further strengthen the national strategic scientific and technological strength.

- Free scientific researchers from tedious affairs and unreasonable institutional constraints.

At the "Three Science and Technology Conferences" in 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "We must focus on reforming and innovating the use and management of scientific research funds, so that funds can serve people's creative activities, rather than people's creative activities serving funds."

A series of Important progress has been made in the reform, including the implementation of knowledge value-oriented distribution policies, the establishment of a trust-based management system for scientific and technological projects and funds, the establishment of an evaluation orientation centered on quality, performance, and contribution, and the substantial enhancement of incentives for scientific researchers. . The reform of the "three evaluations" of project evaluation, talent evaluation, and institutional evaluation was carried out in an orderly manner, and the path to realize classified evaluation was explored.

At the 2018 Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “It is necessary to pass reforms to change the practice of labeling talents with ‘permanent cards’ based on static evaluation results, and to change the one-sided use of papers, patents, and funding amounts as talent evaluations. The standard approach is not to let red tape tie up scientists’ hands and feet, nor to let endless reports and approvals delay scientists’ energy!”

At the 2021 Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the China Association for Science and Technology, General Secretary Xi Jinping Emphasis: "Scientific and technological personnel must be allowed to devote their main energy to scientific and technological innovation and R&D activities. They must not be allowed to spend a lot of time on unnecessary welcome and delivery activities, unnecessary review and evaluation activities, and formal "

Under the personal care of General Secretary Xi Jinping, in order to support scientists in bold exploration, our country has implemented the "revelation list" and "horse racing" system for major scientific research tasks, and implemented the chief scientist responsibility for cutting-edge exploration projects. system, and also set up special projects for disruptive technologies, and set up young scientist projects in the National Key R&D Plan of the "14th Five-Year Plan" to allow more young scientists to be leaders and take the lead, and to give scientists greater power to decide on technical routes and use funds. right.

- Give special care to technology workers.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has attended the National Science and Technology Awards Conference every year. Starting from 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping will present awards to the two winners of the country's highest science and technology award at the award ceremony, and invite them to sit on the podium.

Since 2017, our country has established May 30 every year as " National Science and Technology Workers Day ". Since then, the majority of scientific and technological workers have had their own festival. In the past few years, General Secretary Xi Jinping has attended important meetings, delivered important speeches or written letters on many occasions, extending his sincere greetings to science and technology workers across the country.

is located in Jinyintan, Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province. It is the former site of the state-owned 221 Factory, my country's first nuclear weapons development base. General Secretary Xi Jinping is very concerned about the retired employees of No. 221 Factory and has issued important instructions many times to solve the difficulties and problems encountered by retirees in their lives.

Now, with the care of the General Secretary, the retired employees of No. 221 Factory are getting better treatment, and it is easier to see a doctor. The relevant units have also repaired the employees’ housing, beautified the community environment, and made their lives much more comfortable.

adheres to the concept that talents are the first resource and creates a good atmosphere of "gathering talents from all over the world and using them". The innovative vitality of all types of talents is constantly stimulated. China's scientific and technological innovation has achieved a historic leap. Our country's global innovation index ranking has risen to the world No. 12.

Striving forward on the journey of great rejuvenation - "Continue to carry forward the spirit of scientists based on patriotism"

Jiaotong University Xiqian Museum is located on the Xingqing campus of Xi'an Jiaotong University. In the museum, a pink ticket carries the memory of burning passion. It was a special train ticket for people from Jiaotong University to move westward in 1956. There was a sentence printed on it - march towards science and build a great northwest!

On April 22, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into the Xiqian Museum of Jiaotong University and cordially met with 14 old Xiqian professors.

"From the banks of the Huangpu River to the shores of the Weishui River, you packed up your backpack and set off, leaving your home to take care of everyone else. Jiaotong University's westward move is of great significance to the entire country and nation, as well as to the strategic layout of the development of the western region. Very important.”

General Secretary Xi Jinping has a profound explanation of the “ Westward Journey Spirit”: the core is patriotism, the essence is to listen to the party’s command and follow the party, to breathe and share the same destiny with the party and the country, the nation and the people, which has profound practical significance. and historical significance.

A history of scientific and technological innovation that also writes the spiritual journey of scientists.


On December 4, 2020, the National Space Administration released a photo of the lunar exploration project Chang'e 5 probe displaying the national flag on the lunar surface. Social Development (Photo provided by the National Space Administration)

From the "Westward Spirit" to the "Two Bombs and One Satellite" spirit, from the manned space spirit to the lunar exploration spirit... The spirit of scientists praised by General Secretary Xi Jinping is a generational spirit. Another generation of scientists cares about the motherland and the people and has left precious spiritual wealth on the journey of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

In May 2021, at the Academician Conference of the two academies and the Tenth Congress of the China Association for Science and Technology, General Secretary Xi Jinping issued a call: " On the journey of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, generations of scientists have cared about the motherland and the people, defying hardships and making selfless contributions, making significant contributions to the progress of science and technology, the improvement of people's lives, and the development of the Chinese nation. In the new era, it is even more necessary to inherit and carry forward the spirit of patriotism that takes the destiny of the country and the nation as its own responsibility, and it is even more necessary to continue to carry forward the spirit of scientists with patriotism as its background. "

This is the patriotic sentiment of caring about "national affairs" and shouldering "national responsibility" -

In 2017, the 58-year-old geophysicist Huang Danian died of illness due to overwork. Before his death, he gave up the superior conditions abroad and returned to the motherland. , worked hard and innovated relentlessly, leading the scientific research team to break through foreign technological blockades and promote China into the "deep earth era". Huang Danian, a geophysicist, teaches students at Jilin University (photo taken by Xinhua News Agency on April 10, 2011). Post

General Secretary Xi Jinping gave important instructions on Comrade Huang Danian’s advanced deeds: “We must follow Comrade Huang Danian as an example, learn from his patriotic feelings of having a big heart and sincerely serving the country, learn from his professionalism in teaching and educating people, and daring to be the first, and learn from With his noble sentiments of being indifferent to fame and wealth and willing to contribute, he integrated his patriotism and ambition to serve the country into the great cause of reform and development of the motherland and into the great struggle of the people to create history."

This is "Yi Yu's heart is kind." The 6500-meter aperture spherical radio telescope is called the "China Sky Eye". General Secretary Xi Jinping has always been concerned about this important weapon of the country. When it was completed and opened in September 2016, The General Secretary sent a special congratulatory letter.


Astronomer Nan Rendong (middle) and engineering and technical personnel inspected the construction progress of the Dawodang (photo taken on December 1, 2014) Xinhua News Agency ( Chinese Academy of Sciences National). Photo courtesy of the Observatory )

The famous astronomer Nan Rendong was a researcher at the National Astronomical Observatory and the initiator and founder of the "China Sky Eye", a major national scientific and technological infrastructure construction project. He died of illness on September 15, 2017.

In 2019 New Year's message , General Secretary Xi Jinping said emotionally: "At this moment, I especially want to mention some shining names. This year, there is an extra ' Nan Rendong Star ' in the sky..."

On February 5, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping cordially met with the person in charge of the "China Sky Eye" project and the backbone of scientific research, and pointed out: "I hope everyone will learn from Nan Rendong As an example, Mr. Xi Jinping should carry forward the spirit of scientists, bravely climb the world's technological peaks, accelerate the transformation from following to running and leading, maintain a leading advantage in some fields, and make greater contributions to building a technologically powerful country and achieving technological independence and self-reliance. "

This is the selfless dedication of "The frost is all the painstaking efforts, sprinkled on Qianfengqiuyedan" -

goes to the grassroots for more than 200 days every year, making 1.4 million acres of barren hills covered with green; constantly innovates agricultural technology achievements, leading 100,000 Farmers get rid of poverty and become rich... Professor Li Baoguo of Hebei Agricultural University has been practicing his original intention of "writing the paper on the land of the motherland" for 35 years. On April 10, 2016, Li Baoguo, a professor of Hebei Agricultural University, died suddenly of illness. (Front left) Explaining fruit tree pruning knowledge to villagers in Gangdi Village, Neiqiu County, Hebei Province (photo taken on January 27, 2016).Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhu Xudong

General Secretary Xi Jinping gave important instructions on the advanced deeds of Comrade Li Baoguo: "Comrade Li Baoguo can be called a model of Communists in the new era, an outstanding representative of intellectuals, and the new foolish old man on the Taihang Mountains."

From Li Siguang , Qian Xuesen, Deng Jiaxian to Yuan Longping, Huang Danian, Li Baoguo...these resounding names were mentioned again and again by the General Secretary to pay tribute to them.

To grasp innovation is to strive for development, and to seek innovation is to seek the future. General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "Practice has proved that my country's independent innovation cause has great potential! The vast number of scientific and technological workers in our country have great potential!"

In the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core Under strong leadership, the vast number of scientific and technological workers in our country will surely shoulder the important responsibilities of the times with the spirit of keeping pace with the times, the courage to innovate and indomitable determination, march forward courageously on the journey of great rejuvenation, and strive to achieve high-level scientific and technological independence. Self-improvement! (Reporters Chen Fang, Hu Zhe, Wen Jinghua, Dong Ruifeng, Zhang Quan, Wang Linlin)

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