After nine years, we have seen Sun Li put down her harem attire and put on smart work clothes, cut her hair short, and transformed from Zhen Huan into the real estate agent sales queen "Fang Sijin" who went to Shanghai alone to make a living. This role is the foundation of the fe

2024/05/1607:02:33 hotcomm 1079

Everyone's deepest impression of Sun Li should come from Zhen Huan, who climbed all the way to the palace for her father. During the long years in the harem, she not only had to guard against the collusion schemes of other concubines at every step, but also had to be careful about crossing the boundary of pure yuan queen in the emperor's heart. In the first half, from "Wan Chang Zai" to "Wan Concubine", we saw that Sun Li added unique charm and flesh and blood to Zhen Huan; in the second half, when the evolved version of "Concubine Xi" who returned to the palace after practicing cultivation appeared, Seeing that the mother of the Sixth Concubine became cold-blooded because of love and only wanted revenge, Sun Li's performance was even more touching. From an emotional perspective of female viewers, the plot of Zhen Huan, a woman who is deeply involved in the harem competition for love, has climaxes one after another, which seems very enjoyable; but from a workplace perspective, Zhen Huan is pampered from the moment she first enters the palace to seeing the big boss, the emperor. After that, he went through many obstacles all the way, was promoted so highly, was questioned and demoted so easily, and finally had to rely on his own strength to climb to the top of power. Why is this not another microcosm of the workplace? No wonder Sun Li’s image of Zhen Huan is irreplaceable. Just imagine, if a woman like Zhen Huan lived like this in modern times, what kind of person would she be? After nine years, we have seen Sun Li put down her harem attire and put on smart work clothes, cut her hair short, and transformed from Zhen Huan into the real estate agent sales queen "Fang Sijin" who went to Shanghai alone to make a living. This role is the foundation of the female career. The spirit is the basis of "don't be wronged, at least consider yourself". Sun Li's previous costume dramas have always attracted more attention than fashion dramas. From the Warring States Period "Mi Yue Zhuan" to the Qing Dynasty " The Legend of Zhen Huan" to the early Republic of China " That Year the Flowers Bloomed and the Moon Was Full ", she faced it with fashion styles. The audience saw "Hot Mom" ​​seven years ago, but it was not as well received as the costume. This time, her performance was adapted from the heroine Fang Sijin in the Japanese drama "The Woman Who Buys a House". The TV series was renamed " An Jia " before it was released, and she also encountered a new type of TV series. Coronavirus pneumonia, I thought that in the era of silly, sweet and cute pet dramas, "An Jia" would not have any sparks. Unexpectedly, because of the plot in the drama that is closely integrated with life, it has won the love of the audience. Sun Li's simple and unpretentious workplace The female characters were well received. "An Jia" has received 850 million actual views in the week since it was aired across the Taiwan Strait and three places. Why can a story about a real estate agent in a metropolitan area be so relatable to everyone across regions? The first point is workplace studies. Just like "From Rookie to Ultimate CEO: The Workplace Apocalypse in The Legend of Zhen Huan" derived from "The Legend of Zhen Huan " and "The Legend of Zhen Huan The Legend of Concubine ", "It would be a good idea if the Legend of Zhen Huan Hua Fei had known earlier: Never step on these workplace minefields" " "80 Things the Empress Zhen Huan Taught Me"... In "An Jia", modern workplace science is presented more truthfully and straightforwardly. Fang Sijin is the new store manager who was parachuted to the store by the head office to save the performance. She is a wolf and has a very different attitude from the Buddhist store manager ( Luo Jin plays Xu Wenchang), which establishes a double line in the workplace. conflict. A woman who goes to a big city to work alone must be ruthless in order to protect herself and climb up the ladder. She is highly cooperative with the company's requirements, wears ultra-low-key uniforms to work every day, scolds employees without mercy, and grabs orders for performance. There are no houses that she can't sell, and there are no customers that she can't satisfy. Although her performance is very good, she can't integrate into the group, so she is only suitable for working alone. Compared with store manager Xu Wenchang, although he seems to be indecisive in appearance, he is called by Fang Sijin, "Kindness without ability is weakness and false compassion." He is not only deeply trusted by customers externally, but also caring internally. The group of employees below can just reflect the five major types of modern employees, the vase strawberry , the TOP SALES who are difficult to handle, the old fritters who can just mix and match, the serious ones who have no characteristics, those who want to fight but have no ability... Fang Sijin He can't stand being raised by these people, but Xu Wenchang knows how to sympathize with everyone and replace punishment with encouragement, so that they can develop towards the correct values ​​in their careers away from home. How to become a good supervisor? How to find a balance between company requirements and personal needs? How can we achieve performance standards without violating our conscience? These are the parts that working professionals can relate to after watching "An Jia".


After nine years, we have seen Sun Li put down her harem attire and put on smart work clothes, cut her hair short, and transformed from Zhen Huan into the real estate agent sales queen

 The second point is grounding. The universal issue of "buying and selling a house" can easily touch the viewer's life experience and identity. For example, the play mentions parents who have been selling steamed buns and soy milk all their lives. In order to save money for their son to marry a wife and pay off the house in full, they only left the names of their son and his wife on the property certificate and ended up with no place to live in the future; there are also couples with double incomes. For the birth of their second child, they are looking for ways to upgrade to a bigger house, which must be convenient and in a good school district, but they are faced with the pressure of mortgage loans; there are also wealthy people who want to buy a house for their mistress, to avoid trouble, and those who have money just want to grab a super luxury house... No matter where you live, dreaming of owning your own house is almost everyone's wish. Saving enough money to buy a house is a major event in life, and being able to advance into the house-changing family represents an improvement in economic level. "Settle Down" is basically like watching a real estate tutorial game, allowing the audience to learn how to find the house they want more accurately and at a great value while watching the show. The saying in the play that "a house is not just a house, because it contains a home" gives a deeper understanding of the declining social sentiments in modern times. The last point is human nature. The realism of "An Jia" lies in the fact that it does not have a domineering president or an entrepreneurial career. It mentions that "in such a big city, everyone has a hard time." It completely shows the ordinary and ordinary people who work hard after leaving society. feel. Fang Sijin, played by Sun Li, is a girl who was abandoned at birth. She relies on her own hard work to make money, but her biological mother uses her as a cash machine to ask for unlimited money. However, she always grits her teeth and finds ways to live a good life. Since you can't rely on others, you can only rely on yourself to find a solution. A bright future? Fang Sijin listened to Xu Wenchang's detailed background of the employees and lamented, "Behind every glamorous skirt, there is a hole that was inadvertently scratched." I believe that all female viewers who work on their own will be impressed by this seemingly easy but bitter experience. Feelings about the sentences.


After nine years, we have seen Sun Li put down her harem attire and put on smart work clothes, cut her hair short, and transformed from Zhen Huan into the real estate agent sales queen

Nine years ago, Zhen Huan, played by Sun Li, once said: "As for the ways of the world, since you can't take care of everyone, you have to take care of yourself." Nine years later, Fang Sijin, played by Sun Li, bluntly analyzed herself: "I don't have money. It means there is no sense of security. Making money is the only way to feel safe. Making money is a necessity and happiness is a luxury. "The same women in different eras are all struggling to survive in the big environment. The difference is that in deep times. Zhen Huan in the palace has no true love to support her in times of adversity, so she can only continue to be cruel; but in "An Jia", Fang Sijin has a group of employees who change from hateful to lovable in the quarrel to accompany and gain insight. People's hearts still have the warmth of conscience and original intention. Manager Xu is looking after her. That woman who is unhappy in life and seems strong but longs for stability should be able to get the happiness she deserves after stumbling! "An Jia" tells the story of various struggles in life in big cities, and ultimately everyone hopes to have a simple, stable and warm life. Perhaps this is the reason why the audience has a high level of empathy when watching the drama!

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