Text/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Chen Yuxia Recently, at the "Master Design Proposal for a Better Life - Shangpin Home Delivery Master Joint New Product Launch", Yang Jingqian, head of Xiaohongshu's home furnishing industry, released the 2022 Inspiration Home Insigh

Text/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Chen Yuxia

Recently, at the "Master Design Proposal for a Better Life - New Product Launch Conference Jointly Branded by Masters of Shangpin Home Delivery", Yang Jingqian, head of the home furnishing industry of Xiaohongshu, released the 2022 Inspiration Home Insight Report. It can be seen from the content shared that at this stage, "good appearance" has become the core desire of users in decoration, and users are more concerned about brand and style design when it comes to decoration and customization.

Four kinds of home decoration styles are popular among "post-90s"

According to Yang Jingqian, statistics from the platform where she works found that 72% of the platform's users are "post-90s" who share and explore lifestyles, among which the proportion of men and women About 3:7. In 2022, among the users who searched for "whole house customization", the 24-32 year old group accounted for more than 60%, and they paid more attention to brand endorsement when searching. "The 'post-90s generation' has become the core consumer group in the home decoration market." Yang Jingqian said.

It can be seen from the data that the most popular decoration styles of this group of users are log style, modern minimalist style, cream style and wabi-sabi style. The first two are classic styles and have been favored by users for a long time, while the latter two are growing rapidly. It can be seen from the number of searches for user demand for home decoration styles on the platform during 2021-2022 that the number of searches for cream style increased by 2290% in 2022 compared with 2021.

Changes in search volume of user demand for home decoration styles during 2021-2022

Judging from the content shared by users, the cream style home decoration style focuses on the "princess fairy tale" style and emphasizes elegance; the wabi-sabi style home decoration style focuses on the "healing the heart" style , such as freehand dry landscape, immersive relaxation and other expressions.

Shangpin Zhaipei launches four packages co-branded by famous designers

Based on the insight into contemporary consumer trends, combined with the lifestyle research of 7 million users, and targeting the four mainstream consumer groups, Shangpin Zhaipei has joined hands with four famous designers to launch four customized packages. "Turn the master customization of a few people into the lives of the many people." said Li Jiachong, general manager of Shangpin Home Delivery.

Renderings of Zheng Xiaoguan's "Ben Su" series

Renderings of Chen Lijian's "Li Zhi" series

Renderings of Shen Xiaolian's "Spring and Summer" series

Renderings of Feng Jinmin's "Gentleman Suit" series

These four new products are the "Ben Su" series of Zheng Xiaoguan. "Sustain" series, Chen Lijian's "Li Zhi" series, Shen Xiaolian's "Spring and Summer" series and Feng Jinmin's "Gentleman Suit" series respectively correspond to the four groups of artistic youth, quality elites, trendy players and sophisticated white-collar workers.

’s new product package includes a 24-square-meter custom cabinet and 12 pieces of high-quality matching furniture throughout the house, all designed, carefully selected, and matched by famous designers. Except for the "Lizhi" series, which is priced at 69,800 yuan, the other three models are all priced at 49,800 yuan.

(For more news information, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pai pai.ycwb.com)

source | Yangcheng Evening News·Yangcheng Pai

picture | Respondent provided

Editor | Wang Min

Proofreading | Xie Zhizhong