Faced with a dazzling array of products, when decorating and laying floors at home, what kind of products should you choose that is most suitable for you? Six details on how to avoid pitfalls in the floor. Here are some tips for those of you who are renovating your home. Choosing

Faced with a dazzling array of products, when decorating and laying floors at home, what kind of product should you choose that is most suitable for you?

The six major details of avoiding pitfalls on the floor are given to you who are renovating. Choosing this way to decorate the flooring at home will never let you spend money in vain. Finally, I will give you some tips for laying the floor in the whole house, so that you will not be confused on the road of decoration!

First: When choosing a floor, first look at the environmental protection level. There will be no problems if you choose at least environmentally friendly E1 level flooring, and you must ensure that the manufacturer can issue a product certificate. You need to pay special attention when installing floor heating. If the environmental protection level of the floor you choose does not meet the standard, once the floor heating is turned on, the formaldehyde content in your home will definitely exceed the standard.

Second: If you want to be cheap and the floor is durable, choose composite laminate flooring with a thickness of not less than 10mm, which is wear-resistant and resistant to fabrication. The disadvantage is that it feels hard on your feet; if you want comfort and class, you can choose 15mm thick Three-layer solid wood composite flooring . Families with sufficient budget can consider solid wood flooring .

Third: The floor will not deform or arch when used later. You should pay attention to the following aspects when purchasing. Use a coin to scratch the surface of the floor. If the sound is crisp, it means good wear resistance. If multiple floors are spliced ​​together and there is no error in the joints, it means the flatness is good. Pour water on the front of the floor and observe it for five minutes. If there is no water seepage, it means the floor has good waterproof performance. has strong anti-osmosis properties than .

Fourth: There are many invisible additions to the floor. When purchasing, be sure to ask whether it includes footings, moisture-proof mats, and buckles. Although these accessories are not valuable, buying them individually for the entire house would cost several thousand dollars.

Fifth: Do not choose small brands for flooring. If the environmental protection level is not up to standard, there is no after-sales guarantee. You can choose according to your own situation: laminate flooring , choose Shengxiang , choose nature for solid wood combination, choose imported flooring Feimeiige if you pursue environmental protection.

Sixth: If you want your floor to look good and save materials, you must pay attention to the way it is laid. The 369 paving method is recommended, which not only saves materials but also makes the space appear larger, and also has a good meaning, symbolizing rising step by step; the I-shaped paving method causes more damage, and the internet-famous herringbone paving and fish-bone paving test the skills of the master.

You should pay attention to the whole house flooring. If the length exceeds 800mm, it is easy to arch. It will also be very troublesome to repair later, and the whole house floor will have to be lifted up. You can use extremely narrow buckles of no more than 10mm to make the transition, which is both beautiful and ensures future use.