Nine life hacks, they look simple, but they go smoothly and smoothly. 1. When washing coffee, you accidentally get coffee or wine on your clothes. When cleaning, just use a basin and put salt in it. Use cold water to melt the salt, put your clothes in it, soak it, and wash it gen

Nine life tips, they look simple, but they go smoothly when you do them

. 1. Rinse the coffee

If you accidentally get coffee or wine on your clothes, when cleaning, just use a basin and put salt in it. Put in cold water, melt the salt, put the clothes in, soak them, and wash them gently.

2. How to remove the odor of hot pot smell from clothes

How to remove the odor of hot pot smell from clothes. Our washed clothes still have odor, so we use lemon juice. Use a spray bottle to put a few drops of lemon juice into it, add water to dissolve it, and then Spray it on the upper surface of the clothes, then hang the clothes to dry. Do not expose them to the sun, so that there will be no hot pot smell.

3. Remove pleats

There are too many pleats on clothes and they are too ugly. Use a watering bottle and add one part water and one part vinegar to shake it evenly. Then spray it on the clothes and let it dry. The pleats will disappear, like magic. The pleats are gone.

4. Don’t keep

at home. If you have expired medicine at home, throw it away as soon as possible, especially in families with elderly people and children. If the expired old people’s eyesight becomes bad, taking it again is not good for the health. The medicine will be poisonous and very harmful to the spleen and stomach. For convenience, get some labels and remember them and put them on yourself so you won’t make mistakes.

5. Useless appliances that take up space

Old appliances at home consume a lot of power and take up space. Some are broken and cannot be repaired. If there are no accessories, throw them away and sell them. Now some movie producers may use them. If you have the channels, you can introduce them to them.

6. Things that are harmful to health

There are also pillows at home that have been around for a long time, as well as dolls and toys that children play with. Some of them have turned yellow and have an odor. Even if you like them, you don’t want them anymore. Just throw them away because they are yellow. Bacteria will breed when mites ,

7. Eat persimmons skillfully

When you give children to eat persimmons, your hands and face will be covered with persimmons. In this way, you will not get dirty when you eat them. Take off the knots of the persimmons and use a Stir it inside with a chopstick, then insert a straw into it, and just suck it out. This method is easy to use.

Another method is to remove the knots on the persimmons and use a small spoon to scoop them out for the children. This way, the persimmons will not be everywhere. The flesh on the skin will be quite clean, leaving only a thin layer of skin. The method is simple but very practical.

Another thing is that persimmons are cold in nature and should be eaten by children. Don't eat too much. Just eat two or three a day. If you eat too much, the child's spleen and stomach will not be able to bear it.

8. Wash the peaches skillfully

They are delicious, but I always feel that the hair on them cannot be washed clean. In fact, it is quite simple. Put water in a basin, put a handful of salt, and when it melts, put the peaches in and soak them for a while, then wash the peaches. The hair on them fell off, and the washed peaches are particularly bright and beautiful.


rinse the peaches with water first, rub them one by one with salt, and then wash them with clean water.

9. Ask about the price for a haircut

When going to get a haircut or buy something else, always ask about the price in advance. Don’t be confused. Some people who do business with integrity are easy to tell. If you encounter those who ask for prices randomly, it will exceed your budget.