Life is a practice. Only by experiencing thousands of ups and downs can we understand the meaning of life. Taoyuan Mountain integrates mountains, rivers and humanities into one. The "land" outside the Peach Blossom Spring makes all the ups and downs, joys and sorrows, and difficu

2024/05/1014:57:33 hotcomm 1221

Life is a practice

Only by experiencing thousands of twists and turns

Ups and downs

can one understand the meaning of life

Taoyuan Mountain integrates mountains, rivers and humanities into one

The "realm" of the Peach Blossom Garden

Let all the ups and downs, joys and sorrows, The difficulties

all come to an end one by one, silence and relief

In the autumn water and the same color of the sky

I find myself

Life is a practice. Only by experiencing thousands of ups and downs can we understand the meaning of life. Taoyuan Mountain integrates mountains, rivers and humanities into one. The

There are 36 caves and 72 blessed places in the Chinese land. The world-renowned "Utopia" - Changde Peach Blossom Spring belongs to the 35th Cave Heaven and the 46th Blessed Land. It is one of the rare magical places in the country that is both a cave heaven and a blessed land. As the name suggests, "Xanadu" is a peach blossom wonderland where gods live outside the human world. With the help of Tao Yuanming's "Peach Blossom Spring", after nearly 1,600 years of evolution, the Peach Blossom Spring has accumulated a rich fragrance of the fairy world.

Life is a practice. Only by experiencing thousands of ups and downs can we understand the meaning of life. Taoyuan Mountain integrates mountains, rivers and humanities into one. The

Taoyuan Mountain, also known as Huangwen Mountain, is located on the south bank of the Yuanjiang River. This is the source of the Taohuayuan Cave Heaven and the blessed land. It has been the Taoist cultural center of the Yuanli River Basin since the Eastern Jin Dynasty. There are three major architectural complexes built in the mountain: Shuifu Pavilion, Taochuan Wanshou Palace and Taochuan Academy. Climbing Taoyuan Mountain, you can not only make a pilgrimage to the fairy-filled "Peach River Incense", but also enjoy the "Fishing Village Sunset", one of the eight scenic spots in ancient Xiaoxiang. Landscapes, humanities and wonders are integrated into one, showing the "landscape" beyond the Peach Blossom Spring.

Life is a practice. Only by experiencing thousands of ups and downs can we understand the meaning of life. Taoyuan Mountain integrates mountains, rivers and humanities into one. The

Taoyuan Mountain Archway │Entrance sign, handwritten by a master

Taohuashan Archway is the entrance sign of Taoyuan Mountain Scenic Area. It is an antique building with brick-concrete structure with four columns, three levels and five floors. On the door plate of the main building are the three characters "Taoyuan Mountain" written by the famous cross talk master Mr. Ma Ji. On both sides of the door are landscape paintings of Taoyuan Mountain attractions such as "Fishing Village Sunset", "Back Door Cave", "Information Office", "Cable Boat Island" and so on. , there are figure paintings reflecting the Taoist legend of Taoyuan Mountain on the back.

Life is a practice. Only by experiencing thousands of ups and downs can we understand the meaning of life. Taoyuan Mountain integrates mountains, rivers and humanities into one. The

Juxian Bridge │Five-hole Arch Bridge Thinking of Juxian

Juxian Bridge is located on the lake at the entrance of Taochuan Academy. The total length of the bridge is 52.8 meters and the net width of the bridge deck is 3.3 meters. It is a five-hole continuous streamlined stone arch bridge. The shape is simple and elegant, implying Tao Yuanming's legendary life of serving as an official five times and resigning five times. The stone railings on the bridge body are hollow stone carvings with calligraphy and painting, and the content is also based on Tao Yuanming's related poems.

Life is a practice. Only by experiencing thousands of ups and downs can we understand the meaning of life. Taoyuan Mountain integrates mountains, rivers and humanities into one. The

Taochuan Academy │Feng Shen Miao I, the charm is lasting forever

Taochuan Academy, also known as Tianning Beiyuan, was founded in the Tang Dynasty. In the 18th year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty, Qu Yishen, the magistrate of Taoyuan County, presided over the renovation. When the Taohuayuan scenic spot was completely renovated in 1992, it was renamed "Tianning Stele Courtyard". Its main buildings are stone bridges, stone archways, stone double ring pavilions, hundred life pictures, giant stone tablets, and a miniature rockery pool of "Taoyuan Wonderland". Tao Yuanming's "Going Back" "Lai Ci" and other giant stone tablets with white jade murals, hexagonal stone pavilion, calligraphy and painting hall, stone tablet square, etc. The space is interspersed and penetrated, and the scenery changes with each step, which has the meaning of peace and tranquility. Now it has been restored as the Chinese Studies Lecture Hall of Taochuan Academy, where famous masters are regularly invited to inquire about the Peach Blossom Spring and spread the traditional culture of the Peach Blossom Spring.

Life is a practice. Only by experiencing thousands of ups and downs can we understand the meaning of life. Taoyuan Mountain integrates mountains, rivers and humanities into one. The

Life is a practice. Only by experiencing thousands of ups and downs can we understand the meaning of life. Taoyuan Mountain integrates mountains, rivers and humanities into one. The

Just as the couplet on the stone archway at the entrance of the Stele Courtyard says: "The carvings of the Han Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty are engraved, and the wind god despises the world; searching for secluded places and deciphering secrets, the charm is eternal." It tells us: Whether it is the sculptures of the Han Dynasty or the Tang Dynasty. The carvings can show the lofty style of a generation; searching for the mystery of Chinese culture here will have endless charm and endless charm.

Life is a practice. Only by experiencing thousands of ups and downs can we understand the meaning of life. Taoyuan Mountain integrates mountains, rivers and humanities into one. The

Zhuangyuan Bridge│Jingjing Student Bridge, Dream of Gold List Titles

Zhuangyuan Bridge is located behind Taochuan Academy and connects Shuifu Pavilion. It is surrounded by pine forests and is pleasantly green. Taochuan Academy is a thousand-year-old institution founded in the Tang Dynasty. It has a profound cultural heritage and an endless stream of students. The Zhuangyuan Bridge means "the number one scholar in high school" and climbs up, symbolizing the advancement of studies and career.

Life is a practice. Only by experiencing thousands of ups and downs can we understand the meaning of life. Taoyuan Mountain integrates mountains, rivers and humanities into one. The

Shuifu Pavilion │So many things in ancient and modern times have been paid to Yuanshui

Shuifu Pavilion was built in the late Ming Dynasty. It stands on the top of Taoyuan Mountain and is known as the "One Pavilion in Xiaoxiang". According to legend, during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, there was a demonic dragon in the Yuanjiang River, which caused frequent floods in the Taoyuan area. General Yang Si, the water god, heard about this and wanted to help, but he couldn't win against the demon dragon several times. Later, a villager at the foot of the mountain cut down a thousand-year-old peach tree next to his house and made a peach wood sword as a gift to General Yang Si. General Yang Si held a mahogany sword and quickly subdued the demon dragon and calmed down the flood. The people were very grateful for General Yang Si's achievements, so they built a high pavilion at the highest point of Taoyuan Mountain, facing the Yuanjiang River. It was dedicated to the water god General Yang Si, hoping that he would stay here to protect the place for a long time, so it was named Shuifu Pavilion. . This pavilion is a four-story pavilion on the top of Xieshan Mountain with double eaves, 36.3 meters high. It faces the Gaoju Pavilion on Taohua Mountain from the north to the south and can see each other from a distance. Climb the water pavilion and look down at the Yuanjiang River, Dongting in the east, and Hutou in the west. The river and sky are vast and the scenery is picturesque.

Life is a practice. Only by experiencing thousands of ups and downs can we understand the meaning of life. Taoyuan Mountain integrates mountains, rivers and humanities into one. The

Shuifu Pavilion is a good place to climb up and enjoy the scenery. In the distance is the Yuanjiang River coming towards you, surrounded by green mountains, green trees, beautiful water and beautiful mountains. Those scattered buildings are all scenic spots in the Peach Blossom Spring. The infinitely broad pictures are presented in front of your eyes, which really makes people feel poetic and relaxed. In the past, there were many wooden rafts on the Yuanjiang River. During the day, thousands of wooden rafts descended eastward, which was a spectacular sight; at night, the fishing fires were lit up, shining like stars. Therefore, an ancient couplet vividly describes this scene: "Thousands of people hold hands in the day, and watch thousands of lights at night."

I look forward to the day

where you can walk in the mountains and forests and boat on the Yuan River

to find the beauty of nature and feel the heroism of life

in Taochuan The academy contemplates quietly, comprehends the traditional Chinese culture

absorbs the essence of the sun and the moon, and accommodates the aura of heaven and earth

Even in Shuifu Pavilion, perched on the top of Taoyuan Mountain

, appreciate the wonderful scene of "Sunset in the Fishing Village", one of the eight scenic spots in ancient Xiaoxiang

Comprehend the heaven and earth, and comprehend life

Life is a practice. Only by experiencing thousands of ups and downs can we understand the meaning of life. Taoyuan Mountain integrates mountains, rivers and humanities into one. The

Wonder Pavilion │Three Days of Brightness and Good Luck

Wonder Pavilion is located at the top of Taoyuan Mountain, next to Shuifu Pavilion. It is about 35 meters long and is a horseshoe-shaped corridor. Every year from mid-to-late October to early November, the weather coincides with fine weather around 4:30 to 5 pm. When you climb up to the Wonder Pavilion, you can see the reflection of two suns appearing in the river at the same time. This is the most mysterious thing about Peach Blossom Spring. The spectacle of "Three Days of Light". Because the sight of three days of glowing together is so rare to see, local people have a saying: "Three days of glowing together will bring good fortune. One will see peace and security, the second will see a beautiful marriage, and the third will see longevity."

Life is a practice. Only by experiencing thousands of ups and downs can we understand the meaning of life. Taoyuan Mountain integrates mountains, rivers and humanities into one. The

Nature's most primitive Colors

are blooming here, and the colors are dazzling

It's like overturning a color palette

Immersed in this scenery

The setting sun leaks from the forest

Reflected on the water, the setting sun becomes three radiances

A bright and peaceful

Erhui Meiman

three Hui Yannian

Taochuan Wanshou Palace │Unity of man and nature, healthy body and mind

Taochuan Wanshou Palace, also known as Taochuan Palace, is a group of majestic Taoist temple buildings and the earliest building in the Peach Blossom Spring Scenic Area. According to the "Changde Mansion Chronicles": "Taochuan Palace was built by the Jin people." By the Tang Dynasty, this place had begun to take shape and was flourishing. During the Song Dynasty, the development of Taochuan Palace reached its peak, with dozens of palaces and pavilions including the upper, middle and lower palaces, Wudang Palace, Sanqing Palace and Dragon and Tiger Palace built. According to records, there were more than 1,330 pillar capitals in various temples at that time. Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty personally inscribed the plaque "Taochuan Wanshou Palace" in 1112 AD and set up a reminder to take charge of it. This shows that the Taochuan Palace was of great status and unprecedented grandeur at that time.

Life is a practice. Only by experiencing thousands of ups and downs can we understand the meaning of life. Taoyuan Mountain integrates mountains, rivers and humanities into one. The

There is also a popular saying among the people that Momochuan Palace has "forty-eight floors of nunnery, and the gate is closed by walking on horseback". In 2016, the Provincial Taoist Association allocated funds to renovate Taochuan Palace’s Middle Palace, Lower Palace, Jade Emperor’s Hall, East and West Palaces, Temple of Wealth, Bell Tower, Drum Tower, Archway and other buildings, restoring the historical heyday of water surrounded by mountains, morning bells and evening drums.

Life is a practice. Only by experiencing thousands of ups and downs can we understand the meaning of life. Taoyuan Mountain integrates mountains, rivers and humanities into one. The

In the early morning, the first ray of light from the east illuminates the entire earth. Facing the sun and stepping on the shadows of the trees to cast mottled light and shadow, we board the Taoist cultural holy land of Taochuan Wanshou Palace, listen to the long bells and drums, look at the curling cigarettes, and make a sincere wish. Wish you and pray for good physical and mental health. You can also follow a Taoist priest to listen to a meditation and health course, and understand the idea of ​​the unity of nature and man from the wisdom of Taoism, which can give your soul a baptism; or you can learn and practice a set of Tai Chi for health, and understand the Taoist culture while strengthening your body. Essence.


Let us enter the hometown of the soul

Explore the source of the blessed land of cave heaven

Pilgrimage to "Peach River Incense"

Appreciate the purple in the Taoist palace, the flowing clouds in the high pavilion, and the fishing boats singing in the evening

Experience leisure, peace and ease. Le's wonderful life

Life is a practice. Only by experiencing thousands of ups and downs can we understand the meaning of life. Taoyuan Mountain integrates mountains, rivers and humanities into one. The

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