Although water seepage from the exterior wall will not affect the overall structural safety of the house, the water seepage problem will directly damage the decoration results. When it rains, rainwater will seep into the room along the cracks, causing the wall to become damp and

Although water seepage from the exterior wall will not affect the overall structural safety of the house, the water seepage problem will directly damage the decoration results. When it rains, rainwater will seep into the room along the cracks, causing the wall to become damp and moldy. It can be said to be a very troublesome thing. Not only is it time-consuming to repair, it is also very expensive. So what should we do if water seeps from the exterior wall to the interior wall? Let’s take a look below!

1. The main reasons for water seepage in the exterior wall

1. Design factors

When we build a house, the most important link is the waterproofing project. The quality directly affects the comfort of our future living. There is a very big difference in climate between the south and the north, which determines that the properties of the selected materials need to be different, and the waterproof design is also more complicated. If there is a problem with the waterproof design, it is very likely to cause Water seeps from the exterior walls into the interior walls.

2. Material factors

Nowadays, with the continuous development of science and technology, there are many types of waterproof materials , and new waterproof materials not only have larger porosity , but also have strong water absorption and weak penetration. In our daily wall building, we cannot guarantee that cement mortar can fill all the gaps. In addition, the different properties of the materials will lead to cracks of different sizes on the wall, which will eventually lead to water seepage in the exterior wall.

3. Construction factors

In addition to the two points introduced above, the technology and craftsmanship of the construction workers are also the main factors leading to water leakage in the exterior walls:

① Some construction workers forget to tie the tie bars at the connection locations between the exterior wall columns and the topic. Or the tie bars are pulled but not firm, or the length of the tie bars is too short. These will cause the wall to crack and lead to water seepage.

② During the wall construction, the construction workers did not configure the mortar suitable for the leveling layer according to the standards, which eventually caused cracks on the wall, which in turn led to water seepage on the wall.

③ When priming the wall, the weak adhesion between the wall and the mortar will lead to hollows, trachoma, and even cracks, which will eventually lead to water seepage.

2. Treatment of exterior wall leakage

1. All exterior walls should be redone waterproofing

If the water seepage in the exterior wall is really serious, in order to better solve the problem of water seepage, the best way is to redo the waterproofing. However, this method is not highly recommended. After all, not only is it time-consuming and labor-intensive, it also requires a very large investment, and no one has really done this so far.

2. Focus on treatment of leakage parts

If only a certain part of the wall is seeping, local treatment can be carried out for this location. The general method is that only after cutting through the exterior wall decorative bricks, exterior wall paint , exterior wall insulation , and the painting layer can you see the waterproof layer of the exterior wall and find the leakage point. After repairing the exterior wall, restore the many layers mentioned above. As long as any part of it is not done well, there will still be the possibility of water seepage in the future, and the location of the leakage will change at any time.

Now you should have a better understanding of what to do if water seeps from the exterior wall to the interior wall. According to your own water seepage situation, you can solve this problem well by carrying out corresponding treatment.