Red Net Moment News, July 15 (Reporter Huang Yiping, Intern Su Yuqing) If you were given a free decoration plan, what space in your home would you most like to transform? Kitchens, living rooms, and dining rooms were once the choices of most people. Nowadays, personalized balcony

Red Net Moment News July 15th (reporter Huang Yiping, intern Su Yuqing) If you were given a free decoration plan, what space in your home would you most like to transform? Kitchens, living rooms, and dining rooms were once the choices of most people. Nowadays, personalized balcony renovations, floor-to-ceiling glass windows, sunrooms, etc. are shining brightly and become a home improvement plan that attracts much attention from consumers.

"Today, consumers' demand for doors and windows is iteratively upgrading, and they are no longer satisfied with covering the wind and rain and ensuring safety." Recently, Zeng Jiujuan, general manager of the Changsha flagship store of Parade Doors and Windows, said in an exclusive interview with a reporter from red website , As a part of the home, doors and windows are being valued by more and more consumers, and are given the pursuit of being used in life and higher than life.

Zeng Jiujuan, general manager of Parade Doors and Windows Changsha flagship store.

The door and window industry has a promising future.

The market size is expected to exceed one trillion yuan.

In home life, doors and windows are household products that we use frequently every day.

According to statistics from Youju Research Institute, the market size of the door and window industry in 2018 was about 730 billion yuan, the market size of the door and window industry in 2019 was about 850 billion yuan, the market size of the door and window industry in 2020 was about 970 billion yuan, and the market size of the door and window industry is expected to break through in 2021 Trillion yuan. After years of development, the doors and windows market will continue to have ample room for growth in the future.

"In the past, doors and windows had a single function, limited to wind and rain protection, without considering performance. Nowadays, the functions of doors and windows are richer and more diverse. The country advocates energy conservation and consumption reduction, and buildings have higher requirements for windows. Doors and windows represented by Parade doors and windows Manufacturing companies will improve quality to further meet consumers' pursuit of high-quality home life. "Zeng Jiujuan said that the door and window industry has a promising future, and branded doors and windows should understand consumers' spiritual pursuits and become the ultimate winner in the market.

Have the courage to take "adventures"

Make friends with customers with sincerity

The Changsha flagship store of Parade Doors and Windows is located in the No. 1 store of Red Star Macalline Hunan Global Home Furnishings. Zeng Jiujuan has built the Changsha flagship store of Parade Doors and Windows with nearly 5 years of hard work. The store's annual sales rank among the best in its category.

What is unimaginable is that 5 years ago, Zeng Jiujuan was still a "layman" who had nothing to do with building materials. She was a civil servant with an "iron rice bowl" in everyone's eyes, and ran three clothing stores in Changde store.

"It can be said that five years ago, I never expected to join the building materials industry." Zeng Jiujuan said that the change came from an exchange with friends. "There are actually many high-end river view residences in Changsha. My friends and I both believed that the door and window industry has potential The demand is huge, but the market focuses on cost-effectiveness and does not pay attention to visual effects and matching, so it cannot meet the needs of consumers. Many people want to make better-quality river view windows, but they suffer from the lack of factories in Changsha."

Dare to think. Zeng Jiujuan hit it off with her friends and decided to join the door and window industry. Such a big transformation requires courage. In order to focus on nothing else, Zeng Jiujuan left her original workplace and concentrated on the doors and windows business.

's new industry transformation and new challenges are not all smooth sailing in the beginning and development. The process will inevitably encounter many difficulties and ups and downs. In the early days of entering the industry, Zeng Jiujuan encountered difficulties in selecting brands and visited Shanghai, Hangzhou and other cities many times for inspection. After repeated comparisons, she finally decided to bring Parade doors and windows to Changsha, and she and her team launched luxury river view windows at the right time, which won unanimous praise from consumers.

Despite this, Zeng Jiujuan has never regretted entering the door and window industry. Making products and services with heart has allowed Zeng Jiujuan and her team to gain wide recognition from customers. "In the past five years, there has not been a single after-sales complaint." Zeng Jiujuan said frankly that now she has become close friends with many customers. "From strangers to customers, and then to friends, this is the greatest recognition for me and the Parade team. , and it is also the happiest thing that has happened to me since I started working in the door and window industry."