June 29, new moon in Cancer, Venus sextile Pluto. This week is not so easy for Pisces on the whole. First of all, Neptune, located in your house of life, is in a retrograde state, which seems to have a confusing effect. At the moment, you may feel confused about donating blood. I

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June 29, new moon in Cancer, Venus sextile Pluto. This week is not so easy for Pisces on the whole. First of all, Neptune, located in your house of life, is in a retrograde state, which seems to have a confusing effect. At the moment, you may feel confused about donating blood. I - DayDayNews

Recent important astrology

On June 28, Mars will be sextile to Saturn, Neptune will be retrograde, Venus will be square to Vesta

On June 29, the new moon in Cancer, Venus will be sextile to Pluto

On June 30, the Sun will be in conjunction with Lilith

On July 2, Mars will be square to Pluto. Mercury trines Saturn

On July 3rd, Mercury squares Neptune

This week's fortune mainly refers to the rising sign . For specific fortune, you need to refer to the personal horoscope

June 29, new moon in Cancer, Venus sextile Pluto. This week is not so easy for Pisces on the whole. First of all, Neptune, located in your house of life, is in a retrograde state, which seems to have a confusing effect. At the moment, you may feel confused about donating blood. I - DayDayNews


For Pisces, this week is not so easy on the whole. First of all, Neptune. The retrograde state of in your life palace seems to have a confusing effect. At the moment, you personally may feel confused and overwhelmed about donating blood.

Venus and Mercury have many aspects, and they are located in your fourth house. is related to security. This will further aggravate the impact of Neptune retrograde on your overall life, so you need to pay attention to yourself this week. Ideas, you can do meditation, meditation and other aspects appropriately.

When dealing with housing-related aspects this week, such as transactions and sales involving real estate, real estate, venues, studios, etc., you need to be grounded in reality. When it comes to the signing of any terms and contracts, you must be cautious and not be too idealistic. and gullible. In terms of work, it involves a series of things such as interactive communication in education and training, family resource management, interior decoration, pet care, health services, etc. You also need to spend more thought at the moment, but if the above aspects are handled relatively well, there should be Nice money flow.

A better aspect for you this week is the occurrence of the new moon. The new moon occurs in your fifth house, which is the house relative to the moon. This moment is conducive to creativity and the realization of ideas, such as engaging in beauty. , media, art and other aspects, it is still relatively good.

Regarding love, the current moment is conducive to cultivating feelings. For example, if you have any vague feelings in your heart, you can discuss it with the other person. The relationship is pretty good right now, but sometimes you can't say everything, so don't get confused. At the moment, the Sun involves the star Lilith, and some relationships may be sadomasochism.

Pisces likes to receive good luck

June 29, new moon in Cancer, Venus sextile Pluto. This week is not so easy for Pisces on the whole. First of all, Neptune, located in your house of life, is in a retrograde state, which seems to have a confusing effect. At the moment, you may feel confused about donating blood. I - DayDayNews


This week is generally relatively good for Aquarius, but it just reminds you that there may be great fluctuations in money, so you should handle it with caution and pay attention to prevent being cheated. Or when it comes to investment and financial management, you may buy at a high price, so don’t trust others easily.

The energy in your fifth house is relatively strong this week. You can show your personal talents, for example, in areas such as art, beauty, fast-moving consumer goods, etc., which may bring you some good money flow. , but there may also be deception in it. The key is to control your heart and not be fooled by money, nor to believe too much in other people's words, or to see related things too beautifully.

A better aspect this week is that the new moon occurs in your daily work house. At this moment, you can plan your recent work, the direction of future work, the results you want to achieve in your work, and now you can Your personal mind is relatively active and you can put your ideas into practice.

You need to pay attention to this week. You may encounter villains at work, or situations that are not particularly good. Especially Lilith’s energy is relatively negative. You also need to soothe your emotions reasonably this week.

Regarding love, in fact, love this week has two sides for you. The first is to understand what you need, and the second is to know what your true rank is. Don’t trust other people’s words too easily, or feel that you It's wonderful, but you must base it on the real thing, otherwise the probability of encountering a scumbag man or a scumbag woman or being defrauded of money will be higher.In addition, the new moon also means that the relationship has progressed. If your relationship has reached this point, you can take advantage of the new moon to take a step forward.

Aquarius likes to receive good luck

June 29, new moon in Cancer, Venus sextile Pluto. This week is not so easy for Pisces on the whole. First of all, Neptune, located in your house of life, is in a retrograde state, which seems to have a confusing effect. At the moment, you may feel confused about donating blood. I - DayDayNews


For Capricorns, the biggest challenge this week is in daily work. Daily work, for example, involves data, documents and other related aspects, which need to be handled with caution or the current aspects will be relatively inconsistent. The place is busier, which may require you to work overtime or face various challenges. You may also be a villain. Especially when it comes to cooperation, the other party may ask for more, or the needs may change.

With the occurrence of the new moon, there may be new cooperation content, but you personally should not be blinded by the beautiful scene of the new moon, and you must implement it in the real reality. This week may be relatively good for those engaged in real estate, house leasing and sales, agricultural products, home care services, etc., and there will be some good income.

In terms of work, some people are definitely facing a major challenge in their careers. Your work content may change, and some people may get promoted. This means an upgrade of challenges for you. Now You personally need to enrich your heart and bravely accept new challenges.

The occurrence of the new moon also brings you a good opportunity. You may reach some agreements with partners and customers. However, during the implementation process, everyone needs to make reasonable divisions, proportional division of rights, etc. These aspects cannot be We must implement the sloppiness, otherwise it may lead to certain disasters in the future, and we must pay special attention when designing the agreement.

Regarding love, with the occurrence of a new moon, it is conducive to the advancement of relationships, but this new moon involves the star Lilith, and some relationships will have some emotional fetters. This kind of contradiction may break out in the new moon. How? What to do? If there is a problem, you should pay attention to solving the problem at this stage. Don't be aggressive or rhetorical in your conversation. It must be implemented in reality.

Capricorn likes to receive good luck

June 29, new moon in Cancer, Venus sextile Pluto. This week is not so easy for Pisces on the whole. First of all, Neptune, located in your house of life, is in a retrograde state, which seems to have a confusing effect. At the moment, you may feel confused about donating blood. I - DayDayNews

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