The price of North American holly is high because there are relatively few cultivated in our country. Its origin is in North America and the transportation cost is high, so it is expensive. However, it has high ornamental value and is worthy of maintenance. The maintenance method

North American holly is expensive because there are relatively few cultivated in our country. It originates in North America and has high transportation costs, so it is expensive. However, it has high ornamental value and is worthy of maintenance. The maintenance method is as follows:

Light: Do not leave it for a long time during the maintenance period. In a sunny place, just let it receive scattered light occasionally, otherwise the flower branches will wither easily.

Change the water: Usually the water needs to be changed once a week to avoid bacterial infection.

Temperature: Provide an environment of 18-25℃, and take measures to keep warm in winter.

1. Why is North American holly so expensive?

The reason why North American holly is so expensive is that relatively few are grown in my country. Its origin is in North America, such as France, Canada, the United States and other regions. Only a few areas in China have introduced and cultivated it. The cost of transportation is It is relatively high, so the price is more expensive. However, its ornamental value is very high and it is worthy of cultivation.

2. How to grow North American holly flower cuttings

Lighting: North American holly itself is a light-loving plant, but when growing North American holly cuttings, you should not often expose them to strong light, otherwise the flower branches will wither easily. It is best to place it indoors in a brightly lit place, with occasional scattered light. This will help the flowers stay fresh longer and have a higher ornamental value.

Change water: During the maintenance of North American holly flower arrangements, the water needs to be changed regularly. Usually, the water needs to be changed once every one week or so. Each time the water is changed, preservatives or preservatives need to be added to the water to keep the flowers fresh longer and have greater ornamental value. high. If the water is not changed for a long time, a large number of bacteria will be produced in the water, which will easily cause the flowers and branches to rot, which will reduce the ornamental value and shorten the preservation time.

Temperature: North American holly likes a warm environment, and the suitable temperature for its growth is between 18-25°C. A suitable environment can help North American holly branches stay fresh longer and be more beautiful. Just put it in a warm place indoors. Ensure good ventilation in high-temperature environments in summer, and be farther away from heating equipment in winter. It is generally maintained in winter, and the insulation must be above 15°C.