Hot Comments丨The "anti-China" brain circuit of the Taiwan authorities is not only bizarre, but also very dark

2022/04/0718:14:15 hotcomm 2446

"I read it, this picture book is actually only 20 pages, it shows the life scene during the Wuhan epidemic through the perspective of a child and a family, and tells about a child's concern and longing for his father who is a doctor. It It tells stories about responsibility, commitment, support, and watchfulness." Can you imagine that such a children's book called "Waiting for Dad to Come Home" will be listed as a "banned book" in Taiwan?

Hot Comments丨The

At the regular press conference of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council today, when speaking to reporters about this matter, spokesperson Zhu Fenglian expressed the thoughts of many mainland netizens: I don't understand, this can sow love in the hearts of children And the reading material of the seeds of courage, let the children understand the reading material of caring and mutual assistance in the world, is it not wrong to be used by people with ulterior motives on the island to make a fuss?

Indeed, since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, certain forces and people in Taiwan have done too many "should not" things. The DPP authorities, in particular, are willing to follow the U.S., nodding their heads, and being thugs for their own interests. They would rather make Taiwan an international joke than focus on promoting people's livelihood for the Taiwanese people. , for well-being. They also want to take advantage of the epidemic to cut off the exchanges between the people on both sides of the strait. Not only is it a spatial barrier, but they also want to blindfold the eyes of the Taiwanese people and block the ears of the Taiwanese people. Now even a thin picture book for children cannot be accommodated. It sounds ridiculous, but the DPP authorities can do it. "Just ask the position, not the right and wrong; only look at the color, not the facts" has always been their style of conduct.

Let's take a look at one of the "crimes" set by Taiwan's cultural authorities for "Waiting for Dad to Come Home" - involving "United Front". It turned out that the DPP authorities could not see so many warm and inspirational contents in the book, but they only saw the words "Come on China" and "Come on Wuhan".

mentioned "United Front", it is no coincidence that at today's press conference of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, a reporter mentioned that someone in the DPP recently accused a number of Taiwanese Internet celebrities and some groups of producing and disseminating videos with the meaning of "United Front", and cooperated with them. The mainland conducts united front propaganda. It seems that it is not only the achievements of the mainland's epidemic prevention that hurt the DPP's sensitive nerves, but even Taiwanese netizens recorded videos about their real experiences of seeking medical treatment in Shanghai, saying that "mainland medical insurance is more fair and reasonable than Taiwan's medical insurance". Feelings, they can't stand it. The DPP's nerves are not only sensitive, but simply "dark".

Hot Comments丨The

△After learning that she was named by the DPP authorities, Taiwanese internet celebrity "Taiwan Girl PK" raised such a question.

A reading book that allows children to experience the care and mutual assistance in the world, which attracted the DPP authorities to fight It is listed as a "banned book", even if the Taiwanese people and the publishing industry are all unanimously accused of lacking "democracy", they will not hesitate to do so; an ordinary Taiwanese girl living in the mainland wants to share the story of her life in the mainland with her friends in Taiwan, but she is confronted The outline of the DPP politicians is on the line, shouting and killing. What is the DPP afraid of?

The "anti-China" brain circuit of the DPP authorities is that as long as anything related to the mainland, it must be plated with a layer of politicized and stigmatized lies. They are afraid that the compatriots on both sides of the strait will approach and go to relatives, and they are afraid that the Taiwanese people will learn the real situation on the mainland, and they are even more afraid that the lies they have worked so hard to create will be exposed. Their attempts to shift the focus, shift conflicts, and suppress dissidents are regarded as a "panacea" to fool the Taiwanese people, which is both absurd and laughable. Such an operation against conscience is bound to fail. (Text丨Zhao Jing)

(edited by Shan Hongxin)

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