"Only designing pictures cannot bring people a deep feeling." This sentence is a deep understanding of Yan Bojun, a designer who has produced many album covers.

2024/05/1716:21:34 hotcomm 1565

" only designs pictures, but cannot bring people a deep feeling."

This sentence is the deep understanding of designer Yan Bojun who has produced many album covers.

Human beings are visual animals, and this is especially true in the era of social networks. As social platforms such as Facebook and Instagram become more and more popular, when brands shape their image, they need to consider everything from trademarks, product styling, advertising to social media. A comprehensive visual image such as group management.

Yan Bojun explained that all designs in are actually of contemporary significance. Take the album covers before the 1990s as an example. In the early days, because there was no computer graphics, the covers were jointly produced by photographers and lettering masters, and then sent to the printing factory for reprinting. .

So we can clearly see the characteristics of negative photography, like studio photos. Although not as refined as today, in order to highlight the uniqueness of the record, the font design was particularly creative, which became a characteristic of that era.

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As a senior music fan, Yan Bojun has been collecting tapes and records since he was in elementary school. He said:

"Although the digital age has caused The impact of the record industry, but to a certain extent, the record design of in these ten years has returned to the essence of music . I am happy to see this happen. "

"The reason why records fascinate me is because of its cover. The messages conveyed are so diverse!"

Yan Bojun believes, " has conservative, classic, and classic things, as well as avant-garde, bloody, and dramatic things. You can see all kinds of different aspects of life in a small record store. The values ​​​​for me are the breath of freedom.  

Yan Bojun also pointed out that graphic design is actually a technology that visualizes abstract concepts so that the picture can dialogue with the target audience.

"I often tell graphic design students that when designing, you must not just imagine how the picture will make people feel. You must also think about his reading process, touch, visual experience, taste, and even where to display it. , every process must be considered. "

The social platforms in the new media era are quite diverse, which has also had a lot of impact on traditional graphic design. One of the characteristics of social networks is that the lifespan of messages and images is very short, so in the past, people were used Mainly used record covers not only have limited communication effect, but also have high cost.

Therefore, in the digital age, designers need to use symbols to establish visual identity. Today we often see fashion brands playing with their own trademarks and main colors, so that the brand image appears repeatedly on social networking sites and products in various forms. , is a method of using symbols to build brand identity, and the same approach is often used in the music industry.

"The most common practice in the music industry is Korean bands. This approach is very smart." Yan Bojun said:

"For example, the group BIGBANG, their records use five lines to communicate visually with changes in different colors. In this way, they can achieve the effect of publicity on any platform. Even if the background of the five lines changes slightly, you will know that something new is going to happen.

Consistent visual themes and brand management are all in the chaos. Effective communication techniques on digital platforms, but to produce broad marketing benefits, after these messages resonate with the audience, they must be further shared with the stratosphere in order to achieve the goal. Therefore, how creates a mechanism that makes people want to share is is the most important part of social marketing.

For example, when Yan Bojun produced the first album for the Slow Talk Band in 2014, he deliberately left a blank space on the inner pages and attached stickers , opened part of the work to consumers , encouraged fans to use stickers Make your own album cover and share it on Facebook. This will not only promote the album message, but also allow fans to interact with each other.

"This is actually about thinking about how to use new methods to share works." Yan Bojun said, "At that time, I realized that the influence of records was not what it used to be, so I wanted to use this method to let fans share their works. The creation not only lets everyone know that the band has released a new album, but also lets fans know about each other's existence. "

△The success of Tanya Tanya's "Aphasia" album

in 2017 and the 2018 Golden Melody Award's main visual has given Yan Bojun many awards from the print industry. Attention outside the design field, everyone wants to know why he chose to use cross-domain cooperation to produce the main visual of the Golden Melody Awards, which in the past mostly used symbols to present concepts.

Regarding this point, Yan Bojun explained that the reason for making this decision is because 2017 is the first time that the Golden Melody Awards will fully open digital registration. . In the future, participating in the Golden Melody Awards will no longer require the release of physical albums, so he wants to focus on the design. focuses on music and the people who listen to music, presenting the changes from vinyl records, audio tapes, CDs, to the digital music era.

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"I set a theme for the 2017 Golden Melody Awards, called Vehicles are ever-changing, music is eternal, uses this to echo this era."

Yan Bojun said, "In addition, in the past few years of designing records, I have realized one thing, that is, the record cover is not produced by a designer alone, but is jointly created by a whole team of makeup, hair, photography, design, and planning. Thinking about the visual culture created, these creations will also affect the external environment, so I hope everyone can see this phenomenon, so I use cross-field cooperation to produce the main visual."

Yan Bojun pointed out that now is cross-field. In the era of integration, people with different majors form independent small companies. Therefore, when completing a project, we often have to find ways to connect other professional workers. Each field has its own way of doing things, and it takes time to cooperate. They spend a lot of time talking to each other and brainstorming, so communication is a very important working skill for designers.

"An important prerequisite for communication is that learn to think from the perspective of others."

△Tanya Tanya's "Aphasia" album

Yan Bojun said, "The most interesting thing I found during the cooperation is that every creator The vocabulary is different. For example, when I discuss hairstyles with hairstylists, they will ask me whether I want to take black and white or color photos, because different photos require different shades of hair color."

"How to make everyone feel the same. Being respected during the creative process, and reaching their professional level without everyone knowing each other's expertise, the result will be a work of art," Yan Bojun said, "I think this is something everyone should think about. Topic. 》

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