Improper watering: Nasturtium likes moisture. If the soil is dry for a long time, the plant will turn yellow due to lack of water, or if the root system is suffocated by too much water, yellow leaves will also appear. Keep the soil moist and drain the accumulated water in time. I

Improper watering: Nasturtium likes moisture. If the soil is dry for a long time, the plant will turn yellow due to lack of water, or the root system will be suffocated due to excessive watering, and yellow leaves will also appear. Keep the soil moist and drain out accumulated water in time. water.

Improper lighting: The plant has not been exposed to light for a long time, which affects the photosynthesis of and . The leaves will turn yellow. Too much sunlight will also cause yellow leaves to appear. They should be grown in a place with sufficient light but no strong light.

Poor ventilation: The growing environment is too closed and cannot absorb fresh air, which will cause the leaves to turn yellow. Pay attention to ventilation.

1. Improper watering

Reason: Nasturtium likes to grow in a humid environment. If you forget to water it and the soil is dry for a long time, the leaves will lack water and turn yellow. But don't water too much. If the soil has poor air permeability, the roots will not be able to breathe fresh air, the roots will be suffocated, and the leaves will become watery and yellow.

Solution: If it is caused by not watering it for a long time, just replenish the water in time. Water it thoroughly until you see water flowing out of the bottom of the flower pot. If you water half of the water, the root system still cannot absorb it. If it is caused by too much watering, first drain the accumulated water in the flower pot. If the soil is moist, use a small shovel to loosen the soil and then place it in a well-ventilated place to allow the water to drain away faster.

2. Improper lighting

Reason: Nasturtium grows better in an environment with lighting conditions. If it does not see the sun for a long time, the plant cannot fully perform photosynthesis, and the leaves will slowly turn yellow. However, if the light is too strong, it will also cause discomfort, especially in summer. If it is exposed to strong light, its leaves will be scorched.

Solution: If it is caused by lack of light, you can first move it to a place with astigmatism, let it slowly recover, and then gradually move it to a location with direct sunlight after it adapts. If the sun is too strong and it turns yellow, just shade it in time. Especially in summer, you need to take sun protection measures.

3. Poor ventilation

Reason: Nasturtium likes to grow in an environment with good ventilation. If it grows in a closed room for a long time, it cannot breathe fresh air, and the leaves will become dry and yellow.

Solution: If the ventilation conditions are not good, open the windows in time for ventilation. If it is spring, summer and autumn, it is best to maintain it outdoors in a place with good ventilation conditions.