Science Lovers (Education and Teaching) Provincial Journal Supervisor Sponsor: Chengdu University Domestic Issue Number: 51-1638/O International Issue Number: 1671-8437 Publication Date: Monthly Journal Inclusion: CNKI, Wanfang, Longyuan "Science" "Enthusiast" magazine is mainly

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Provincial Journal for Science Lovers (Education and Teaching)

Science Lovers (Education and Teaching) Provincial Journal Supervisor Sponsor: Chengdu University Domestic Issue Number: 51-1638/O International Issue Number: 1671-8437 Publication Date: Monthly Journal Inclusion: CNKI, Wanfang, Longyuan

Responsible Sponsor: Chengdu University

Domestic Issue Number: 51-1638/O

International Issue Number: 1671-8437

Publication Date: Monthly

Journal Collection: CNKI, Wanfang, Longyuan

"Science Lovers" magazine is mainly aimed at education, teaching and research workers in various management departments of the basic education department, vocational and technical colleges and higher education institutions, aiming to provide them with a platform to publish high academic level papers. Mainly publishes educational theoretical research, educational teaching practice, subject professional education, comprehensive practical inquiry, ideological and political education, school management and other educational and teaching research into the main columns

higher education, secondary education, basic education, early childhood education, vocational and technical education, graduate forum , comprehensive manuscript, etc.

Instructions for submission

1. Manuscripts

Manuscripts should be scientific and practical, with clear arguments, reliable materials, exquisite text and clear hierarchy.

2. The title

is concise and eye-catching, reflecting the theme of the article. In general, Chinese titles should be fewer than 20 Chinese characters and should not use abbreviations or symbols that are not publicly recognized, while English abbreviations should be avoided.

3. Authors, affiliations and footnotes

The author’s name is below the title, the affiliation name is marked below the author in square brackets, and the city and postal code are indicated. The footnotes on the first page of the manuscript are in Chinese (English) and briefly introduce the first author and corresponding author, including academic qualifications, professional titles or other academic titles, research direction, funded projects and research numbers (with a copy of the fund certificate attached, priority will be given to publication ), contact number, fax, email, etc. The order of author names should be determined at the time of submission. If there are foreign authors among the authors, their consent should be obtained and accompanied by a letter or signature.

4. Abstract

The content of the abstract should be objective, true, and written in the third person. The English abstract includes the title, author's name (Chinese Pinyin), unit name, city name and postal code, which must correspond one-to-one.

5. Keywords

Papers need to be indexed with 3 to 8 keywords. Keyword abbreviations should be abbreviated to their full names, the first letter of each English keyword should be capitalized, and words should be separated by ";"

6. Serial Number Level Title Level

The various serial numbers in the text are written in Arabic numerals in order starting from the upper left corner. There should not be too many heading levels. Only the title has a serial number. Heading levels are labeled in the order first level 1, second level 1.1 and third level 1.1.1. Numbers at different levels are separated by dots, and a final punctuation mark is added after the number, and the title is separated by a space, as follows:

1△△△△ (section title, upper left grid, occupying one line)

1.1△△ △△ (Title of the bar, upper left grid, occupying one line)

1.1.1 △△△△ (top left grid, connected to the text)

1.1.2 △△△△ (top left grid, connected to the text)

7. Charts

each Figures are attached to the text and coded consecutively in the order in which they appear in the text. Each figure should have a figure (table) title. Descriptive information should be placed in notes below the figure (table), and all unknown and public abbreviations used in the figure should be noted in the note. This version uses a three-row table (top row, title row, bottom row). If quotations from other journals are included in the figure, the source should be cited.

8. Text

Minimize the use of abbreviations in the text. When used, the full name must be indicated when it first appears, and then the Chinese abbreviation or the full English name and its abbreviation must be indicated in parentheses. The last two are separated by "," (if the abbreviation is already known, its full English name does not need to be noted). Abbreviations may not be moved.

9. References

According to the order in which they appear in the text, the text is marked with Arabic numerals and arranged at the end of the text. Square brackets are used to indicate citations. References must always use Western punctuation marks, and each article must be marked on more than one page.3 or less authors should write all of them, and 3 or more authors should only write the top 3, followed by "etal" ("etal" in Spanish). Articles that are being printed should be marked "in printing".

journal format Author.Title[J].Journal title, year; volume (issue): starting page-ending page. Numbers with the same number of digits as the ending page number and the starting page number can be omitted.

monograph format Author. Title [M]. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication; starting page - ending page. Numbers with the same number of digits as the ending page number and the starting page number can be omitted. Citation format for chapter authors in

: Chapter author. Title. See (In): Editor-in-chief. Book title [M]. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication; starting page - ending page. For example:

[1] Luo Shangwu, Wang Ling, Wan Jinzhi, et al. Pharmacodynamic study of Gandan in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B[J]. Chinese Journal of New Drugs, 1999; 8(12):807-810.

Newspaper Format [serial number] separates the first 3 authors with commas, article title [N] newspaper name, four digits year - 2 digits month - 2 digits date (edition) For example:

electronic document format [serial number] separates the first three authors with commas 3 authors. Electronic document title [electronic document type identifier]. Internet address, date of publication or update/date of citation.

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