According to Aowei Cloud data, the full-year market retail sales of the dishwasher market in 2021 will be 9.996 billion yuan, with retail sales reaching 1.955 million units, a year-on-year increase of 1.7%. From the above data, we can clearly see that dishwashers are gradually en

According to data from Aowei Cloud Network, the annual market retail sales of the dishwasher market in 2021 will be 9.996 billion yuan, with retail sales reaching 1.955 million units, a year-on-year increase of 1.7%.

From the above data, we can clearly see that dishwashers are gradually entering mass households and are becoming more and more popular.

So why, dishwashers are becoming more and more popular! Below, Sheng Nengmei will take everyone to explore.

First, let’s take stock of the advantages of dishwashers.

1. The root cause - people don’t like to wash dishes

I believe we all have similar situations in our daily lives. We would rather spend two hours cooking than 20 minutes washing dishes, so if you want to ask why the dishwasher explodes, The fundamental reason is that people don't like washing dishes.

Well now, I have a dishwasher, and I put the dishes and chopsticks directly in the dishwasher after every meal. Just press the start button lightly to truly free your hands.

2. Save time and effort

One of the advantages of the dishwasher is that it can save time and energy, allowing your hands to truly rest.

If we wash the dishes by ourselves, it will take more than ten to 20 minutes no matter what. If there are many people in the family, the time required to wash the dishes will be even longer. And if we have a dishwasher, all we need to do is put the dishes to be washed into the dishwasher, and then click the start button, it’s that simple! With a dishwasher, we can save a lot of time to do other things.

3. Save water and electricity

The reason why many elderly people cannot accept the dishwasher is that they all think that it consumes too much electricity and water. Indeed, the dishwasher buzzes for dozens of minutes every time it is used. Running water and electricity at the same time for dozens of minutes does sound like a waste of water and electricity.

But that is not the case at all. A dishwasher uses about 6-13 liters of water at a time. The traditional dishwashing method uses water while washing the dishes. This number is simply dwarfed.

The reason why the dishwasher saves water is that it uses a water pump to rinse, so the dishes and chopsticks can be cleaned easily.

4. It has the function of sterilization

If we wash it ourselves, we usually wash the dishes and put them in the cupboard. There is rarely a sterilization step, so even if they are washed, there will still be bacteria on the dishes. .

Most of the dishwashers currently on the market are sterilizing. They can automatically dry and sterilize after cleaning to reduce the growth of bacteria.

In such a special period, objects with strong security are more likely to arouse the public's liking and are more likely to be accepted by the public.

The above are the four major advantages of dishwashers. There are many benefits that the various advantages of dishwashers bring to life. I will not explain them one by one here.

And it is becoming more and more popular. In addition to its own advantages and acceptance, there are also some external factors.

1. The openness of people's minds

A large part of the reason why dishwashers can be accepted by people is because people's living standards are getting higher and higher, people's minds are becoming more and more open-minded, and they are willing to accept new things.

2. Family conditions are getting better and better

In addition to people’s open-mindedness, there is also the fact that people’s family conditions are getting better and better, they can afford the cost of a dishwasher, and they are also willing to accept the additional costs of dishwasher water and electricity.

As people’s living standards get higher and higher, I believe that dishwashers will definitely be accepted by people and occupy the public kitchen.