Innovation, success, excellence, challenge, adventure, family, happiness, health, freedom, beauty, courage, confidence, happiness, care, learning, service, dedication, sincerity, authenticity, excitement, love, respect for dignity, safety, stability, liveliness, wisdom, great pow

2024/05/1601:34:39 hotcomm 1943

Many people ask me how I think about creativity.

Usually I will answer that this thing

cannot be taught by myself.

In fact, there are still some training methods.

Today I will share 50 creative training methods that I personally think are very powerful.


At the end of the article, I will also share a few

my personal creative methods

^ _ ^

Innovation, success, excellence, challenge, adventure, family, happiness, health, freedom, beauty, courage, confidence, happiness, care, learning, service, dedication, sincerity, authenticity, excitement, love, respect for dignity, safety, stability, liveliness, wisdom, great pow - DayDayNews. Establishing values ​​

Strangely, the first training on creativity training is not to train creativity, but to establish values. The purpose of this training is to make you more aware of the direction of your life, and to know where your creativity should be concentrated and where it should be used.

This training has three steps ABC:

A. Among the following adjectives, choose the five that you like the most and have the most feelings, and sort them by the degree of preference.

innovation, success, excellence, challenge, adventure, family, happiness,

health, freedom, beauty, courage, confidence, happiness, care, learning

service, dedication, sincerity, authenticity, excitement, love, respect, dignity

safety, stability, liveliness, wisdom, great rights, humor and elegance

nobleness, harmony, justice, simplicity, fun, vitality, fairness and peace

self-discipline, perseverance, integrity, thoughtfulness Attract enthusiasm, loyalty, comfort

Enjoy perfect entertainment Independence Patience Romance Gratitude Passion

Family Sympathy Invention Encouragement Control Leisure Calm Accomplishment

Teaching Justice Identity Helping Others Fulfillment Creativity Alternative

Your selection and sorting:






B. Please classify these five words respectively. Write down your own understanding.

For example, if you choose "success" as the first word, then add your understanding, such as: "When I earn 1 million, I will be successful."

C. Correct your understanding. Get rid of some factors that are too restricted by external forces and factors that require others to affirm.

For example, the understanding of the word "success" is, "When I earn 1 million, I will succeed." Such a goal is greatly restricted by external forces and should be changed to be practical and feasible. For example, change it to: "When I can complete the planned work every day and make progress every day, it will be considered a success!"

After completing the above three steps, your values ​​will be clear.

This is a magical training. After completing it, you will feel that your understanding of life is suddenly enlightened. Many successful people have clarified their goals through similar training, and then worked hard to achieve their dreams in life.

Get some paper and pen, and let’s do it:)

2, God isa girl - science fiction training method

Get some paper and pen, and start this training.

What would happen if God is a girl?

Please write down your ideas, the more the better.

Note, when writing, do not write line by line.

Please use the method of thinking Buzan: write the main idea you want to think in the middle, then pull out the line and write your idea.

Innovation, success, excellence, challenge, adventure, family, happiness, health, freedom, beauty, courage, confidence, happiness, care, learning, service, dedication, sincerity, authenticity, excitement, love, respect for dignity, safety, stability, liveliness, wisdom, great pow - DayDayNews

What if God was a girl? Can you think of many interesting ideas?

My colleagues have thought of many things, such as:

There will be no war in the world

Rain will make perfume

The sky will rain petals

Tears will become currency


This method is called science fiction training method. The basic formula is: What if?

You can also think about "what if...?" to train your creativity. The principle of this training method

is: when there is an impossible hypothesis, people can break through common sense, routine, and common sense, and have some extraordinary ideas!

Start practicing now. In just ten minutes, you can "harvest" a beautiful world where God is a girl.

If possible, please post your thoughts:)

3. After-movie thoughts

After watching a movie, ask each other questions with your friends about some very detailed questions on the screen, and see how much you can remember.

For example, after watching "Crazy Stone", you can ask:

1. In the moving scene, what furniture did Brother Dao and the others move out?

2. When Bao Shihong and his girlfriend were sitting by the river, what clothes was his girlfriend wearing?

3. What did the front desk service look like in the last office building? What else was on the table at that time?


Every movie can be trained and reviewed in this way. Why should we do this?

First of all, we need details, because details are the material of creativity.

Moreover, details are often provided by picture thinking rather than text thinking.

Therefore, doing this can continuously train your ability to think and remember pictures, and accumulate raw materials for creativity. When you are creative, you will have an endless supply of materials:)

4. Toxt's training method - the use of empty tin cans

Creativity The most famous training method is this, called "The Use of Empty Tin Cans."

In Huang Wenbo's book "I Have Opinions on Creativity", a similar training method is mentioned, which is "the purpose of the cup". The principle is the same.

This training is the "Torst's Creative Thinking Test" invented by Dr. Torrance. The specific method is:

Write down various possible uses of empty tin cans, the more the better.

When writing, please use the sketching method mentioned in Creative Training 2 and draw a line for each idea.

Four scoring criteria for this project:

  • Fluency - the ability to come up with a large number of ideas, that is, how many in total?
  • Flexibility - Different types of ideas, that is, different types of uses of empty tin cans, such as as containers, as toys, as communication equipment, etc. involve such different types.
  • Originality - You won't get this score if you always think of the typical uses of empty tin cans.
  • Derivative - You get this score if your idea requires melting down an empty tin can, grinding it into powder, coating it with paint or combining it with another can.

In addition, the children also provided some super interesting answers when answering this question. You can refer to:

Insect's Cage

Ant's Home

Playing with Kick the Can

Elf's Washing Machine

Doll's Hat

Barbie Doll's Swimming Pool

Musical Instruments

After the seesaw support

is melted, it is made into a guard model


We have provided several training methods. I believe that ordinary readers will just laugh and be curious when they see it. Rather than trying it myself.

It is true that it is a bit difficult to train yourself to do this, so you can find colleagues to do it together.

Those who really do this training are the ones who most hope to change their creativity, and they will definitely go further on the road of creativity.

5. Things not to say during creative meetings

Charles Clark proposed 57 "sentences that kill creativity during meetings".

See if you have any such statements during meetings? If so, try to avoid it.

1. We have never done this before...

2. This won't work...

3. We don't have enough time...

4. We don't have enough manpower...

5. We don't have the budget for this...

6. We have tried this before …

7. We’re still early for this…

8. It works in theory, but can you actually do it?

9. This is so academic!

10.What will customers think?

11. If it is really effective, someone would have suggested it long ago...

12. It is too new and fashionable.

13. Too old-fashioned.

14. Let’s find time to discuss this later...

15. You don’t know what our problem is.

16. We are too small to do something like that.

17. We are too big to do that.

18. We have too many existing plans.

19. Let’s do a market survey first.

20. It's been like this for twenty years, so it should be good.

21.Who came up with such a bad idea?

22. I knew it wouldn't work.

23. Let's form a committee!

24. Let's think about it for a while and see what happens.

25. This is not our problem...

26. The production department will not accept it...

27. Others will think that we are long-haired hippies...

28. It is impossible for the engineering department to make such a thing.

29. This is not feasible in our department...

30. Managers will never accept such a concept.

31.Don’t move too fast.

32. Why change now? Our sales performance is still rising!

33. Let’s take a look and talk about it!

34. The union will definitely scream if you do this.

35.Isn’t this the same as before?

36. Let’s write it down (talking is useless).

37. I don't see the connection.

38. In our industry, this won’t work!

39. Due to regulations we cannot do this.

40. Crazy...

41. The political meaning is too strong...

42. It sounds good, but I don’t think it will succeed...

43. This is not included in the calculation.

44. There is no plan for me to do this...

45. We have never tried this before...

46. I can't find it in the manual!

47. This means increasing the workload...

48. This is not our responsibility...

49. That's what I say, but...

50. This will exceed the budget...

51. This is too early...

52. This It's too late...

53. This will offend...

54. This will not achieve any results...

55. Our own people will not accept it...

56. You don't understand the problem...

57. What do you little idiots know? , come and teach me how to do things...

6, online game

Only by trying it yourself can you learn the methods in this game. Below are nine points arranged regularly. Please connect these nine points with no more than four lines connected end to end. Can you do it? Give it a try!

Innovation, success, excellence, challenge, adventure, family, happiness, health, freedom, beauty, courage, confidence, happiness, care, learning, service, dedication, sincerity, authenticity, excitement, love, respect for dignity, safety, stability, liveliness, wisdom, great pow - DayDayNews

7, Cup and Fly

This training comes from "Creative People" by Zhan Hongzhi. He calls it anti-analysis training, we can also call it common ground training. The basic idea is: try to find out what two unrelated things have in common.

Step 1: Spend 10 minutes to find out what the cup and the fly have in common;

Step 2: Spend 10 minutes to find some useful or interesting combinations for the cup and the fly.

The more answers to the above two questions, the better, and they can be ridiculous. In order to ensure the smoothness of thinking, you can write down everything that comes to mind.

Regarding the common points between cups and flies, it may seem a bit confusing at first glance. Once you get used to this type of questions, you will find that it is not difficult. For example, they are both open, neither wears clothes, and they often appear in The dining table will be unpleasant if it falls on your head...

Regarding the combination of cups and flies: For example, if a fake fly is printed on the bottom of the cup, everyone will be shocked after drinking coffee. This may be a popular spoof product.

Another example is that their combination can tell jokes. There is such a famous joke with them as the protagonists.

When you were eating in a restaurant, you suddenly found a fly in your cup...

  • Japanese: (seriously) Find your boss, I want to complain! ! !
  • The British gentleman silently paid for another glass.
  • The Germans were meticulous and asked the waiter to change a glass.
  • The Chinese were tolerant and had nothing to say (who is not wrong?). They picked out the flies and drank them in one gulp.
  • France People didn’t even realize that they were patronizing the beautiful woman sitting by the window.
  • Americans are very humorous: “Miss, this is how coffee is served in the United States. Coffee is served first, then milk, then sugar, and finally flies. Do you like it? Add as much as you can.”

After doing this training, you can find many things to practice on your own.Next time, please try to find out what kites and highways have in common, and what interesting combinations there are? This is a question I practiced while sitting in the car out of boredom:)

8. Pick graphics

There are three groups of images, each group consisting of five images. One of these five images is different. Which one is it? You need to use your brain to find the answer. To find out which one it is, and to be able to explain why it is it?

The connection between these images is not very obvious, try to observe it from different angles.

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2, Strange Mickey

Innovation, success, excellence, challenge, adventure, family, happiness, health, freedom, beauty, courage, confidence, happiness, care, learning, service, dedication, sincerity, authenticity, excitement, love, respect for dignity, safety, stability, liveliness, wisdom, great pow - DayDayNews

3, Medicine bottle

Innovation, success, excellence, challenge, adventure, family, happiness, health, freedom, beauty, courage, confidence, happiness, care, learning, service, dedication, sincerity, authenticity, excitement, love, respect for dignity, safety, stability, liveliness, wisdom, great pow - DayDayNews

9. Inspiration paper (idea papers)

The so-called inspiration paper is not actually paper, but a small book that records inspiration. Inspiration paper is a term I invented. Because for me, it was just a piece of paper at first. Later, when I wanted to remember more things, it gradually turned into a small notebook.

has a basic professional action in Blue Creative, which is notebook. In other words, you must bring a notebook to every meeting, discussion, etc., so that you can record some information and opinions at that time, and it is also conducive to drawing back and forth when you are thinking. Instead of grabbing a few pieces of paper for every discussion.

I think that a notebook alone is not enough. A true creative person should also have an inspiration paper.

First of all, I don’t believe in inspiration. I believe that a creative person cannot wait for inspiration to strike like an artist. Inspiration is not trustworthy, otherwise, I would not attach so much importance to creative training.

Therefore, inspiration here refers to some ideas that occasionally come up, especially when you are touched by the things around you, you must have some ideas. And if those thoughts are not recorded quickly, they will quickly escape. Although I thought at the time: "This is very easy to remember, believe me, I will never forget it." But when I thought about it again at night and wanted to write it down, it came up blank. Just because there is no triggering thing at the time, the thought will not easily come back and knock on the door. I have had this lesson several times, so I believe in the importance of the saying "a good memory is not as good as a bad writing".

Of course, there are many creative geniuses in the world - not only advertising masters, but also such small notebooks. It can be said that this is the secret weapon of every creative person!

Although it seemed troublesome at the time, it was actually the easiest way.

often see stories about celebrities who write down their inspirations on their mobile phones, napkins, or even on their sleeves. There is also a person who likes to travel, so he writes down his thoughts on postcards. Then send it back to your company.

Basically, these are papers without inspiration, so it is a good way to use other things to "put out the fire".

Inspiration paper must be small enough to fit in your pocket. And it’s best to have an equally small pen.

These things are not easy to find, but you can always find them in some stationery stores, gift shops or large supermarkets.

After you have the inspiration paper, don't rush to fill it up and just copy things everywhere. Of course you can copy good things, but don’t rush for success. The most important thing is not to be enthusiastic for three days. After that, let the book lie in the drawer and sleep. The training method of

is very simple, but very difficult.

So this is a real exercise and should be stuck to.

Innovation, success, excellence, challenge, adventure, family, happiness, health, freedom, beauty, courage, confidence, happiness, care, learning, service, dedication, sincerity, authenticity, excitement, love, respect for dignity, safety, stability, liveliness, wisdom, great pow - DayDayNews0, Button Apocalypse

Find a 30cm long sewing thread, and then tie a button, or something similar. Then draw a circle with a diameter of 15 cm on the paper and draw a cross in the middle. So you're good to go.

Innovation, success, excellence, challenge, adventure, family, happiness, health, freedom, beauty, courage, confidence, happiness, care, learning, service, dedication, sincerity, authenticity, excitement, love, respect for dignity, safety, stability, liveliness, wisdom, great pow - DayDayNews

Pick up the thread hanging the button, directly above the center of the cross. At this time, I thought silently: "Buttons swing left and right, swing left and right"

Wait for a while and see what happens?

The incredible thing happened, the buttons really started to swing from side to side. As long as you keep saying it silently.

Try it now and find a way to control your hand and prevent it from moving.

But you will find that you can't control it, it still swings left and right.

Then you try to recite silently: "Buttons swing back and forth, swings back and forth," and "Buttons turn around, turn around."

This is really a fun game. It has the same principle as games such as "Pen Fairy" and "Die Fairy".

French psychologist Emile Coue is the inventor of autosuggestion. In order to verify the autosuggestion method, in 1850, the director of the Museum of Natural History in Paris, Jebry el, conducted an oscillator experiment, which is what we just did. By the early 20th century, the experiment spread throughout Europe.

This experiment can make us feel the power of self-suggestion inherent in human beings. If we can effectively use autosuggestion, we can get rid of uneasiness and fear from our hearts and become confident. The principle of the game

is: your thoughts are recorded in the subconscious mind of the brain, and in order to realize the thoughts, the brain will automatically work.

Therefore, you must think of positive psychological hints in your mind every day, such as: I will definitely succeed. Or, I am happy, or, I am full of energy, I am full of creativity, etc., positive psychological implications.

"If I think about this every day, I just need to lie in bed and my brain will automatically work hahahaha..." It would be great if that were the case.

A story:

My husband was hungry in the middle of the night, and he muttered silently: "I'm not hungry, I'm not hungry...hehe, I'm not hungry anymore!"

Then he lay down to sleep.

At this time, my wife suddenly got up and said: "I'm hungry...!"

If you think, "I don't want blue, I don't want blue."

Then the first color that comes to your mind is still blue.

The above two examples show that if you don’t want it, you will get the results you don’t want.

So you have to think: "I want...!" And you have to think "I must..."

Jordan is the NBA scoring champion/smashing king, and plays a decisive role in the NBA. He didn't play basketball well in high school and was not tall. Only 170cm. The reporter interviewed Jordan's father, why did Jordan grow to 192cm? His parents don't know for sure, but there has never been anyone in our family who was over 180cm. It was the strong desire in his heart that made Jordan grow to 192cm.

Below are some quotation cards I wrote for creative people. You can read a few of them out loud every day to motivate yourself.

If these quotes are said to others, they may seem too exaggerated and overestimated. But you have to say to yourself, say in your heart, the more positive the better, so that you can maximize your potential and let your brain automatically add points for you, yeah!

Creative Quotation Card:

I will definitely be able to make the best advertisement.

I will definitely become an advertising master.

I am very creative.

I am full of energy.

I am full of passion.

My execution is surprisingly good.

No matter what kind of brief, I will give it my all.

I will sincerely learn from all creative masters.

I want to treat everyone sincerely.

I can enjoy every day to the fullest.

I can enjoy every creative idea.

I will definitely win the advertising award.

I will definitely gain the appreciation of my customers.

I am the most professional advertising person.

I can make consumers excited about the product.

I want to push the boundaries of advertising.

I want to make the most popular advertisement for Chinese people.

I want to make the best advertisement in China.

I want to influence the people around me with a positive attitude.

I want my parents to be proud of me.

In the end, I will definitely get the gold medal in the "Creativity Competition"!

Innovation, success, excellence, challenge, adventure, family, happiness, health, freedom, beauty, courage, confidence, happiness, care, learning, service, dedication, sincerity, authenticity, excitement, love, respect for dignity, safety, stability, liveliness, wisdom, great pow - DayDayNews1, Shoe Inventor

Shoes, ordinary shoes, everyone has a pair. The evolution of shoes itself is a good creative template. The first shoes may have been straw sandals and animal skin shoes. Later, there were cloth shoes, leather shoes, clogs for singing Peking Opera, shoes for ballet dancing, rainproof boots, platform shoes that girls like, and height-increasing shoes for "showing off height". There are also running shoes, hiking shoes, roller skates, etc. There are so many articles about shoes.

Well, so, take a look at the shoes on your feet. If you regard them as a part of the evolution of shoes, then what kind of interesting shoes will you have in the future? This training is for you to explore the various possibilities of modifying shoes.

Regarding shoes, my colleagues and I easily came up with a lot of ideas, such as whether the shoelaces can be changed to glitter; for example, whether the soles can add your signature; for example, putting a magnet on the soles of a couple's shoes so that two people can attract each other. ; For example, adding a small pedometer to shoes (later I found out that such shoes already exist in the world); such as dancing shoes that sparkle at night...

How many possibilities can you think of about shoes? (Of course, in addition to shoes, you can also think about MP3s, TVs, wardrobes, and anything else.)

Maybe one day, you will wear the shoes of your imagination.

is in the future, and there is still a long way to go.

Innovation, success, excellence, challenge, adventure, family, happiness, health, freedom, beauty, courage, confidence, happiness, care, learning, service, dedication, sincerity, authenticity, excitement, love, respect for dignity, safety, stability, liveliness, wisdom, great pow - DayDayNews2. Thinking before a movie

Thinking before a movie is an interesting creative training method I invented. The specific method is: find a movie that you have not seen. You only need to have heard of its name. You can learn about his director and related reports, and then write down your guesses about the movie based on the information you have. Finally, compare your own guess with the movie to see whose idea is more accurate.

You can find any kind of movie for training, but please don't deliberately collect the material of the movie. Just know as much as you can. For example, you can look for the recent award-winning film "Lust, Caution", and the information you know is about the following: the director is Ang Lee, and the original novel is Zhang Ailing. It seems that the report is a story about a traitor, and it is also an unforgettable love story. The story also has passionate sex scenes.

After knowing this, you can start to guess the movie:

For example, since it was written by Zhang Ailing, the story must have taken place around the 1930s. The traitor may have often walked around the French Concession and accidentally met the wife of a French ambassador. This wife was originally a rich young lady from Shanghai, but after marrying the ambassador, she became unbearably lonely, so she met this traitor, and the two began an affair. Later, they decided to elope one day.

Later, the Japanese army suddenly bombed Shanghai, and they decided to leave early and go to Hong Kong. But the lady thought again and again and returned to France with the ambassador, because women still want to live a stable life.

20 years later, the traitor visited Paris as a scholar and met this lady by chance. The two old lovers were speechless and could only lament the helplessness of life. End.

This is a very rough guess.

In fact, everyone has some guesses before watching the movie, but it is not so specific, but more of a feeling. This kind of conjecture becomes clearer, and you can also write down some key plots or dialogues that may happen, which are very classic. The advantage of the creative training method

is that by using stories that others have created, we can first guess, and secondly, compare them, so as to discover our own shortcomings and continuously improve and improve. If you think of something better than the original work and write it down, maybe another "Lust, Caution" will appear :)

Innovation, success, excellence, challenge, adventure, family, happiness, health, freedom, beauty, courage, confidence, happiness, care, learning, service, dedication, sincerity, authenticity, excitement, love, respect for dignity, safety, stability, liveliness, wisdom, great pow - DayDayNews3, Little Black Dot

I wonder if you have noticed that sometimes it's not that you can't come up with creative ideas. It’s just that you don’t put enough thought into your creative ideas, or you don’t use your heart enough. Your mind is not on what you are thinking about at all, and you often wander away from thinking about it, and then let your thoughts fly. Sometimes you try very hard to make yourself pay attention, but for some reason it just doesn't work and you can't concentrate on creative ideas.

Thinking creatively is actually closely related to one factor, which is the concentration when thinking. That is, the ability to devote oneself to a problem wholeheartedly. It can be said that the stronger the concentration, the greater the explosive power of creativity.

This is also common in group discussions. The topics of groups without concentration are very loose. After chatting for a while, they start talking about gossips about super girls and fast men and celebrities. However, although the topics of groups with concentration are more relaxed and open, they always keep talking. Without leaving the topic of discussion, we went deeper step by step and gained a lot in the end.

The picture below is a way to practice concentration. Please print it out, then sit in front of the table, pick up the picture, and then stare at the black dots in the picture, and keep staring. Please do your best. Don't blink, even if you shed tears, don't blink. Then, without moving any part of your mind, just focus on the black dots. At that moment, the world seems to stop, there are no thoughts in your mind, and there are only black spots in your eyes.

Slowly, you will find that the black dot changes, it will shake, and even some halo appears next to it, and then, the upper and lower lines will slowly disappear!

Innovation, success, excellence, challenge, adventure, family, happiness, health, freedom, beauty, courage, confidence, happiness, care, learning, service, dedication, sincerity, authenticity, excitement, love, respect for dignity, safety, stability, liveliness, wisdom, great pow - DayDayNews

This training is a good way to strengthen your concentration. When your concentration is not good enough, just keep an eye on the black spots and strengthen your concentration, and maybe there will be some improvement.

This is an interesting attempt, not only to train concentration, but also to witness this slowly changing visual phenomenon. Speaking of which, there are also allusions to this visual phenomenon! That is the story of "Jichang's Learning of Archery":

Feiwei was an ancient archer. His sharp arrows made birds fall to the ground and animals fell to the ground. A man named Ji Chang came to worship Feiwei as his teacher. Fei Wei asked him to first learn the skills of not blinking and seeing things as big as possible, and then learn archery.

Ji Chang returned home and lay on his back under his wife's loom, staring at the shuttle passing by. After two years of hard training, even if someone stabbed his eyes with a sharp awl tip, he could still All without blinking an eye. Then Ji Chang caught a louse, tied it with ox tail hair and hung it on the window, staring at it every day. More than ten days passed, and the lice gradually became larger in the eyes. Three years later, they actually appeared to be as big as a wheel. He shot it with an arrow, but the ox tail hair was still hanging in the air. Ji Chang ran to tell Fei Wei. Fei Wei said happily: "You have learned successfully!"

Innovation, success, excellence, challenge, adventure, family, happiness, health, freedom, beauty, courage, confidence, happiness, care, learning, service, dedication, sincerity, authenticity, excitement, love, respect for dignity, safety, stability, liveliness, wisdom, great pow - DayDayNews4, 20 metaphors of taxis

It was early in the morning, my friend and I stood in the cold wind, watching the taxis staring at the bright cars. The lights flew by like a scene from a movie.

"Let's do some creative training!" I said.

"Okay? What is it?" said my friend.

"Let's talk about 20 metaphors about taxis. Each metaphor focuses on a certain characteristic of taxis."

"Okay, let's start!"

So, we quickly entered the state and looked at the taxis flying by. Saying more and more metaphors until you have said dozens of them and still enjoying it.

metaphor is the basic ability of creative people. We have all heard a similar saying: "The first person to say that a woman is a flower is a genius, and the second person is a fool." When it comes to the use of metaphors, it is easy for people to fall into the same old stereotypes, saying that women are flowers and that their faces are similar. Melon seeds, talk about rainbow elephant bridge and so on. ’s old metaphors are a symptom of our loss of creativity, so let’s think about taxi metaphors. These metaphors must be fresh and interesting.

For example, what my friends and I thought:

Based on the characteristics of the taxi's speed, we say it is like an "iron nail running towards a magnet"; based on the characteristics of the taxi constantly looking at people on the roadside, we say it is like "a lost child." "Mother"; based on the fact that taxis kept appearing one after another, they were said to be like "migrating rhinoceroses"...

Innovation, success, excellence, challenge, adventure, family, happiness, health, freedom, beauty, courage, confidence, happiness, care, learning, service, dedication, sincerity, authenticity, excitement, love, respect for dignity, safety, stability, liveliness, wisdom, great pow - DayDayNews5, the relay of words

Once, while discussing ideas with Ruth, she suddenly said, "Let's make one Let’s play! What kind of game is “

”? I’m curious.

"Come on!" Ruth took the pen and wrote one word on the paper: "black".

Ruth said: "From this word, you can associate it one by one, such as from 'black' to 'hair', from 'hair' to 'shampoo'... Don't think too much, just write it down as quickly as you think of it. Go down!"

So, we wrote on a piece of paper:

black - hair - shampoo - stream - pebbles - fish - sea - sailboat - Columbus - indigenous...

Ruth said: "Actually, everyone writes differently, which provides many entry points for creativity. You can write a lot. If you write a few lines according to this line, the results will have many changes.If the selling point of the product is 'black', then you can find an entry point in any associated word, instead of always spinning in circles..."

"Wow, it's like running a relay word by word. "

I think this is a magical training, so I will never forget it.

Innovation, success, excellence, challenge, adventure, family, happiness, health, freedom, beauty, courage, confidence, happiness, care, learning, service, dedication, sincerity, authenticity, excitement, love, respect for dignity, safety, stability, liveliness, wisdom, great pow - DayDayNews6. The incest of words

The essence of language is "incest". In other words, you have to constantly create new combinations of words, and then there will be unexpected things Effect.

Please find two words in the dictionary, and then try to make a few sentences using them.

For example, you find these two words: "eggplant" and "love"

What will you make for them. What about this sentence?

For example:

The eggplant is in love, it falls in love with the cucumber next door, and it hopes to marry the cucumber and become a happy woman.

Do you want to learn from the eggplant? "Eggplant absorbs oil" when you love someone.

Eggplant absorbs oil, which is like falling in love, so it is inevitable to take a nap the next day.

People in love like to go to many beautiful places and take photos - "Eggplant! "

I am in love. When we were dating yesterday, I took out an eggplant from my trouser pocket and told her: "I want you to like it. This is my most beloved." My girlfriend was also unambiguous. She took out a Chinese cabbage from her bag and said, "It tastes better when stewed together!" "

If you eat eggplant every day, it will be easy to fall in love.

If you can't fall in love, the eggplant will die. Just like frost.


Innovation, success, excellence, challenge, adventure, family, happiness, health, freedom, beauty, courage, confidence, happiness, care, learning, service, dedication, sincerity, authenticity, excitement, love, respect for dignity, safety, stability, liveliness, wisdom, great pow - DayDayNews7, automatic writing

Surrealism is a literary and artistic trend in the West in the early twentieth century. , it was developed from Dadaism. Surrealism originated in France and dominated the French literary world during the two world wars.

The purpose of Surrealists is to leave reality, return to the original, and deny it. The role of reason emphasizes people's subconscious or unconscious activities. The intuitionism of the French subjective idealist philosopher Berglin and the "subconscious" theory of the Austrian psychopathologist

laid the philosophical and theoretical foundation for surrealism. Surrealists claim that human instinct, fantasy, and subconscious realms are the source of literary and artistic creation. They believe that human brain activity must be liberated from the constraints of logic and rationality.

Surrealist creation adopts "self-conscious writing." " and "automatic writing" methods. They advocate that writing must be absolutely true and is a purely unconscious process, without artistic processing or any form of logical thinking.

In a very quiet environment, the writer only needs to write what comes to his mind What comes out is quickly recorded, and the words are combined by accident; if there is no existing vocabulary to express it, you can even use a certain letter or symbol to replace it at will, without considering the previous sentence and the next sentence. What is the connection between them? The anti-logical nature is a major feature of his creative methods. Most of these works are difficult to understand and do not conform to the rules of grammatical structure and logical thinking. Some of them turned into mere word games.

He completed his novel LE VERDICT in just one night, writing non-stop, driven by an almost uncontrolled imagination, which later evolved into stylization in the hands of the Surrealists. Technique, also called "automatic writing". It allows the subconscious mind to be liberated from the supervision of reason and allows imagination to explode.

Try to play with this kind of "automatic writing" advocated by surrealism: find a piece of paper and find a random place. Use the space to write whatever comes to mind. Will it be weird? Will it be nonsensical? Through automatic writing, you can find the feeling of writing words and deeds that flow smoothly. Complete liberation!

Innovation, success, excellence, challenge, adventure, family, happiness, health, freedom, beauty, courage, confidence, happiness, care, learning, service, dedication, sincerity, authenticity, excitement, love, respect for dignity, safety, stability, liveliness, wisdom, great pow - DayDayNews8, Egg brand sewing machine

Have you heard of the egg brand sewing machine? What would it look like?

This is a method proposed by Swedish creative expert Hahn, who asked to use eggs to transform sewing machines.

means to discover some interesting principles and phenomena in eggs, and then apply them to the transformation of a sewing machine.

Now please think about it, what is the solution?

For example:

Eggs can give birth to chicks - put a Mini sewing machine in the sewing machine, and people can only take the small one with them when they go out.

Eggs are round and cute - make the sewing machine round, You can still roll and play with it

Eggs can be broken - make the sewing machine into small modules, you can dismantle and assemble it yourself

There is an egg yolk in the middle of the egg - put the thread ball in the middle of the sewing machine

Eggs cannot be used for sewing Sewing machine - Invent a sewing machine that can sew eggs, and even sew eggs and duck eggs together

Eggs can be eaten - Invent a sewing machine that can be eaten

Scrambled eggs are a dish that everyone can cook - Invent an automatic sewing machine and design several sets Program, everyone can sew beautiful clothes

Use a sewing machine to produce eggs - or use a sewing machine to sew egg dolls


I don’t want to know, but I am shocked when I think about it. It turns out that you can think so much, please continue to work hard!

Innovation, success, excellence, challenge, adventure, family, happiness, health, freedom, beauty, courage, confidence, happiness, care, learning, service, dedication, sincerity, authenticity, excitement, love, respect for dignity, safety, stability, liveliness, wisdom, great pow - DayDayNews9, mobile phone brand car

This training is "twins" with the previous one, and the principle is the same. please try to use the principles/phenomenon of mobile phones to transform cars.

Mobile phones can be carried with you - invent a car that can be placed in your trouser pocket

Mobile phones can be charged - invent a car that can be charged, thus saving gas

Mobile phones have touch screens - cars have also been changed to fully touch screen operations ( Will there be a car accident? )

The mobile phone can be hands-free - a verbally controlled car is invented, so you have to shout: drive! slow! accelerate! Turn left! Ha...

The mobile phone can keep in touch with people, set the numbers of relatives and friends - set another car as the closest car, and display the location and situation of that car at any time

The mobile phone can have different ringtones - the car's horn can be changed Interesting: "Hey, boss, please give in!"


You can also find something to transform your product or service. I believe there will be many unexpected gains.

20. Stanford University’s “Iron Pipe Problem”

I found an interesting training in my favorite book by Kenichi Ohmae. It is a teaching content formulated by Stanford University to break the inherent concepts. There is such a question:

There is a deep root The inner diameter of the iron pipe inserted in the ground is basically the same as that of a table tennis ball, and it is about 60 centimeters long.

If someone accidentally drops a table tennis ball into an iron pipe, there are many tools that can be used to take out the table tennis ball. How will you use them to take out the table tennis ball? The tools provided include electric light filaments, wires, iron wires, wooden boards, saws, and hammers. The condition is that the table tennis balls and iron pipes cannot be damaged.

Please try to think about it. If you want to know the answer, you can leave a message or send a private message.

21, if counter-charge

suddenly thought of an interesting question yesterday:

Nowadays, mobile phones implement single-item charges, that is, answering all incoming calls is free.

What if it's the other way around? In other words, there is a charge for answering any incoming calls, but it is free for making any calls. So what will happen?

If this kind of counter-charge is really implemented, a series of interesting things will happen. Have you thought of it?

22. Write music with your ears

Once, I accidentally heard a strange piece of music on the radio. I had never been exposed to this kind of music, especially the instrument. I didn’t know what it was. The sound was ancient and strange. Thoroughly, whimpering means crying at night.

I felt something was shaken in my heart, so I picked up a pen and wrote down the scene described by this song, and at the same time, I wrote down my feelings when I heard this song. For example, "I feel like there is another me, slowly floating out of my body, floating into an ancient night forest..."

Later I learned that the musical instrument is called Xun.

So I extended this experience into a creative training method: write music

Please find a pure musical work that you have never heard - such as a work by Bach or Paganini, or a song called "Li Xing" The music is also good - please listen to the music while writing down the scenes you imagine, put down some existing ideas as much as possible, and just find the feeling in the music.

music, how to express this sound in words? What kind of imagination does it bring to you? Is there something subtle and wonderful hidden in it? That’s the beauty of this creative training method.

- Turn your ear into a pen, try it now!

23, Sony’s next product

In the afternoon, I was writing Sony’s corporate copy. Through this Brief, I realized the greatness of Sony. They produced the world’s first TV, the first Walkman, etc. They have created many firsts and achieved heavyweight status in many fields, such as game consoles, TVs, cameras, etc.

As I was writing, I asked myself, now that they have invented the television, the Walkman, and the game console, what will be the next product they invent?

At that time, I just thought about it and came to the conclusion: it's nothing, it seems like there is nothing left, they can only make the existing things better.

This taken-for-granted conclusion made me blush later. Because this attitude is far from that of a creative person. He has lived up to the "honorable title" of a creative person.

One day later, I finally realized that Sony would have many more inventions.

This is a very satisfying thing for me, because I truly realize that creativity is endless and should not be taken for granted.

This is the concept that a creative person should have.

Ok, please help me think about what new products Sony will come out, so that I can be more excited:)

Advertising Department Store: Sony is not representative now, you can try to switch to Apple or Xiaomi.

24. The giraffe carrying a bag of rhetorical techniques

Let’s review the rhetorical techniques. If you don’t use them for a long time, you will forget them. If you review them, you will have some new experiences.

first writes a sentence, such as "a giraffe walked across the street", and then rewrites the sentence one by one using common rhetorical techniques.

Common rhetorical techniques are:

Metaphors: simile, metaphor, metonymy, metaphor (also known as compound metaphor), inverted metaphor (also known as anaphora), counter-metaphory, mutual metaphor (also known as anaphora), metaphor (also known as metaphor) Also known as strong metaphor), decorative metaphor, quotation;

line drawing, comparison (also known as analogy), avoidance, layering, foil (divided into direct foil and reverse foil), inverted text, inversion, overlapping words, true ( Also known as Lianzhu), contrast, duality (also known as antithesis, pairing), renovation, repetition, rhetorical question, irony, imitation, imitation, whitewash, inheritance (also known as parallel mention, combined narration, combined statement);

Calling, intersubjectivity, intertextuality, conversion, looping, palindrome, subordination, metonymy, questioning, parallelism, linking, imitation (also divided into: imitation of form, imitation of sound, imitation of color), list of brocades, linking And, exaggeration, warning, presentation, pun, tautology, allusion, allusion, quotation, transfer, homophony, pause, symbol, inlay, word analysis, euphemism (also divided into: circumlocution, humility, Taboo), euphemism, synaesthesia (also known as transference, transference), escape, transfer, and re-step.

ok, start now:

Original sentence: A giraffe walked across the street

Simile: A giraffe walked slowly across the street like a rag

Metaphor: Walking through the street, the giraffe became a philosopher

Metaphor: A huge fairy tale book walks through the street

Boy metaphor: A giraffe walks through the street, like a tall building, like a dream, like a woman who just bought new clothes.

Inverted metaphor: Like a tornado, a giraffe walks across the street

Inverted metaphor: Giraffes walk very slowly, but they are not like antelopes that disappear in the blink of an eye.

Mutual metaphor: The wind blows the rice, shaking heavily, just like the giraffe; the giraffe shakes, just like the rice in the wind.

Metaphor: The giraffe walks so slowly, even worse than a snail.

Metaphor: That blade-like giraffe walks so lonely.

Quotation: A giraffe walks through the street, always very leisurely; just like people in the park, always pacing.

Line drawing: A giraffe, eight feet tall, walking slowly through the street

Comparison: A giraffe, mumbling words and singing a sad song.

Avoid reply: A giraffe stretched out its left foot, kicked off its right foot, and walked slowly across the street.

layer delivery: A giraffe walked through the day, through the night, and through the long street.

Positive lining: The giraffe is so tall that it makes the street look wider.

Contrast: The giraffe is so tall that it makes the street look even narrower.

Reverse text: A giraffe walked by on the street.

inversion: Walking through the street, it’s the giraffe.

Overlapping words: A giraffe walked by on the street, stopped and looked at it.

True: A giraffe is walking, across the street. Comparison of

: Some giraffes are walking, but they have stopped, and some giraffes have stopped, but they are still walking.

Dual: Walking slowly, forgetting the passers-by, crossing the street with head held high

Renovation: A giraffe walked through the street empty-handed, feeling very hard and simple.

repeated: Walking, walking, walking, the giraffe felt like he was about to fall.

asked: A giraffe is walking across the street, is there any need to doubt it?

Irony: The ability of a giraffe to trample pedestrians and the virtue of urinating anywhere can really teach people a lifetime!

Imitation words: A giraffe has a very long neck, which really connects the past and the present.

imitation: At noon on the day of crossing the street, the sweat dripped and the deer felt bitter.

Fei Bai: A frightened deer walked through the main street.

inheritance: Giraffes are running or walking through the streets and grasslands.

shouted: Giraffe, you are so dangerous that you dare to walk through the street with your bare hands.

intertext: The streets of New York, the roads of Tokyo, the giraffe walks alone.

Interbody: The giraffe is writhing in desire, and the street is shouting among the crowd.

conversion: How long is a giraffe's neck? Same as this street.

loopback: giraffe's neck is long

palindrome: giraffe, deer's neck is long

palindrome: a giraffe walked through the street and entered a harmonious society.

Metaphorism: A neck walks through the street.

Ask a question: Is a giraffe bored? Yes, if you don’t believe it, look, it’s walking across the street.

comparison: Jay Chou is coming, Jolin Tsai is coming, and the giraffe is coming.

Nian Lian: As the giraffe walks, so does the boundless loneliness.

Illustration: PiaPia the giraffe walks through the street.

Brocade: giraffe, crowd, wind, shooting star.

link: The giraffe knows the length of this street.

Exaggeration: Although giraffes are very tall, they are as timid as sesame seeds.

Warning: Sooner or later, a giraffe has to pass the "walking down the street" stage, just like a congressman has to give a speech in front of a crowd sooner or later.

shows: I seem to see the giraffe walking on the plane, like a stewardess, pouring a considerate drink for each customer.

Pun: In life, sometimes there are deer, sometimes there are no deer, it all depends on personal timing and luck.

Repeat: Giraffes are big and small, long and short, walking and running.

refers to: There are some hats and some skirts walking around the giraffe.

usage: A giraffe, walking across the lonely ocean. Quoted by

: A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. No matter how small a giraffe walks on the street, it will still be watched by people.

transfer: A bustling giraffe walks through the street.

homophonic: A singing deer walks through the street, so peaceful.

After the break: Giraffes cross the street - there are roads everywhere!

symbol: The giraffe walks proudly, not afraid of the ridicule of the world.

mosaic: giraffe, giraffe's neck.

word analysis: A giraffe walked through the street, walking with a bow.

Euphemism: A giraffe looks very courageous and walks with great strength.

Wanqu: A giraffe walks through the street, probably to be greeted by eggs and tomatoes.

Synaesthesia: A giraffe walks through the street, and the air is filled with the scent of the grassland.

Escape: This giraffe has actually walked through this street. Do you still remember the last time...

Category transfer: A giraffe walks through the street at night, with street lights lighting people up.

re-step: The lonely giraffe, the crying giraffe, the speechless giraffe, walking through the street.

spent two days and finally understood the meaning of each rhetoric with great interest and digested it into his own language.

feels that there are really many kinds of rhetorical techniques. Although the training process is a bit hard, it is very rewarding. Rhetorical techniques are more important and can be ignored by ordinary text appreciators, but as people who make a living exclusively with words, we should really master them. What

has written now is not the most complete, because some of the rhetorical meanings are really unclear to me, so I deleted them. In addition, each rhetoric actually has subdivided categories, which are not reflected here.

In addition, when training, strive for accuracy first, and then strive for excitement, that is, write the rhetoric correctly first, and then try to write the rhetoric better. Rhetoric training is worth trying at least three times. Let each technique become your own common method and use it for me, which can add a lot of interest and charm to the language. Just like a soldier, he needs to learn rifles, bayonets, bombs and other weapons to be a qualified soldier. Look, I’m already using it again without realizing it!

List a few more training sentences:

A ballet dancer dances in the sky.

A stone is silent in the snow.

A group of pigs are having a party.

25, He Liu training method

He Liu is a person who lives in Hejia Village and is the sixth son of the He family.

It is said that this person is born with a very high IQ, and his thinking is very rational and creative.

Moreover, He Liu’s creative training method is also amazing.

Oh, in fact, He Liu is not a person, so what is he? To understand this, we must first understand 5W1H.

5W1H is an analysis method. 5W refers to What, Who, Why, When, Where, 1H refers to How, 5W1H refers to the reason (why), object (what), place (where), time (when), person (who), and method (He Fa) These six aspects raise questions to think about.

The He Liu mentioned above is actually this.

5W1H is a way of thinking, and it can also be said to be a creative technique.

I wonder if you have ever played the 5W1H jar game, which is to find six bottles, and then ask everyone to write one of the "He six" and put it in the designated jar. Then take a piece of paper from each jar and connect it into a sentence. For example:

When Who Where How What Why

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Xiao Li ate a piece of cake in the bathroom with great enthusiasm because the teacher criticized him

Because everyone wrote different things and they were put together randomly, it was very interesting. (There is also a simple version of this game that only uses three elements: characters, places, and events.) The key point of the game is that everyone uses their imagination to make each of these six elements more fun. Together they are even more bizarre.

In addition, this training method is actually an important creative method. I remember Wang Yixing once said: When creating a film or television film, all you need to do is change the time, place, characters, etc., and that’s creativity.

Take the above sentence as an example again, let us try to replace one item at a time:

Original sentence:

When Who Where How What Why

Xiao Li ate a piece of cake in the bathroom at 8 o'clock in the morning because the teacher criticized him

Alternative 1:

When Jesus was born, Xiao Li ate a piece of cake enthusiastically in the bathroom because the teacher criticized him.

Comments: Xiao Li still had an affair with Jesus?

Change item 2:

Jay Chou enthusiastically ate a piece of cake in the bathroom at 8 a.m. because the teacher criticized him.

Comments: No wonder he has a slurred speech. It turned out to be because he always eats cakes, ha.

Change item 3:

Xiao Li at 8 a.m. In the belly of the whale, he enthusiastically ate a piece of cake because the teacher criticized him.

comments: Where is the teacher? Is it in the intestines of a whale?

Change item 4:

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Xiao Li was in the bathroom, crying for his father and mother, and ate a piece of cake because the teacher criticized him.

Comment: Oh, he just ate a piece of cake, there is no need to be so excited!

Change item 5:

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Xiao Li was in the bathroom and caught a tiger with great energy because the teacher criticized him.

Comment: This bathroom is really big.

Change item 6:

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Xiao Li was in the bathroom with great energy. I ate a piece of cake because the train had just passed through my hometown.

Comments: Has Xiao Li ever sat at the station?

ok, and then put all the substitutions together:

When Jesus was born, Jay Chou cried for his father and mother in the belly of the whale and grabbed a tiger because the train had just passed through his hometown.

Comments: My God, a little crazy, It seems that we are not far from the mental hospital:)

26, Pound training

The Pound mentioned here is not the flying general in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", but the American poet Ezra Pound. Although Pound was not from China, he was very knowledgeable about Chinese culture. He received a lot of inspiration from ancient Chinese poetry, especially Tang poetry, and later created imagism poetry.

The training we are going to do today is related to his most famous poem, which is the representative work of Imagist poetry "In a Station of the Metro":

The apparition of these faces in the crowd;

Petals on a wet , black bough.


The looming faces in the crowd;

The petals on the moist, dark branches.

"In the Metro Station" contains only two lines and 14 words. It was written by Pound based on his impression of the Place de la Concorde metro station in Paris. Although it is short, Pound went through a considerable period of deliberation and deliberation before finally penning the final draft.

Beautiful faces flashed before Pound's eyes at the subway station. On the way back, these faces appeared before his eyes again and again, until finally they gradually became patches of colorful prints. At this time, he came up with the idea of ​​making a non-realistic painting that purely expressed the speckled colors. However, he could not paint, so he could only write poetry instead.

The two lines of the poem depend on each other. Apparition is an illusion, a ghost, which reminds people of the faces of passengers coming and going. The petals in the second row convey a message of beauty. This message becomes more prominent due to the contrast of the dark and moist branches. At the same time, it also gives people a sense of blur and overlap, and the artistic conception is fuller.

This poem is very similar to the works of French Impressionism in the 19th century. If read repeatedly, readers can draw a colorful picture. The metaphor of the petals hanging on the wet black branches reflects the poet's impressive imagination.

knows this interesting technique, and "everyone can change the trick". Let's imitate his sentence structure and do a few sentences with it, or even use it in the advertisement you wrote recently. Isn't it also very good? Something interesting?

On the bus:

The swaying sleeping people

The fallen leaves flowing down the river

In the shopping mall:

The people who are shopping but not buying

The crows flying around the scarecrow

In In the computer:

Those hidden invisible files

The spare daggers hidden by soldiers in their boots

In the real estate:

Those happy people who live in

A squirrel preparing to hibernate

In front of the TV:

Those The brain that remembers nothing after watching the advertisement

A boy who is destined to run away from home


27. Read the "Advertising Archives" thoroughly

As the saying goes: "Read thirty volumes of "Archives" thoroughly, and you will not be ashamed at the creative meeting "The "file" here refers to the well-known "Advertising File".

From this saying, we can see the importance of reading "Advertising Files" thoroughly. Most creative conferences are contests between masters, so the variety of creative techniques is crucial in this contest. The so-called tacit understanding between masters is often due to the similarity of the works they own. Because everyone has seen a certain manuscript, as long as they mention "By the way, I think of that manuscript XX", the masters will immediately understand and smile. It is indeed a wonderful feeling. There is no need to explain or introduce the background. Both parties have fully grasped the true meaning and went straight to the appropriate expression techniques.

Guys who have not read the "Advertising Archives" well will sit there, like a piece of wood, just watching other people's creativity emerge one after another, with their mouths wide open in envy. It is true that "the book is used only when it is used".

There are two ways to read "Advertising Files":

One is the backward push strategy, In the past, many of my colleagues used this method to train. This method is to work backwards from a manuscript to its single point of appeal, the problem to be solved, etc., and thus to derive the entire strategy behind it. By diverging from one point in this way, you can even fill in the original brief of this draft, just like dictating the "Nine Yin Manual" learned by masters, so it is very voyeuristic.

The second is the summary of techniques. is a more important and more important method. It is much more important than the first one, but not many people actually do this. This method is to use an advertisement to summarize its creative techniques, such as metaphor, exaggeration, graphic merging, etc. If this technique does not have a recognized name, then you will have to trouble yourself to give it a name, so as to Put it in your arsenal. The next time you see it, it will seem familiar, and by the third time you will be able to apply it skillfully.

If you don't have "Advertising Archives" at hand, you can look for award-winning portfolios such as One Show, DD, etc., or you can go directly to the World Advertising Network, where you can find the latest and best advertisements in the world, updated every day, at the fastest speed It's so fast that I can't even finish it. Although they are all in English, you can definitely use translation software! Moreover, there are also film and television works that can also be trained using this method. It really kills two birds with one stone.

Regarding film and television, there are also recognized top film and television advertising magazines such as Shots. Because the genuine ones are super expensive, you can buy pirated copies unethically and then take them home for ethical training.

28, the person in the painting

As a creative person, the sense of picture is very important. And this sense of picture should not be just a simple general feeling. We should polish it carefully to make this sense of picture extremely sharp, refined and delicate, so that the sense of picture is at a certain height.

The original meaning of the word "people in paintings" refers to the people who come out of the paintings and bring changes to the real world. In this training, we reverse this meaning and let real people walk into the picture and experience all the details of the picture.The specific method of

is to find a picture you like, and then jump into the picture - of course, it must be real, and you must jump into the picture - after entering the picture, through immersive viewing of the picture Observe details carefully and use the six senses when observing. These six senses refer to: vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste, and heart (sixth sense, spiritual inspiration, etc.), so as to gain a deeper understanding of the picture. understand.

OK, now let's take the picture below called "Blowing the Shell" as an example.

Let us jump into this picture, and then give ourselves a series of questions, answer them carefully, and the questions are classified according to the six senses:


From the shadow of the picture, in which direction does the sun come? Is there any cloud cover?

Are the white clothes of the character in the picture newly bought, or have they been worn for a while? Approximately how long have you worn it?

The green grass proves what season it is?

Is the river water clear enough? Is there any pollution?

What is the texture of the shell? Like what?


What does a shell sound like?

is weeping and complaining? Or melodious? Or happy?

What is the sound of water hitting the shore? What about the sound of


Is there any other noise in the distance?


How do shells feel? Is there any grit on it?

What is the airflow that blows up the shells?

How does it feel when that white dress is draped on your body? soft? Or a little harder?

How thick is the grass?

How does it feel to step on it?

What is the water temperature?

Smell + Taste:

Is there the moist smell of water in the wind? Or does it smell like sea water? Does

smell of green grass and trees?

Feelings: How are the emotions of the

characters? Is there some sadness? Or burnout?

How does the player feel? What are those brooding people behind


Are you praying for your loved ones? Still thinking about today’s lunch?

Why is the man near the water standing far away from the crowd?

Is he missing his lover far away?


The focus of this training is to have a personal experience of the picture, simulate the real feeling, and experience it from multiple angles. This is conducive to the expansion of imagination and makes creative tentacles sharper.

Innovation, success, excellence, challenge, adventure, family, happiness, health, freedom, beauty, courage, confidence, happiness, care, learning, service, dedication, sincerity, authenticity, excitement, love, respect for dignity, safety, stability, liveliness, wisdom, great pow - DayDayNews

Arwaco Indian leader Arwa Viku plays shells by Lake Los Tunjos in Sumapaz National Park in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia.

29, The Noise of the Gods

Find any problem that needs to be solved, and then make a long list, including various philosophers, novelists, poets, directors, actors, cartoon characters, teachers, civil servants, lawyers, etc. wait. Then write down each character's views on this issue. You will find that because everyone's starting point is completely different, everyone's views are very interesting. Just like on a flowing river, the stones floating around have different edges and gloss. This game is filled with endless open possibilities from the get-go.

Below is a famous "koan": a person wrote the question "Why did the chicken cross the road?"

then wrote a long list.

Then he wrote down each character's opinion on this issue:

Why did the chicken cross the road?

1, Plato: For a higher ideal!

2, Aristotle: In order to realize its potential capabilities.

3, Epicurus: Just for fun.

4, Pyrrho: What road?

5, Zhinuo: To prove that it will never reach the other side of the road.

6. Buddha: The reason why you ask this question is because you don’t understand the nature of chickens.

7, Hume: It wants to break the rules and customs.

8, Marx: This is a historical necessity.

9, Nietzsche: Because if you keep staring at the road, the road will come to you.

10, Jung: In short, this is synchronicity. To the average reader, this may seem a little too profound, but that's exactly what happened.

11, Sartre: In order to realize his choice, the chicken must cross the road.

12. Wittgenstein: The word "walked" means that "something" must be walking, walking "where". "A chicken walked across the road" realizes the potential meaning of this sentence.

13, Freud: It has a death instinct.

14, Skinner: Because the chicken's central nervous system has been constantly stimulated and influenced by the external environment since childhood, its behavior of walking across the road has nothing to do with its free will.

15. Einstein: Did the chicken cross the road, or did the chicken cross the road? This depends on the frame of reference you choose.

16, Heisenberg: First of all, we must assume the speed of the chicken. If it walks too fast, we will not be able to determine which end the chicken is walking from.

17, Darwin: The chicken walked out of the woods and walked across the road naturally.

18, Salvador Dali: You are talking about fish!

19, Emily Dickinson: Because it cannot resist the urge to die!

20, Emerson: It didn't cross the road, it just crossed the road.

21. Goethe: The eternal hen leads the rooster away.

22, Hemingway: It’s raining, and this chicken is dying.

23, Ronald Reagan: I knew why before, but now I forget.

24, Mark Twain: It is too exaggerated to say that a chicken risked his life to cross the road.

25, Wordsworth: To walk alone like a cloud.

26, Keats: In order to prevent the philosopher from clipping its wings.

27, Blake: To see the kingdom of heaven on the pheasant.

28, Swift: Of course, dirty, nasty, low-level animals like humans will be curious about the noble behavior of chickens.

29, Kafka: The long lawsuit is finally over. In order to catch up with the trial in the castle in time, the insurance company employee turned into a chicken and risked his life to walk across the road.

30, Hamlet: To go or not to go? This is not a problem.

31. Godfather: I won’t let the mother chicken see it do this.


This game can continue indefinitely, just add characters you like or dislike, and use their ideas to break the balance of thinking.

Or change a question that interests you so that the answer is more relevant to you.

30, reading poetry aloud

Last time we selected a dozen poems and found a sunny afternoon to read these poems together.

This is an interesting experience that allows us to break away from the constraints of daily life and date the God of Poetry, and get guidance from the God of Poetry while working.

Just as described in "Dead Poets Society": a mysterious group that gathers in the name of poetry in a corner unknown to the world. In poetry, our days are sublimated.

The poems chosen for reading poetry should be as interesting as possible, not pretentious, suitable for reading aloud, easy to understand, and allow the listener to quickly enter the situation. What we have selected are all excellent works of contemporary poetry, including several poems from the Misty Poetry School starting from Bei Dao, and several poems from the third generation Poetry School starting from Han Dong and Yu Jian. Some poems are a bit weird, and some poems are very funny and hilarious. After

read aloud, we reminisced about the days when we wrote poems and our experiences about poetry.

The purpose of this training is to use the difference between poetry and life to enhance the limits of imagination and creativity.

This training can also be carried out by one person. Try having a personal reading session about poetry at home. Those imaginary listeners will also be on the same page.

The following is a poem by Bai Lianchun that we have chosen. The pumpkins he wrote are really very different from the pumpkins created by Yayoi Kusama!


Pumpkins are getting farther and farther away from us

When I think about pumpkins in winter

I can only stand on the thin white flower bowl with a golden edge

Shouting roughly

Our pumpkins don't know how to hide in that patch of grass

Make that cut The grass girl's fingers suddenly

are steaming and full of sweetness

The country land is becoming hollow day by day

But where has the pumpkin gone

No one cares

I only remember its roundness and tiredness when I want to eat pumpkin


Its flowers are bright and beautiful, that’s right

Pumpkin disappeared together with the hard red rice

31, Autumnis fallen

The training method in this section refers to "multiple translation" . The specific method is to find an English sentence , and then translate it in multiple sentences. The advantage of

is that we can first get the meaning of a sentence and then try to find the right words to express it. The translation standard of

emphasizes "faithfulness and elegance", which itself is a process of re-creation, repeatedly examining the gains and losses of each word.

ok, let’s start our training with the sentence Autumn is fallen.

Autumn is fallen, literally meaning "autumn is coming". The cleverness of this sentence is that fall itself means autumn, and here it is turned into a verb to express the process of autumn's arrival, which is more vivid.

please don't look at the demonstration below for now, and start training yourself to see how many ways you can translate this sentence.

Autumn is fallen.

Autumn is coming.

fell down in the fall.

autumn fell.

Autumn is coming.

Autumn is coming.

Autumn has fallen.

fell into fall.

fell in autumn.

went bankrupt in the fall.

fell down in the fall.

Autumn is unlucky.

fell down in the fall.

Autumn has turned upside down.

Autumn swayed.

Zhang Zhang.

autumn is alluring.

fell down.

dropped in the fall.

is on the street in autumn.

fall slipped.

Autumn is out.

Autumn fell on its back.

Autumn stumbled.

Autumn is full of mud.

Autumn staggered.

autumn comes.

Autumn Solstice.

fell down.

was planted in autumn.

fall out of balance.

Autumn collapsed.


32, if the fish did not log in

Well, let us continue the long journey of creative training.

In the second method of "100 Methods of Creative Training", we mentioned the first method of science fiction training method: What if...?

Today we are conducting the second part of the science fiction training method: past tense hypothesis. The basic formula of this method is: What would have happened if there had not been...?

The question we formulated is: What would have happened if the fish had not landed?


The theory of evolution holds that biological evolution is a process from aquatic to terrestrial.

The general process of biological evolution is as follows: single-cell organisms - multi-cell organisms - invertebrates - vertebrates (fish) - amphibians - reptiles - birds - mammals - Primates - humans...

There has been a major change in the process of "vertebrates - amphibians", that is, the landing of vertebrates. Vertebrates are ancient fishes that lived in water. Later, due to changes in the earth's climate, lakes and ponds dried up. The lobofin fish among ancient fishes evolved into primitive amphibians over a long period of time, thus breaking away from aquatic life. environment and become terrestrial animals.

So, what would happen if the fish did not land in the first place, but continued to evolve in the water and eventually evolved into humans? How would our lives be different today?

Please write down some of your bold ideas, the more the better.

Tip: When writing

, do not write line by line.

uses the method of thinking Buzan. Write the main idea you want to think in the middle, and then pull out the line to write your idea. (Refer to the second method of "100 Methods of Creative Training")

When doing this training, you can also think of some similar questions:

What would have happened if the ancients had not invented hieroglyphs?

What would have happened if Confucius had not existed?

What would have happened if China had not won World War II?

What would have happened if China had not entered the Internet society?


33. If it rains all the time

The third method of science fiction training method is the continuous hypothesis. The basic formula is: What will happen if... it continues all the time?

Many science fiction writers are worried about the future of mankind, so they make such assumptions: What will happen if mankind continues to develop at a high speed? What would happen if we kept destroying the environment? What will happen if we continue to waste water? ...

Back to our training, we don't care about humans like science fiction, we care about creative diversity.

At this moment, it is raining, and naturally I thought of this proposition:

What will happen if the heavy rain continues?

said in the "Old Testament Genesis": "The fountains of the great deep were opened, and heavy rain fell on the earth for 40 consecutive days and nights, and the mountains in the sky were covered..."

If the heavy rain was not just for 40 consecutive days and nights, but What will happen if this continues?

What subtle and huge changes will happen to our lives?

What will happen if the heavy rain continues?

Please write down your bold ideas, the more the better.

34. Asking questions

Learning to ask questions is the first step to solving problems. Because many answers are hidden in questions.

Example: The impact of volcanic ash in Iceland.

What questions would you ask about this sentence?

The more questions you ask, the more in-depth you think.

Alternatively, you can use the following prompt sheet:

Innovation, success, excellence, challenge, adventure, family, happiness, health, freedom, beauty, courage, confidence, happiness, care, learning, service, dedication, sincerity, authenticity, excitement, love, respect for dignity, safety, stability, liveliness, wisdom, great pow - DayDayNews, Related

2, Clear

3, Hypothetical

4, Real

5, Cause

6, Result

7, Measure

8, Off topic

Questions based on this prompt sheet may make the question more comprehensive. , such as:

1, related: find out basic relevant information, such as: Where is Iceland? What is volcanic ash? What are the effects of volcanic ash?

2. Clarity: Make the problem clear, such as: What will be the impact?

3. Hypothesis: Make some predictions or conjectures, such as: What will be the impact if volcanic ash comes over China?

4. Authenticity: Is the source authentic? For example: Is this true?

5. Reason: Why is this happening, such as: Why does Icelandic volcanic ash have an impact?

6. Result: What are the consequences, such as: What are the consequences of the impact?

7. Measures: What methods, such as: What methods can be adopted to avoid the impact?

8. Digress: Bypass the original sentence and ask other questions: What volcanoes are there in Iceland?

35, Viewer Worker Theory

"Viewer Worker Theory" redefines the human behavior of watching TV. "Viewer Worker Theory" means that viewers watch TV to do work. As soon as they sit down and turn on the TV, they start to work. His job is to watch advertisements, and his reward for watching advertisements is to watch a program.

In this point of view, the narrator takes an unusual perspective on the act of watching TV: watching TV is watching TV programs, while watching advertisements is a last resort. The "audience worker theory" has changed this view. Programs are no longer the most important, but advertising is the key.

's views are not sensationalism, but point out the other side of the fact, that is, advertising determines the operation of television to some extent. Just like some pay TV channels do not have advertisements, if you want to watch advertisements, you have to pay for them yourself.

This is a way to switch angles in thinking. We can use this method to rethink the things around us and come up with our own opinions:

For example:

Phenomenon: Watching TV

Focus: The relationship between TV and advertising

Original point of view: The first aspect of the program is that the audience mainly watches TV programs, supplemented by TV advertisements.

Borrowed concept: working

New perspective: Audience worker theory, viewers work while watching advertisements, and the reward is to watch TV programs.

Among them, the step of borrowing concepts is more important, and you need to use divergent thinking to find it. You can not follow logic and come to random conclusions. Because the process of testing is more important.

Phenomenon: Drinking water

Focus: The relationship between water and the body

Original point of view: Water is a necessity for the body and an essential element to maintain life.

Borrowed concept: musical instrument

New perspective: Body musical instrument theory: Water is a music lover, the body is a musical instrument, water comes to the body to play a piece of music, that is, the sound of water flowing through the body, the sound of each body Different, so the water has a different tune.

Does such a view have the color of Zen enlightenment?

Phenomenon: Listening to songs

Focus: The relationship between songs and people

Original point of view: People listen to songs to eliminate condemnation

Borrowed concept: Canned music

New point of view: Canned song theory: Songs bring people’s youth memories, good moods, and sadness at that time Emotions such as joy are packaged and sealed for future memories.

Please explain the following phenomena in this way: sending flowers, farming, parachuting, aliens, eating



Original point of view:

Borrowed concept:

New point of view:

36. Osborne and the cup The nine changes

Osborne checklist method uses 9 major questions to diverge thinking and test whether the creativity is comprehensive. The basic approach of

is: first select a product or solution to be improved; then, face a product or solution that needs to be improved, or face a problem, raise a series of questions from the following perspectives, and generate a large number of ideas ; Third, based on the ideas proposed in the second step, screen and further think and improve.

one. Can it be introduced? Whether it is possible to introduce new elements, new materials, new shapes, new principles, new processes, and new ideas from other fields, products, and solutions to improve existing solutions or products

2. Can it be replaced? Whether it is possible to use other things or replace existing products, solutions or parts thereof

3. Can it be added, increased, expanded? Is it possible to add some elements, or increase the value of existing elements, such as new materials, colors, enlarging

4. Can it be reduced or reduced? Whether it is possible to improve

5 by reducing the value of a certain element, such as length, volume, size, capacity, or reducing some components. Can it be elicited? Can the principles, structure, materials, ingredients, ideas, etc. of this product or solution be used elsewhere?

6. Can it be changed? Can the noun, verb, adjective attributes and characteristics of this product be changed to achieve improvements?

7. Can it be reversed? Can it be reversed in terms of program, structure, direction, orientation, up and down, left and right, etc. to achieve better results

8. Can it be combined? Can existing products or solutions be combined with other products or solutions to form new ideas?

9. Can it be used in other fields? Can this product or solution be used in other fields, expand its uses, or be used in other fields or other purposes with slight changes?

Using the Osborne Checklist method, a large number of original ideas and original ideas can be generated, which is very useful to people. The divergent thinking has a great inspiring effect. Of course, there are several issues to pay attention to when using this method. It also needs to be combined with specific knowledge and experience. Osborne only pointed out the general angle and ideas of thinking. The development of ideas also depends on people's specific thinking. Using this method, you must also think in conjunction with the improvement object (program or product).Using this method, you can also design a large number of questions to ask yourself. The more novel the questions you ask, the more creative the ideas you get.

The advantages of the Osborne checklist method are very prominent. It makes the perspective of thinking about the problem concrete. It also has the disadvantage that it is an improved idea generation method. You must first select an object that needs improvement, and then try to improve it on this basis. It is not original, but sometimes it can produce original ideas. For example, introducing the principles of a product into another field may produce original ideas.

The specific details of the Osborne Checklist method are divided into 9 categories and 75 questions. Osborne's checklist method belongs to lateral thinking, stimulating thinking activities in an intuitive and direct way. It is very convenient to operate and the effect is quite good.

The following nine sets of questions are applicable to creative problem solving in any field. These 75 questions are not Osborn's imagination, but the basis for his research and summary of a large number of recent and modern scientific discoveries, inventions, and creations. summarized above.


1 Is there any new use?

2. Is there a new way of using it?

3. Can the existing method of use be changed?


4. Is there anything similar?

5. Can analogies be used to generate new ideas?

6. Is there anything similar in the past? Question? Can

7 be imitated? Can

8 exceed?


9 Can something be added?

10 Can anything be added?

11 Can the usage time be increased?

12 Can the frequency be increased?

13 Can the size be increased?

14 Can the intensity be increased?

15 Can the performance be improved? ?

16 Can new components be added? Can

17 be doubled?

18 Can it be expanded several times?

19 Can it be enlarged?

20 Can it be exaggerated?


21 Can it be reduced? Can

22 be dense?

23 Can it be compressed?

24 Can it be condensed?

25 Can it be aggregated?

26 Can it be miniaturized?

27 Can it be shortened?

28 Can it be narrowed?

29 Can it be removed?

30 Can it be divided?

31 Can it be lightened?

32 Can it be streamlined?


33 Can the function be changed?

34 Can the color be changed?

35 Can the shape be changed?

36 Can the movement be changed?

37 Can the smell be changed?

38 Can the sound be changed?

39 Can the appearance be changed?

40 Is there any possibility of other changes?


41 Can it be replaced?

42 What should be used instead?

43 What other arrangements are there?

44 What other ingredients are there?

45 What other materials are there?

46 What other processes are there?

47 What other energy sources are there?

48 What other colors are there?

49 What other sounds are there?

50 There are also What other lighting?


51 Can it be changed?

52 Are there interchangeable components?

53 Can the mode be changed?

54 Can the layout order be changed?

55 Can the operating process be changed?

56 Can the causal relationship be changed?

57 Can the speed or frequency be changed?

58 Can the work specifications be changed?


59 Can it be reversed?

60 Can positive and negative be reversed?

61 Can positive and negative be reversed?

62 Can it be reversed head to tail?

63 Can it be reversed up and down?

64 Can the position be reversed?

65 Can the function be reversed?


66 Can it be recombined?

67 Can it be mixed?

68 Can it be combined?

69 Can it be combined?

70 Can it be coordinated?

71 Can it be matched?

72 Can it be combined?

73 Can it be combined?

74 Can it be combined?

75 Can it be combined? Concept combination?

Applying the Osborne Checklist is a mandatory thinking process that is helpful in breaking through the psychological barrier of being reluctant to ask questions.

Checklist for changes in a glass:

1. Can it be introduced: paper cups, disposable cups, bamboo wooden cups, edible cups, plastic cups

2. Can it be replaced: self-heating cup, magnetic therapy cup, thermos cup, electric heating cup, music cup, explosion-proof cup

3. Can you add, increase or expand: tumble-proof cup, fire cup, filter cup, multi-layer cup

IV. Can it be reduced or reduced? Micro cup, ultra-thin cup, retractable cup

5. Can it be elicited? Series decorative cups, goblets, mouth cups, wine cups, coffee cups

6. Can it be changed? Tower cup animal cup anti-spill cup

7. Can it be reversed? Transparent, opaque, color, non-color, carved but not carved, with mouth and no mouth

eight. Can it be combined? Combination with thermometer Combination with spices Combination with Chinese herbal medicine Combination with heater Combination with Chinese herbal medicine cup

9. Can it be used in other fields? Use as a lampshade, edible, as a measuring tool, as a decoration, as a cupping cup, as a compass

Please check and distribute the following items: radio, eggs, laptop computer, milk.

can also check your ongoing advertising products and creativity.

37. Brushing teeth with backhand

A creative person should pay attention to changing "habits", such as trying to brush teeth with backhand, that is, most people are accustomed to using their right hand, then you can try brushing teeth with your left hand at this time, which can cultivate our ability to resist habits.

I once tried brushing my teeth with my backhand, and it felt very uncomfortable at first.

And this kind of unaccustomedness is the painful period necessary for breakthrough creativity.

The inspiration behind backhand brushing is that creative people should pay attention to "confronting" their daily habits at any time.

After brushing my teeth with my backhand, I started training with my backhand mouse again. After overcoming the initial discomfort, my left hand gained some freshness, so that my backhand mouse became a habit. Therefore, when using the mouse, shooting left and right not only develops the right brain but also avoids fatigue.

Then, we can bring the backhand way of thinking about brushing teeth into work and start thinking about these questions:

·I have been doing this for a long time, can I change this way?

·Every time I always assign Category A jobs to A and Category B jobs to B. Can I give them both a chance to learn about their other abilities?

·We always believe that advertising this way is right, but is this true? Or is it just habit?

·In addition to the marketing channels we have always used, do we have other ways to reach consumers?


38, Drawing backwards

I have seen this method before. I searched online today and found that there is This method is also mentioned in the book "Think Like an Artist". The following description of this book is slightly adjusted.

Familiar things look different when turned upside down. We automatically assign tops, bottoms, and edges to things we perceive, and we expect to see things as they normally are, that is, in the right direction.

Because when placed in the right direction we are able to recognize familiar objects, name them, and place them into categories that fit with our stored memories and concepts. When an image is placed upside down, all visual cues do not match what is already there. The brain was stumped because the signal it received was unfamiliar. This exercise is helpful for switching from L mode (left brain mode) to R mode (right brain mode).

Before you begin: Please read all instructions for this exercise.

1. Put on some music if you like. When you gradually switch to R mode, you will find that the music gradually disappears. Give yourself at least forty minutes, if possible, the more, the better, to sit down and complete this painting. What's more, never put the painting upside down until you're done. Turning the painting upside down will put you back in L mode, which is what we need to avoid when learning to experience the concentrated R mode state.

2. You can start anywhere: at the bottom, on any side, or at the top. Most people tend to start at the top. Try not to figure out what the upside-down images you see are. Don't know better. Just copy those lines.But remember: don’t put the picture back to its original appearance!

3. I recommend that you don't try to draw a rough outline of the shape and then "fill in" the parts. The reason is that if there are any small mistakes in the outline you draw, the parts inside won't fit in. One of the great joys of painting is discovering how the parts fit into each other. Therefore, I suggest that you draw from one line to the adjacent line, from one space to the adjacent space, and conscientiously complete your work, combining the various parts in the process of painting.

4. If you talk to yourself, use only visual language, such as: “This line is curved like this,” or “This shape is curved there,” or “Compared to the (vertical or horizontal) edge of the paper. Than, this angle should be like this." Wait. You must not name the parts.

5. When you come across parts that have names forced on you: hands and face, for example, try to focus on the shape of those parts. You can also use your hands or fingers to cover other parts except the line you are drawing, and then reveal the next line. And so on, moving on to the next section.

6. At a certain stage, the painting will look like a very interesting, even amazing, puzzle piece. When this happens, you are "really painting", which means you have successfully switched to R mode and you can see things clearly. This state is very easy to break. For example, if someone came into the room and said, "How are you?" your vocabulary system would immediately respond and your concentration would be gone.

7. You may also want to cover most of the reproduction with another piece of paper, uncovering the next as you work through each section. It should be noted that some people find this helpful, while others find it distracting and unhelpful.

8. Remember everything you need to know in order to paint the picture before you. To make it simple for you, all the information is right there. Don't complicate the task. It really is a piece of cake.

Please follow the picture below to get started.

Innovation, success, excellence, challenge, adventure, family, happiness, health, freedom, beauty, courage, confidence, happiness, care, learning, service, dedication, sincerity, authenticity, excitement, love, respect for dignity, safety, stability, liveliness, wisdom, great pow - DayDayNews

39, triangle painting

triangle painting is also a long-lasting classic in creative training. The specific method of

is to draw countless triangles on paper.

then fill in a few strokes for each triangle to turn it into an item.

For example, fill in two streamers and it becomes a kite. The significance of this training of

is to turn abstract geometric figures into concrete pictures.

is also a transition from left brain to right brain.

Please note that the things you draw should not be too similar.

When thinking specifically, it is best not to focus on the triangle or use logical thinking to reason. Instead, you should spread your thinking widely.

In this way, you can think more and more.

Innovation, success, excellence, challenge, adventure, family, happiness, health, freedom, beauty, courage, confidence, happiness, care, learning, service, dedication, sincerity, authenticity, excitement, love, respect for dignity, safety, stability, liveliness, wisdom, great pow - DayDayNews

40, Eight Intelligences Method

Let’s first look at the relevant knowledge about the eight intelligences:

The eight intelligences (multiple intelligences) theory was proposed in 1983 by Howard Gardner, a developmental psychologist at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Gardner came up with this theory after studying patients with brain trauma and discovering differences in their learning abilities.

Traditionally, schools have only emphasized the development of students in logic-mathematics and Chinese (mainly reading and writing). But that’s not all human intelligence is.

Gardner believes that the past definition of intelligence was too narrow and failed to accurately reflect a person's true ability.

He believes that human intelligence should be an indicator of his ability to solve problems.Based on this definition, he proposed in the book "Frames of Mind" (Gardner, 1983) that human intelligence can be divided into at least seven categories (later increased to eight):

Innovation, success, excellence, challenge, adventure, family, happiness, health, freedom, beauty, courage, confidence, happiness, care, learning, service, dedication, sincerity, authenticity, excitement, love, respect for dignity, safety, stability, liveliness, wisdom, great pow - DayDayNews. Language (Verbal/Linguistic )

2. Logical (Logical/Mathematical)

3. Space (Visual/Spatial)

4. Body movement (Bodily/Kinesthetic)

5. Music (Musical/Rhythmic)

6. Interpersonal (Inter-personal/Social)

7. Intrapersonal (Intra) -personal/Introspective)

8. Naturalist

Specific explanation:

1. Linguistic intelligence (Verbal/Linguistic)

This kind of intelligence mainly refers to the ability to effectively use spoken language and words, that is, listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, performance The ability of an individual to use language smoothly and efficiently to describe events, express ideas, and communicate with others. This kind of intelligence is more prominent in professions such as writers, speakers, reporters, editors, program hosts, broadcasters, lawyers, etc.

2. Logical/Mathematical Intelligence (Logical/Mathematical)

People who work with numbers especially need this kind of intelligence that can effectively use numbers and reasoning. They think by reasoning when learning, like to ask questions and perform experiments to seek answers, look for the laws and logical order of things, and are interested in new developments in science. Even the words and actions of others have become a good place for them to look for logical flaws, and they are more receptive to things that can be measured, classified, and analyzed.

3. Spatial Intelligence (Visual/Spatial)

People with strong spatial intelligence are highly sensitive to colors, lines, shapes, forms, spaces and the relationships between them. They can feel, identify, remember, and change the spatial relationships of objects and use them to The ability to express thoughts and emotions is relatively strong, which is reflected in the sensitivity to lines, shapes, structures, colors and spatial relationships, and the ability to express them through plane graphics and three-dimensional modeling. Ability to accurately perceive visual space and express what is perceived. These people think in images and pictures when learning.

Spatial intelligence can be divided into two types: figurative spatial intelligence and abstract spatial intelligence. The spatial intelligence of images is the painter's specialty. Abstract spatial intelligence is the specialty of geometers. Architects excel in both figurative and abstract spatial intelligence.

4. Body movement intelligence (Bodily/Kinesthetic)

is good at using the entire body to express thoughts and feelings, and the ability to use hands to produce or transform things dexterously. This type of person has difficulty sitting still for long periods of time, likes to build things with his hands, enjoys outdoor activities, and uses gestures or other body language when talking to others. They learn by thinking through body sensations.

This type of intelligence mainly refers to a person's ability to regulate body movements and use skillful hands to change objects. It is manifested by being able to control one's body well, being able to make appropriate physical reactions to events, and being good at using body language to express one's thoughts. Athletes, dancers, surgeons, craftsmen all have this intellectual advantage.

5. Musical intelligence (Musical/Rhythmic)

This kind of intelligence mainly refers to the ability of people to sensitively perceive pitch, melody, rhythm and timbre, etc. It is manifested in personal sensitivity to music rhythm, tone, timbre and melody and through composing, playing and The ability to express music such as singing. This kind of intelligence has excellent performance in composers, conductors, singers, musicians, instrument makers, music critics and other personnel.

6. Interpersonal Intelligence (Inter-personal/Social)

Interpersonal intelligence refers to the ability to effectively understand others, their relationships, and the ability to interact with others, including four major elements. ① Organizational capabilities, including group mobilization and coordination capabilities. ② Negotiation ability refers to the ability to arbitrate and resolve disputes. ③Analytical ability refers to the ability to keenly detect the emotional trends and thoughts of others and easily establish close relationships with others. ④Interpersonal connection refers to the ability to show concern for others, be considerate, and be suitable for group cooperation.

7. Intrapersonal intelligence (Intra-personal/Introspective)

This kind of intelligence mainly refers to recognizing your own abilities, correctly grasping your own strengths and weaknesses, grasping your own emotions, intentions, motivations, and desires, and planning your own life. , can be self-respecting, self-disciplined, and able to absorb the strengths of others. You will understand your own strengths and weaknesses from various feedback channels, often meditate to plan your life goals, love to be alone, and think deeply about yourself. Like to work independently and have space for self-choice. Such intelligent and outstanding politicians, philosophers, psychologists, teachers and other personnel all have outstanding performances.

introspection intelligence can be divided into two long levels: event level and value level. Event-level introspection points to a summary of the success or failure of an event. Introspection at the value level connects the success or failure of events with values ​​for self-examination.

8. Naturalist Intelligence (Naturalist)

has the ability to recognize plants, animals and other natural environments (such as clouds and stones). People with strong natural intelligence perform better in hunting, farming, and biological sciences. Natural exploratory intelligence should be further reduced to exploratory intelligence. It includes two aspects: exploration of society and exploration of nature.

An interesting idea is:

What will be the effect if we combine the eight major intelligences with our creativity?

Let us try it out.

Title: Advertising creativity about myopia glasses


1. Linguistic intelligence (Verbal/Linguistic): Borrow the dramatist's method to write a movie script. The glasses understand the sadness of the owner of myopia and sneak out at night to find a way to cure myopia. , after curing the owner, quietly walk away...

2. Logical/Mathematical Intelligence (Logical/Mathematical): List the formula for myopia, such as: degree of myopia = eye use time × bad eye habits

3. Spatial Intelligence (Visual/Spatial) : Build a Chinese Myopia Science Museum to popularize the scientific knowledge of myopia

4. Bodily/Kinesthetic: Compile a set of eye-loving gymnastics for myopia people to use during class

5. Musical Intelligence (Musical/Rhythmic): Eye-loving Songs and tunes suitable for relaxing the eyes

6. Inter-personal/Social: Myopia Enthusiasts Association

7. Intra-personal/Introspective: Explore the philosophical meaning of myopia. For example, most existentialist philosophers are myopic.

8.Naturalist: Do animals have myopia? For example, a myopic orangutan made a lot of jokes...

41, nine-point training

Creative people are mostly right-brain thinking people, and right-brain thinking mostly uses image thinking. In the process of creativity, countless images appear in the brain, and creativity is hidden in these images. So we should train "brainscape", that is, the ability to form pictures in the brain. This ability can be achieved through "Nine Dots Training".

Innovation, success, excellence, challenge, adventure, family, happiness, health, freedom, beauty, courage, confidence, happiness, care, learning, service, dedication, sincerity, authenticity, excitement, love, respect for dignity, safety, stability, liveliness, wisdom, great pow - DayDayNews

There are 36 squares in this picture, each square is composed of nine points. Please use straight lines to connect any of the 9 points to form different shapes.

Rule 1: It is not necessary to connect all 9 points, just connect several points.

Rule 2: Straight lines must be used.

Rule 3: It must be a closed graphic after connection.

Rule 4: Only graphics facing different directions can only count as one.

Rule 5: Try to form a picture in your mind before writing, don't rely on the eraser to make corrections.

Rule 6: All graphics cannot be repeated.

Rule 7: Dividing a graphic into two is not considered as one graphic, such as:

Innovation, success, excellence, challenge, adventure, family, happiness, health, freedom, beauty, courage, confidence, happiness, care, learning, service, dedication, sincerity, authenticity, excitement, love, respect for dignity, safety, stability, liveliness, wisdom, great pow - DayDayNews

Rule 8: Try to control the time within 3 minutes.

42, children's radio

"Mom, listen, the dog is ringing!"

"Let's play chess!"

"The teacher requires us to all speak Mandarin. I am not an ordinary person, why should I speak Mandarin?"

" Girls are born from mothers, and boys are born from fathers?"

These witticisms are all the language of children.

Children's speech Children's speech is always lively, interesting, full of creativity and imagination, so you can learn interesting ideas from children's language.

So we can find a topic and try to describe it in child-like language.

At that time, we all adjusted the knob of the brain to the children's range, and unexpected witty words could appear in an endless stream.

Title: Raining

Requirements: From a child's perspective, describe all the phenomena when it rains

Please start broadcasting now:)

43. Tampering with idioms

Mosquito bought a little pornographic book "Common Sayings" about Dongdong Gun Said ", everyone is scrambling to have a sneak peek.

The book feels good, the printing quality is good, and it is thicker than expected. Regardless of the content of

, most of them are clever jokes. Although they are available online, you can use them as a reference if you are writing humorous advertisements.

The book is full of witty sayings, many of which have been circulated on the Internet for a long time.

discovered a common technique used by Dongdong Gun, which is: tampering with idioms. Such as:

  • bed return rate, good words
  • I will take off first. You are free.
  • The poor monk came from the Tang Dynasty in the East and went to the West to worship Buddha and ask for marriage. Married

After such tampering, the meaning of the word has been completely renovated, reflecting the true other side of things.

We might as well give it a try and modify the idioms.

Please find ten idioms and modify them one by one. Rules of

: It’s okay to have unreasonable sentences, but just want to be sensational.

44, water container

We have already had several creative trainings based on drawing, and now we will apply them concretely.

’s topic this time is, what are the things that can hold water?

Please use the Buzan method to think of things, but be careful not to write, but to draw the things you think of. It can be drawn very simply.

This is the first time we think in terms of images. The purpose of

training is to think with images, so it doesn't matter how simple the drawing is, as long as you understand it yourself.

On the contrary, don’t affect the fluency of creativity just because you want to draw well.

What are the things that hold water? Please draw, the more the better

45, Viewing like this

The book "Lai Shengchuan's Creativity" mentioned "Viewing like this". This is a concept from the "Diamond Sutra": "All conditioned phenomena are like dreams and bubbles, like dew and lightning, and should be viewed as such."

"Viewing as such" refers to the ability to directly see the original appearance of things. When we look at something, before we recognize what it is, it is ourselves, very simple. But we have long been accustomed to labeling things the moment we recognize them.

"Looking like this" is a process of removing labels. Let go of concepts and yourself, and you can directly penetrate things and see their original appearance. Talent creates that letting go is about rebooting, reconnecting, and re-establishing relationships. Creativity is about transcending such boundaries and redefining the relationship between things.

"Looking like this" is the opposite process to creativity, or it achieves the goal through reverse correction. What it can live through is not the endless changes, but the rediscovery of things themselves.

Yu Jian mentioned a creative point of view in poetry: rejecting metaphor. Unlike the West, Chinese artists are good at metaphors, such as "withered vines, old trees and dim crows, ancient Western roads with thin horses...". These images all have the thinking and cultural prospects behind them.

I wonder if you have noticed this phenomenon: you hear a song occasionally and it is very familiar, but you forget the title and the singer. Once you think of the title of the song, your brain will use the original understanding as The song is tagged again. At this time, you will be a little disappointed. It turns out to be this song, so the song is not as good as before. This feeling is a kind of "viewing like this".

Now let’s try the training of “seeing as such”:

1. First find a thing, such as a cup.

2. Find its label (or metaphor). For example: a cup symbolizes the desire to be filled with water.

3. Remove the tag and remind yourself to forget the tag temporarily.

4. When looking at things, focus on their physical properties, such as material, weight, touch, etc.

5. Watch things attentively, without thinking about their physical properties. Just look, without thinking, to form a state of "forgetting both things and myself".

46, Red Journey

What does the title of "Red Journey" make you think of? Revolutionary journey? A journey of passion?

Lo and behold, the labels in our heads are working again.

Please remove this tag. The "red journey" we are talking about here is really just a "red journey".

This training refers to looking for something according to the theme during a trip, such as looking for "red".

training method: Use the time when you are at work or after get off work, such as after get off work time, then start from walking out of the office, pay attention to where red will appear, until you enter the house, the training will stop.

The purpose of this training is to discover some hidden things that are usually ignored by our habits. After

did such training, I was surprised to find that there were so many red things, even to the point of collapse.

You can also draw inferences from one example and look for other colors, things, or words that interest you on the road, and you will also gain fresh insights.

47, Theory of Ten Senses

Human feelings are divided into five basic senses, namely: vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste, and intuition. Because intuition ranks sixth, it is called the sixth sense. In addition to the above-mentioned six basic senses, the identifiable human senses include temperature, pain, fatigue, taste, space, emotion and other sensory reactions.

A creative person should have sensory sensitivity, which refers to the ability of human sensory organs to feel, identify and distinguish stimuli. The sensitivity of sensations varies from person to person. Certain sensations can be specially developed through training or strengthening, that is, sensitivity enhancement.

Let's first take a look at the relevant knowledge about sensations on the Internet, which can give us a better understanding of the sensory system. What's going on:

We understand the world through five sense organs: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. All life experiences are generated through these five sense organs. We call them the "senses" or "external senses."

  • The information received through vision is transformed into scenes in the brain, and the images are also used to store this information.
  • The information received through hearing is turned into sound in the brain, and the information is also stored in sound.
  • The information received through the sense of smell is turned into smell in the brain, and the information is also stored in the smell.
  • The information received through the sense of taste is transformed into taste in the brain, and the information is also stored in taste.
  • The information received through touch is turned into feelings in the brain, and the information is also stored using feelings.

When an experience is re-presented in the mind, the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, tactile sensations, and other body sensations that made up the experience are retrieved from memory storage in the same pattern as when they were received. And the emotional feelings that this experience brings to us emerge in exactly the same way.

Among the five sense organs, the sense of smell is the most primitive (the earliest to evolve), and vision is the most efficient. From the perspective of brain nerve structure, the pathway for visual information reception, from the eyeballs to the visual information reception center at the back of the brain, must pass through six layers of neurons.

Each neuron is connected to 1,000-200,000 other neurons (15,000 on average). Therefore, when the information is transmitted to the visual information receiving center through the eyeballs, it has already gone through a lot of filtering and integration processing, so it has the most Clear message. It is for this reason that vision is the most effective sense organ for learning. Compared with vision, most of the reception processes of the other four sense organs are transmitted through only one level of brain cells, so the efficiency is lower.

The reception of external senses is mostly controlled by our subconscious mind. Except for sleep, it does not stop for a second: as long as you open your eyes, you can see the things in front; when you pass the food store, you will smell the smell. We can also consciously use our outer senses: looking for a person's face in a sea of ​​people, or listening to someone's speech at a cocktail party.

In fact, we selectively use our external senses to contact the world every second. For example, how many sounds do you hear at this moment? How does the sole of your right foot feel at this moment? Where is the wrist of your left hand? Where is your right ear? You will begin to realize that your subconscious mind has been controlling the operation of your external senses. Your conscious mind can choose to extract some of these parts, but it quickly returns control to your subconscious mind.

Do humans only have five senses: taste, sight, hearing, smell and touch?

Try grabbing an ice cube with one hand and a hot poker with the other. Can you tell what experience you get through your five senses? Can everything you feel while playing thrilling rides at the dazzling Disney theme park be described by these five senses? It is obvious that in addition to these five senses, we have many more senses.

So, how many feelings do humans have?

To some extent, the answer depends on how we classify sensory systems. We can divide human senses into three categories according to the characteristics of stimuli: chemical (such as taste, smell), mechanical (such as touch, hearing) and optical (such as vision).

We can further subdivide the above categories. For example, tastes are 5 rather than one sense—sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami (the taste of glutamate, which allows us to taste meat); vision can be Think of it as one feeling (light), or two feelings (light and color), or 4 feelings (light, red, green, blue).

Taptics are also complex. For example, neuroscientists divide pain into skin pain and visceral pain according to the location of the pain. In addition, many people experience changes in body temperature, blood pressure, and body balance, as well as a feeling of bloating, empty stomach, or dry mouth. However, there are many monitoring systems in the human body that we can never feel, such as the pH value of cerebrospinal fluid.

Let’s talk about hearing. It could be one sensation, or hundreds of sensations, if each cochlear hair cell represents one. Often, people who lose their hearing for high-frequency sounds have intact hearing for low-frequency sounds, and vice versa. So maybe hearing should really be looked at separately.

With the deepening of research on the structure of sensory organs, humans seem to have more and more senses. However, when we speak of sensation, we are actually referring to subjective feelings—the “added value” that the brain adds to raw sensory data. Feelings are not just a mixture of sensations, they also include memories, experiences, and higher-level information processing.

For example, the sound you hear is not a simple summation of sounds collected by two ears. In the process of processing these sounds, some mechanisms allow the brain to distinguish the direction from which the sound is coming, and some more complex mechanisms allow us to listen to one sound while automatically filtering other sounds. At a party, we are so focused on talking to someone that we ignore other voices, but when someone calls our name, we respond quickly. This shows that we are always "listening" to the sounds around us, but we cannot always "hear" them unless the sound suddenly becomes meaningful.

The difference between feeling and feeling is also reflected in our judgment of the size of objects. The size of objects usually does not change in a short period of time, which allows us to correctly judge the size of objects outside of vision. For familiar objects such as vehicles, the larger it looks, the closer it is to us; although something looks small, it is actually very large, but is just too far away from us. Of course, sometimes we make mistakes. In the United States, there are more than 3,000 accidents every year caused by misjudgment of train speed and distance.

Another example is the strange "synesthesia phenomenon" (the phenomenon of confusion of various senses). Some people have severe "synesthesia". They may talk about the structure of fragrance, or the taste of a certain letter; they may "hear" the taste of peaches, or "feel" a certain color... They may even be misdiagnosed as a result of this. Schizophrenia.

These all show that feeling is not the primary thing, what we really experience is the feeling.Some things called "feelings" actually have nothing to do with feelings, such as the sense of loss and the "sixth sense", but the "biological clock" in our bodies should be classified as feelings. Some scholars believe that the function of the brain is to confuse feelings to form feelings. There is growing evidence that interference between different sensory areas in the brain creates more confusion than we thought. For example, for migraine sufferers, certain smells may trigger headaches.

has discovered that humans have at least 21 senses. According to experience, science constantly challenges people's accustomed concepts, and the results of this challenge always seem to be contrary to our intuition. Can we forget about feelings and focus on feelings? We have vision, hearing, touch... To say that they are meaningless may sound silly at first. However, maybe one day, our various senses will be thrown into the dustbin of science just like the geocentric theory.

Ok, let's start today's training. We select ten from all the senses, namely: vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste, intuition, temperature, pain, space, and emotion, collectively called the "ten senses" .

training method, please use "ten senses" to describe a phenomenon: time.

Tip: Time is colorless and tasteless, invisible and intangible, but this is not a problem for creative people. He can often activate his super-sensitive sensory system to make time visible and touchable, and even use multi-sensory linkage to achieve this. Creative Purpose.

OK, let's try it now:

Time Ten Senses:

Innovation, success, excellence, challenge, adventure, family, happiness, health, freedom, beauty, courage, confidence, happiness, care, learning, service, dedication, sincerity, authenticity, excitement, love, respect for dignity, safety, stability, liveliness, wisdom, great pow - DayDayNews. Vision:

2. Hearing:

3. Touch:

4. Smell:

5. Taste:

6. Intuition:

7. Temperature sense:

8. Pain sensation :

9. Sense of space:

Innovation, success, excellence, challenge, adventure, family, happiness, health, freedom, beauty, courage, confidence, happiness, care, learning, service, dedication, sincerity, authenticity, excitement, love, respect for dignity, safety, stability, liveliness, wisdom, great pow - DayDayNews0. Sense of emotion:

48. Dual sense linkage

Follow the training in the previous article to feel the charm of dual sense linkage.

The so-called dual sense linkage is to combine two senses and conduct experiments.

Previously we proposed the theory of ten enlightenments.

Now, please choose one of the first five, and then combine it with any of the last five to describe the phenomenon of "time":

Visual intuition

Hearing and temperature

Tactile and pain

Smell and space

Taste and emotion Sense

For example, select "Hearing" in the front and "Spatial" in the back.

So, please listen carefully, what is the sense of space in time? In other words, what kind of sound does the spatial sense of time have?

I must remind you that this is a dangerous training. Please do not ask for a deep understanding and just try it in a superficial way.

Because too much emphasis is placed on the linkage of the two senses, it will cause mental "@*^@!#*^@!#".

So, just practice it from a fun perspective without going into details.

49, Animal Vision

Creativity is about learning to switch perspectives, or new combinations of old elements. It sounds simple in theory, but it is not easy to do. The difficulty with

is that those elements are not easy to mine.

So in order to switch the perspective and combine this element, you need to store certain materials in your brain so that you will not be at a loss when you are really creative.

Today we will try "Animal Vision".

Animal vision is to observe something through the eyes of different animals.


On the endless African prairie, there are various animals living. One day, a helicopter flew over here. The wind was very strong. A female passenger on the plane accidentally let The wind blew the hat away and fell on the prairie.

Now please assume that each animal touches this hat, what is its first thought?

You can not even think about anything, just pretend that you are that animal and silently experience it from their perspective.

When the animals touch the hat, please write what they are thinking in one sentence.













50, Birdsong

The method in the previous article is actually An example of the "collective creative method", the collective creative method seems relatively ordinary, but when summed up, it will exude power.

This creative method was inspired by a company in the United States that specializes in imagination. I will list some other collections they studied.

The second collection is birds.

has a movie called "Bird Migration", which has pictures of various birds flying and migrating. The pictures are beautiful and interesting.

Suppose that one day, each of the birds got this movie disc, so they flew back to the bird's nest, opened the DVD and started playing the movie.

What will the birds say when they see this movie? Please write down their "bird language".

Please imagine: after seeing the movie "The Migration of Birds", the reaction of the birds is:














# Article source: Liu Jingfeng and Liang Zuolin’s blog

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